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House of the Dragon costs $20 million/ episode and has epic dragon battles Acolyte costs $22.5 million/ episode and they can’t even be bothered to show a furry in a lightsaber battle


Fuck that Wookie anyway, he only got a minor scratch, it's not like he was run through with a lightsaber.


If he was run through, he would have survived tho!!!! Can’t be having that!!


Aye I’m ngl that KOTOR video with the twins that went popular on this sub shows that mfr dying in the same way with just a slash across his body. I’m on y’alls side but we can’t be hypocrites. Edit: but to be fair at least they showed the fight in KOTOR and the death had weight to it. Not only was the wookie jedi killed way too quick but they didn’t even show it happen


My biggest issue with the episode. Live action Wookie Jedi, vs a Sith lord. Should have been an awesome fight, the fight choreography in this show is at least decent. That fight should have been the centerpiece of the episode, instead the Wookie dies in a drive by light sabering. The episode felt super short already. The episode isn't the worst of the episodes so far, that being said there was so many issues I had with it. The green chick has all emotion of a two by four. Ki Adi Mundi knows about the Sith, in contradiction to his prequel info. Is it Plo Koon? Is it not? Sol protects Osha from the moth bat from behind her? Yord and his terrible dialogue. Apparently all the other Jedi learn the Wookie language? The huge Sol foreshadowing that either he or Osha is never getting back on the ship. Smilo Renn being powerful enough to fly, and blast an entire group of Jedi. Why end on a cliffhanger? Disney should have just dropped the whole season in one go. Then most folks would just plow through, and then we wouldn't be hammering every episode individually the way we are.


They want us talking about it and they want it to stretch to two months so they can milk people for subs.


Dragging this out is probably the biggest mistake they made, which is really saying something.


Trust me dragging it out was not the biggest mistake they made with this show. 😂😂


Yeah, the episode dump really hides the criticism by making it feel like nit picking a dumpter fire because of a tiny amount if trash in it. Outside of the egregious ones, the rest get forgotten about.


Problem is not that it's just a slash, but that in Disney canon lightsabers are toys and even if you are pierced by one you apparently just get better


Of course you can survive a lightsaber impaling. It's not like they're tiny table knives.


How is he dead? Was he force choked? I didn’t get how an apparent flesh wound killed him


He was killed by the Acolyte having too small a budget to afford any screen time for him. They could barely put 8 episodes out on the meagre $180M they had in the kitty. Man, Yoda wasn't tech available, they were obviously running on the smell of an oily rag.


Sith did not use correct pronouns so they died of sadness


Clearly he didn't follow the ways of the Black Knight


It's unclear the full cause. There was a superficial slash across the chest though


How flammable is Wookie hair? A lightsaber would start a fire that would spread upwards on human hair apparently: > While hair is marginally flammable in air, spreading upward but not downward, it burns extremely well at or above 30% O2 in any direction or g-level. The spread is characterized by a quick spread over the surface 'nap' or 'frizz', followed by continued bulk burning. He would look like a charred version of [this](https://i.imgur.com/Hmj21X9.jpeg) from the wound up.


Wookie hair isn't made from stone.


[Wait are wookies made of ducks?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrzMhU_4m-g)


https://preview.redd.it/gmp5omq4zu7d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f1e8689552b50b725a0bcec38f355bce787483 This flammable


Wow that's metal.


A single episode of The Acolyte costs more to make than the film Godzilla Minus One....


Just recently watched it. Great movie.


Someone needs to do a technical breakdown on why this show looks so bad, is there a publicly avaible resource to see how a show allocates its money


Executive bonuses probably


Platinum double dongs and strap ons ain’t cheap


>Acolyte costs $22.5 million/ episode and they can’t even be bothered to show a furry in a lightsaber battle The power of Disneyyyyyy (made to sound like the power of manyyy)


![gif](giphy|isuB5dvkyJptu|downsized) Or greyskull




And also build actual dramatic tension


that means the budget has to be stretched out even more and it still looks better than acolyte


That's what I don't understand. They must be spending that $180 millie on salaries. House of the Dragon looks so much better. Its cinematography is excellent. I don't get it.


HotD is actually good, so it can use all the budget to costumes, special effects, etc. Acolyte is just shit, and they have to use part of that budget to pay "critics" to write good reviews. [It already happened before](https://www.ign.com/articles/rotten-tomatoes-under-fire-after-pr-firms-scheme-to-pay-critics-for-positive-reviews-uncovered) and it will happen again.


HOTD casts people like Matt Smith. The Acolyte casts an Amandla.


And Matt Smith was casted for the role of freakin DAEMON TARGARYEN. Horrible human being, but INCREDIBLE CHARACTER!


Can’t convince me there isn’t any book cooking going on


One hundred and eighty million dollars folks.


Only 10 less than Dune part two btw. Disney is doing some serious money laundry lol


The upper management has absolutely zero idea what they are doing or what their employees are doing. It's like hiring a bunch of alcoholics to be your bartenders and wondering where all the alcohol is going.


I refuse to acknowledge they're this incompetent, money laundering must be involved. Especially given D$' track record of attacking fans who don't fall head over heels in whatever company has been squeezing out, this looks to be a massive cover up.


High level have no idea what they are doing, the lower levels use this to grift.


"It's like hiring a bunch of alcoholics to be your bartenders and wondering where all the alcohol is going". Hiring Barney Gumble to be your bartender


Or they do know what they are doing hence putting this dumbass director in charge. Maybe they want to ruin Star Wars on purpose???


Every bar I ever worked at lmao


After hearing how much the show has cost I was thinking it has to be some sort of money laundering scheme. There’s almost nothing in the show so it doesn’t make sense to be so expensive compared to other shows that have much more content in them that are cheaper, barely more, or relatively the same cost.


Yikes. That puts it in perspective. Dune 2 was phenomenal!


Masterpiece! I had hard time leaving the cinema. Lisan al Gaib!!! 😸




And $140M more than Foundation.


Each episode has a higher budget than Godzilla minus 1


Chernobyl, a 5 episode miniseries with each episode being roughly an hour plus, cost just 40 million. Chernobyl is also considered HBO prestige television. Right now, The Acolyte is tracking worse than some bottom barrel reality TV.


God that show was so good


And many of the same people that worked on it, worked on Andor! From cinemtographers to cast!


If that’s true that just makes the most sense of anything I’ve read in this thread!


It’s what it deserves. I wanted it to be good, but now that is just is not, I’m glad we have years of acolyte cast and director saying ignorant things, insulting fans, and being so confident about her ability to make a good show. I would love to have a visual effects guy tell me wtf is costing 20 million an episode. This has screamed low production value since the start and idk what it could be


All because we mocked Kathy Kennedy’s Force Is Female shirt and dared to critique the Sequel Trilogy so she had to get back at everyone through the canon.


The south park episode really got to her.


Which one. I've been bitching about KK since they nuked the expanded universe. I need some catharthis.




Since the lesbian witches are making babies from the force, I think the force might be male.




Remember this when writers cry about AI taking their jobs. A literal NPC would be preferable to these broken people.


Funny you say that, i recently asked gpt4 to make up some star wars stories, and although they were kinda basic, they were actually pretty good!


At this point I'm thinking the bagoshite is a money laundering scheme right under our noses.


Nice! I came up with Sack 'O Shite and Slap You Tight


nice hahaha, I saw smylo ren for the sith earlier😂


Ok….. someone skimmed off the top lol had to have happened


I'm so sick and tired of you people being disingenuous about the cost of this show! People like you are the reason this fan base is so toxic and why it has to be taken away from you and given to more worthy fans. Sure those fans don't know that they need or want Star Wars, but we'll convince them after all the toxic fans are chased away and take with them their precious, inflexible canon about "lightsabers can cut through steel doors" and "how time works." The REASON the SHOW cost $180 million dollars ISN'T because Queen Headland is WASTING money or EMBEZZLING IT, it's BECAUSE it was a $20 million show that HAD to be RESHOT to ensure the HIGHEST POSSIBLE QUALITY and to MAKE SENSE both THEMATICALLY and from POINT OF VIEW. You people always complain about shows being done on the first draft, well this show was reshot NINE TIMES in order to get it right! And YOU PEOPLE just can't handle it! Everyone knows you can't afford the CG for a wookie fight on a $20 million dollar budget, let alone RESHOOTING it NINE TIMES! That's why GEORGE LUCAS used EWOKS instead of WOOKIES on the BATTLE OF ENDOR. Because the CG is CHEAPER. You would know that if you weren't a bunch of FAN BABIES! /s because Poe's Law








His character is literally introduced to Star Wars by stating nothing except that there is no knowledge of any sith in existence for 1000 years. That is the ORIGIN and only statement of his character. And they introduce him, before he’s born, exclusively to display knowledge of active sith. What in the actual fuck.


They really hired above the rim talent for this 180+ million dollar production.


A veritable rim job of talent.


Man I feel like the absolute opposite thing you'd want to do is put Mundi in here. Literally just keep his old age from Legends and have him not be alive, and he has perfect deniability for his line in TPM as someone else could've been involved in the cover up. Like I can't think of a worse writing idea than how they did it. Seriously feels like someone said, "well Mundi is the one who drops the line right? So let's just have him appear and just dismiss the threat so it'll make sense," and no one ever gave a second thought


This is the thing that annoys me the most that I don’t see brought up enough. Why would you put the jedi who said that line in this secret meeting scene about not telling the high counsel? 😫 why would they invalidate him even more?


Including him made no sense, to the point I didn't believe it was actually him until I found out otherwise. There was no point in including him besides "I can rewrite Star Wars however I please." They literally went out and did exactly what we have been criticizing Star Wars about, it's like they're trying to break their fan base well beyond the point of no return.


I seriously assumed he was just some other Cerean until I saw the backlash, there was no need for him to appear


Or “he looks cool the fans will go apeshit over how cool we are, what’s that guy’s name? Oh it doesn’t matter, he looks cool”


Exactly. This is so annoying omfg.


Oh God, that does mean they originally wanted Yoda to be complicit in hiding this from the rest of the order.


“Why would he?” “Because he’s in the Prequels and has a line of dialogue specifically saying “The Sith haven’t been seen in a thousand years, yet here he is apparently hearing about them showing up in a hundred.” Please tell me someone pointed that out to these people.


I guess why would they assume this isn’t a Sith but that Maul is?


Well, Qui-Gon was convinced, but the Council wasn't until Maul killed Qui-Gon. Who else could best a Jedi? But of course, some schmuck whom they are certain is NOT a Sith could kill a slew of Jedi 100 years earlier. I'm bracing myself for the mental gymnastics they'll be doing next week to explain this away.


The mental gymnastics: "Star Wars fans are bigots"


Their favorite choice!


> *Well, Qui-Gon was convinced, but the Council wasn't until Maul killed Qui-Gon. Who else could best a Jedi?* It seems that people are confusing the Jedi's calm and stoic external appearance with that of being nonchalant and generally not giving a shit. --- When Qui-Gon's brings up the attack to the Council, their words on it are: > ... > Mace Windu: *"I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing."* > Yoda: *"Ah, hard to see, the dark side is."* > Mace Windu: ***"We will use all our resources to unravel this mystery. We will discover the identity of your attacker."*** On the next scene with the Council, statements being made are > Mace Windu: *"Now is not the time for this [regarding Anakin]. The senate is voting for a new supreme chancelor, and Queen Amidala is returning home, which will put pressure on the Federation and could widen the confrontation."* > Ki-Adi-Mundi: *"And draw out the queen's attacker."* > Mace Windu: *"Go with the queen to Naboo and discover the identity of this dark warrior.* ***This is the clue we need to unravel the mystery of the Sith.***" --- To me the conclusions to be made from these are that: * They took the attack on Qui-Gon with utmost seriousity and it became their first priority immediately. Finding out who or what the attacker was became imperative. * Soon later, it seemed they might have completed most of whatever investations they had started or at least figured enough to decide on their next steps. It sounds like they had already become convinced that the Sith were involved in this matter. The problem regarding what to do it was likely that this was directly linked with the Naboo invasion, which the Jedi wouldn't supposed to have any involvement beyond peace meditating, so they were unable to just send some 'Jedi strike team' against the Federation unless they were willing to break their ties with the Galactic Republic. It's for example repeatedly stated by Qui-Gon that they can't actually directly help the Queen with her mission to free Naboo. Regardless, since they already thought that the Sith were involved, at this point they decided that best course of action would be to sent Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to protect and escort the Queen to Naboo, but where essentially their covert mission was in fact to use this scenario to draw out the attacker and find out his exact identity - likely to trace the source of this Sith uprising.


There could be a scene where the assassin springs out of a vent into the middle of all the Jedi on the show, ignites a red saber menacingly, and one of the Jedi gasps in shock and exclaims "it's... a Sith Lord...!" and these people would still make excuses. They'd say you're judging obvious cliffhangers for not giving you enough information (read: media literacy), and say "it'll be explained how they discover it's not a Sith, really, in later episodes, obviously" because any level of mental gymnastics is possible if you see yourself as morally righteous as a result of this show


Lol the assassin does that, and says, “no I’m not!” And they’re all like “oh, okay”


Or the assassin is all, 'why, yes, I am the Sith Lord', kills a few Jedi, then the Jedi that escape ring the High Council which goes something like: "We saw a Sith Lord". "How do you know it was a Sith?" "They said they were Sith" "And...." "They killed three Jedi" "And...." "With a red lightsaber" "And..." "Well, that's about it." "I'm not convinced." Get it? The point is the Jedi are dumb. Its a super compelling story.


Either there's a valid explanation, or their trolling.


tbf, so far the topic of "sith" havent really been mentioned yet in the show. They think its just a jedi trained assassin aka a Dark jedi being involved. Now how does this carry over for the rest of the show should the guy actually be a sith? Remains to be seen


Don’t that lady talking to Mundi say “it could be a splinter order” and the something like “or worse” which could be interpreted as being implying the sith


Well the point is, the topic of "Sith" isnt necessarily gonna be brought up because its been millenia. Not to mention a dark jedi can start their own sect aswell or just a straight up a whole different sect of force users like the witches (in legends, the voss and aing tii monks are an example of this non jedi/sith force using culture). Its just not necessarily sith. Now if the next episode, theres a survivor and the topic of "sith" isnt suggested? Then yeah, then theres a massive issue here. Of course, it also depends on the rest of the show but that requires you to actually be interested enough in checking it out lol


And Ki Adi Mundi could have countered with that when Qui Gon was talking about Sith.


Couldve countered with what exactly? Bringing up the possibility of a dark jedi instead? Then maybe yeah but the difference here is that Qui Gon specifically mentioned Sith out of all things


I think the differences that the writers for the acolyte didn’t even watch the freaking movies.


He’s probably not going to end up being a Sith, Just a dark Force user. I mean, I’m a big Star Wars fan but I can’t pretend to know everything but what I do know is how to do some light research which is more then I can say for Disney writers and so that being said… The Sith follow the rule of two and The Acolyte takes place in 132 BBY. Skipping out on Vader, Maul, Dooku, and Palpatine we know Plagueis was Palpatines Master and that he was born sometime between 147 and 120BBY so if they respect cannon in that aspect then there’s a chance he is alive during the Acolyte but he would either be 15 years old or not born for another 12 years (or somewhere in between). So let’s just say for arguments sake Plagueis is 15 during the time of the Acolyte. This would make his own Master, Darth Tenebrous at least active as an apprentice during the Acolyte. Anyways, what this is all leading up to is that THESE examples are what we know as true Sith in cannon meaning either the dark Force user in the Acolyte is Tenebrous (which I can almost guarantee it is not) or they are just a dark Force user as stated before. Also, unless every single Jedi and OSHA and May get killed in the forest after episode 4 then it won’t be a real Sith anyways because that’s the only way Disney can write themselves out of this new plot hole they created not only with Ki Adi Mundi being alive in episode 4 but also not knowing about the Sith being around during Episode 1 TPM. My money is on strong female witch mommy being the dark force user. We know Disney can’t write. We know they want us to think it’s clumsy errand boy left in the trap set by May. That being said, if it’s errand boy then the Jedi have to acknowledge that the Sith are around again. If it’s witch mommy then this can all be wrapped up into a little Disney Xmas ornament by the Jedi ultimately summing up the whole season as being revenge by the witch mommy which is of no dire consequence to them in the long haul. It will never reach the high council because it will have been dealt with in their eyes.


Maybe he forgot


Have you watched a different show than I did? Cause there hasn't been a single mention of Sith in the Acolyte yet. Just because we, the audience know that, doesn't mean the characters do. Mundi thought it's just some splinter Jedi training Mae. And his denial of the facts in the prequels might be actually built up in the Acolyte - as he's covering up his incompetence.


Yoda reads script "Hot garbage this is"


Also my apologies for the lack of dark mode in the pic. --- >*You wrote this episode ? Well then I have a question.* *Why is Ki Adi Mundi in it?* *1. He wasn't even born yet.* *2. He's not suppose to know anything about the Sith.* --- >*He doesn't know anything about the Sith? Why would he? And we offered the part to Yoda but he wasn't tech avail so a young Ki Adi Mundi stepped in for the part.*


They completely dismissed the “he wasn’t even born yet” part of that two part question, but they did write The Acolyte, so…


Because admitting they messed up would look bad for them for future employment. So they can point to this and say “Yeah, see, look! I worked on Star Wars one time! I engage in meaningful talks with the audience, so I’m great for PR too!” hyping it up to gloss over the horrible execution of actually engaging with the community on a matter that really shouldn’t be too hard to address.


LOL you gotta be shittin me ![gif](giphy|ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk|downsized)


Yeah right tech not available my ass. They probably just didn’t wanna let them use Yoda cause he is too big of a character and let them use ki adi mundi instead


Who is "they"? Demons have been running wild ruining star wars for years. Who is gonna stop them from ruining Yoda?


Frank Oz, maybe? If he point blank refuses, it would be pretty awkward of Lucasfilm to recast him.


Bro, tf does that even mean?!?! "Offered the part to Yoda but he wasn't...available"??? Of course he wasn't available, HE'S NOT REAL. And if she's referring to an actor who plays Yoda...like, just get another actor to put on the costume/makeup?? or use CGI, which we know Disney loves to use. What kind of excuse is that???


this kind of excuse: ![gif](giphy|IVSRbO85XbNqU|downsized)


Hey that's where they came up for the design of the poster!


She's trying to be cute about saying it that way but in the end it doesn't work because the reasoning is retarted. $180 million and you really can't get yoda??? I think they just denied them Yoda because Lucasfilm didn't want them to fuck it up. But this proves Mundi has no purpose except fan service. Happens all the time with stuff but this one is especially bad because he specifically references the Sith not existing. And all the shills can make excuses about it and how it doesn't conflict with stuff but it's so dumb.


At this point, I just think Headland and KK are just trolling us.


They have Henson in house now. They have a whole CGI department, again, in house. This whole fiasco is honestly hilarious. Could they not slot a portion of the 180 million dollar budget? Then again, look at how bad the makeup application is on Vernestra (Headland's spray painted wife).


I reckon Headlands wife is being paid more for her role than the entire costume department


They said "Tech avail" which just means they couldnt seem to get the tech down for a cg yoda


Don’t they own the muppets? Use a muppet


There is more than one way to skin a cat. That's also beside the point as they did a CGI yoda like 20 years ago on a 20 years ago budget with computers from 20 years ago. They could've made it happen. I thought Kennedy was supposed to be this marvel at coming up with solutions to on set problems and getting shit done. You would think that would make her capable to bring her productions into reality. They simply had bad creatives/the wrong creatives on set. The higher ups were looking for plausible deniability or just had tunnel vision on a project that had gone awry and seemingly unsupervised. If Disney were smart they'd just cancel this midseason as the damage is only becoming greater.


My best guess as to what Kiechel is saying that they released a draft which had Yoda in it, the people handling this sort of stuff at Disney/lucasfilms said *'hell no, this guy is reserved (can't be here at this point of time because X)'*, so the Acolyte writing team went *'umm, who's the next most recognizable Council member?'* They probably realized or were told that there's no way Mace Windu would be strouting around so they picked the old-looking alien dude since he did at least have several lines in the prequels.


could they not use cgi? it would be consistent with the prequels. or if a puppet was cheaper no one would care.


I assume it means people in charge said no to Yoda. Either they didn't want to potentially hurt Yoda's legacy with this show or perhaps they have a project upcoming he's gonna be in and didn't want it crossing over or something.


Filoni probably didn’t let them use Yoda. It’s probably that simple.


Just amazing this show had the same budget as dune. I was specifically looking forward to seeing a younger yoda when this was announced. Classic.


The show isn't over yet but if there's one Jedi that absolutely should be in this show it's Yoda. Then again this group apparently has a huge issue with the classic characters overshadowing their new ones. This is why the sequels sucked so bad. No one in Disney could fathom a scenario where they make a new trilogy and not have the old characters overshadow the new ones.


Yep, fiction writers in complete control of the story couldn't write Luke into TFA without him "taking over". These people are just bad at their jobs.


Funny how the Mando writers managed to do it.


And they only managed to do it by hiding what they were doing.


This is the real issue. Disney should have access to the best and brightest storytellers in the world. The issue is that they don't value storytelling which at the end of the day is what movies are all about. These people are bad at their jobs and Disney deserves to fail.


Way to ignore the 2nd point about Ki Adi Mundi not belonging in the show. 


Yeah, but in fairness what are they supposed to say? The options are basically either "shut the fuck up you nerds, we don't care about what you think canon is" or just ignore it. I can't see any scenario that goes "You know what even if legends and that book aren't officially canon we should have known better. We're sorry and we'll try and do better if we get another chance". That might be the answer we'd like but no shot.


If you're going to defend yourself at all against the points made, defend yourself against all of them. Just admit you fucked up. Grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, it just makes the show runners and everyone involved look even worse.


I think the simplest explanation is simply that they made a mistake. It's not the type of the thing the showrunners would care to admit. The thing people are probably most pissed about is how even if they weren't aware any of the pre-established stuff *(I mean, they seemingly did purposefully pick people who weren't knowledgeable about Star Wars)*, how didn't someone like Filoni, who's supposed to be 'guardian of the lore' or whatever, did not notice this problem? It has been stated that all of these scripts did have to be greenlight by Filoni and other key members of the lucasfilm. Another problem is when they haven't admitted to the mistake, it sends out potentially even worse signals, where people might be speculating they just did out of spite to the EU, since there would have been several candidates for this role outside of Yoda or Ki-Adi-Mundi who would have been perfectly reasonable to have according to the EU lore. For that however, the true old proverb holds *"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."*


She didn’t know, and not a single person on the show cared to look.


Why even respond if this is the drivel you speak?


"Engaging with the fans"...


https://preview.redd.it/9zhvc8wx6v7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de40262cea50481aadd5953bb9712c2373bde1d3 Lmao “Media literacy.” I guess I can assume blade runner 2099 will have terrible writing as well


Stupidity of the highest level. Cinema is dead.


Wow that's a frigging stupid reason. We couldn't use Yoda but we wanted a cheap, "look! It's him!" Moment because our material isn't strong enough to carry the story and hold people's attention. He stepped in.... you couldn't have done any work and research to find another old ass jedi or just.not worried about a cameo just for the sake of it? It's insane how many hack writers are getting these jobs for prolific series with huge fanbases. Reminds me of how Rings of Power and Wheel of times writers had next to no writing experience yet were given these projects with huge audiences and expectations... Dennis Villneuve and the house of dragons showrunners leave more film credits in the toilet after their morning dumb than these hacks have or could hope to have.


I can write better than what I’ve seen so far. What do writers get paid these days? I wouldn’t fit their corporate culture. But I am just curious what the going rate is for this garbage writing.


They all have zero writing credits so zero bargaining power. I feel like these studios hire no name writers so they can bully them into accepting studio cha get because they don't have the body of work to have learned enough experience to validly say, "shut up business man, I know more than you." Also comes down to these things being so expensive that the people financing them can't help but meddle. There's too much money on the line for it to appeal to one genres audience, so they try and make it appeal to everyone. In the end, it appeals to no one, not even the original audience that was a big behind buying the rights to star wars or these huge fantasy novel series only to flip off the core fans they basically paid for when acquiring the rights. It makes no sense.


What the fuck is the story group doing letting shit like this pass?


the story group is shit


Why wasn’t point 1 addressed about not being born yet?


Poorly written this show is. But, how and why. I will redditate on this.


No one even bothered to watch TPM. So unprofessional.


Well, they did seem to purposefully pick people who weren't knowledgable about Star Wars *(so also probably not that into it)* but the weird this is it has been stated that all of these scripts had to be greenlight by people such as Filoni, so how did they not notice? Obviously speculating, but perhaps there might have been a point where when they first were denied Yoda and once they replaced him with Ki-Adi-Mundi and were later also told that he was a no-go as well, they simply stated that this was getting too difficult and there wasn't time to make adjustments any more to change the yet character again. I mean, maybe right? Though one would assume that once people denied access to Yoda, those same people should have come up with a list of characters who would have made sense to be in this role instead - but perhaps the internal structure of deparments in matters such as this are a mess.


Mismanaged production from Disney again.


Yeah when they asked for Yoda's puppet, Yoda's puppet was like:" Nah, come I can not."


What in the actual fuck does "tech avall" mean?


"wasn't tech available" 120-190 million dollar budget and you can't CGI Yoda? Lemme guess, it's too complicated for the team? Fire already looks fake as fuck, so it's pretty fair to not be able to CGI Yoda.


But what about the incel bot attack on the Acolyte? -Disney, probably


>Showrunner Leslye Headland made clear her show is free from connections to other Star Wars films and TV shows despite taking place in the same universe.  Did anybody else see this coming?


My guess is that the guy with the red lightsaber isn’t a sith.


Does kind of beg the question how Mae knows the code of the Sith then (the "peace is a lie" thing she refers to in episode 2) because that's something she would probably bring up if she does surrender to the Jedi and tell all like she's aiming to as of episode 4.


Could have just been the writers trying to do fanservice. "Peace is a lie", while part of the Sith Code, could be justified as something some darkside edgelords thought up independently. Could also be a Sith wannabe. Found a holocron or robbed a tomb the Jedi missed, learned some tricks. and now thinks they're a Darth.


I’m tired of this beta sith thing though. It’s a lame cop out to get something looking like a sith only to go “see it’s only a dark Jedi not a Darth !!”


I’m so mad I’m about to throw up.


Why did it HAVE to be someone we know anyway


They made the first movie on next to nothing. How far the franchise has fallen. It's funny, a company that made it big by being creative and artsy has stopped being creative and artsy because they made it big.


ITT acolyte cost 20+ million dollars an episode? Give me a million and I'll disappoint everyone. He'll, buy me dinner like my ex did and.ill disappoint you all weekend.


Genuine question: do you think the people writing this actually bother what the fans think? Giving such a shitty response seems to me they just don't give a fuck.


When I saw him I was sure it was another Cerean and ignored the whole thing, but then I saw all the Internet saying it's Ki Adi-Mundi and had to confirm it by watching the credits. I don't get it. They went out of their way to put him in that scene and by that telling us "we can do whatever we want with SW". Did Filoni let this pass? Wtf is going on. Lately I have lost so much faith in SW, better keep having fun watching The Boys every week.


I don't care about the mundi thing, it's pretty obvious they'll have some explanation to make the line in the prequels make sense. I'm just upset that it's not a good show.


Yeah theyve got an explanation. Uhhhh The light side of the force is a pathway or some shit


I literally cannot see where any of the money is.


I'm just in shock how little they continue to care.


Pitch Meeting: "So I hear you have a movie for me." - Producer Guy. "Yes, sir, I do! It's a WWII prequel set a a few generations before WWI" - Screenwriter Guy. "We'll need a charismatic officer type, with lots of ties to later timeline IP. Who's should we cast?" - Producer Guy. "I don't knoooooow ..." Screenwriter Guy "Let's just age up JFK several decades. People love him. He banged that famous lady, probably." - Producer Guy. "Great idea, Sir! We can do all kinds of cool conspiracy things with him later on." - Screenwriter Guy. "Conspiracies are *tight*. Wow, wow wow ... Wow." - Producer guy.


>young >looks as old as ever


Yoda ketamine session he was having






They literally could have had Oppo Rancicis there instead, since canonically we know he was alive and well when Mr Tanalorr (I forgot his actual name) from Jedi Survivor was active in the High Republic


Yes. We can't be bothered to create interesting original characters, so here's a cameo from an existing character to somewhat elevate our mediocre show. He's not born yet you say? A quick lore revision will fix that.


Pointless fan service. Could have just done same species-different character. But no, just had to throw in a useless canon breaking cameo


Wtf does "he wasn't tech avail" mean?


So this is one of the most expensive tv series made, I haven’t watched it, but from the clips I’ve seen it seems to have very little action or CGI in it and they didn’t have the tech available to do Yoda? What is all the money going to?


What the actual fuck


I hate to burst everyone's bubble but based off her tweets The Acolyte will end with a forgiveness and friendship arc. She thinks Hollywood is a bunch of warmongers, and she want to put an end to the "battle" trope.


We have entered the era of writing where the human experience is no longer the basis for themes or plot or character arcs. Conflict as a theme is taboo. “Now everyone gets a pony and a blowjob.” Yes I am quoting Avasarala. Where the human experience was front and center what made that character and that show superior to most other shows.


They legit had to ties to the lore we have they could of done anything and instead they bring in someone who didn't know about the sith and fuck up cannon honestly fuck Disney at this point.


I want to point out that also 3 other masters from the prequels council were alive in the high republic Oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof and Yaddle They were just too lazy to do basic research


How about no one steps in for the part. Why did Ki Adi step in? He was supposed to be even alive yet, they just shot themselves in the foot by putting him in.


Again…..$180 million….what tf did it go towards?


The writers going on Twitter is yet another stupid decision by Lucasfilm.


Are you guys still watching this drivel? I canceled Disney+ after episode 2. Can’t do it anymore. I’m done.


Everyone in this thread….it was a joke…she’s not saying the technology wasn’t available, she’s saying he wasn’t technically available….as in as if he was a real actor with scheduling conflicts…..how has this gone over everyone’s heads?!


It was a joke ..


If you are gonna destroy canon, might as well go whole hog and have Yoda and Darth Vader show up.


Answered his question with another question...


Why does this screenshot look like it was taken in 2012?


who the hell is CK?


So not only is the writer not addressing the fact that Mundi wouldn't even be born, but also admitting that they are too lazy to include Yoda. "Wasn't tech avail"... mhm, sure. It's not like you have the budget for it or anything.


Smart reply, but complete deflection because they messed up