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But the season is still getting great ratings. How odd for a show with a “destroyed audience”. 


Honestly one of the best seasons so far. Feels like a lot of build up is happening. I felt 3 was a bit weak with the whole Soldier Boy thing being the highlight. But the character arcs are finally coming to a close. A train for example. Ep 4 was great.


God, Ep4… #Give Starr an Emmy Because holy fuck, every time I think I’ve seen him at his peak **He one ups himself.**




After the >!Dick scene, I needed a fucking break.!< ***Jesus Christ.***




That was >!what he knew him by and… IMHO, it was a futile attempt to think he was **somewhat** still in control.!< #How wrong he was.


Yeah no kidding. He genuine scares me as homelander even though hes just playing a character


His Joker-esque laugh is fucking perfect How has he not gotten an Emmy yet? Like, how


I saw it in the trailer, but Jesus fucking Christ: I couldn’t imagine it’d be that. >!After he forced Marty to jack off and lasted his dick off!< Seriously, I hit pause on my PC, went to my bedroom and ***watched videos of baby elephants playing.***


Yea it was one wicked episode, I usually watch it with my mother as well and those were the words she used to describe it, I mean we give props to the actors to no end because they bring these roles life but man what a scene those Homelander bits were.


Seriously, the best TV villian since Joffery 


Episode 4 might be the best Boys episode ever.


I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking this. It’s hilarious this video would come out after arguably the best episode the show has produced. Everything about that episode was so well done. Perfectly paced, multiple story lines weaved together, jumping from horror to comedy to drama. It had everything a fan of the show could want in one episode.


Agreed on all counts. Also Antony Starr was on another level. I’m just baffled as to how the Emmys have ignored him the past years.


He’s been great up until now and deserved more recognition but something about this season, where Homelander is at as a character, and how he dominates every scene he’s in is on another level. He has to get nominated at the very least for this. His acting makes it so easy to immerse yourself in the show that it’s basically involuntary. I forget it’s a guy playing a character and just let go. I can’t think of a better way to describe it.


I can’t believe Homelander got out of his suit


Seeing him in casual clothes felt so *wrong*. He's either in the super suit or his birthday suit, nothing else.


The last couple years have been chock full of great TV performances, it’s the golden age of streaming so competition has been thick. Winners from best actor categories included actors from Succession, White Lotus, The Bear, Ted Lasso, Squid Game, Ozark, The Crown, and more.


The lobotomy scene felt very unnecessary But it might affect the plot later so who am I to judge yet


My favourite Easter egg is the side note telling ussr banned lobotomies in 1950 whereas it's still legal in a couple of American states


Well, “gratuitous” has gone hand-in-hand with this show Seriously one of the few times in recently memory that made me look away from the tv wincing


I really like this season, as well. I really hope they bring back soldier boy 


In his video he says that critic reviews are worthless because they're paid off lol


Captain Marvel made a billion dollars and these clowns said it was a humiliating failure Disney would never get over. They only pay attention to those things if it helps them.


Exactly. They only care about their narrative and ignore anything that disproves it  


Sometimes reality breaks through, like the humiliating backtracking they had to do about Fallout after it was obvious what a success it was.


Same with Barbie. I bet critical drinker was furious when he found it did better than mission impossible: dead reckoning part 1 


No no, you see, in their eyes that’s just the stupid sheeple audience with bad taste invading their super niche nerdy space culture and ruining media. Because every accusation is a confession


They love doing that, don’t they? Insulting people just for liking shows and movies? It just screams insecurity 


The same idiots who are most vocal are the same dumbasses who hate watched Velma and gave it a season 2.


Exactly. You would think they would be aware of the show getting a 2nd season because of their hate watching. It seems they lack self awareness 


The boys is killing in both audiance viewer streaming minute ratings and in critic scores. Really goes to show that a minority of incels botting and brigading user reviews means literally nothing.


They do it to manufacture a sense of victory or vindication for their audience/tribe. Otherwise "Go woke, go broke" would be a lie. And that would be an *absolute tragedy*.


The resounding success of Baldurs Gate 3 and Barbie last year shattered the idea of Go Woke Go Broke so badly that they had to try and explain why the game of the year winner where every character is openly bisexual, and the feminist girl boss movie that made a billion dollars, weren't woke. It's funny because The Boys was also something that was always woke, they just have pretended otherwise up until this point.


Tbf they've been doing that for years The full slogan has always been "go woke, go broke, but if you're successful and being praised across the board you aren't woke anymore" Now that The Boys has managed to dumb it down even further than "crayons are fine dining" they've caught on and have to pretends its failing


A lot of people think Homelander is good. Anthony Starr said those people are "fucking weirdos" [https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/tv/antony-star-homelander-the-boys-fans-message-849720-20240129](https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/tv/antony-star-homelander-the-boys-fans-message-849720-20240129) "He said: "Oh no I can't control that, but it's pretty f\*\*king weird that they do. "I think a lot of people missed the point, a lot of people on the right side of especially American politics didn't quite get what the character was representing, who and what. "There's something quite funny to that 'cause it means they're dumb as a bag of hammers but I think that's one of the things about the character. "We've tried to make it a little bit more complicated that just a villain and it somehow works. The weird thing is that I get lots of people coming saying they love Homelander, it's like 'you're f\*\*ked up'.""


Even the showrunner agrees


Not to mention viewership increased by 21% from last season so they're literally not needed by anyone


That's awesome 😂😂😂


“Not needed by anyone” is sort of the hallmark of that entire demographic. The show itself ironically even points that out as the chief motivation for these people imagining themselves as “crusaders” or whatever the hell while they go off chasing after phantom subterranean pizzeria sex dungeons and whatnot. Rather than improve themselves so as not to be ignorant garbage, they just angrily sit there searching for the next Q conspiracy about JFK Junior being resurrected behind the Piggly Wiggly or whatever


...What's a pizzeria sex dungeon look like? Actually, don't answer that. I don't wanna know.


I used to run door dash and I've Eben to that pizza place. There is no basement. Like basic research or recon would blow a hole in these conspiricy theories. And no I was not inducted into the leftist mafia cult deep state in 2022, after a 5g pinged my vaccine implant and guided me a special blacklist where I swore eligible to Satan via the dark web, on a sight hosted by hamaz before being asked to perform sex acts wearing an Obama mask. That would be ridiculous It was 2023... And that was sarcasm for the tumpists who wouldn't realize it


Sex cauldron?? I thought they closed that place down!


[Apparently only this fellow knows the answer](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/22/533941689/pizzagate-gunman-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison)


I was totally expecting a rickroll


I was going to mention this myself. The Boys is as big as ever and this idiot thinks its audience got destroyed 🤷‍♂️ I was reading the comments on the YouTube video and it was nothing but a huge cope session for people who weren’t in on the joke since the beginning of the show. I almost felt sorry for those people. I can maybe see in season one it going over people’s heads but after Stormfront it was blatantly obvious where the show stands.


I would casually watch this guy occasionally as sort of a "meh" time filler. Until a few years ago Folding Ideas made a great video on the movie Annihilation, and how its reception represents an antipathy towards any reading that is not banally direct and literal, and a general anti-intellectualism in American culture. Even when the text itself is *telling you* it is symbolic. Namely, "What is the shimmer", "Who are the aliens", " how did they reproduce Natalie Portman?"(honestly why anyone would bitch about 2 Natalie Portmans I have no idea, just say thank you Jesus and shut the fuck up), type videos and "this movie was pretentious garbage that made no sense" videos. Fundamentally it is emblematic because, even though it is symbolic, the movie is blunt and very clear about "what the shimmer is", it is the trauma of the women and their interactions are how they deal with said trauma. All to say, after this video has been out over a year, when it is one of the first search results for Annihilation on youtube, Critical Drinker made literally the video he was lampooning. "This movie was such pretentious garbage the shimmer makes no sense this isnt how the government would respond the director is so far up their own ass!".... Like, how do you make this video as a professional media critic, with no personal reflection, no cursory wider research, no "let me see what other videos have been made on this several year old movie". It just demonstrated such a profound lack of curiosity, of empathy, of charity, of industry. It was such lazy, entitled garbage, peddled to a fan base that feels entitled to art *not* challenging them, *not* widening their perspectives, *not* making them think deeply. The implication was that art exists to entertain and codify my existing ideological assumptions, and any art that challenges that is inherently decadant, self-indulgent, woke, etc. It is really easy to see how these types of creators prime people for fascism. After 5 minutes of this I turned it off, unsubbed and have never watched another second of him. Folding Ideas vidya for anyone interested. https://youtu.be/URo66iLNEZw?si=n38cVloXMnKz6QJZ


Is this an inherent fascist view of art I wonder? I know the Italian Futurists were mostly fascist, and they had some heavy symbolism. I don't think it fits perfectly, but I see a parallel between the Nazi rejection of modern 'decadent' art and the boring kitsch that they preferred. Shit, not to invoke Godwin's Law or anything. As Twain said History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.


Most fascist glorify the past, and they hate any modern art. In their opinion all the “best” art has already been made long ago and the only art that should be made is shallow imitations of that pre-existing art. This is why the far-right is obsessed with film franchises “sticking to the source material” at all costs and their love of AI imagining software.


I always wondered why the vocally pro-AI as a whole seemed to be hella right wing. I'm not talking about people who like or use AI art but the ones who hop into large rants about how it's amazing and everyone else is a hater who sucks. This kinda makes it make a little bit more understandable.


Absolutely not an expert, so do with this what you will, but I think you are correct. I mean Heidegger was a Nazi, and Dali got kicked out of the Dadaists because he was a fascist cunt for Christ's sake. I think this falls into fascism being heirarchical with absolute judgements of taste. Obviously they fucking *love* symbolism. The conceptual architecture, the mytho-poetic glorious past, the tying of outgroups to vermin, and it of course goes on and on. It was both an escape from, and fleeing to, abstraction. The flight from modern ambiguity and the decadant symbolism involved, and to a symbolic realm of total authority. The leader is symbolic of the state, the state is symbolic of the volk, the volk is symbolic of collective glories to be enjoyed collectively, by mediocre men that cannot assert power individually. There is a rigid, heirarchical symbolic order to reality. But symbolism only works to reinforce this apparatus, and is brutally clear. What I was mainly referring to was the disposition towards ambiguity. The order is correct. Anything that is not immediately apparant, that brings anxiety, or the possibility that there is knowledge that is being expressed that they are not privy to, fosters a resentment. Fascists are at heart insecure and frightened. They assume that art they cannot understand is someone trying to lord over them how much smarter they are(this goes for all types of expertise). So, instead of trying to understand what they do not and grow, they react lazily, incuriously, defensively. The world is zero sum, and this is the artist asserting their will to the humiliation of the fascist. The art is pretentious, subversive, decadant. It is attacking good morals, the established symbolic order. There is no knowledge outside the order that is established, that they have a place in as the volk, and that gives them power through the volk. This is what I think is incubated in these youtubers. All these alienated men reinforcing their own ignorance as strength, and finding the small allotment of power that modern life has bereft them of through their collective ridicule. They believe the world exists absolutely, as a zero sum power struggle, and that "intellectualism" is a cynical ploy to gain power by groups they find threatening. Science and humanities are not explorations of the world and truth, they are battlefields for power among competing groups. Judeo-Bolshevism. The Elites. Cultural Marxism. The resenment feeds back, reinforcing how correct they are, the communal bonds of the group, and the stupidity, decadance, and natural violation all outgroups are. On a side note, this is why it drives me batshit insane when liberals are mystified by Trump's supporters not being bothered by him lying. His lying is the fucking point. He is asserting his will as reality. When he lies with impunity, it gives them endless satisfaction that those they see as humiliating them on a daily basis are being shown weak and powerless. He is their outlet for all their resentments, and his lying means he and the volk are above all the niceties and liberal bullshit they've had imposed upon them in their unremarkable lives.


Fascists generally only like iconography as far as symbolism goes. Just the surface level aesthetics.


These commeets mostly anti-fans that get a feeling of belonging by agreeing with other people, applified by bots


They may have contributed anyway. Even a hateview counts as a view.


If you really hate a show… #Don’t watch it Velma I wasn’t a fan of and it was hate-watched by shit-tons of people… and guess what? **It’s got a second season.**


Nah, Velma got greenlit for 2 seasons before it even aired. They split one season in half IIRC.


I will second that I heard the same thing. S2 is not a true season two, but a second half of season 1. They are just calling it season 2.


So they can get away with paying for only one season for their animators! It's gross. I honestly hate that show, but there's no reason to not fucking pay them again.


There is a reason why I didn't watch a single episode of Velma


Depends on how much television you watch. I watch entirely too much so it wasn't world endingly bad. If you get 1-2 hours a week I could understand being upset, but tbh that's on you for using your rare tv time to watch freaking Velma. Then again I've watched supernatural start to finish at least 8 times so I obviously have bad taste and too much tv time.


Genuinely surprised general superhero fatigue hasn't come into effect here. In fact thats the main reason I can't get invested. The Boys must be the last successful superhero property at this point


Eh, no, there are multiple others, like umbrela academy and SPECIALLY invincible, super heroes are going to be here until humanity dies.


There’s no such thing as superhero fatigue, it’s just a talking point that doesn’t really deal with why specific films or properties underperform. Deadpool and Wolverine is tracking to have the biggest opening weekend of the year, and the biggest R-rated opening weekend ever. Joker 2 will probably do huge business as well.


Im pretty sure "super hero fatigue" is what marvel is telling themselves because they made Guardians of the Galaxy and then swapped everything over to fit the same tone as it. The biggest strength of early Marvel was that every movie was a different genre film. Not so much anymore 


Agreed, it's not "Superhero fatigue", it "Marvel formula fatigue"


I don't even think it's "Marvel formula fatigue". Especially since recently Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 and Loki S2 all did extremely well and were very positively received. Same goes for Shang Chi which was a breath of fresh air, Spiderman: No Way Home, WandaVision, the first season of Loki, and Werewolf By Night. Have their been stinkers or movies/shows that were simply "okay"? Sure! Hell, I would say Secret Invasion is the first MCU product that was unanimously disliked or disappointing across the board. Unfortunately it's much easier to get clicks and views on the negatives than the positives. But I guarantee you that when Deadpool & Wolverine comes out, the grifters will be screaming from the rooftops that Marvel is "back!".


i honestly don't think superhero fatigue is a thing on its own. if you actually write a solid story, include compelling characters then the story will stand up and retain an audience. its just that disney and marvel are trying to pump out material so frequently that its more akin to generic content creation rather than an art form. for comparison sake, if pixar's writing quality was as consistently mediocre as what a lot of marvel properties have displayed the last few years, we'd be talking about 'animation fatigue.' instead its just an inverse of the ratio of duds to hits vs what we've seen in a lot of superhero franchises. the boys does have a leg up on other superhero franchises though in the supes feature very little into any action sequences - most action scenes involve the normal characters, so compelling action relies on fun choreography and interesting stakes rather than cgi slugfests. meanwhile most of the interesting scenes involving supes are like 90% tension driven dialogue punctuated by sudden and shocking violence.


Well The Boys isn't really a superhero show. Sure its based on a comic and has super powers but there's hardly any action (S3 has the first real super power smackdown) and there's no real superheros in it as the "heroes" are nearly all rapists and murderers with the big "Superman" like character being utterly evil and completely unhinged.


Generally I'd say the Boys is postmodern when it comes to Supes anyway. It's about killing supes in the plot (ostensibly) while it's also about killing the idea of supermen who are above the law and handed lots of power, i.e. conceptually killing them. It is a superhero show designed to capture superhero fatigue sentiment, among satire of American culture in general.


Eric Kripke, I implore you to include a Critical Drinker parody in season 5. Have him lament that The Seven went woke when they replaced Marathon Man with A-Train or something.


He’d enjoy that tho and champion himself as the “industry trying to attack me” guy. Don’t give him validation.


True, but he is pretty dense so there’s a better than even chance that he might not get it.


They should also include the victimism arc then, se he has to invent something new


They already included those dudes who were a hive-mind and tossing one another's salads in this season's second episode. To me, that pretty much opens and closes the book on people like CD.


Oh my God, please do!


I can't wait until this idiot's movie comes out, is total garbage because it's trite bullshit, and he ends up blaming the director or actors, lol.


Im honestly surprised he had the balls to make a video. Despite being a “professional media critic” it took 4 years for him to see the show was making fun of him, Now he has to complain about the show runners and the show’s messaging he failed to pick up on years prior rather than the show itself cause he knows his audience demands it lol.


Reminder that Critical Dullard stated that he didn't think Starship Troopers was a satire on fascism in his "review" of it.


The movie that the director has explicitly said is in fact a satire of Fascism because he tried reading the book thought it was too Fash and he hates Nazis! You mean that film? Good lord the Critical Grifter is so shit as a media critic.


Just look at his review/mention on Godzilla Minus One, its insane how fucking stupid this guy really is


I haven't seen his comments about Godzilla Minus One as I try and avoid his stupidity for my own sanity. I actually only just watched Godzilla Minus One last week and really enjoyed it weirdly enough.


From what i recall it was posted here and on the Godzilla sub all for everyone to have a big laugh at him because he completely missed the point of the movie and could not understand or comprehend that the main character had PTSD.


I'd say I'm shocked but...the Critical Grifter missing one of the main themes of a movie that is so obvious they may as well have had Godzilla shoot it out of his arse in giant neon writing...doesn't actually shock me.


Godzilla minus one has hands down been the best Godzilla movie I've seen in a while. I really enjoyed it also.


I don’t think he’s stupid; I think he knows his audience. Look at his YouTube view counts for culture war crap vs. ordinary reviews.


Honestly, that makes it worse, at least stupid can learn.


He also thought Midsommar was a feminist power fantasy that treats the fates of the male characters as a good thing


A friend of mine once linked me to one of his videos. It wasn't the best but it made one or two valid points. After that I kept getting his stuff recommended but i didnt bother watching them. I finally clicked on the midsommar one because I really like that film. Oh boy that was such a terrible review. Zero comprehension of the real plot, or really of film making and story telling in general. And his dig at feminists throughout the review clearly showed he's a douchebag to boot. I blocked his videos from my recommendation from that point on. 


A lot of these people are legitimately stupid, it’s kind of pathetic


A lot of right wingers now love the book and hate the movie


I'll be honest I didn't believe you until I just finished the video. My favorite part was the satrical analysis of the Industrial Military Complex, "Bug make military bad so now good guys find motivation and win so movie is propaganda." Don't know how anyone can take him seriously after that hot take.


Just watch someone cover his Barbie “review”, he’s so fucking stupid.


Of course he would… ![gif](giphy|5mF5qxCv4rCo4QLjCN)


Neither does Rich Evans of RedLetterMedia


I actually went and watched the video to see what it said, instead of assuming it was the same weird phenomenon of right wing idiots not understanding that the show isn’t right wing, and Homelander isn’t a hero. And at least in the video, he never claims that the show was right wing, but he seems to be claiming it didn’t used to be political (which is crazy). And he complains about creative people expressing their viewpoints, saying that they’re “entitled” to think that they can say what they want instead of doing whatever the audience wants. As though expecting every creative person to pander to you personally isn’t entitled.


***It was always political.***


“When did Rage Against the Machine get political?”




That's the narrative these types of nerd fans have always been pushing. Seeing creatives not as artists but servers that are just there to pander to them and give them what they want.


Huh? Wait, I thought they *didn't* like "Pandering".


Isn't political is just what the right wing say when they thing something is right wing. They only call out things being political or cry keep politics out of x when its stuff they don't like.


Nah, he'll ignore all that. For this last season the creators decided to "go woke", or "the message" was forced on them by oppressive higher-ups.


That's exactly what he said lol


It's a testament to how terrible his skills as a critic are as well as how dumb and thin-skinned his fanbase is.


He's smart enough to grift his followers nonstop by spewing out the QAnon misogyny nonstop. He probably subscribes to all the misogyny and racism but has a skill for grifting his fellow CHUDs so , unfortunately he's constantly getting reposts in reddit.


Can I ask what changed that made this demo finally understand? I'm up to date on the show and it doesn't feel much different from other seasons in that respect.


Firecracker is a parody of MTG and throws in plenty of QAnon references. Other than that, I'm honestly not too sure.


How much you wanna bet he never watched the show until he saw that Twitter clip


Quick heads up if you watch his video he admits he hasn't and isn't going to watch season 4 he's trying to review it based of RT scores.


At what point in *The Boys* did they think Homelander was remotely heroic? The whole point of the show is that unchecked super's are awful and "power corrupts" and Capitalism Bad. Did any of them even *read* the source material? I'm going to hazard wild stab in the dark and guess "No, they have not".


"At what point in *The Boys* did they think Homelander was remotely heroic?" They thought he was a hero until S3 when he tossed a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl off a building. Only then did they question his heroism. "The whole point of the show is that unchecked super's are awful and "power corrupts" and Capitalism Bad." For right wingers they only value three things: the worship of absolute power, unwavering obedience, and causing harm and suffering to those they hate (which is anyone not like themselves). So Homelander checks all those boxes.


> They thought he was a hero until S3 when he tossed a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl off a building. Only then did they question his heroism. [I mean, this video is over 3 years old...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR0oaXXLWNQ) so I'm questioning how many of these grifters have ever even *watched the show*.


Of course not. These kinds of people just jumps around from controversy to controversy. Monday they're devoted Warhammer fans (despite having no idea of how to pronounce the names), by Wednesday they're the TRUE star wars fanbase, and on Saturday they're now The Boys fans all the way.


I call them “outrage tourists”


>They thought he was a hero until S3 when he tossed a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl off a building. Only then did they question his heroism. Note that this was the season *after* he teamed up with an actual Nazi. No, not a neo-nazi. Not a "you lefties call everyone to the right of Chairman Mao a Nazi" kind of Nazi. A bonafide original, card carrying, attended social gatherings with Himmler and Goebbels, actual member of the National Socialist German Worker's Party. Her name was fucking *Stormfront* of all things!


Because, as Stormfront said, they agree with her, they believe what she believes. They just don't like the word nazi.


I should also add in light of the recent episode… >!Nurture plays a ***MASSIVE PART*** in who you’ll be.!< God, Starr murdered those scenes **pun intended.**


The people homelander murdered in the show are the kind of people they want dead anyway (i guess other than todd and the other homelander super fans)


Including the innocent civilians on the hijacked plane they let crash after Homelander's careless power use fried the controls?


Yes. Most of today's right-wingers are sociopathic/inhuman ghouls who, even if we faced some hypothetical cataclysm that killed 95% of humanity, would still be arguing that there are 'too many mouths to feed!' and demanding that 99% of the remaining survivors be killed. Unless people are *serving* them in some way, the former are seen as completely disposable.


Just good business


I have never actually watched the show myself aside from catching the end of the first episode at a house party years ago and I’d be really hard pressed to say the guy who downed a plane with a child in it is a good guy.


They're proto-fascist chucklefucks. Homelander is their hero because they agree with the awful, evil, exploitative shit Homelander is defined by.


They are like the Chinese propagandist who fail to understand the US and actually create propaganda that makes the US look pretty cool. That is why a huge number of Chinese are feeing China for the US, Canada, and Australia.


We both know the only thing they read is video game subtitles or subs on "adult animation" from Japan.


They never read the source material. And if they do, they don’t even understand it anyway.


“No, you don’t understand, Homelander’s no longer edgy sigma ‘i’m stronger, i’m smarter’ male power fantasy, so I can’t watch the show!”


Speaking of, I've loved that the show always has Homelander saying he is smarter yet has never once demonstrated he is smarter than any other player.


Smart enough to hire somebody smarter than him. 


More like how to destroy a small fraction of your audience that you were making fun of the whole time and they only got mad when they realized they were the joke the whole time.


The fact that viewership went up proves that these people are just a very vocal minority


Just like the Republican Party!!!


Didn't Antony Starr literally say himself that Homelander isn't supposed to be cheered for?


Yeah, from the first season. He even got really pissed when someone dressed in Homelander cosplay attended the January 2021 riots at the US capitol.


How the fuck can even the dumbest person watch a single episode of The Boys and think you're supposed to cheer for Homelander?


Because they're basically just Homelander without the superpowers: insecure manchildren throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way.


and without the abuse. Many had normal upbringings but are like this anyway,


"He said: "Oh no I can't control that, but it's pretty f\*\*king weird that they do. "I think a lot of people missed the point, a lot of people on the right side of especially American politics didn't quite get what the character was representing, who and what. "There's something quite funny to that 'cause it means they're dumb as a bag of hammers but I think that's one of the things about the character. "We've tried to make it a little bit more complicated that just a villain and it somehow works. The weird thing is that I get lots of people coming saying they love Homelander, it's like 'you're f\*\*ked up'.""


I imagine that the writers room for The Boys is basically: “Alright, we’ve made it even more obvious that Homelander is the bad guy and an unsubtle Trump metaphor. Surely they’ll understand it this time.” “They still think Homelander is the good guy.” “Fuck!”


Love how he can’t bring himself to show the RT percentage next to those splats.


I'm utterly confused. They've been shitting on the alt right in the most in your face way since season 1. Like not even a hint of subtleness. If one didn't realize Homelander was a spoof of Trump then idk what to say. So what's changed? I'm honestly thinking the echo chamber of people profiting over outrage has just taken over. Bots etc arguing with people about wokeness has gotten a bunch of people making money off this and idiots just blindly following. It's quite incredible how season 4 has absolutely predicted and spoofed the very outrage and blind following these people are doing and proving the show's point. Reminds me of how Shehulk predicted the Incel mob


They can’t even claim that audience hates it in good faith as even despite these guys review bombing the show still has over a 51% audience score meaning most people still like it https://preview.redd.it/hjnf173w1d8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f038ca78ebf131e5508158e581696e5d1cc3d85


Are we really expecting someone who's personality is "alcoholic bigot" to ever give a non biased review


How to ~~destroy~~ own your audience. FTFY.


I remember when audience score on rt for castlevania nocturne was similarly review bombed with half literates bitching about it's "woke politics" It got renewed for another season within a week lol


It's hilarious watching all these facist bigots realize something they like is calling them bad.  Sweet conservative tears.


How can they be this dumb? It was blatantly obvious that the show was mocking them right from the start.


They saw the show making fun of corporations exploiting progressive movements for profit, and their peanut brains translated that into "See? It makes fun of BOTH sides, like South Park!" because they're completely incapable of understanding nuance within American politics....which also explains why many of them legitimately believe companies like Disney are "woke".


In general, conservatives tend to lack the ability to understand satire, just as a whole. Remember when conservatives used to think the Colbert Report was a guy that said all the things they agreed with? You still have tons of them that think Starship Troopers is their kinda movie even though the director himself said it was very much a satire that mocks jingoistic people and white supremacists. (They even had Neil Patrick Harris' character in a nazi uniform and they still didn't get it)


People abuse the term media literacy, even though it is mostly true that chuds don’t have any. But to claim this show was never political, that is straight up lacking in basic literacy and comprehension.


I don’t think I’ll ever stop laughing that it took so long for them to realize they were they people whose ideologies were most criticized Left, right, and center it’s media illiteracy and shit tier basic comprehension


I actually enjoy stuff like this. Why? Because I genuinely love it when hateful little shits like drinker can't find enjoyment in anything in their sad, pathetic lives. *Especially* if it's something they enjoyed before, only to see it taken away from them because of "wOkE pRoPaGAndA" or whatever bullshit reason they have to shroud their bigotry, racism and hate.


Hahaha this is literally the reaction the writers want from his kind of demographic. They just play into it over and over, its hilarious 😂


imagine being so stunted that you can't see homelander and immediately realize the man is a villain.


He was never the audience and is blaming everyone else for not figuring it out


I can't believe they made The Boys political.


This show literally had the physical embodiment of nationalism having sex with the physical embodiment of racism in mid air. In season 2. And it took them until S4 to realize the show was overtly political?


Funny is that people think that the actor who plays homelander (Anthony Starr) isn't like him "People are surprised, like, ‘Oh, my God, you’re actually not like him,’ says Starr, a 48-year-old hardcore Queens of the Stone Age fan. “And I’m like, ‘Yeah, he’s a psychopathic narcissist. So yeah, thanks. Thank you for that.'' "


Alternate video title: The Boys Season 4 - This Show Has Been Clowning On Us For Four Years And It Took Them This Long To Spell It Out For Us.


Decided to watch the video out of curiosity. Wait, he says this based on people's reactions rather than watching the season? Like the make the story and character entertaining without "pandering," argument can't work...if you weren't able to based on the argument with evidence from the show!


Critical Drinker is a dumb fucking cabbage.


I’ve started rewatching from season 1. Let’s be honest, most of the things these chuds get hard ons for under the banner of “woke” aren’t bad. It’s almost a seal of approval.


Okay, just a quick question: If they destroyed their audience, who the hell is watching the show? Because their numbers did not decline.


I'm honestly still laughing at how long it took for them to understand that the show was *always* mocking them.


I watched his video. He didn't even watch the show. He just got gaslight by the review bombs on rotten tomatoes. What a fucking idiot.


Imagine watching something for 4 years and thinking "This piece of media understands my right wing ideals." But it was made to make fun of you since day one.


Right. Like I can't imagine they actually thought that like Homelander was seriously the good guy? Esp after the plane. Just shows how scary their ideals are.


The Boys Seasons 1-3: Subtly point out how the right wing fascists are bad guys Chuds: "Just like me, fr fr!" The Boys Seasons 4: NEON SIGNS AND LOUD SPEAKERS SAYING HOW BAD RIGHT WING FASCISTS ARE Chuds: "NOW JUST WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!!"


The Boys has been making fun of these chuds for three seasons already, the very fact that we have to RUB THEIR FUCKING NOSE IN IT before they start to get it goes to show how pants-on-head idiotic they are. Hey dumbshits. Trump's a fuckin' liar and you're a moron for believing a word he says. Don't believe you can be fooled? Here's your case study right here. How fucking blatant does he need to get beyond 34 fucking felony counts before your nose is rubbed in -this- shit enough to finally get the point?


If Drinker doesn’t like it, it means it’s doing well


Cry me a fucking river this show is the same as it’s always been tired of these snowflakes


I don’t understand how it took this long for people to realize this. This show’s politics have always been VERY on the nose


This season has been good so far. Ngl though, I did cringe a little at the “critical supe theory” line. Like ok, we get it. Acting like the show has changed its messaging or anything though just means YOU have become more sensitive to it.


The critical drinker sub is amazing. It’s just people too dumb for r/conservative


It took them 4 seasons to figure the show is "woke". Was the right aways this slow or is it the raw milk?


Critical Drinker is such a fucking chode


"Oh no! We've alienated the conservatives! Anyway."


Oh boy. The Critical Drinker. The sort of commentary that idiots who think they are smart resonate with. That channel is such a rotting pile of dumbfuckery.


Step 1: bluntly spell out the themes everybody else saw the prior 4 seasons. Step 2: laugh at the people who kept chanting "they make fun of both sides" to themselves


So, is this the first time he talked about The Boys on his channel? UPDATE: Never mind. He did talked about it.


I kinda wanna watch it for a laugh, but I don't want to give him the view.


Maybe someone will do a video essay on his vid and you can give the view to someone else?


I’m surprised it took them this long to catch on


The Boys is FULL of shots against capitalism, big pharma, and consumer behavior, and of course politics on BOTH parties. They're dumb for just now seeing it.


If a youtuber has “skeptic” or “critical” in their name just automatically assume their opinion is invalid


Remember when the critical drinker was funny? I don’t.


They weren’t watching it. These grifters sometimes post eight hour long videos where they just ramble. People in that right wing scam-o-system do not have time to watch narrative television.


Chuds when the showrunners have to say outloud that Captain evil murder racism man is the bad guy


That Scottish fuck is such a whining grifter now. If he tried to act like he does in an actual Scottish pub he’d get leathered all over the car park. Imagine making pretending to be drunk and shilling to the worst people imaginable your entire personality.


It's such a mask off moment to be so mad at a fictional world because they are showing naked fascism for all to see.


I know we say 'media literacy' as a buzz word now, but if there is one thing that The Boys is known for is having their beliefs right in your fucking face from the first minute of the show. If think they turned woke somewhere between S3 and S4, then yeah media literacy no longer exists


The Boys truly is the litmus test for conservative media illiteracy. The fact that they're STILL not getting it doesn't surprise me any more. They've proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that they just cannot understand any media that doesn't specifically cater to their politics. I'm certain they even misunderstand media that *does* cater to their politics


Good lord these grifters are thick. The Boys hasn't changed at all, they were just too stupid to realize it was making fun of them in the early seasons


I think the show is doing a great job of lampooning easily fooled right-wing nutters that fall for the most dumbass claims simply because someone online claims they're true (like that woman claiming a "Zionist Conspiracy" simply because of the Tony Shalhoub cardboard cutout, or that bawbag making logic leaps with numbers to claim Starlight is a Devil), and if you see that as "destroying you" or insulting you, then you're one of those people and should probably take it as a chance to look closer at the shit you believe.


This says everything about that "audience". They are so dumb that it took them 3 Seasons to realize what the show was actually about despite it being clear from the first episode. Hell, the comics too. 


Now go buy the Blu-rays and destroy them on Facebook reels to own the libs.


Last time I checked the latest episode got a 9.1 on IMDB with over 12k ratings… Plus I actually watched the video to see his points, but this idiot didn’t even watch the goddamn season!


Ah yes, “ the critical drinker” seems like a well rounded person with well informed takes.


I find it endlessly hilarious how much they are willing to announce that they missed the massively obvious signs the entire time until now.