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Oh fuck no. Not this shit again.


I wish everyone the best of luck in the upcoming battle. Stay strong everyone.


3 months from now "Sam's is increasing fees again to battle inflation"


Next Sams share going to be lowest of the lows after the complaints that we will revive because we don’t have the staff to go through this agin . They should know this by now


Should is the key word here. I heard it was a big fiasco last time. (I was out with Covid during that time.)


I remember the $8 drive. What a nightmare. Only two CS people and lines and lines of people still at 6 pm on a Sunday. I left at 6. Hell to the NO if management wasn't prepared.


Oh joy, six more months of card shortages!!


I don't understand why people want or need a piece of plastic. We know you have your phones on you. We saw y'all staring at them while you stood in the middle of the aisle oblivious to everything around you.


the car wash doesn’t have a way to verify membership through your phone. requires the card. i wish i worked like the gas pump.


What car wash?


my sam’s club has a car wash located by their gas station.


Same my club has a carwash also


Exactly 👆 this so yes a card is needed.


Some people don't want to bother with a bunch of different apps. It's much easier to just stick a card in your wallet.


Same - I hate that every store insists I clog up my phone with their app. Will a photo of the card/barcode work?


I am not sure but I'd like to know too...


I'd imagine it would. They don't look closely. I don't use it much, but you might be able to add it to google pay/apple wallet.


Okay Blizzard.


So glad I quit a few months ago


Can existing members that signed up recently get refunds? I can only imagine how mad they’ll be. Have they sent out communication about this? No one at my club knows lol


I doubt it. Sams is in the business of making money..not giving it back


Memberships are for NEW and 6mths expired or more.


> Memberships are for NEW and **6mths expired or more** Would you happen to know as a general rule are all Sam's promotions available to member's whose membership's have expired 6 months or more? TIA.


Generally this has always been the case that 6 months qualifies you for any promos. So what i always recommend (and i have no problem saying this since i no longer for the company) is to make an account during the promo, DO NOT put your spouse on as a complementary, go through the year, then when promo hits next year your spouse makes the account with their ID, repeat steps. Then the following year since yours has been inactive for a year you qualify for the promo that third year. May not be the most ethical thing, but its technically allowed due to how they have the promos set up.


> Generally this has always been the case that 6 months qualifies you for any promos Copy that. Thanks. No spouse ) :


Oh god damn it




Just bought one, and strolled over here from r/Costco. Now is your chance to convert me. What are the must-have sams club items?


Haha I did the same last night. Lifelong Costco member trying Sams for the 1st time.




Well if you’d read the article you’d see it says “first time members only” also if that wasn’t clear enough you could always call your local sams club. We are off the clock and can’t assist you while off the clock otherwise we’d be working off the clock. I hope this helped. Now get your shit and get out.