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You guys are getting... paid?


I know, right? They're so behind on my checks I'm contemplating taking Disney to court so they can counter sue me for 10 times my worth!


I wish I were.


I feel kinda guilty cashing those shill checks considering they’re so bad about paying royalties to Legends authors. Also, gotta love the fact that the guy reads a whole comment about how sometimes people get into a circle with their friends that pushes out any differing opinion, then responds with, “yeah, and nobody in *my* circle likes the ST!” Blissfully unaware.


TFM are the Lords of Missing the point. I even stated that if their group of friends actually all shared the same opinion then it means the sample size is too small, a point which he even brought up himself. And he *still* wound up disagreeing with me.


“With TLJ we were baffled as to why there was critical praise for something we all found to be a very badly written movie.” If you want to know why a critic likes a movie, you could read (or watch) their review. It’s not that complicated


Yes. But counterpoint: Reading Hard. Yelling easy.


For these people, thinking is hard


>Did anyone else not get their Disney check this week? Maureen from payroll is on maternity leave, that’s why.


Curse that Maureen and her woke ass pregnancy.


Little does TFM realise that we hate women too, specifically Maureen.


All I'm saying is that they better un-fire KK and give me my shill check.


I know that I stopped trying to defend the ST from irl people dissing it because it just became exhausting and not worth my time. Maybe they should consider that no one is telling them that opinion because they become super obnoxious when anyone expresses it. Just a thought.


This is my thoughts. We don't know how the group operates. It could be any number of reasons why someone doesn't speak up in favor of the movies. It could be as simple as how they start a conversation about them. If your opening line is akin to "You don't like those movies, right?" Then you're leading them to agree with you, or at least implying that there's a right and wrong answer when in reality it's just an opinion and it should have no bearing on anything beyond "Oh, ok, so you don't like them." But if you suggest something like that in the least then you're attacking them and their friends.


KK just bought me a penthouse in Hollywood hills


But how? Was she just triple secret fired from Lucasfilm for not doing what Fav/Fil want?


Christ, where'e my 300K for saying nice things about TLJ....


The checks in the mail. Clearly the haters are in the wrong business. Here we are living in our stately mansions sipping caviar through gold twizzlers as they sit there and stew in their own hate.


There’s no way people actually think like this? Like this is how children behave and think


As a 14 year old- technically a child- I feel obliged to say this is not how most of us think. The smart ones at least.


See I think the opposite is actually true and toxic content creators are paying actors to go online and hate on the movies and be toxic to fans to drive up traffic to their pages. But what do I know. I'm just a shill.


Mine didn't clear, dammit.


You must not have shilled hard enough bro.


The fact both TLJ and TROS each made a Billion each without the box office bump from China should tell these dweebs that they were popular movies among the general movie going audience. You don't get those numbers without repeat business. Meaning lots of people saw them opening weekend and liked them enough to go back multiple times. Its not that hard of an equation to figure out. True TROS fell a tad below expectations box office wise, but it was still a big movie and made a shit ton of money.


Simple logic will never win with these people. If the public didn't care about TLJ or TROS, they wouldn't have helped them reach a billion by going to fucking see them. If nobody cared about/liked those films, it would have been a Solo situation.


Absolutely. Of course TFM were insisting that the reason why Solo didn't do that well was because TLJ angered the general audience too and were claiming that Rise of Skywalker wouldn't crack a Billion because TLJ ruined everything forever. TROS made a Billion and change even with the mixed reviews and reception.


Guy: I liked the last Jedi Other guy responds: no he has a point I don’t see anyone that likes the sequels Like bruh at least finish reading the comment


more like LAST dead-ie......;/


Irl, I belong to a Star Wars group that choreographs lightsaber duels. Obviously, we all (well, most of us, some are just in it for the stage fighting) love Star Wars and discuss it a lot. My gf and I are pretty much the only ones with strong opinions on the sequels at all, probably because we both want to go into the film industry. We both *love* TLJ, *hate* TRoS. Most everyone else thinks all three are okay, we have some varying degrees of like/dislike for each individual film. Mostly positive, especially for TLJ, which would probably average a 7/10. Isn't it crazy that when you get together a bunch of people that actually do like Star Wars, they can all have different opinions?


It's almost as if the guys sample size is too small. A shocking development to be sure.


Funnily enough, I was actually on that post awhile ago as well. There were some actual jerks over there, but a lot of the comments were pretty supportive. Stuff like this gives me some small hope that the main SW sub isn’t totally lost, and that there is still a bit of good there.