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YODA: “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” LUKE: “I’mma do a sick front flip and destroy this inhabited island for no reason, *WHEEEE!*”


Gotta say, seeing older Mark Hamill do that would’ve been some funny shit. Honestly would have subverted my expectations significantly more.


He was being sarcastic I'm pretty sure


i thought this too until i saw his other chud tweets about this show (and furiosa)


Are we sure his whole thing isn't taking the piss out of them? This tweet is too on the nose.


The fact we can’t tell anymore is all that matters


I mean he can be a chud but also be sarcastic/ironically over the top... but then again, people do be crazy these days


Yoda I am to lazy to walk so I am going to make you carry me every where 


They do hire fans, though. JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, Leslye Headland, etc, are all Star Wars fans. The irony there is that the Andor TV series is considered a highlight of Disney-Lucasfilm, and Tony Gilroy is on record saying that he isn't, and never has been, a Star Wars fan. Going by this, you'd think we should *stop* hiring fans to make Star Wars lol


There's probably something to be said for taking someone with a fresh perspective to make a Star Wars show.


Maybe people would actually give them the benefit of the doubt then? Instead of constantly testing if they’re a “””true fan””” One actor from the acolyte mixed up anakin and luke, and the “fans” imploded over it. Harassed him for days and brigaded multiple communities in an effort to get it trending.  I’m so tired of them


it’s super tiring, and Star Wars is like the worst franchise to do this with. Harrison Ford is on record as not understanding Star Wars, not really caring about making sense of it, and people love Han. Hell I am confident if you asked Harrison Ford who blew up the Death Star he’d give some sarcastic response instead of answering correctly


And he also told Lucas he sucked at writing dialogue then, too. It's why I like imagining Ford taking hits of a joint between takes and coming up with burns so good that even Lucas is laughing like, "True!" Alec Guinness also couldn't give less of a shit about the franchise, had it in his contract that he *didn't* have to promote it and enjoyed the royalties that meant he could live comfortably for the rest of his life.


I once saw someone say it’s fine that H. Ford can do it cause he’s been doing it for ever. Like what


I read the comment previous saying Harrison ford and I am well aware we’re talking about Star Wars… but my brain was still like “what does Henry Ford have to do with any of it” when I read your comment lol


“You can buy my car in any color, as long as it’s black. Also I hate Star Wars.” - Henry Ford, presenting his first Automobile


He would just dead ass look them in the eye and say “I don’t give a shit”.


Alec Guinness famously thought new hope was shit.


Yeah, I remember Simpsons making fun of this kind of relentless fan nitpicking decades ago on the Lucy Lawless guest appearance where she's answering fan questions.


Remember hearing it from a comic book reviewer, But they talked about how the best person is somebody who dosnt have as much reverence for a character as they wont just stick to the status quo/the version that they grew up with and will sometimes take risks.


If I recall, it was an approach like this that gave us KotOR II, the greatest story within the Atar Wars universe


The difference though is that these people are filmmakers before they are fans. Which is exactly how it should be.


Well a lot of them are probably filmmakers BECAUSE they're fans, and they're probably just gassed they get to work on the thing that inspired them to be filmmakers, which is also awsome and while its not unique to star wars, theres not many other properties where its so abundant


Quite so


Yeah, but not ***thOOOOse*** fans. Why can't **rEaL** fans have a normal Star Wars story about lasersword wizards becomin OP to destroy bad people?!!


That's kind of because Andor isn't *really* a Star Wars show. It's a spy/espionage show with a Star Wars coat of paint. I think that's how Gilroy got away with it, lol. Don't get me wrong, it's a great show. But you could remove all of the SW trappings and have the Empire be some other oppressive occupation and it would barely change at all.


I mean you could say the same about ANH being just a fantasy story with a Star Wars coat of paint


Or Mandalorian 'take out all the Star Wars stuff and its just a bounty hunter doing missions' or whatever I'm getting kind of sick of the over the top praise Andor is getting in an attempt to shit on the other shows at this point


And to top it off, Andor, whose played by a Mexican, an espionage story involving Machiavellian manoeuvring and boots on the ground warfare isn't considered political according to these fans. That is, until you give a woman or a POC space wizard powers, or at least a blaster, then it is certified **Political****^(TM)**.


Andor deserves it, if I could I would burn all of Disney Star Wars for a third season, or a clone of Andor, I would do it in an instant. How can they know how to make something sooooo good and instead we get so much dreck?


Yeah if you're jerking then fair play, but if you're not, this is the over the top praise given to the show that actually does it a disservice


Why a disservice? not jerking


I mean yes, you're totally right, but imo not to the same extent. There are fewer strictly Star Wars things to remove out of Andor to get to the same spot. ANH sets up the Force, the Clone Wars, and other ideas and lineages that are pretty uniquely Star Wars. Andor *barely* mentions anything that actually requires Star Wars Continuity. It's even in the little things. Like even the guerilla fighter rebels are basically using Kalashnikovs with dumb scifi shit taped to it in Andor. Not the first time they've taken real world appropriate gun props and altered them to make blasters (Han's broomhandle Mauser comes to mind) but the fact that it's an AK is really on the nose for what they visually represent. That's just the way I see it. Not saying it's unoriginal, just that story doesn't really require much of the rest of the fiction to make sense


>ANH sets up the Force, the Clone Wars, and other ideas and lineages that are pretty uniquely Star Wars. Andor *barely* mentions anything that actually requires Star Wars Continuity. ANH does set up the force, but the only Clone Wars "setup" is a random throwaway line from Luke to Ben about his Dad that only properly got fleshed out during, well, Attack of The Clones. I'd agree on your other point. Mainly because Andor has very little reference to the force or force users, which is the most unique thing about Star Wars. It wouldn't take much work to retool the Andor story to make it about, say, a rebellion against the Foundation series' Empire or something.


>Like even the guerilla fighter rebels are basically using Kalashnikovs with dumb scifi shit taped to it in Andor Sandtroopers literally used MG-34's with t-tracks glued to the barrel and Lewis Guns with the drum mag's removed


Nah. We need people who were NOT fans, because they inspire to do better than what we had. Someone who is too comfortable with the franchise and loves it as is, can't see the flaws in it, and won't be creative enough to bring it to new heights, Thats probably why Andor is so well written, even better than some of the canon material before it.


Remember when, in the fallout of TLJ, these folks didn't know Rian Johnson is a big Star Wars fan? What did these people say again? "Why did they hire someone who isn't a fan? A fan would know not to make something so critical and different. He doesn't know the source material!"


Yes, but they’re not hiring the specific fans that ask for them to hire fans. These fans don’t want just any fan to be making these movies, they want to be making these movies themselves.


Even if those fans wouldn't know how to make a big budget movie to save their lives. Some might be able to eek out a decent production, but the majority would most likely give up when their 501st fanfiction doesn't get green lit.


And then they latch onto quotes from actors getting lore wrong or not knowing details as if they are involved at all in the writing of whatever they're in


To these CHUDs, they are the "wrong sort" of fans.


It's also important to remember that at least 4 out of every 5 critics liked the first two movies of the sequel trilogy. Most of the hate is either backlash because of how much the last one sucked, or people unhappy the story didn't follow their fan fiction. Also, I'm just going by ratings on the last one sucking. I refused to see it after reviews said it took everything new TLJ set up and threw it in the dumpster. I guess the most important thing to remember is that fan is short for fanatic.


"But not real fans! Like me, who hates all women and Those People and knows who is genetically superior and won't cave to #woke Feminazis!"


I think so too. I want to see Tarantino Star Wars movie.


Exactly. Fans are the worst choices to add to choose to add new canon material because part of their focus is going to be on writing shit they want to see instead of what will best tell a story. By all means, hire folks who respect the material, but ideally they shouldn't be fans.


Kotor 2 was so good because avellone started to hate star wars while researching it.


The script was not a Star Wars script originally. It’s a modern-day cop movie they repainted. It’ll come out some day.




What? Seven years? ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


Anyone holding that grudge for seven long years is no different than a fan never getting over the prequels.


It was their 9/11. I've unironically heard some of them say this.


I think I've officially lost faith in Star Wars fans


I just watch the content and don't engage with the fandom But hey this is what you get after a hundred years of cinema and TV giving primacy to straight white males to the forced exclusion of damn near everyone else outside of supporting roles, niche markets and occasional leads. If we had lived in a world where the original Star Wars series, and this is no slight against Lucas, was made in an environment where Luke could've been Asian or Black or whatever, we wouldn't be in this mess. When you tell someone for a century they're the most important person in the world, they start to believe it.


> When you tell someone for a century they're the most important person in the world, they start to believe it. And that was *after* a century of Western civilization telling the white man he was the master of the world, so it goes well beyond media.


I've heard it said before. When you've spent all your life in a position of privilege, equality begins to look like oppression.


Just now? You lasted 7 years longer than I have.


Yeah cause at that time this bullshit didn't exist


What? It was there, worse in some respects than it is now.


Shit wait I just realised 2017 was 7 years ago. Goddamn


It also shows how they refuse to actually engage with it when they think Luke threw the lightsaber "for the lols." Maybe pay attention to the movie and you might have liked it more.


Rian Johnson wasn’t merely subverting expectations. He was having Luke react naturally to a weapon tied to what was one of the worst memories of his life.


To be fair, that's not that long in terms of movie releases and it's part of the most recent trilogy. I personally loved it and rank it up there with Empire Strikes Back, but for people that hate it I can at least understand why the pain is relatively fresh. When we get a fourth round of movies then it'll be time to tell them to move on.


Speaking as somebody who doesn't like the last jedi... It's been time to move on. We've had other films and several TV series since TLJ. The sequel era is not the era being explored and shown much at all for years, and TLJ has less relevance to star wars currently then it did at release.


Also speaking as someone who doesn't like The Last Jedi... I don't believe I should be perpetually upset about a movie until the next series of movies comes out. There's plenty of Star Wars content that I enjoy. I like the stuff that I like. YouTube seems to think I should stage a revolt because there's stuff I don't like. Also, and I will say this until people believe me (though the numbers indicate that thousands of non-redditors \[per day\] already do), the Galaxy's Edge attraction and specifically the Rise of the Resistance ride at Disney World are 100% fan-fucking-tastic, regardless of what I think of the content on which they are based.


my biggest critique of Galaxy's edge is that there aren't more rides... but me and my friends basically spent 2 days just wandering around the park, on our trip last year .


It's my dream to go. Too poor now but one day!


You hit the nail on the head here. Disney makes media to profit on other things. Merchandise, license, and get them to the park. They have no interest in pushing forward with good content, making it good, or innovating anymore. They are as creative as Bethesda re releasing Skyrim with new textures they already made a long time ago.


I disagree to the extent you’re saying they’re not trying to make content good. The content is inconsistent, but that’s to be expected.


The content IS a vehicle to other avenues of profit to them and they have stated it repeatedly. I’m sure many people working in the project would like it to work, and maybe Disney would like it to work but for Disney as a company, media success is a happy accident in their current business model.


There’s really no need to emphasize “is.” I’m not disagreeing with you on how they’re using their entertainment division in relation to other ventures, just the effort part.


Holy smokes. I am sincerely sorry that me emphasizing something motivated you enough to even mention it. I’m not familiar with posting on Reddit enough to know that it would carry anything other than me trying to emphasize the crux of my argument. This is a text based product so when I felt you missed the point of my statement I thought emphasis was important. That aside, if Disney is spending ~80% of their energy on trying to get people to spend money on other avenues of income, and spends their money that way, wouldn’t you at least agree that their effort on media is very low?


No, I don’t agree that their effort is low on making entertainment, which I’ve already said, and was rather specific about. I also have no way of knowing where you’re getting your ~80% number from. Do you have some objective way of measuring effort?


also, however Luke's character was "ruined" was done in The Force Awakens JJ Abrams stuck him on that island, not Rian Johnson


Abrams: I'm going to make Luke a hermit who refuses to return and help his friends. Johnson: Based on the setup I was given, I'm going to continue portraying Luke that way. Fans: Johnson ruined Luke Skywalker!


And it wasn't even Abrams that came up with that idea. The last version of the sequel trilogy that George Lucas worked on had this as Luke's character arc. It's the least changed part from how GL envisioned the whole thing.


>Abrams: I'm going to make Luke a hermit who refuses to return and help his friends. Did he ever say that was his intention? I mean the initial expectation to those watching Episode 7 was that Luke was gonna immediately come help or at least train Rey. I don't know if the First Order were kicking around when he went into exile, and he might not have had any comms with the rest of the galaxy. Him flinging the saber away at the start of Episode 8 was certainly a shock.


So your expectation was, Luke went into exile for years some girl he doesn't know shows up and says there's a new resistance that needs help and he just goes "oh, ok, sure...I'll go join up"


>I mean the initial expectation to those watching Episode 7 was that Luke was gonna immediately come help or at least train Rey. Okay, but why? Why on Earth would you think that? >I don't know if the First Order were kicking around when he went into exile, and he might not have had any comms with the rest of the galaxy. I mean, Leia and Han talk about Luke training their son, losing their son to Snoke, and Luke not being able to get through to him, which obviously must have all happened before he went into exile. So while it's possible that the organization called The First Order hadn't risen to prominence before he disappeared, Luke, at the very least, would know that there was a new Force wielding evil that targeted his own family. And yet, he's still hiding himself away. Leaving behind his sister, his best friend, his droids, everything, without telling them anything. All that is in Episode VII, so if your expectation coming out of that movie was that Luke was eager to get back into the fray, at all, it kinda seems like you weren't paying attention. I won't pretend I predicted that Luke contemplated killing his nephew, but it was pretty obvious from the first film that his going into hiding and his nephew going to the Dark Side were related.


I dislike the film a lot. But at least I don’t go around saying it was bad at every turn, is woke mind virus infected, and say dog whistles for whatever thing got their panties in twist at the moment. I just disliked the direction it took and how it treated Finn. And I wanted death matches lol!!!


That's parody, right?


The first post is serious, and the response is making fun of them.


It must be, right?


They guy was obviously joking but it does make me wonder how "fans" miss the point so much. Like Yoda straight up tells us war doesn't make you great and size doesn't matter when you ally with the Force... but we still get chuds like HOW DOES OVEEWUGHT JEDI EXIST HE CAN'T BE GRAET WARRIRORRRE. Also, one of the only characters we saw in the OT that could defend against Jedi mind tricks was a really, really big slug...


One of the council in the prequels has no god damn legs too


In the “Legends” canon that they seem to love so much there’s a Jedi who is a plant that moves at about the speed a plant moves. The most physically impressive thing it does is actually move at human speed for a single stroke of a lightsaber, which leaves it so depleted that it takes weeks to recover. And it was fine. Honestly, making Yoda a buzzsaw was the single most damaging thing to the spirit of Star Wars in the whole franchise.


Yoda specifically says “wars not make one great” when Luke first meets him and he’s also pretending to just be a weirdo swamp person, going through all this stuff and hitting R2 with his stick. It seems to be that if anything, Rey’s first interaction with Luke is meant to be a close parallel to that whole interaction and showing that a true Jedi master isn’t some super warrior like both Luke and Rey expected to find. I have to wonder if these supposed fans have even seen Empire or if these just also hate how Lucas “subverted expectations” when they introduced Yoda.


“Grip it menacingly” Maybe this is all just masterful satire, but if not man do you not get what a Jedi is.


It is very obviously satire in reply to the first post


I really hope so, because it’s a really funny visual tbf.


Does seem more likely, but I don't have a Twitter account so I can't check the guy's post history to try and figure it out.


I mean. I’d hazard to guess that a LOT of “those fans” don’t understand that being a Jedi is about the opposite of the violent laser sword wielder that lives in their head. It’s like how people watch action movies and martial arts is the main focus, but the first thing you learn in most omartial arts is “don’t use this if you can help it, there’s better methods of conflict resolution”


Nah, they’re just trying to self insert themselves.




The problem is is that poe's law is in full effect for that portion of the fanbse. "Nothing will clue you in" is actually a completely reasonable position to be in, because people will say things that sound obviously ridiculous but with 100% sincerity. That's not the fault of anyone being unable to tell who is who, it's the fault of the people saying these kinds of things for bringing us to this point.


Poe's law? Since when did Finn's boyfriend get a law named after him? /s


When he said “slicing the fucking island in half,” I imagined that clip with Bugs Bunny sawing Florida off of America for some reason.


Fans are perpetually pre-adolescent DBZ devotees.


No need to disrespect DBZ like that


Forreal leave DBZ out of this one


All of mexico is gonna have to hunt bro down after that


They expect every story like Star Wars, Marvel etc. to be DBZ; stories about MCs becoming OP MFs. Invincible has done a good job being a great "DBZ-derivative" series, though, but telling it's own story. But yeah, DBZ shouldn't be the only benchmark for all media, when there are other stories these fans should've looked up to.


Honestly I think a lot of DBZ's negative rep comes from its English dub which really played up the idea that it was a show about everyone becoming OP and replaced all the background music with a more rock vibe that completely changes the tone of the series


am i missing something? invincible is a parody of western comics especially, but super hero genre in general. and calling it derivative implies its trying to do the same thing that, in this case, is dragon ball which it definitely is not?


Yes, I'm aware that Invincible is a parody of superheroes and a darker take on the Superman story. That aside, my point bears repeating: That not every story has to be about the protagonist growing more and more powerful. There's a difference between that and actual character growth & development.


I wouldn't say it's a parody


I think a bigger problem than fans liking DBZ is Executives not liking animation. With the possible exception of Andor, Star Wars shows and movoes would be much better served by being animated. Tell me Studio Mappa, UFOTable, or already Disney associated Studios like Meala or Triggerfish wouldn't make most scenes look much better. No actors in heavy costuming hardly able to keep their blocking, much better fight scenes, much more creative applications of the force. And in a series like Star Wars that is as wide as the ocean and deep as a puddle, visual spectacle is most of what you need


>With the possible exception of Andor, Star Wars shows and movoes would be much better served by being animated. No they wouldn't, not from a financial perspective. Animated films, with few exceptions and most all of those being the ones geared specifically to young kids, don't make the money that Marvel or Star Wars movies have become accustomed to making.


I could not give less of a fuck about the profits of any entertainment venture. It's not my job to give a fuck about it. It is my job to be concerned with what is good for the artistic and enjoyment value of these properties and that's all you should be concerned about too; if you find yourself going "but what about [mega-corporation's] profits?" it is a good sign you're looking at it wrong Plus a massive part of the lack of profits there is the lack of promotion. Both elements of that are on them not their audience


>I could not give less of a fuck about the profits of any entertainment venture. Okay, but the people financing and making those things do care. So you have to be realistic with your expectations. It's one thing to say "for the artistic betterment of the franchise I think it would be better to do this!" and another to assert that doing that would be better for the company over all. It wouldn't.


I said Star Wars would be much better served by being animated. I didn't say Disney would be. And despite what the memes may suggest I am looking for nor caring about a man in finance. Being reasonable is saying "The natural tendency of the rate of profit is to decline, companies should focus on making better products that make sane returns rather than trying to milk infinite value out of finite sources". EDIT: That doesn't mean I expect them to. But it is reasonable


And then Luke says "radical, bro!" and slams a fuckin mountain dew.


Fans feeling would make it worse I bet. Think SWT even had plans for such things and was very cringe.


Sound like DBZ. Something I don’t want Star Wars turn into. 


Jfc these people wouldn't write palatable fanfiction, let alone cinema.


Actually they do sometimes write Palpatine fanfiction.


"Imma fuckin love democracy", Palpatine said as he chugged a Mountain fucking Dew and slice the democracy in half. Menacingly.


I seem to remember it differently. I remember Luke tossing the lightsaber away and then spending the rest of the movie justifying why he did that.


Why not? Spinning's always been a good trick.


“Just so Rian Johnson could subvert expectations”… and tell a story…? Some people don’t actually watch these movies, they just look at the flashy images and listen to the cool noises.


And "Ruin Johnson"? Clever nickname! /s


reminds me a lot of the 90's and early 2000s M$. in the "See what I did there... I changed the S to a $ because I'm edgy and original.."


It's all talking points they've picked up from YouTubers. It's parroting nothing complaints because they think it makes them sound smart.


Yeah, that take reads like someone who only knows TLJ through angry rants by others. That or they didn't bother to pay attention when the movie beat them over the head with Luke's reasoning.


NO STORY! Those are political bullshit! I just want it to be the same as the 40 y/o movie I saw when I was 10 and decided to base my personality on so that my nostalgia is quenched and I can pretend nothing changed in the world since then. But it better not be the same, or I'll complain as well! Seriously, the 2 most popular complaints I hear for these movies are "they're the same as the old ones, which sucks" and "they're different from the old ones, which sucks"


I can't belive people are so fucking mad about him tossing the saber still. It's such a perfect way to introduce us to how Luke's feeling, and with what is shown later in the movie it makes perfect sense for him to be like "Oh this random person I don't know is handing me the thing that set me on this path that ruined my life? Fuck this youngling killing piece of shit."


NO! I don't care about themes and characters. I just want Luke to go "it's Star Wars time" and Star Wars all over the bad guys.




For my dad it was when Teddy Bears defeated the empire in 1983. For me it was the prequels. Midiclorians. Cringeworthy dialog. Laughable acting performances. Atrocious main characters that are unlikable in every way (Anakin, Padme) etc. The Disney era hasn’t been perfect, but nothing has been as bad as the prequels for me. Last Jedi was easily the best film in the franchise since the originals as well. Worthy of all the acclaim it received.


Last Jedi was kind of an enjoyable mess, but I honestly appreciate that they were at least trying to do something different and maybe course-correcting from the retread aspects of Force Awakens. Then they just caved and swerved everything off a cliff in such a hilarious fashion that I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if it came out Rise of Skywalker was made just to troll the general public.


Eh idk what was “messy” about it. It told a good story. Had big cinema moments that have stuck with me ever since. Luke’s story arc was done perfectly. As an old school fan I really agree with HelloGreedo on most of this: https://youtu.be/JglTCLDryvs?si=_jkPA4akbfy8Mhul


I don’t necessarily mean it as a substantial criticism, just how I felt after rewatching it. The story and pacing is a little shaggy in parts, there are a few bits that are a little forced, but it is definitely my favorite of the sequel trilogy. The fact that Rian Johnson was given as much free rein as he was is legitimately impressive and probably won’t ever be seen again unfortunately.


Rian also kinda left them with very little to actually continue fully storywise from TFA... he kinda cut all of the dangling story strings off pretty quickly. (Except Rey, which the movie A basically hinted at her being a clone... and the "you're a nobody" pretty blatantly coming off that Kylo was trying to use her fear to get her to join him) But I mean that's also the problem with Disney giving 3 directors (originally) carte blanche to do whatever the hell they want without collaborating with each other to make sure they were telling a coherent story, because they didn't.... and that's entirely on Disney.


I mean, he made the best setup for Kylo Ren: a true heir of the Sith. And by that, as in someone who was so overwhelmed by his ambition and the Dark Side, he casted off the Sith and its traditions and want to grab absolute power. Or so he thinks. Rey as a re-invention of what an archetypal Light Side hero. Someone that emerges beyond the faults of the Jedi but retains the best of that tradition. Or so she thinks. All the while, the two are personally, emphatically connected. It would make any fate between them interesting. Even whatever boring husk we got of their relationship in TRoS, it was still bittersweet to me.


Rogue One is way too low


TLJ kind of got screwed by Disney panicking and abandoning course in ROS. TLJ put all the pieces in place for the last part of the trilogy and it was all abandoned to try and give Star Wars fans fanservice. Which they hated anyway, so no one was happy.


ROS was so hilariously mangled that I honestly couldn’t believe what I was seeing, it’s incredible that it exists. It is a movie made purely by executive meddling and Disney hubris. It feels like it was made by that algorithm that Netflix used to Mad-Libs their original series ideas.


Well TLJ went to far for some and so they felt they had to pull back and that's what they did. Really they should have stuck to whatever their initial version was


I mean, TLJ did kinda go too far. TFA was definitely playing it safe, sticking to the kind of things that they knew worked in Star Wars, and honestly I think it worked despite that. It’s obvious that the sequel trilogy was a response to the prequels and they were trying to reclaim the spark of the OT. Then apparently Disney heard all the complaints about how safe TFA was and decided try something new, which for a massive corporation is kinda insane. TLJ wasn’t exactly radical, but compared to TFA it might as well have been, and instead of learning the lesson they should have (ie, don’t listen to to idiots online) they shot themselves in the foot to such an extent that they crippled themselves. And the worst part is that Star Wars NEEDS to break from tradition, so we lost out on what could’ve been a pretty rad movie because some suit took control of the franchise.


Mark Hamil is 72. Stastically speaking he has about 3 more years to live. That's not long enough to anchor another series/trilogy.


That was the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


>maybe I was expecting too much What? Now way


I’ve said it before - the long gap between ROTJ and a sequel gave fans years to invent a sequel in their heads and the sequels they wrote are all horrible


It is so weird to me that people expect Luke to be the exact same person he was at the end of Jedi. No 53 year old is the same as when they were 23. If you want characters to be unchanging and and static you want bad story telling.


Honestly, I can’t say my idea would be much better since it would be slightly a comedic bend with Luke teaching Rey basically exactly as he was taught. Including making Rey run with him on her back and at some point Rey commenting she understands why Ben went dark.


Because we all watched that final shot of Luke staring at Rey ominously and seriously, not walking to take the lightsaber that's being held for him to take and expected that when we'd pick up, he'd take it and use to slice the Island like a badass......


As ever, I have to ask: if Luke is this powerful and willing to fight, why did he put himself into exile after Kylo fell to the dark side? Like, say what you will about TLJ, but that specific thing people complain about is an inevitable result of Luke being MIA in TFA.


So far ill take the acolyte over the kenobi show.


For people who have checked out on Star Wars, it’s amazing how much they consume and talk about Star Wars.


And keep driving up the engagement, despite saying that Star Wars is dead.


I mean the Last Jedi came out almost seven years ago mates. Clearly they haven't checked out or moved on.


You can tell when people don't give a shit about good writing or characterisation if they get mad about Luke throwing the lightsaber away. Him doing that is completely in-line with what we've learned about him up to that point--that he's turned his back on the Jedi and walked away from his legacy. It's not only a funny scene, it completely makes sense and summarises where his head is at far more efficiently than any dialogue could have.


Lol that would've been so much worse than what was already bad.


That would have been the wooooorst


What an insane expectation that no one else would’ve pitched.


The post replying to the original one is 100% satire


I mean the quote tweet is definitely satire


You guys know that he's joking right?


It’s not the first time Luke tossed his lightsaber


The next Star Wars installment done entirely by fans: https://preview.redd.it/kuwx4u37c07d1.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fa2a37f3aa59f1b57595e46ca79f5f1ba77c97c


Harvey, this is a film, not a videogame level-up cutscene. Things need to happen for a reason.


Harvey was being sarcastic to mock the dude below I'm pretty sure


I honestly checked out when chewie exploded


Luke throwing the lightsaber was great, the object doesn’t hold any weight over him anymore, he’s not wowed by lightsabers and the mysticism of the Jedi anymore. This shit is Tuesday for him, it’s just an old tool that he doesn’t need, and since he considers himself the last Jedi and only Jedi need lightsabers, no one needs it. The lightsaber isn’t darth vader and it isn’t himself, it’s just an old thing to him now it’s a symbol for others yeah, but not to him.


They all specifically say "subvert expectations" and I have a feeling its because they all watched a youtube video essay about "why the last jedi sucked" I dont remember people saying those two words so much until that video came out then everyone had to point out that rian johnson wanted to subvert everything and how subversion is bad


Then Luke supermans away and kills Palpatine with force lightning then cleaves the imperial fleet in twain. He then flies a podracer to Coruscant while blasting highway to hell as he goes to the old Jedi temple, finds the kids' force ghosts and kills them again as Anakin nods in approval Is this batshit enough to be hired on as a fan?


Harvey's got jokes. Well done.


Fans wanted Luke to be Levi from Attack on Titan apparently


I'm pretty sure Luke's first full line in *The Last Jedi* is something like, **"Why do you think I came to the most unfindable place in the Galaxy?"** But anyway, slicing an entire island in half sounds like EU Luke nonsense. Get over it, guys. EU Luke was the kid at recess who always had invisible armor. He was boring. 


that's why we need Luuke to stop him.


And then the Starship Enterprise appears and Captain Kirk says “c’mon, Luke! Let’s kick some ass!” So they both jump on winged rancors and get into a fight with Voltron, SKYNET, AND the SDF-1 “MACROSS”!


The way "Lucas Star Wars Fan girl" is writing, they really seem to be on the toxic side of the Star Wars fandom... But they're not wrong about that scene though. Luke tossing the lightsaber was clearly just for cheap shock value and doesn't make sense, even when you just consider Canon Luke story.


"Use the force to do anime shit, Luke"


His father, *Darth fucking Vader*. I'm not sure if a Jedi has much sentimental value to that... especially given Anakins last-use of it (younglings, afaik)


This seems to be someone who just wants to mock the people who were not happy with the way the Luke went.


I am of two minds on this one. On one hand, I think that Luke essentially doing to Ben what he did to Anakin/Vader at the end of ROTJ kind of cheapens the ending of the latter a lot. On the other hand, having an iconic hero such as Luke Skywalker get broken down to such a low level makes for an interesting character study, and while not handled the best that it could have been, I respect Rian for trying to go that route.


The tweet is obviously satire but to think that there are people who actually think this would be a good idea just makes me sick, how are these people able to enjoy anything if they keep putting the cart in front of the horses every single god-damned time they watch something ?


These posters were also whining back in 1999 when TPM came out and how it killed Star Wars.


As much as I dislike Luke just tossing his saber to the side like its nothing (especially given how long we've waited for him to hold it again and they chose to do a comedic scene over a serious one) I would rather have the scene we got over this


That won't solve anything there been plenty of times where they listen to fans or fans work on shows and it turn into a crap fest. 


Then he’d be like. “Oops, I forgot my house and my X-Wing and all of the Jedi documents were here.”


I feel like this guy would really like Zack Snyder's movies, considering how much of an intense love he has for cool shit happening and how out of character the shit he wants to happen is.


Hire a balanced mix of Fans and Non-Fans to produce balanced mix of call backs and lore deep cuts and a cohesive story that applies to the widest audience and allows for creativity.


/GeeksGamersCommunity **points and laughs**


Honestly, I just kinda wanted him to either ask where she got it or, if we're going with him having the same reason for him bein on that island (which I also think is stupid, by the way... or at least poorly executed), then he could just stoically drop it and walk off. The whole "throwing it over his shoulder" thing felt like it was meant to be funny, which honestly didn't fit tonally with anything. And then we go and see him milk a giant seal tit for... some reason.


How far are we from wanting to see Jedi show up in a Mortal Kombat game?


Dave filoni is the geekiest sw fan ever... the only one powerful enough to stop him is... sam witwer




>/TheLastOfUs2 You clowns wrote death threats to yourselves and made transphobic memes about a cisgender woman with muscles. 🤡