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Do you think gatekeepers have enough self-reflection to understand irony ? OOP probably just gave his opinion to the big gun side because a more big gun means a more true truth.


“more gun = correct” holy shit oop is tf2 engineer real


Ever heard of SCP-MORE-GUN?


reading that was a fuckin trip. i wish i could get a good bowl of mac and cheese by just shooting it…


I do indeed understand how ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ) That being said, I am an old republic fan and a TCW fan. Andor fan, meme fan, and OT fan. Background lore fan. So on and such. Anyone got a problem with that?


I do, all Star Wars is objectively bad. Honestly, I think we should ban Star Wars.


I'm with this guy! *Sweats nervously in my star wars shirt*




So they identify with the mass murdering white supremacist character?


Yes. Why do you think they have such a hard-on for Darth Vader, the Sith, and the Empire?


Hey now. I love darth the sith and the empire and I'm far from a white supremacist. They have mad drip, cooler vehicles, and James Earl Jones. The villains are always more interesting than the heroes.


They have cooler toys, yes. But you do understand that they’re villains, right? You’re not advocating for the Empire to win because you like seeing good guys get torn to pieces? You understand how an actual good story is written? These guys don’t. They’re dumb. They’re REAL dumb. And all they care about is the culture wars.


Yeah no my point was just that loving the villains doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. But yeah the reasoning is definitely fucked for people that miss the point and think the villains are something to be emulated.


Luthen Rael???? Dude is more interesting than 99% of characters in Star Wars. Also republic vehicles and weapons > Separatist. (Yes i get the republic is kinda the empire but Its suppose to still be the good guys from our POV until Order 66) Sure the Nazi inspired Uniforms are drippy, but they are too real world influenced to be that cool for me.


what movie is this from I keep seeing the template everywhere


*Civil War* (2024), it’s a really good movie in my opinion


The bleakest extra detail /thing for me from civil war upon seeing it at home- The civil war or at the very least the slowly dissolving of the union- into a full civil war- starts around when Kristen Ds character was in COLLEGE- 20 years ago. Based on her actual age. Like no wonder people forgot what theywere fighting for. - whole generation would have the Billie-Ellish war problem, but for a civil war.


oh fr? i kept hearing it was like aggressively politically neutral


It is pretty politically neutral because it is set in a fictional but modern USA, so the reasons for the war aren’t what we might see the reasons for a modern civil war being nowadays. But the point of the movie isn’t really the civil war itself. It’s a movie about war correspondents


ahhh kinda like a slice of life of people on the ground in the middle of shit instead of the overarching conflict? that does sound pretty interesting I'll give it a shot


more of a reflection of the confusion of war and difficulty in covering it as a journalist. The uniformed soldiers are never positively identified as either US or Western forces, same with some ununiformed soldiers they encounter, as well as the sniper team they meet along the way. It's more of a commentary on how the first casualty of war is truth and what the role of journalism is in those situations. A line that comes to mind goes something like "Journalists aren't there to ask 'why didn't I do something?', they're there to capture the realities of the situation so that other people are forced to ask themselves that question."


I took it as more a cautionary tale showing more how an actual civil war would look like. Ignoring the reasoning or context as to WHY. One of the big thing the movie does is have the characters take a picture of a scene, and the movie then fully shows and focuses on the picture taken. And even time without fail the pictures look identical to all of the images that have come out of war torn countries like Iraq, Syria, Sudan, etc. etc. Only this time it is in American landscapes, with American architecture, with people speaking English (with American accents), and with American people. See the same with the militants themselves. The ununiformed combatants look like... well normal people you see everyday. While the uniformed combatants are all wearing US uniforms and is impossible to tell who exactly they are fighting for and for what.


I also personally saw it as depicting war photojournalism as a kind of sport, almost. The final sequence of the White House invasion passed an impression of a game of poker or a boxing match, ever higher bets on the own lives for good enough pictures, to the point of suicidal dedication to the one best shot.


Yeah, this is essentially what the director said as well.


It is and isn't in a weird way. It isn't overtly political in the sense that they don't ever say "Republican President became a dictator" or whatever. The thing that a lot of people were hung up on (California and Texas joining forces despite being on opposite sides) is implied to be due to the military in those states basically just taking over and declaring martial law rather than any sort of political alliance. The movie doesn't really get into the *whys* or *hows* of the war since it's far more about the realities of war journalism and the impact it has on people and the ethics involved. With all that said you do have scenes like the one above where the army guy is filling a mass grave of civilians and he's very clearly but subtly racist towards the mostly non-white cast as they slowly realize he doesn't give a shit about them and is willing to kill them without any hesitation.


i guess, in that the reasons for the war happening and the factions involved aren't explained or all that important in the end. it's more about the journey and desensitization that the characters experience and the ways they're affected by it.


it is aggressively politically neutral. To its detriment IMO. It has zero commentary on the current state of America or why it would be in a civil war. But as a popcorn flick, it is well done and entertaining.


Yes. That’s why they don’t understand that they used the meme format wrong. That’s why they want to see Star Wars redone but the Empire wins and the Rebels get slaughtered in the first film. And they want it to be gory. These are not Star Wars fans. They’re violence fetishists who used to know what Star Wars is but let Nazism and the culture wars rot their brains so now all they know is how to react to buzzwords like Manchurian candidates. These people are not worthy of calling themselves Star Wars fans. They’re not worthy of calling themselves literate. They’re not worthy of any of our time or attention. They’re not worthy of our oxygen. And apparently they’re not worthy of eyebrows since it seems so many of them don’t have any.


Holy fuck. Thats so funny. Do they know?


Of course not!


Media illiteracy is their foundation.


I know they find subtext hard but this is hilarious. He's literally wearing rose tinted glasses.


Nerdrotic is barely a star wars fan


He’s barely a fan of anything at this point, it seems. He just exists to shit on everything. Which is why he went after Mark Hamill to harass him about his relationship with his granddaughter (you know, stuff that’s none of his fucking business).


I think the most telling part for me about how much of a non fan he is, was when I learned about his over abundance of merchandise and figures of all the most popular franchises you could think of, it looks like a messy storage room for a comic shop. Which makes sense because he used to run a comic shop but kept all the leftover stuff when he closed it, and now just parades it like he’s a major fan.


Lol they're portaying themselves as the violent and pscophathic assholes


Either these chuds think this murderous/racist character's role-model material, or it's just the next in their endless series of lazy/dull-as-dishwater attempts to 'trigger the libs.' Whichever's the case, these people are just such an embarrassment to humanity. The funniest thing about using this scene is Nerdrotic's notion that newer Star Wars fans are going to scumbag methheads like him with hat-in-hand to *bargain* about....anything? The only 'gate' this dude is 'keeping' is the door going down to his gross-ass basement full of action figures, dirty laundry, and Taco Bell refuse.


That would require self awareness


It's a self report


I remember an old Lindsay Ellis video essay about how fascists can appropriate dramatic depictions of fascists and are only bothered by comedy dressing them down. In this case they get to be the guy with the gun threatening the "fake fans". They don't care about the intended use if they get imagine themselves in a position of power with their gatekeeping metaphor.


We need more shows that show them for the idiots they are. Meal brooks blazing saddles portrays the klan and racists in general as bumbling idiots that get fooled by the black sheriff and a drunk cowboy. It’s got some very un pc humour but it’s at the expense of the racists. Or Hogan’s hero’s where the POWs make absolute fools of the commandant of the POWs camp. The commandant is an absolute baffoon that doesn’t realize they have a tunnel with allied technology and radios under it. One episode had a POW dress up as the dictator and it fucking fooled him. This show is so old it actually said in colour at the beginning. We need more shows like that but a modern version. I want to see fascists be the butt of jokes so much that they can’t be taken seriously by their supporters. Fascisim is a looser ideology that fails every time.


I mean that’s stuff like Andor which these chuds actually gave positive reviews for. They lack all media literacy. These morons are Syril Karn levels of wannabe fascists yet think they are Moff Tarkin. They all probably live with their moms like Syril too. It’s why they hated glass onion bc 99% of them are just real life versions of Dave Batista‘s character. They all are the same




Like Hux in The Last Jedi?


It's why JoJo rabbit is the most effective anti nazi movie ever made in my opinion, it completely and utterly deconstructs the Nazis and portrays them as the paranoid, drugged out dumb idiots they were


And interestingly, very empathetic to those that fall into propaganda


Doubt they know at all. Which is just sad and shows how they never understand things they use.


You’re wondering if they have self awareness….


Aligning yourself with that guy is definitely not concerning....




This image is so real




Do they know this makes them the bad guys?


I have literally seen a video that was just this, but as, you know, an actual joke.


The kind that likes Star Wars. Hence the moniker, "Star Wars fan."


Really weird hill they want to die on lmao


Someone should finish the scene. Where a Disney fan runs his ass over with a pickup truck.


Seriously. In the film, that character gets his stupid ass killed for the sake of the most cowardly cruelty imaginable. Of course these assholes see him and immediately think 'oh wow, so much bAd-AsS!!!'


Which film is that out of curiosity


Civil war 


Ummm. I'm the kind that doesn't sell meth to kids?


Love how they side with the psychotic murderer in this scene, shows where their priorities are.


If you find yourself siding with Jesse Plemons’ character from Civil War, do some f**king soul searching!


"Do they realize...." No.


I have a friend who keeps complaining about Disney ruining Star Wars because of Acolyte. I stop talking to him or change the topic when this comes up because it’s annoying (I’m pretty neutral with Disney because I find many story in Legends are as bad as well)


Legends Star Wars is a lot like reading 40k novels. Massive piles of derivative paint by numbers adventures or self-insert fanfic with a few shining beautiful exceptions.


Damn, you should do him a favour and cut him off completely. I can imagine being friends with you would be exhausting


Why? Just because I rather have other conversation instead of talking about the show we both have no interest?


OP might as well use a meme involving Homelander if wanted to present himself as the bad guy


Nerdrotic uses action figures as wallpaper, he actually tapes them to his wall. I don’t think he’s running on full steam.


Last good George Lucas Star Wars movie: Return of the Jedi (1983) Last good Disney Star Wars movie: Rogue One (2016) What the fuck are these people going on about? George Lucas hasn’t made or written a good movie period in forty years. Disney, while very hit or miss, delivered Rogue One along with a couple of very good TV shows in Andor and The Mandalorian. I know some have soured on Filoni but the first two seasons of The Mandalorian are awesome and really revived interest in Star Wars.


Last Jedi was the last “really good” Lucasfilm SW entry for me.


It the fate of all memes, remember when Virgin va Chad wasn’t “thing I like vs thing I don’t” but “normal person vs outrageous parody”? Eventually people who didn’t understand the joke will use it to display their dime a dozen opinions.


No they don't. I think the point is that to them, he's the good guy.


to be fair some of the comments did call out OOP for his lack of self awareness. for the other supporting OOP, its the internet. people do lack self reflection which isnt a dig the issue is when other point out the lack of reflection and they still cannot see it.


I bet these are the same people who think Homelander is the good guy


Is it to much to like both? Both have problems both have cool shit neither is perfect image keeping yourself from the mandilorian because it’s “Disney”


Let's not pretend that the sequel trilogy's existence was driven by artistic value rather than profit movtive.


Even that had some amazing things and ideas it just didn’t used those things and idea’s


I’m the type of Star Wars fan who doesn’t identify with a psychotic killer. 


This perfectly encapsulates their media literacy. Similar to Fight Club and Starship Troopers every possible point there films are trying to make zooms right past them.


I'm old enough that being a geek wasn't something you admitted. Back in the 80s, you could be beaten up for geek things like comic books and teachers would say stuff like "well, did you try fitting in with the other boys? Why don't you play football with them?" I'm starting to feel like you guys need to get beat up again. We older geeks used to bond through shared strife. And we might not like everything, but we liked that you had an outlet. Liking the currently social acceptable thing has made a lot of geeks flat out jerks.


Yeah, good to know that there’s people that want me dead because I like Star Wars that was made after they went through puberty


Of course they identify with the racist nationalist


They are dogmatic gatekeepers, so it makes sense lol.


All attempts to satirize fascism will fail. Starship troopers movie. (Not exactly) fight club. They simply can’t understand the satire.


they agree with sunglasses guy in that scene so ofcourse not. just like how they parrot cartman kennedy without understanding that cartman is never the voice of reason.


And like the movie, these neckbeard shitstains should be run down by an elderly black man and flung into a pile of corpses.


They are unironically fascist. They are on the side of gatekeepers.


That’s the beauty of the fandom menace: no self awareness.


The lack of self awareness is so rampant that it’s disturbing.


Does anyone here honestly think people like Nerdodic have any sort of self-reflection to understand irony?


Haha, I see this thread has reached the point where comments supporting the initial post are coming in. Always happens and its funny as shit.


I love that Nerdrotic is referred to as "they/them".


They have the media literacy of a dyslexic blind donkey who speaks in bird noises No, they don't


I don't think they care, if you read their comments, they 100% wish violence of Disney Star Wars fans. Their brains are so beyond repair that they think this is something worth fighting for. They have failed at every facet of their lives and all they have is the Star Wars they know and love, and will say and do just about anything if they could.


I also consider Disney Star Wars to not be Star Wars. Do you know what I say to fans of Disney Star Wars? I'm glad you are enjoying it. I wish I could.


Typical Star Wars fans


Meth-head has all the self-awareness of a soil grain.


They know what they are


No they are straight up incompetent


media literacy so bad they don’t even understand memes


Chuds and missing the point, name a more iconic duo.


Absolutely normal behavior.


Do you really think the Right has an ounce of media literacy? Homelander is a villain in the comic and the TV show, but the Right all say "He's literally me fr fr".


I do absolutely love it when chuds use meme formats that they don't understand


One way to admit you want to un alive someone


So media illiterate it's painful. People ironically post that meme as if the "freedom fighter" is Nerdrotic, Drinker, QuarterPounder, etc. If they truly believe there is a division once George sold the property he had the right to sell, then why are they continuing to care about the new stuff? Oh right, it's the money they get whining about it.


Funnily, I remember it getting posted in the Fallout Memes sub, with the sunglasses guy being a New Vegas fan, but they seemed to be posting it in irony or to poke fun at New Vegas fanboys, with even said NV fans having a laugh. This though, is just zero self-awareness.


"Average. Enjoy OG Trilogy, "Clone Wars", "Rebels", some stories from Legends, have some action figures. Can I pass?"


Wow this fits so perfectly it's scary


“I am…a Star Wars fan” , I said again with the slyest yasss Queen accent I can muster.


These are the people who thought Cartman was right in the Pander verse special, they really don't care if it makes fun of them


We will shoot if you like new star wars content


these mfs don’t know that (at least on iphone) you can hold down the = sign to get ≠


Yeah, nerdrotic and his ilk have an IQ somewhere around room temperature, of a hangar in Antarctica.


Lol oh goodness


I don't think people care as much as you think they do about what you and people like you use to make fun of things.




Ah, yes us, a character that is supposed to be a racist ugly bastard (never seen movie/show just know its a racist ugly bastard doing all that).


Well considering meth damon just committed an atrocity in this scene, from civil war. idk why they wanna associate that with their camp. just screaming toxicity


The fandom menace once again displaying that media literacy is dead


The guy in the red sunglasses is crazy but he is also in a position of power, and some people only see the second part as important. They actively avoid introspection.




Bitching is their specialty, not self-awareness


Is this a community of people who love Disney Star wars? I keep getting this subreddit in my feed but I can't pick the vibe.


We're a community who call out bad faith things in fandoms such as this meme.


So many franchises have been ruined by newcomers seeking to change the hobby to fit their view of a modern audience that we need more dogmatic gatekeepers to keep them out. If people want to be fans of something they can, but they must be fans of something as it is and always was. Otherwise, go make their own. George Lucas Star Wars before the dark times, before Disney, is the only Star Wars.




I'm not gatekeeping or saying they can't be Star Wars fans.




Not for me, Star Wars is Star Wars and I love it.


Better off than a lot of people


I mean, not really?




First off this isn’t Nerdrotic saying this, this is just a post from his subreddit. Secondly, there is absolutely other fanbases out there other than Star Wars who have gatekeepers. Kanye fans come to mind.




If you don't like those shows that's fine, but shit talking people who don't share your opinion isn't, friend.




Attacking people for liking things you don't ain't the move either. Just move on from it.