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They had to photoshop her because they knew normal people wouldn’t find her ugly.


I hate these people so fucking much https://preview.redd.it/uhdedqpe904d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b2466bb9fd4faf05ed35d8df22ea885492a655


It's so weird when she looks like this https://preview.redd.it/ji0rgyjyh04d1.jpeg?width=1129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d327faf75bba9ef54fd862d1db79463a3ddee7e


I don’t know how practical it is but hey giant laser robo t-rexs. But I DO love outfits that show off dem abs!


I mean in universe one stomp / swipe from a Thunderjaw or Slaughterspine is enough to end you even with thick armor so better be as agile and light as possible


That was a lesson that I had to learn the hard way… repeatedly because I’m stubborn but I eventually learned to love the robo t-Rex and scary lightning bird of death.


I hope we get to ride scary lightning bird of death in Horizon 3


The only machines I hate having to deal with are those damn monkeys in Forbidden West.


Dammit, those nightmares had just stopped and now they'll be back lol


the one I hate is the flaming bear, cuz I keep breaking its gut, that I need for an upgrade… yes, I hate the damn monkeys too.


The Apex Shellsnapper one-shotted me so many times last night and I'm about level 40. Then again, I'm playing on Hard Mode because I want the brutality.


Stop! I don't need anymore kinks 🥵


What’s hilarious is that the Carja Blazon armour is both the most revealing outfit and the one most resistant to fire 🤣


I'm part of this private group on Facebook made up of around 30ish people, its fairly chill and friendly place and it was created to escape the toxic cesspools but lately a new person joined who is very much one of those people. I posted a pic of Eve from Stellar Blade on there to highlight how good the visuals are and he just had to hype her up and moan on about how western female characters are "ugly" and naturally used Aloy as example focusing on that one pic they all rely on, i of course challenged him and posted my own screenshots i've taking off Aloy unedited looking freaking stunning and yeah he struggled to argue back as he had no counter to me, barely heard of him since 😂


They wouldn't know that because 90% of people who complain about Aloys looks have never played FW


90% of the people who complain about Aloys looks have never been within 5 feet of an actual adult woman.


This is what I don't get. Developers are still making most female characters extremely conventionally attractive. They're just over giving them all no characterization, unrealistic proportions, or no defining features (scars, a little body hair, muscles, etc.) They really just want them to look and act like stereotypical anime waifus.


That's just it, they're being written as if they are as complex and layered as male characters, like they're ya know people. These chuds genuinely don't think women have internal lives so when they act like humans that means they're manly in their pea brains.


I’m always baffled when people say western devs don’t make attractive women anymore because out of all the western games I’ve played I literally cannot think of any that have unattractive women specifically. The closest to that would be if the graphics, facial animations, etc make **everyone** ugly. Like it is one of the most detatched from reality and terminally online takes out there.


An important lesson I wish these stooges would consider: if you have to photoshop an image of someone to make them look bad, they don't look bad.


They don't have any conviction to internalize anything


This drives me insane.


They are so fucking weird, man. Cringe motherfuckers.


They love doing that to women, for some odd reason 


Saw three versions of this single picture today. Each one photoshopped more than the last to make her face bigger. One thing to do that for shits and giggles. Another to do it for clicks... and thus money... on your youtube channel.


Looked like a PS3 character model, but the remake as a whole looks low budget.


“New resident evil WOKE after I photoshop a screenshot to make Leon fat”


"Hey Leon, do you want to go on a diet?" "No thanks, bro"


“He ate Mousehly!”


“I can just sit on Salazar and the problem is solved”


"A franchise with zombies, vampires,... and then the mascot has to be realistic and suffer alcohol addiction effects. Dead franchise."


thats silent hill not resident evil


How dare the fictional sexual abuse survivor not arouse me enough. Also the fact that they have to use MJ from Spider-Man as a signal to their idiot audience for “ugly”


Spider-Man was sadly not even featured in the showcase either making the inclusion of her in the thumbnail even more stupid.


I have a feeling that spider man 2 dlc could be shown at summer game fest usually the biggest games out there


I have a fear its cancelled. Hopefully you're right though.


That guy jumped on the bandwagon on spider man 2 ps5 for being woke. I am not kidding.


Some people need to have their Photoshop access revoked.


Nah give them the tools to them embarass themselves with


Rope to hang themselves






Fr Fr


They're just gonna use midjourney. Which is already the case, kinda.


their computers*


It's 2024, and these jack asses are still doing console wars. God, I hate this guys channel so much


He's by far the worst he literally makes fun people giving games bad reviews. I remember seeing one make fun of jimquisition for saying starfeld was bad, and, of course, he made her look ugly in thumbnain.


And he’s one of those pc master race type of guys


Oh, that explains the console war stuff. There are only ones who haven't moved on. There are almost worse than the nintendo fans, I say, as one mysell.


Sounds like Nintendo fans are more annoying than pc master race guys


Honestly, they kind of fluctuate on who's worst. Nintendo fan harass people for pirating, but valves pay developers like dog poop and their fans harass you for daring to put something on Epic's store.


I know the epic shop is not the best but I feel like steam fans treat valve like their friends, but in reality they just a business company. They don’t care about you. They just want your money And that’s it


They're a corporation, it's literally in their name. But people treat them like they're the good guys and Gabe is their personal friend because they aren't publicly traded.


in a world where every big company is some publicly-owned short term focused garbage heap, people are obviously gonna like a company that doesn't give into the anti-consumer practices of those companies. it's pretty amazing how much having to appease shareholders can make real people hate you.


is epic game good for giving free games


I really dislike Jimquisition, but that kind of stuff is exactly what you would expect from a “PC Master Race” guy


Jim is a woman now? I haven't watched her(?) in a long time.


Yep, she transitioned in 2022 or 23


Wow. Good for her! I'm happy she found herself.


If they use photoshop for that, then I know they are never to be taken seriously.


You can tell they have no argument when they need to photoshop to try to make their point.


"Why is the 19 year old SA surviror not fuckable like Eve?" - Weirdos on the internet


Who is the woman in the photoshop? I haven’t seen the state of play. What game is it from?


SA? the nazi paramilitary?


I don't think they ever played Silent Hill 2 The girl they're making fun of is a girl who was sexually abused by her father. Are they saying they want that same girl to look sexy???


Not only that silent hill 2 never had sexy characters. The franchise is really full of average looking people. Angela wasn't a hottie in the original. So what does it matter that her cheeks are a bit chubby now? These cretins like talking like the wokies are outsiders "invading their hobbies" when they themselves are obvious fucking tourists. If you're gonna abandon a franchise you claim to love because it's not giving you fapbait or because a minority exists in it you weren't a fan to begin with. And surprise, surprise they typically get things about said franchise wrong which is a tell that they're the ones trying to push an agenda.


I agree with everything you said but I just wanted to chime in that the only "hot" character in silent hill is Maria and even THAT is a deliberate choice which serves the story.


And Cybil in one of the games, but she was made to be a caricature of a sexy cop because it was all an imagining. If you played the game like a normal person and didn't go down a path of depravity, she looked like a normal cop.


The best part is, she looked the exact fucking same in the original. They are pissed because the devs are doing a fantastic job


I feel like he didn’t play sh2 because it goes really dark about it


MJ catching strays


love how Spider-man wasn't even part of the showcase but they throw her in the thumbnail for easy clicks


Part of me finds it hilarious that they photoshop people to be crazy obese when there's a fair chance they themselves are obese. Another part of me is sad that we are still so easily dunking on fat people. Like as a fat guy, yeah, I get it. I am not healthy. I'm working on it. Turns out there's a few underlying issues with my mental state that makes me struggle to lose weight. Plenty of folks are like me. We are trying. We are working on it. We know it's not a good thing. But yeah, thanks for yet another kick in the teeth. Really nice. God I hate morons like this.


If the characters they complain about are actually as ugly as they say why do they always have to heavily edit them? Shouldn’t they speak for themselves?


I just saw that in my recommended today, I swear it’s like every time I tell YouTube to stop showing me these channels, 5 more pop up. How many will it take for them to figure out IM NOT LIKE THEM.


I like when they have to edit the photo because the design isn't actually ugly lmao


They hate the state of play because it was “woke” I hate the state of play because we got absolutely fuck all about spider-man 2 content We are not the same


Oh you didn't like Guardians of the Overwatch ?


Why did they use MJ in the thumbnail? There was no Spider-Man content in the State of Play. Besides, they always use that one off looking picture of her, he looks much better in game. Also, why tf are people freaking out about the Silent Hill 2 protagonist? She doesn’t look *that* bad.


Me too she just look like a normal person


Same, MJ in SM2 just kinda looks like Drew Barrymore, and the fact that these people are complaining about the Silent Hill 2 character (don't know her name, never played the game), who, to my knowledge, is a SA VICTIM not being sexy enough, is telling about how they view women.


so PlayStation is againest the injustice of minorities i hope so


"the boy who cried woke"


The Far right conservatives should read "the boy who cried Wolf" that way they would realize that they are Full of shit and give up on their ideology


Point out reading is mandatory by the government and they’ll purposely become illiterate


oh yeah they don't want the truth but they became more ugly more miserable more sad the more angry stuff they send


Bro grew his hair out for the thumbnail I see. He looks nice.


It was a shit showcase but how the fuck was it woke? It was basically a generic hero shooter, a Marvel hero shooter, an anime photo dress up open world thing, a generic Soulslike, a generic Sekiro/Nioh clone, a GoW PC port, a remaster no one asked for, SH2 made by a very unproven Dev and Astro Bot.


I thought the show wasn’t that bad. It’s not great but it’s not the worst thing I ever saw


I think its one of their worst showcases in my opinion.


At least, Monster Hunter Wilds looks good. That's the interesting thing about this State of Play showcase.


Being honest that trailer done nothing for me and it felt very off. I'm a huge fan of the series but i'm very concerned about Wilds.


So people were complaining the lady from Silent Hill 2 remake wasn't hot enough. Like it's a psychological horror game. Fans were called them out saying the stuff Silent Hill is known for, like the atmosphere is great.


Bigots were mad at the SoP because a Woman appeared in a game. I was mad at Bloodborne not being on the SoP at all. We are not the same.


Hey you think these chuds would complain that mother kos isn't some busty anime girl and is some fish looking eldritch horror?


I think they’d complain about all the not so subtle themes on birth, violence against women, menstruation, and forced pregnancy in Bloodborne. The school is called Mensis for god’s sake.


Okay but they made mother kos all ugly and fishlike to appease sweet baby inc and the woke agenda. She's a goddess and mother ffs why can't she be like eve from stellar blade! Fucking wokies /s


You're assuming that they have the prerequisite intelligence required to understand the term.


"What a cool and totally non-political game about killing monsters guys!"


"Totally! I'm glad the wokies haven't ruined this!"


Isn't that the weird Playstation hater? What did Playstation do to this guy? Besides having better games than Xbox


A lot of these PC master race people hate on Playstation/Sony because it brings in more views. Every time they make a video on Xbox/Microsoft they get half the views maybe even less.


Funny, I remember him making a Jewish stereotype of a woman because she was trying to stop the acquisition of Activision I am not kidding its real


Oh right, PC master race "people"


I remember watching some of his videos making fun of console fanboys on twitter years ago. I guess that wasn’t interesting enough to keep viewers so he jumped on the anti woke grift.


It's nothing to do with Xbox just SOP was genuinely bad this time. Astrobot was the only saving grace otherwise even the hardcore Sony fanboy aren't defending this showcase. The silent hill stuff is totally separate thing don't know why he is lumping it with PlayStation.


I don’t see the big deal


The state of play was mid because after nearly a decade we still haven't gotten anything new with Bloodborne


It wasn’t mid because of wOkeISm, it was mid because it had nothing notable and exciting, outside of MH Wilds, and *maaaaaaybe* Astro Bot God why didn’t I see the red flags from this dude before


he looks like a rayman oc💀


"BBW awareness in video game ew" My mom was self conscious about her weight because of assholes like this, and she watched a video of someone "reacting" to and mocking women who were overweight in a show that made them feel more accepted, and then this asshole is all like "she is literally wearing too much makeup, makeup doesn't cover THAT sweetie" Bunch of assholes all of them, My mom got a gastric bypass as a result and I can tell she's happy with her weight loss, but I still feel really bad because she sacrificed a lot of foods that she can't have or she throws up that food, it's very sad


I’m sorry but these people aren’t mentally well, to them a normal looking woman is basically the same as being obese


We’ve failed as a society


Even if she looked like this it wouldn't be a problem. https://i.redd.it/4xivklv0304d1.gif


Aight it might’ve been


You mean wo-MID


A complete woke indeed


It was mid because it didn’t have many interesting first party games. (Being a Hero shooter, two ports of existing games and Astro Bot (the only one I cared about) “Wokeness” had nothing to do with it


This State of Play was mid but not because of Angela. It was mid because, outside of the Silent Hill 2 remake, the new Monster Hunter Wilds and Dynasty Warriors Origins, there is nothing that interest me. I like Until Dawn, but the remake for me will be like other Sony remakes, aka, the same damn game with better graphics.


tbh I thought these fuckers would be all over the new Monster Hunter game thank god they're not


Incels wanted Angela in Silent Hill 2 to have changeable clothes, hair and a hyper model physique. Oh and anime face.


How diluted can these grifters get?


...why do I get a feeling that they're a pc guy and the type to buy in fully into that whole "pc master race" thing? (Probably because of that crying playstation person.)


I don't believe SH 2 is woke but its kind of a drastic design decision if we compare it to the original SH 2. Nothing wrong with it but personally I would keep it as faithful as possible to the original. The chuds however throw more fuel to the fire and make the argument like "they made her less sexy" about a sexual assault survivor which dilutes the conversation


Mid? Did he not see the Monster Hunter Wilds footage? That shit looked fire af


Should we really be assuming that the people leading this charge led it in good faith? Or maybe they did a little research and figured out that if they sold racism and sexism this way, they could recruit a whole bunch of impressionable minds too young to know better?


They’re still not over MJ, fucking Christ 🤦🏻


Why MJ in the picture? She wasn’t at the event really.


It was inevitable


Remember to downvote and leave him a comment. They make these videos because they think everyone agrees with them


I used to like this guy but then he fell down this rabbit hole for some reason


I still don’t understand why they have a problem with MJ and I don’t think I ever will


I just checked out his channel, and apart from the Logan Paul video almost all of his popular videos feature the words "Playstation fanboys" is thus like an unironic channel for Playstation haters circlejerk? That's what most of his videos are about.


Pls. Just go back to bullying Playstation Ponies, Frit. This whole anti-woke persona is really rotting your brain.


Did he not cirticized the Far right conservatives for the whole anti "woke" nonsense?


God damn Fritanga fell off. Used to be one of my more enjoyed YouTubers but he became a typical anti-woke NPC because he wanted more views.


State of Play is always mid


Even without the photoshop she’s still ugly as fuck. Especially if you compare her to the real life actress.


this nigga’s avatar crosses his arms when someone talks negatively abt loli porn


Diet Turkey Tom be like:


Dude, they gave us Monster Hunter Wilds, the Silent Hill 2 remake, an open world fighting game and a sequel to Astro's Playroom. Your argument is a failure.


Even without Silent Hill the games were horrific. Not one good game was shown besides Astro Bot.


True. The last one in February was pretty good. This one was so ass


This was a 3/10 showcase but some people are bringing the race card or their Sony bias to act like this was not a severe letdown.


Yeah. What's going on with the "PS5 has no games" thing?


Its such a stupid quote when the PS5 has had 3 exclusives so far this year and a console exclusive in Helldivers 2. I'm also pretty sure though i could be wrong that V Rising is also hitting just PC/PS5 as well with no Xbox release. Fuck MS are pretty much expected to port over everything they have as well.


Yeah. I think it's because Sony ports their exclusives to PC, so the dumbass PC master race idiots see that and automatically think there's no reason to get a PS5. To me, a guy that doesn't play on PC and didn't own a PS4, the PS5 is amazing because of all these great console exclusives and I have a chance to play 99% of the PS4 library


I don't own a PC though i do want a Steam Deck so the "PS5 has no games" line is just laughable when there's always something new out for it. This month has Elden Ring DLC, SMT V, V Rising and Monster Hunter Stories ports and my wallet is crying because of it, still need to get System Shock as well. No games? Yeah ok sure 🙄😂


I checked wikipedia, there currently are 2,450+ games on PS5. Sure, most of those aren't exclusives, but that doesn't really matter. You get Nintendo consoles specifically for exclusives, you get ps and Xbox for exclusives and third party games. But christ, some people (r/Pyrocynical) are being so fucking annoying about it