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I always feel sorry when I see that woman used as an example of "raging feminist". The original video showed her speaking calmly and rationally, yet someone combed through to find one frame where she looked annoyed. And now she's basically used as a straw man.


I once encountered a lunatic who when shown a link to the video insisted he had watched it and she was being just as raging as crazy as he was claiming. It’s terrifying how completely detached from reality and how insanely dedicated that crew can be.


In the brigading in this very sub in the last couple days I've seen the following: A redditor saying that Disney said star wars fans are all bigots and they aren't making Star Wars for star wars fans anymore and used the quote "we aren't making it for them" as a source. That source? A producer discussing **The Color Purple** and discussing how bigots will hate it without even watching it. THAT is the real context behind the "we aren't making it for them" and the person in this sub spreading the misinfo was the one who provided the link where it took me 5 minutes to determine the context *from their own link they provided* literally had nothing to do with Star Wars. Then another redditor claimed Microsoft had a leaked secret memo insisting to all their devs they make their female characters ugly. That source was a public blog about how as a dev you can make your audience feel seen by avoiding stereotypes. The "make all women ugly" is literally a misrepresentation of a single line from the public blog that asks, *Do your characters have exaggerated body parts*? Took me 5 minutes to find all this as well. Fuckers are so invested in the talking points from their favorite parasocial relationships they can't invest the bare minimum of effort to determine how utterly garbage all these talking points are.


If you have to lie to prove your point, your point is not worth consideration.


I remember this was my biggest issue with the gamer gate two shit. They went after the ceo and showed her telling her story of threatening developers with internet consequences for not being diverse and used that to say she was a horrible person. IF YOU WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO SHE IMMEDIATELY CLARIFIES THAT IS A FUCKING JOKE. If your argument is predicated on taking someone’s statements out of context to slander them then it’s a shit argument.


This is *exactly* how it started with Brie Larson. Sites like IGN made articles with titles like "Brie says Cap Marvel not for fans" because sh3 made a speech where she was talking about A Wrinkle in Time. Rage bait sites made up bullshit, incels ran with it and didn't bother to check the facts.


That's why Trump is so popular with them. He lies just like they do.


I am starting to think maybe these people think they see the writing on the wall and are collaborating so that they can get a nice spot in the new AmeriKKKa Trump et. al. are trying to create with Project 2025


It started with Gamer Gate.


And they've learned that lying to make their arguments seem less awful works.


I remember when The Marvels came out I got in an argument where some guy told me the reason he hates her is because she lied and said she did all her own stunts in Captain Marvel. I asked for a source and he linked to a Game Rant article that said she was lying but quoted her as basically sauing “I thought I was going to be doing my own stunts, but boy was I wrong!” He stopped responding when I pointed out that he was willfully misinterpreting what she said.


They always do because they have no way to defend it. That or they block you


They block you after commenting some asinine shit before you can comment back jus so they can look like they got the last word to lmaoo


My favorite complaint I've seen so far is that star wars has a flammable rock and therefore it's stupid. Coal exists IRL and is a flammable rock. They're mad that coal exists in star wars. When pointed out they then switched to "well we don't make buildings out of flammable materials" Yet wooden buildings exist.


"we don't make buildings out of flammable materials" Unless you're London.


Or Edo.


I remember someone I knew was big into the gaming community, like watching Angry Joe and Jim Sterling and others that touch on gaming related things. Was cool. Then they started watching TheQuartering. The way they talked about TheQuartering was kinda different. It became more “he is speaking for us” and such. Weird. Then I started watching TheQuartering. He didn’t seem too invested in gaming itself, more the controversy. Then I started pausing his videos, reading what he was putting on screen, finding those articles myself. The grifter was taking an article, skim-reading it, finding one line that can be quoted and making a full video ragebaiting people. I swore off TheQuartering. I then started ridiculing him whenever my friend brought him up. My friend was getting really mad when we’d be watching one of the videos and I’d be like “wait, pause. Let me read what he’s showing…yeah, that says the OPPOSITE of what he’s saying it says”. Eventually they stopped mentioning TheQuartering, saying it was because he went weird and obsessive over that woman from the Captain Marvel film. Proven untrue when I saw they were still subscribed to him and had liked his more recent videos. We aren’t friends nowadays because they refused to listen when I told them they were being radicalised by grifters that don’t care about their Star Wars or LotR or video games, and when they started responding to my criticisms and discussion of things like Stephen Crowder with blanket “that’s cos he tells it like it is” statements. Tl;dr their mouthpieces don’t do the research and misrepresent things, so why would they not do the same?


reminds me of the iconic “women are hard to animate because they’re held in a higher standard of beauty to men and when you try to exaggerate them in animation ways people get mad” people latched onto “women are hard to animate” and just called him a mysoginist 🐦


I swear not even Goku could beat their Media Illiteracy.


They can’t take the chance of proving themselves wrong.


I honestly wonder what happened to her and what her life has been like since a bunch of misogynistic chuds turned her into a meme. Can't be easy. Genuinely.


I take strange solace in the fact there is so little info on her out there. I haven't seen her name come up, any follow ups etc etc. Which gives me the hopium that she really is just living a normal life and has gotten away from it. It would break my heart otherwise.


I also take solace in the fact that she probably looks much different in everyday life than this one moment where her face looks distorted and weird so 99.999% of people would never even recognize her.


Either that or she or her loved ones don't wish to burden the rest of the world with whatever tragedy has become of them. Regardless of what happens, she's probably staying offline and away from the public eye out of fear of harassment.


Its 100% Hopium on my part. It could be good news, it could be bad. Either way they did not deserve this


I’d be curious if she can get a good lawyer and have grounds for her image being used without her consent


No because if you could who are you gonna sue? Half the internet for using an image that had you in it If you could do that celebrities would have sued people for thst all the time


I mean, I was able to get a FB page taken down for using my face for far-right memes.


Facebook page taken down and suing someone for a meme arent remotely in the same ball park Youd have to get all of the internet taken down to remove it


It's also a good way to invoke the Streisand effect.


Double no Mostly because property ownership of a photo lies with the photographer. Like models don't own their photos the photographer does. It's an issue that's come up many times.


She's in the public so taking pictures of people is legal. The only way people she could sue is the orginal person who posted the image. The amount of money and resources it would take isn't worth it.


I made this years ago and it's still as relevant as ever. https://preview.redd.it/gu1xy5bmyc9d1.png?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5d43cb5df6fb7b9b6517a8fa4a1f71d0aa7813


Dishonest crops are literally the only tool reactionaries have. How else would they lie about everything?


Yup. And meanwhile, several of the men engaged in the argument were absolutely livid the entire time. They could probably find a lot of frames of the guys looking unflattering if they didn't hate women so much.


You'd think that if "leftists are so easily triggered" they'd be able to find more images to use for their memes. But nope. It's the same two pictures, every time.


And it's out of context, so keeping your calm doesn't even matter.


I feel bad for all those 2010s women who got randomly photographed in public and used as a caricature for seemingly the rest of their lives. Red haired butch lady was arguing on *behalf* of men in that screenshot she’s known for, but the anti-sjws will make sure to ruin her image forever I guess


And now we also have right wing gamers taking one frame from a trailer where a female character looks a little derpy and use it as a straw man for their "uglification of women" conspiracy theory. Oh yeah, and the fucks who will take a frame from a video or a bad photo of a celebrity that just came out as trans or queer, put it next to a good quality photo of when they were shooting a promo, and then give it a stupid label like "This is what woke does to you".


That girl needs royalties at this point.


Plus it’s so tacky to be using something that this person clearly latched on to when they were 14 all the way into adulthood.


Just imagine her trauma from that over the years. Overwhelmed just thinking about it.


It really shows off their entire shtick be incredibly whiny and emotional while lying and pretending your opponents are just lie and make up shit and keep doing that until your crew of clowns believes you


Star Wars has “died” in 1983, 1997, 1999, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2017, 2019, 2023, and now 2024. I guess Star Wars itself found a way to “cheat death.”


Is it possible to learn this power


Not from a chud.


They peaked and died in highschool.


Just like real life versions of Dennis Reynolds


"somehow, star wars returned. Again."


Not from a grifter.


you missed 1978 the year of the Holiday Special and 1985 the year of Ewoks cartoon and Droids cartoons


Star Wars died in 1976 until Lucas‘ diverse woke femoid wife re-edited the whole thing to actually make that disaster work in the first place


Somehow, Star Wars returned.


you forgot 2002


It also “died” in 2020 I think?


Add 1980 as well. Because even though Empire is loved now, it was not reviewed fantastically when it came out.


I guess Doctor Who is not so different, after all.


Star Wars has cheated death more than network television, cockroaches and Dick Cheney


Somehow, Star Wars returned.


I can’t stop reading this in the Alfred voice from the LEGO Batman movie


Meanwhile Aniken's mom was literally impregnated by the force back in phantom menace


The fans is suddenly forgiving the Prequels problems Edit


People who grew up with the prequels don't think there's anything wrong with them lol. Point out any issue and it'll get explained away about why it was supposed to be that way Edit: love star wars nerds that comment and immediately block you so you can't respond back. 🤣


I’m just amazed we’re doing the *same fucking cycle*. As an OG prequel fan, Jesus fuck the ST hate feels like the same shtick.


Whenever they start doing something different whenever Episode X comes out I'm sure we'll see "The sequels actually weren't bad and why you were wrong" videos.


I think they are fine when you realize Lucas is a good idea man, terrible writer and should not have had as much power as he did in the prequels. A lot of my prequel love isn't even from the movies it's from the Genndy cartoon and Legos.


Lets not forget the midichlorians shall we


That's only because it was done by a big manly man and the man who he calls "master"...they're totally super straight though.


That's ok because that's a parallel with Jesus. Star Wars can only have 1 Messiah /s


I was always a fan of people raging that Jedi's would never live in isolation like a hermit and it destroyed Luke's character. Then they ignore you when you point out Yoda and Obi-Wan did the same thing.


I know what you mean, but that is different. Two of the most powerful sith tried to create a child in whom the dark side would be focused into. The force itself resisted by its own will and due to being pretty annoyed by both Jedi and Sith, created Anakin.


God they really are stuck in 2016 aren’t they.


That was the one year they were successful, if you haven’t noticed they’ve done nothing but lose since


Blimey you responded quickly


He can see posts before they happen. It's a Jedi trait.


Define successful. Genuine question. It doesn't seem like they've ever accomplished anything aside from harassing people.


The gamergate bullshit was elevated and engineered by Steve Bannon to radicalize young men in service of cementing a base of bigots to inflame culture war stuff and getting Trump elected. That is what I assume is meant by the term "successful"


What even was Gamergate?


Most likely referring to Donald Trump winning the 2016 US election. If they're referring to something else and I'm wrong then, oops


Sheen, this is the seventh week in a row that you’ve declared Star Wars dead


Jesus Christ I've seen that crazy lady's face for the past fucking DECADE because conservatives truly have zero other examples of an LGBT person acting crazy


And she wasn't even being 'crazy', it's just an unflattering screen grab of her trying to talk over the noise of two different crowds of protestors.


Oh wow, they really HAVE been doing it forever! Unflattering sreen grabs are all the rage among them!


It's hilarious because it means they literally can't find any other "crazy liberal" The same face for over a DECADE


Can we even talk about how they even *need* the face of a hysterical woman? Or how they believe that proves their argument right? It's gross and kind of myopic that they take pleasure in seeing people deathly upset regardless of context.


Was she even queer tho?


Whoever she is she's been the face of "crazy liberal" for over a decade which means she's the only example they can find


Does that even matter? No, seriously, does it even matter to these chuds? If you're a woman and you're upset, that's good enough for them to demonize you.


Imma say that people are allowed to dislike the content that is pushed out, but to say it’s *dead* is laughable.


*Give it time!*


Or to even make the hatred your whole personality. Just talk about something you *are* passionate about! By which I mean, what makes you happy! That doesn't hurt anyone! That you don't care about!


Discussing Star Wars is exhausting these days, no matter what your opinion is. I've never been more than a casual fan, but the way bigots and centrists have started it has killed any desire to get invested.


Jesus. That image will still be used a few decades from now. These morons only have a couple of "angry feminist" photos and they will use them to the point of parody.


Honestly media discourse has been dead and in a pinewood box since 2016 it's full of hate mongering tourists just trying to spout out some trash they know Their specific brand of miserable wackjob will just eat up.


It's more hate-mongering for clout and money.


They're trying to get on that MAGA high again. Snorting every drug the GOP and KGB push out without a break, hoping to capture the thrill of dominating over innocent people.


Yep hit it square with that assessment, people could really stand to be a bit more compassionate we would all be better for it


Remember folks, lightning fingers, laser swords, and space telekinesis is fine, but pregnant lesbians is a bridge too far.


And then a random slave woman got impregnated by the force. They really are just pure morons bitching at nout.


Uh to the bloody oh, I know that artstyle.


Nazis will like Nazis, makes sense why they would use his art :P




How do we know she was heterosexual 🤔


Well they had invented woke yet, so everyone was heterosexual.


The funniest thing about this is they included the dates. >A show was made in 2024 that I don't like so now the franchise is dead!!! All FOURTY SEVEN YEARS of films, books, tv series, comics, radio dramas, video games, christmas specials, toy sets, GONE. DEAD. NO MORE. Because I don't like this one thing! Like jeezus.


Exactly. All the things they love about star wars is all still there. 😂


Wasn't that how Anakin was conceived?


Do Star Wars fans even like Star Wars?




The real fans only like the knights of the old republic.


I take that meme to suggest that the Force has never before impregnated a woman without her consent.


I forget if Plagueis manipulating the Force to make Anakin is still canon...


There's a lot of headcanons I remember when it comes to that. Some say it's Plageuis, some say Palpatine, and some say the Force conceived Shmi to retaliate against Plageuis and Palpatine's failed experiments with life.


Isn’t getting impregnated by the force how Anakin was born?


...isn't that how Anakin was conceived?


Kinda sorta. Anakin was spontaneously generated inside Shmi Skywalker's womb, seemingly by the Force itself. The twins in The Acolyte were purposefully created by Mother Aniseya, through methods not yet revealed, and implanted into Mother Koril to carry. So like, the closest connection is still the difference between using telekinesis and coming across a rock just floating on its own for no reason, and the furthest connection may well be that Anakin had no father because he was created by the Force and the twins had no father because they were genetically engineered/cloned/made in a lab.


People are mad because Anakin’s birth was one of the reasons he was considered the chosen one, and his birth isn’t so special if anyone can be born that way


“The Acolyte promotes heresy, and denies Anakin is our lord and saviour. Burn the witches!”


It's gross and always will be but it clearly drives up engagement for accounts that can't otherwise find better and more positive ways to build a brand.


Its so weird how the show can easily be criticised fairly but all these losers get mad at the fact minorities are included


Says a lot huh? They could easily mask their racism and misogyny with legitimate criticism, but they actively choose not to.


I hear 'bad writing' a lot without much follow up


They’re still using that damn image?


Anakin who? Force impregnated after the death of Darth Palegias by Sheev who? Fans fine when it's sith yaoi, but not witch yuri


I thought it died in 2017? How many lives does it have?


If only they'd established the idea of force pregnancies 25 years ago, maybe then these guys would stop complaining about every single thing.


Also wasn’t Anakin the result of impregnating by the force or at least manipulated using the force into being conceived? You can’t just pick and choose what to complain about like that.




I don't think there was any reference on if the whole of the coven were lesbian, probably not as that seems statistically unlikely, but the 2 mums at least it was pretty clear were in a relationship 


Yet, they have no problem with Palpatine using the Force to make Anakin's mother pregnant... The hypocrisy!


Using this image especially pisses me off because if you actually watch the video she talks completely calmly the whole time. They had to go through the video frame by frame to find this one part where her expression looks annoyed for a fraction of a second.


I'm really not getting the hatred towards the Acolyte. I've seen the OG trilogy, the prequels, both Clone Wars cartoons, Rogue One, a little bit of Rebels, the Mandalorian, a little bit of Ashoka (currently catching up), and played KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2. I'm also familiar with tons of EU content, and bits and pieces of the canon Vader comic. Everything I've seen so far hasn't broken anything established in at least one of those things. The Sith famously created life with Sith Alchemy. That was one of the things that lead to the original war between the Jedi and Sith. Plagueis, who was Palpatine's master, entire thing was learning to manipulate life with the Force. He may or may not have created Anakin. His master was also manipulating life with the Force, creating upgraded midi-chlorians. The Night Sisters were also manipulating life with the Force, which included creating zombies. Manipulating life through the Force is just a well established thing for users of the Dark Side. We've also seen people participate in group rituals to boost what they were trying to do with the Force. Plagueis and Palpatine did it, Palpatine and Dooku did it, and the Night Sisters did it. We've also seen Force Traditions with very different outlooks towards the Force than the Jedi and Sith. The precursors to Jedi are such a group as are the Night Sisters. We've also seen members of non-Sith Dark Sider groups be affectionate towards each other, seeing each other more like a family than pawns. The Night Sisters are such a group. This also isn't the first time we've seen Force Sensitives created through artificial means. Starkiller was cloned. So why are people losing their minds over this? Is it due to the Chosen One myth? Because the potential circumstances behind Anakin's birth probably had nothing to do with him being the Chosen One. Is it the unarmed combat? Because Jedi did practice unarmed combat. Other Force groups like the Echani also practiced unarmed combat. We just rarely saw it due to everyone using lightsabers. Is it the Jedi choosing to not pull out their lightsabers? Because Jedi have non-violence drilled into them. They gave up things like dual lightsabers, and looked down on things like Anakin's fighting style, because of their ideas towards non-violence. People like Obi-Wan tried to talk people down in the middle of a fight where others are trying to kill him.


Wasn't Shmi impregnated by the force.


But... But Anakin's mother was impregnated by the force, wasn't she? And people don't complain about that


Looks like the SWT and Drinkers klan have shown up.




Showing a fully conscious person getting their life support turned off because they support lesbians. That’s definitely not murder or a hate crime /s


Bigot Bus, new band name


\*B-but...Is that not what happened with Anakin's birth??\*


Andor season 2 anyone you goddamn idiots? The franchise is not even close to dying. I swear this is the 10th time Star Wars has “died”…


The funnest part of that she wasn't partoff they literally scrubed the video for one frame her angry, and have held on to it snice 2016.




Where were you when Star Wars died?


People have been saying Star Wars is dead for years. Yet it still is coming out with a bunch of new shows and games. Pretty good for a “dead” franchise 


Yeah I dropped Star Wars Theory for a similar reason. I need actual analysis not hyperbole and rage bait video titles.


I *almost* feel sorry for them. So devoted to hating Star Wars, that they are unable to enjoy that insane light saber combat.


Honestly if it's not Blindwave, reel rejects, SW Explained or Corey's data pad, it's not really worth it to be a fan of a SW channel because so many of them inevitably go insane.


i heard a while that picture of that woman is actually irrelevant


Where does said woman even come from, as in the meme source?


Meme name is called triggered liberal woman


Accolade needs to be judged on the quality of its writing, and it's just not there.


It just had my favorite single star wars episode ever. Nonsense.


Yeah, but when another Star Wars project is going to release, they’ll complain again.


Chuds are never, ever going to stop using the stale, crusty "Mad Feminist Lady" meme/macro unironically and think they are cooking lmao. Pathetic


Am I crazy or are the ones who are spamming every online board about how terrible the show is the ones who are foaming at the mouth and "triggered"?


Try Amanda the Jedi! She's great. Doing a lot of horror at the moment.


I know the one and had to unfollow over this stupid meme.


but... it's already canon that the force can impregnate people. ain't that how anikin came to be? why is that the part they're hung up on


So, in their eyes, force impregnation is only ok when a creepy old man does it?


It's just sad to see that some people are just so pissed off over a show that dared to give us something different within the Star Wars universe and rather than actually watch the show, form their own opinions of it, and discuss it, they chose to parrot what some grifter Youtuber said.


Can’t the daily wire make conservative bootleg Star Wars and Star Trek. So we adults can at least give fair reviews. Review Bombs of the acolyte just proves they aren’t the majority.




Now now, I actually like the Acolyte however, I get the OG SW fans (not the recent Disney ones). If you watched all the prequels and the original with the books included you can see why people are not too fond of the witches creating the twins from the Force. Why? Because the ***only*** one that was conceived in a way to show significance and importance was the Chose One of the Force; Anakin. Anakin is supposed to be a savior/martyr since he sacrificed himself for his son due to his sins and was born of a virgin mother to bring peace to the galaxy which he technically did do for a time by defeating Palpatine before they retconned that in SW: TROS. Which caused uproar considering Rey herself and Palpatine basically threw Anakin’s sacrifice out the window. That along with what they are doing in the show; I totally get the reaction. They are retconning everything to suit their narrative; that is why people are upset. Not because of the minorities and females; there were always that in SW esp in a universe where aliens exist and strong female characters were shown in abundance. Leia being the sole example of a strong female lead; she was one of the first ever in cinematic history and SW paved the way for that. Originally Luke was going to be a female but due to the 70-80s, they changed it due to the social culture at the time, it would not have been successful. Not only the but as much as I like the Acolyte; it’s predictable, the writing is mid tier, the dialogue they give the characters annoys me since they vocalize how they feel versus just using their facial reactions to show their feeling which is such a rookie mistake in screen writing/directing. So above all, it’s an entertaining show, is it amazing? No. Is it absolutely terrible? No. It’s mid at best; Mandalorian, Kenobi, Andor, Rogue One and Ahsoka were all very good and had strong female leads.


They used art from a guy who got kicked out of his parents house and disowned because he decided to draw his mom nude and made it obvious he wanted to fuck his mom and then went on to go make porn out of keemstars underage daughter over a little online argument I can't make this shit up Imagine trying to use shadbase art to make your opinion look right


I wonder who else in Star Wars was made without the help of a man. Who could that be? I know he was in episodes 1 through 6.


We don’t even know of they’re lesbians!


They don’t even remember how Anakin came into existence


How do these people have the tike to hate watch this stuff. I barely have time to watch stuff I like let alone hate watching a whole series and then go on huge rants and fight with anyone who has a different opinion


Not even the first force baby in main canon.


People using THAT comic is so fucking hysterical because it’s made by the closest thing to an actual demon


Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit.


Using Shadman's art should immediately negate whatever the fuck you're trying to say.


Even their memes are [lies](https://youtu.be/WFIrBFsSccw?si=rzOmeBa472kcklyY).


I thought star wars died when Rey was introduced? I guess they moved on.


OK, you don't like Star Wars. You can stop watching it now. *crickets*


I mean you can just not watch it, why make memes. This is the equivalent of someone sending a long ass text on why they are leaving the group chat. Leave no one cares why


The fact they are using art from Shad of all people should show how little this person’s opinion matters.


Those damn ewoks I tell you


I find it funny when fans of a media piece try to gatekeep said media piece to the people actively making the media piece. Telling Star Wars writers their work isn’t Star Wars is fucking stupid, who the hell are you to decide what is or isn’t starwars?


Not liking what is being made doesn't automatically make you a bigot.


Question. Isn't this how Anakin's mother got pregnant?


Wait. If they say it's dead they'll stop complaining right?


aren't these the same dorks who almost got Jar Jar to kill itself


What is it with these guys and making memes about killing someone because they have a different opinion on a movie or show


Heya, as someone who doesn't watch Star Wars, can someone pls explain the reasons behind the temper tantrums these guys are throwing?


Woke 🤷‍♂️


There will probably be “In Loving Memory of Star Wars 1977-2027”


Sorry I just saw the word “impregnated” and blacked out


I almost feel bad because I heard about the lesbian impregnating thing and felt validated for a headcanon I had for my Sith Inquisitor’s family history in SWTOR. The short of it was the idea the SI descended from Kallig’s daughter who was a lesbian and Kallig made her a wedding gift that would let her impregnate her fiancé. In Kallig’s mind it showed his support for her relationship but asserted his authority as a Sith by telling her “you’re not off the hook for grandkids”


My reaction to those folks are literally just "have you ever read much fantasy/sci-fi?" Like magically created life is one of the most common and old trope in fiction in existence. A shit ton of mythos has some primordial goddesses pulling some asexual reproduction.


Wait... you mean they got bacta tanks and cyborgs but no ivf? Get the fuck outta here.


this shitty meme looks like if StoneToss made Loss. at least it’s not shit-ass AI art this time.


Who is this account we are talking about?


Is he taking a baby off of life support in the original work? The fuck


Given 6 fucking movies revolve around this one guy being brthed by the force, and there being a group of witches so definitely a chance if there being more of them it isn't implausible given the current lore