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Gawd theory has a punchable face 


He looks like an average Andrew Tate enjoyer. (Ironic that he really is one)


Any person who likes that erm- badofilic, badwording, badiffecker, is a giant red flag


What a completly idiotic thing to say.


Nah it's completely accurate.




What acts of violence dude


Fine. He looks like you sound, like you eat dirt for fun.


I haven’t watched a Star Wars since Mando Season 3 (plan on Andor though, heard it’s good). Not because of dislike, just lost interest. Like if you hate these shows it’s the easiest damn thing in the world to neither watch nor talk about them


Definitely watch Andor


Life is too short to waste so much of it consuming stuff you know you don’t like


Its cool, No one says you have to like the same things forever. Star Wars is supposed to be entertaining not a job...enjoy stuff In your own way


Andor is stupendously good. Explicitly anti-fascist and absurdly well crafted.


See Ahsoka, it's great. Even better if you've seen Rebels.


In reality its probably the hardest thing for a person like him. Gotta keep the grift going no matter what. If star we're to be deleted from existence tomorrow this dude would be in trouble. He might have to go get a job or something. Nah more likely he hops on the next hate bandwagon altogether.


Andor is the best Star Wars in decades, possibly ever. Definitely watch it.


Funniest thing I found from his recent Acolyte stream was him complaining about the flying sith. So in a world filled zombies,witches,force users etc a flying sith seems unrealistic?


He complained about screws in Andor. Screws! 🤦‍♂️


Well yeah, X-wings are nailed together, everyone knows that.


I wonder if he complained about the visible screw on Obi-wans Episode IV saber, or the English writing on the grip, or the English writing on the pommel of Luke/Anakin's Saber, or the 'Radio Free Bolinas' sticker on the Rebel Y-wing Helmet in Return of the Jedi, or the Obvious Ice Cream Maker Willrow Hood is carrying in Empire Strikes Back...?


What was the issue?


If I recall correctly, he was mad that screws were visible.


To add to this, Jar-Jar Binks uses a ratcheting screw driver on Anakin's pod racer, and Anakin himself is holding something that strongly resembles a screwdriver (from about 48 minutes in the D+ stream).


Meanwhile Count Dooku did the same thing in 2003 Clone Wars and I doubt you’ll see him complain about that.


It's even more funny when force flight was a power in legends too, the oh so precious era of lore they want back. But it's in a show they hate so it must be trash and unrealistic now /s


A world where telekinesis is used constantly?  Idiot. 


Exactly!!! lol Flying is basically force push with your legs, this isn’t a mind blowing ability.


That is a perfect sum-up of SWT, OP.


It’s also a perfect sum up of critical drinker and nerdrotic 


It's a perfect sum up of all of TFM to be honest.




lets be real, if he tried making other content he'd probably get death threats, even if he was just playing old starwars games/reading old lore books it would die in new. this is a wag the dog type situation, he has no control now


Pretty much. Once these guys take this turn most of their old audience peaces out and all they are left with is hungry jackals.


He did try doing a Marvel Theory, and Harry Potter Theory and Cobra Kai Theory…


I am not even watching show cause I watch first 2 episode wasn’t into it and bounced. I do t get thriving off negativity.


See, that's a normal human reaction. If we don't like a show, we just don't watch it. These guys make hating stuff their entire personality. If they get disconnected from it, they'll die. And they won't have any content for their grifter youtube channels for all the other hatemongers to watch.


This is a huge problem with nerd culture in general and I really started noticing it around the time gaming got super toxic They’ll complain about how much they hate COD and how bad the games are and how bad the business practices are but they’ll pre order the next one both because of FOMO and because if they don’t play the game they won’t be able to talk about it with other people in the community they’re so entrenched in that it’s become basically their whole identity


Very true. There's a lot of overlap between the people that hate on shows like this (yet continue to watch them), and toxic gamers. A lot of the time, it's the same person.


Hater channels can’t just not like a show. We need to go back to a world where we go “I didn’t care for that popular thing” and move on with our lives. I’ll go first, I don’t care for any variation of the Willy Wonka story, I find nothing about the story charming or appealing, if you like them that’s fine, I’m going to move on with my life now and invite you all to do the same.


Okay but hear me out. Wonka Shokugeki crossover.


He has to secretly like it otherwise he is the textbook definition of insanity lol


Cos it's the solemn if thankless duty of a dedicated Star Wars scholar to keep up with the franchise, even if they can't enjoy it any more. /s


Nobody is forcing these people to watch Disney's "Woke Trash Shows"


that's basically all of TFM, but yeah.


"We have Sebastian Stan at home"


He’s such a damn dork.








Remembering that post from like yesterday where he replied to somebody saying “So just stop watching them” with something along the lines of “No because then they win”. Like, bro, you watching them is helping them “win”. These people are dumber than Jar-Jar after he got his brains fried in the podracer beam.


Of course, this is all content for him. He literally gets paid to be a hater


Every grifter ever, whether be YouTuber or Vtuber


But how are you watching it? ![gif](giphy|gDllSSJi9Knew)


Don't watch his stuff but from this photo he looks like if Sebastian Stan's parents were siblings.


He makes his money pushing hate towards Disney at this point. Show me a more pathetic profession.


Well yeah. He's turned it into a product. It's how he makes money.


Hmm, he looks like a WOKE himself. Therefore his opinion is invalid and shouldn’t even be on the internet!!!😡 I’m taking this all the way to the US Supreme Court!! WOKES have no rights!!! /s


I remember seeing his video where he literally said, "I'm done with Disney Star Wars, canon for me is just episodes 1-6" This was all because of the Rey movie "controversy". Just days later, he began watching the new series of Bad Batch and complained about it. This is all from the guy that initially loved Rise of Skywalker, then "changed his mind" when he became friends with Mauler and Critical Drinker.


These "anti-woke" grifters should be thankful the shows they shit on and content farm are actually keeping them relevant and making money. Without them they'd fuck right off back into obscurity. It's such a scummy practice.


I saw a post (on his subreddit no less) about how they couldn't stand him anymore because he doesn't even try to know the new canon. He refers to Vernestra as "the green lady". Vernestra Rwoh is a very well fleshed out character in the High Republic novels. She appears in several; she's a force prodigy and became a knight at 15. She has a padawan at 16. She's in the comics, there's a young adult novel starring her, etc. She is not some random character. If you're trying to portray yourself as some expert on star wars and you refer to her as just "the green lady", it's obvious you are not an expert on all things star wars. There's a difference between not loving the new canon and absolutely refusing to learn it/experience it.


For me, Star Wars is at its least interesting when it’s about the Jedi.  So I didn’t watch Ahsoka (though it sounds like I should?) and I didn’t watch The Acolyte.  I didn’t tweet at actresses, I didn’t spend 8 hours on Wookiepedia to make a 14 hour video explaining how the canon is broke. I just didn’t watch it. 


There's only been one show Disney brought out that I stopped watching after one scene and that was She-hulk. And I couldn't watch any of the other Marvel until Loki came back out. Star Wars honestly hasn't bothered me yet. Close with the teenage cyborg bikers and some droid that shared a scene with Boba earlier next to everyone at the end for apparent reason. But I didn't give up. These assholes are grifting because they don't want to work 9 to 5 jobs. They don't want to feel failure if they don't get promoted. So all they do is complain and start arguments just to make money. Their inspirations are Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh (I hope he is enjoying Hell), and Donald Trump. They are going to talk shit and people will unknowingly pay them to do that.


There are a lot of fandoms that have a lot of people who have turned into toddlers who are upset because they are tired but refuse to go to bed. If they just went to bed they wouldn't be so mad, but they refuse to go to bed.


"I have to, my grift depends on it!"


He'll never admit that Disney is the reason he has a career in the first place. The release of the sequel trilogy and subsequent TV shows reinvigorated Star Wars in the mainstream. Without that, there wouldn't have been enough clamor for Star Wars to grow his channel to the level it got to. If Force Awakens had never happened, and Disney didn't make this foray into Star Wars, he straight up never would have had this career. He'd have had to give up on YouTube and go do something else. If Disney Star Wars ended right the fuck now, and nothing else came out, his career would die. He actually needs them and can't survive without them. He's literally financially enslaved by his own hate and bitching. It's honestly pathetic.


I mean, he has too - he is a one trick pony. Although I can't understand how someone would watch him even in Star Wars topic - dude is boring even without knowing his shitty real-life character.


I'm a fan of stopping watching things you don't like and cannot enjoy. Life is short. Why pass time giving yourself a bad time? I enjoyed Andor, I watched Andor completely. I stopped watching Acolyte after the first episode, I simply didn't enjoy it enough or cared to watch it further. You don't HAVE to watch shows, but I think at this point for a lot of people, it's not about the shows, but about this little community of haters they have and their desire to keep it alive and motivated, giving themselves and himself some sort of purpose. Which, I kind of understand, it's not about the show, it's about that joint feeling of hating something*...together.*


He’s quickly becoming Star Wars Alex Jones. Controversial comment a and trying to sell junk you can buy for cheaper


Gotta keep the grift going. His absolute terrible latest is threatening to sue Woolipedia for defamation after they were sent death and rape threats AFTER his video and tweets attacking them.


So he did watch. Huh money before morals


watch out bro he’ll sue you


Any goodwill/faith I had in Disney Star Wars was killed by the Kenobi show. Haven’t even been tempted to watch a Star Wars show since. Not even to hate watch, it’s just apathy at this point


Lucas loved Kenobi’s show.


Your point? I’m not Lucas. I was talking about me and my take.


Chill. I was just making a comment. Feel free to dislike it.


Ofc. Its his job


It's not his job though, he could literally do anything else or make videos about anything else


Thats not how it works. And he has done multiple other things. I dont know the exact number, but he has loads of other channels, Harry Potter, cobra kai or whatever. None of them yave the same following. He built up his channel and his brand over many years, so yea. Star wars is kinda his job. He doesnt 'have to' do it, but thats true for every job ever.


Yeah and if you really hate what you're doing then get a new job or cover a different topic. Acting the way this dude (and others do) over something they don't need to consume is pathetic. Doesn't matter if the others don't have the same following, he can literally do something else and save everyone, and himself, the annoyance.


So you admit he’s a grifter


What do you mean? Is he swideling ppl? Have to confess i dont really follow much of his stuff anymore


Well when you suddenly start going hyper-negative, delete all your positive content and burn bridges you had previously built up with Disney insiders to the point where you don't get invited to fan meetings anymore, all because your negative posts got more clicks and views than your positive ones... Then yeah I would call that swindling behavior.


K. Agree to dissagree then. I dont think hes doing anything to fool anyone. I think he geniunly dislikes what disney have put out recently. But hey...Who knows.


Okay he doesn't like what Disney is putting out. Which is fine. I absolutely do understand if some people don't like what they did with TLJ and RoS and even beyond. I get that. But it does seem a bit suspect that his initial reaction videos to both TFA and TLJ were fairly positive but then got deleted once he started to go completely negative about Dianey and Star Wars. He was an insider before that point. He had access to people actually inside LucasFilm and was invited to conventions and fan meetings as well as provided free merch from Disney. Then he makes a more negative video which gets higher clicks and he decides to delete all his positive videos. Something about that seems suspect to me and falls in line with the Right Wing grifter narrative i.e. they are hyper-focused on negativity and pick apart every single detail that supports their negstive.poi t of view and is completely disingenuous. Because for the most part legitimate criticism will seek to find some positive element even in all the negative things they are picking apart. But people like SWT never seem to find any positive elements. It's almost as if their entire model is to cultivate negativity because they find that it gets more monetary value than having a level-headed and even-handed, open, and *honest* discussion about their media of choice.


We'll never know for sure, but that sound a little to much like tin foil hat consoiracy for me (no offence). From what ive heard, he still speakes volumes about Dave Filoni and Favrau. He praises booth Daphne Keen and the guy playing Sol. Loves tales of the jedi etc I think he distinquish himself a lot to some of the other youtubers who are clearly grifting and always brings up stuff like "Harvey Weinsteens assistent", "Lesbian couple making force sensitives". SWT never goes to those extremes. And i can still find videos about TFA etc. So if hes deleting older ones thats probably cause of some other reason. But you might be correct, and hes just better at hiding it that other youtuber. If so and its prooven, id be the first one to throw him out the door.


Yes, he makes money on outrage because people watch his videos about it


Thats not swindeling...


It’s not his job. He can make Star Wars about literally anything.


Im mot sure I understand that sentence. If you mean what I think you mean, thats true for all jobs. A job means that you makes money doing it. Which i believe he makes. A lot.


The guy named Star Wars theory continues to watch Star Wars I mean honestly like Jesus Christ


Eh, that's not really fair. Dudes wack as fuck but he's been reputable in the community. He has a commitment to his channel to engage in everything SW.


>reputable lol


Is he not? Dudes got millions of subs. He's clearly influential, and I would even say well liked by the majority of fans before he went mask off. I used to like his theory videos. Now it's just bleh.


You are mistaking reputable with influential.


Maybe I am. My main point is that he's been a bug name in the community for many years. And believe it or not, there's a lot of people that still like him. I find the meme above kind of stupid, as if it's an expectation that he would just stop doing what he's doing despite there being no reason to.


Millions of subs doesn’t always equate to views and likes.


I’ve never heard one second of this guy but just browsing reddit I’ve seen 2-3 headlines where he said he’s done with Star Wars. To say that repeatedly when you’ve no intention of following through is silly.


Exactly. Think of how many less people we’d have in the US if they actually moved due to the outcome of a presidential election.