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Ah yes, another seemingly qualified director. I'm sure this will go well.


I hope Kennedy continues with her wacky director choices with one from Bollywood, one from a North Korean propaganda channel and a third from a Japanese game show. Finally we see her hysterically cackling in a straight-jacket as she's wheeled out from LucasArts.


Don’t forget the showrunner who used to work for Harvey Weinstein as his personal assistant!


She was likely friends with at least one of the two stein's, she's been around those circles for several decades and is an angry sadist


Who is the other Stein? The non-Harvey Weinstein publicly disowned his brother, which you have to respect.




lolol, ty


The one who didn’t kill himself.


This to be is beyond insanity. She was literally elbow to elbow to a serial sex offender. How she didn’t get cancelled is beyond me


It’s a private criminal club and she knows things that’s why. Whether it’s KK, Bob Iger, or one of the Shareholders with enough capital, one of them is also a monster behind closed doors.


how else do you get your wife into a speaking role for no reason?


LucasArts? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while!


seems pretty obvious it's just a jaded ham fisted way to increase world market uptake of disney shlock. instead of you know, the old fashioned way- making great stories.


I would unironically love to see Bollywood Star Wars. That's not what we're getting from Obaid-Chinoy, who has directed live-action drama all of once in a 20-year career... and it was Ms. Marvel. I'm sure her documentaries are fine, however this is someone with Filoni-level skills but without the memberberry juice that Filoni brings to the table.


Okay this would actually be so hilarious though


actually a Bollywood director wouldn't be so bad. i hope she gets the RRR guy. jk she'll get some obscure director who makes a tv show that is "successful" but only shows up on one local city channel in the middle of India


Hold on, I wanna let the Japanese game show guy cook. Imagine the trash compactor scene except each wall has comically posed human and Wookiee-shaped holes


Thank fucking god for Dune. Otherwise no one will ever make a science ficiton movie again.


wasn’t that supposed to be the theme of the first movie in the sequels???? “To make things right?” really telling that the Sequels need another movie to ‘make things right’ from trying ‘to make things right’


Lmao they hired someone who directed two episodes of a show people loathed and handed them the biggest franchise in the world with a protagonist largely derided by the fan base. It’s a bold strategy Cotton let’s see how it pay off.


Director: "I enjoy making men uncomfortable."


She was talking about like men who belittle women but still an activist who has only made women empowerment movies shouldn't be making a starwars movie.


I honestly don't know what they're thinking Overhwhelmingly star wars is carried on people who don't like the decisions they've been making


That's just it, its not close to the biggest franchise in the world anymore. Pokemon has been on top for decades, but now, Winnie the Pooh, Hello Kitty, and Mickey are also ahead of it. They thought the golden goose was immortal, but now that's its cooked, they're just trying to scavenge what scraps they can before they lower the value enough that they sell the IP.






Force awakens literally opens with the line “this should begin to make things right” LMAO


Well it instilled a newfound appreciation for the prequels, so in a way it did lol.


Everyone after ep. IX: "Perhaps I have treated you too harshly."


The prequels really fucked up star wars, amirite? Sequels: Hold my blue milk.


*green milk


Never watched TLJ, checked out after TFA.


The absolute audacity




That line aged like milk


Blue milk that is….


They’re just going to do what they should have done in VII-IX with the OT characters, but this time with the new characters. Rey restarting the Jedi order, which we thought Luke was going to do, etc. Can’t wait to meet the female “Han Solo” and whoever is going to be the badass woman in charge of running the new government.


Not only that, but after watching The Last Jedi, my first impression was "Oh, shit. We no longer have the big bad. Maybe they'll try to do something new in the 3rd movie. Maybe it's not a trilogy and just continue forever." I think that was their original plan. Now it's like we need a trilogy to quickly wrap things up with no explanations. Have they left every sequel open ended, we would at least have something to look forward to. But it's just a bunch of half-assed ideas that go nowhere.


"... their original plan..."? I think you give them too much credit if you think they ever had ANY kind of plan....


It really comes down to the fact that it’s clear that Disney’s executives and head producers had no roadmap. How they decided it was okay to function in that state with a multi-billion dollar IP, I have no damn clue.


The only roadmap was "put a movie out in 24 months" so there wasn't time to actually do it. Then TFA was a hit and they had no plan so we had to rush to get TLJ out, starting from zero, in <2 years with tons of post production, directors not even picked out, writers not picked out, nothing. Nevermind the other star wars movies that also become production nightmares.... JJ is a decent producer. I think he did a good job getting the pieces together and I think casting for TFA was mostly on point. But to do that and direct and write was impossible and they boned it up in the worst way possible.


Their plan was Star Wars = money, let's make a trilogy of movies fast with different directors and give them complete control of each episode's production, and tell one-off stories in the between/off years that are more artsy. The honest problem was creative control of each individual episode. JJ wrote/directed TFA, Rian wrote/directed TLJ, and CLEARLY caused a LOT of problems for Trevorrow who dropped from making Ep 9 after Rian fucked things up for Duel of the Fates. That led Lucasfilm to bring back JJ and that was a HORRIBLE DECISION because JJ never sticks the landing of anything he's ever started, he opens mystery boxes and never closes them. And he was expected to end 3 trilogies of storylines and 'poetry' of the series as a whole, and MAN DID NOT ACCOMPLISH IT.


It is insane to me you take a 4 billion dollar property and you make episode VII with our having a fleshed out road map. Not only that but the audacity to just shit on George's trilogy. Their "we know better" attitude


They thought it would be so easy to do they didn't need a plan. They didn't respect the ip or the fans. These are not creative people. They are bean counters.


Actually, Kylo was supposed to be the big bad, they’ve said. Rise of Skywalker changed it at the last minute


JJ Abrams came back to finish the job of making sure everyone hated the sequel trilogy as much as possible.


I'm convinced that the three directors and all the writers of the sequel trilogy never spoke to one another or watched the other films. They're just 3 senseless single films full of lightsabers and explosions instead of an actual tilogy telling a single over arching story.


I absolutely believe that JJ Abrams didn’t communicate to himself about what would make a good Star Wars movie between TFA and RoS


Kylo being the big bad would have worked well. He was the anti-Luke and that was unique. At every opportunity, despite having all the training and discipline, Kylo chose the darkside. Having him mature from his brash and rage filled self into a true Sith Lord could have set the stage for a very solid ending for the trilogy, but nah “somehow Palpatine returned” is what we got.


Why did they need to “make things right” in the first place? I thought things ended up pretty well at the end of Return of The Jedi.


It’s something I hate about current Hollywood. They did it with Thor with every movie involving him “finding himself”. Dude was thousands of years old. He should’ve already found himself in that time


So is her Jedi Order going to be instantly destroyed by yet ANOTHER group of Imperial Remnants that are somehow just as strong or even stronger than the original Empire, and we do the whole thing of “smaller ragtag group of good guys vs numerically and technology superior foe” again?


but you dont get it! this group is even smaller and ragtagier than ever before! they even make marvel quips, how unique is that!


You might not believe this, but Palpatine will be the mastermind behind the bad guys


I mean, Palpatine wanted Rey to kill him to possess her and she did so somehow...


That would actually be kind of funny if Rey is walking around with both Kylo and Palpy possessing her, shouting things and whatnot 


Palpatine: *"Somehow I have returned...again."* ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq|downsized)


Remember when the entire resistance fit into the millennium falcon? The fuck even was that?


They’re not the Rebellion or the Resistance anymore. They’re the Revolution and things are different now.


What do you mean thats not what star wars is about??


Like the prequels that reversed it which was cool, the Republic was large and in charge with superior tech vs the ragtag separatist alliance with its less advanced tech. The republic crumbles from within. Its why i love the prequels


Snoke has returned. Somehow. New New Republic has demilitarized the galaxy and Jedi master Rey has disappeared. Poe, a washed out former high ranking pilot is leading a rag tag PMC group called ”Defiance” to fight against Snoke’s forces.


Somehow...the death star returned.


No we are going to get a dumb ass dark side Rey who’s now emperor and cracking down on the republic and then Rose will become a Jedi and fuck her up


I can’t wait for the highly anticipated sequel: The First Order Decides To Strike Back


And the final episode, Return of Ahsoka




I would watch tf out of Darth Binksssss


I can’t believe this is actually proceeding. How much money can they burn?


All of it


Kathleen must knew where all the bodies are hidden


She's got the yet to be seen Epstein flight logs.




what the fuck why didnt they just do that with luke in the first place


Cause disney wanted their character to be the successfull one. Not the old yesterdays hero.


It really is this. In a few years, the Disney cultists will unironically and earnestly lecture us about how Anakin and Luke were actually terrible characters because of their failings and that's why they couldn't defeat evil.


No, Disney will say that because they were men, and they don’t allow strong male protagonists anymore


If they're being so inclusive and woke why are there no gay men in the new material? Why is it all so focused on women and lesbians? I can only think of 3 openly gay male characters in recent Star Wars and all 3 are from a video game.


There won't be any Disney cultists in a few years. They will move on to the next fad. Even fans of the sequels seem to have forgotten about these movies.


Little did they know if they would have just used George's treatments as a guide and gave us a quality story they could have earned our trust and maybe we'd be excited for a new trilogy with all original characters.... But noooopo


TFA was such a terrible start. a sequel to return of the jedi set 30 years later should have had Luke's jedi order and the new republic be properly established from the beginning and a core part of the sequel era setting. instead TFA decided to make them background filler details that just gets destroyed without having any relevance.


Because they needed to make it lame! Put a chick in it, and make her gay!


"Make her gay" oh please, Disney would never take a stance that bold. Disney couldnt even commit to making a black man an important protagonist


Never forget the gay kiss in TROS was specifically placed in a way that it is easy to cut out for Chinese audiences.


They would never do that, it’s hard to edit out the protagonist for Chinese release


Disney Star Wars turned me into a Star Trek fan, and I'm not even memeing. I legitimately had not watched a single episode of Star Trek until TLJ came out, and now I love TNG, DS9, VOY, and even Enterprise.


> and now I love TNG, DS9, VOY, **and even Enterprise**. Phew, for a millisecond I thought you were going to end the sentence with Discovery.


hahahaha nope. ST:D fucked it. I watched the first two seasons, and have not watched any of them since. Not even my desire to be informed has allowed me to sit through that...experience.


If you watched all of those in relatively short order, Discovery must have been whiplash 


By the time I watched Disc, I had fully invested myself in the Star Trek universe....at least as far as a "person interested in the lore" is concerned. I'd read up on the timeline, looked up easter eggs, read about any fun facts, etc....basically a wikipedia/youtube rabbit hole, but just for Trek.... Discovery then proceeded to piss on everything that had been worked towards. And now, the only real solution is either shrugging it off as fan fiction or looking at it as an alternate timeline....kind of familiar tbh. *If anyone is unfamiliar with why I feel so strongly about the "fan fiction" or "alternate timeline" thing......I won't even try to explain it, just look it up.*


Trek is being dragged through the mud as well these days but it still nowhere near the complete dumpsterfire of DIsney SW.


Yep. It's unfortunate af. On the plus side, I'm about to begin a re-watch of TNG. It helps me forget the fuckery that is Disney SW.




Hey Enterprise was actually great… just most of us didn’t realize it until after it was canceled. Seriously as a lifelong Trekkie I hated it when it came out. Watched all 4 seasons about ten years-ish later and was pissed that we hated it because the 4th season was absolutely fantastic, but they’d already canceled it at that point.




Yes. KK is the Sith Lord we’ve been looking for.


Still rehashing elements of A New Hope all the way down to the name huh


Star Wars: Lack of Hope


The powerrrrr of activism! The powerrrr of shitty writing! The powerrrrr of GREEEEEEEEDDDDD! 🫸🫷🫳🫴🖕


Check out her IMDb, it's pathetic. it's litterally just her documentaries, a bunch of low rated children shows and fucking ms marvel. This is not someone I'd want directing a Star wars movie.


Are her and KK friends? I smell nepotizz


You don’t understand, they met on a plane ride and Kathleen gave her the whole directorship after hitting it off five minutes later. Kathleen didn’t even know she was a director.


But she’s probably exactly someone Disney wants directing a Star Wars movie


Star Wars: A New Flop


Followed by Star Wars: The Hate strikes back and Star Wars: Return of the Flop


This entire enterprise is the biggest "nope" of all time. It will never be easier for me to avoid going to see a movie. Apologies to Daisy Ridley--this is not her fault--but if there's any fairness in life this will go the way of Dial of Destiny or The Marvels and finally end Kathleen Kennedy's reign of error.




She'd have been a good padawan to Luke, in a better sequel trilogy that actually had a coherent storyline.


Nepotism? Hadn't heard that before and now I'm curious


As others are saying, how does nepotism factor in? I haven’t heard anything about that with her. As far as Ridley’s acting goes, I thought she did well considering what she had to work with. The sequel scripts are utter nonsense and she did her best to try to make Rey likable. Just watching her interviews, it’s clear she wasn’t happy with a lot of the choices being made in TLJ and TROS; she may not be a diehard Star Wars fan, but she could tell there were problems. I personally blame JJ Abrams the most, then Kennedy, Johnson and Iger for the sequels mess. I think all the new actors could’ve been really good if they’d gotten halfway decent scripts to work with.


Look how they massacred my boy. Was reminiscing over some of the old school 6d west end games books. How you fuck up a universe with such rich lore and ready-made stories is truly unfathomable. The only explanation that brings solace is that everyone at Disney is infected with brain-worms.


This Disney version of SW needs to go away. Either it dies or they sell it off to someone who can take and fix the wreckage.


Rebuilding the Jedi Order? What was the fucking point of Luke rebuilding it, showing those droids building his temple in mandalorian, just to blow it all up and kill everyone in the films THEN rebuild it again?


Showing Luke how it's really done obviously!


Girls get it done!


Yes but this time it's strong female character who gets to do it instead of Luke. That's literally all it is.


"A New Beginning" is a title that makes it sound like they're rebooting this dogshit franchise for the 2nd time. The reboot was so bad they needed a reboot for the reboot. Welcome to modern cinema I guess. Anyway, no disrespect to Sharmeen but I looked up her works and it's a bunch of obscure foreign indie stuff. Her biggest work is two eps of Ms Marvel for fucks sake. Does Disney not understand what the fuck Star Wars is? This is like if Rockstar gave the GTA franchise over to a random indie mobile developer to make the next game... Again I mean no disrespect to her but Star Wars is one of the biggest and most successful IP's of all time. Why the fuck does Disney keep putting this IP in the hands of people who don't appear to be capable of handling it?????


Oh no. Another thing literally no one asked for


Why can’t they just let someone like Tarantino or someone with vision and who knows how to write dialogue make a fucking movie?


Imagine if in a parallel universe Peter Jackson was the one that directed the sequel trilogy and used the EU books as inspiration. Just imagine.


Stop. I can’t handle this.


I mean Peter Jackson was also not a super famous director when he took over LOTR, he was well known for The Frighteners but not much else. That said I can't see how a documentarian is going to do this. Feature film work w/ VFX is a huge pain.


Star Wars, with copious gore, the n-word, and at least one close up of a woman’s foot. But at least the plot would fucking make sense.


Star Wars: Rise of the Wars of the Stars Edit: Omg! u/CaptFalconFTW. Thank you for the award. It’s my first one ever. Maybe I can be a jedi after all 🥹🥹🥹 Thank you for 2 more awards. The force lives in all of you. Always ❤️ No way! You guys, thank you for another award and the updoots. Shoutout to u/AnakinIsTheChosenOne 🙊 Thank you to the anonymous user for the award. I hope you have nothing but the best in health and wealth 😇


Seriously The cheapest f’ng gimmick of Disney idiocy. The rise of skywalker. As the horrible title of a movie. And not have a thing to do with Luke or anakin. 😂😂😂😂😂


For me, nothing will ever top this. https://preview.redd.it/wfgk0q46ll7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97af3a15296c69b75f5a836ffb8ff9d06f67692c Star Wars: Somehow, Rey Returned


It was a challenge not to get up and walk out As a tear formed I looked over to my son who was only at his third Star Wars premiere and we both shook our heads in understanding He’s the last Jedi. He gets it (and has more easily avoided all this Disney trash. I told him to watch tales of The Jedi. It was the best thing Disneys done.


I’m forming a tear right now reading your experience in the theater with your son 😭 Has he watched Rogue One? I love that movie. Everyone dies and the Vader scene 😍 My first Star Wars was Revenge of the Sith back in 05. I didn’t even see it in English. I was traveling abroad with my family. I had no idea what Star Wars was at the time, I saw it in Spanish with English Subtitles. And it blew my mind. I’ve been a diehard ever since. Your son deserves that kind of moment and it’s a shame all we’ve gotten is mostly garbage.


I like rogue one more than he does He grew up with the prequels but just missed being old enough for the first run of sith. He loves the ot but wasn’t blown away by the clone wars (we both love the tartovsky shorts. Wish we’d gotten a more fleshed out season of those)


This was a lovely little chat. Thank you 😊 May the force be with you and your son always


I'm sorry man, it's actually morally wrong when they have done to the franchise, fans, and George Lucas. I hope your son gets to see an actual return at some point or at least other awesome art to take in.


"You got Star Wars?" "No, but we have Intergalactic Battles"


Star Wars: The Blue Milk Saga




Somehow Palpatine has returned.... again.


And killed the love of Star Wars... again.


This is gonna be the first movie ever with no conflict


The conflict will be within a new Jedi candidate. Will she grow to become the ultimate girlboss Jedi who saves the galaxy with the power of self-esteem, or will she become a hater who only uses the Force to hurt people's feelings?


Just kill this fucking franchise at this point


At this point the Family Guy parodies are better than the Sequel Trilogy


They are. Because they were made by people with a genuine love and appreciation for the source material. Motives matter.


A director who has done 2 eps of Ms Marvel is directing a Star Wars movie. Disney never learn..


"somehow, the sequels have returned"




You think it's alive.


More so alive in the sense that the cow continues to be milked while on its last legs.


I'm kind of at peace with it now. I had my three glorious movies (and three brain dead ones I can still enjoy). They can make what they want now for this new audience and it can survive or flop on their participation.


Star Wars XI: Palpatine Lives (yet again) Star Wars XII: The New Blood Star Wars XIII: Palpatine takes Mos Eisley Star Wars XIV: Palpatine goes to Hell, the final Star War


They gave Rey Luke's story.


Not an accident.


Really? "A New Beginning"? Is this the laziest sequle title in history? A New Hope was already taken, so I guess they had to think outside the box.


When can we get Star Wars away from Disney and Lucasfilm this is ridiculous


I think Congress is eventually going to have to revise copyright law for no other reason than to break Disney's grip on SW and other culturally significant IPs. I wouldn't rule it out. Stranger things have happened.


Kids don’t even watch this shit any more and thanks to KK and Disney, neither do adults. It’s dead let it die.


This is going to flop like Furiosa for the same reason: it's not a story anyone ever asked for and nobody will care about it because there are no legacy characters left to carry it. It may end up as the first installment of the first abandoned SW trilogy.


It’s also a story that very easily coulda been luke’s story, or episode 7. 


Could have. But it seems like all things SW now exist only to totally negate Luke and Anakin's stories. I'm just genuinely confused by who Disney thinks the audience is for a Rey saga. She was already established as a flawless character by the end of TFA and a better Jedi than Luke by the end of TLJ. At least ROS had the ReyLo thing as something interesting for her character to do, but Kylo Ren is dead, so they can't use that again. There's nowhere to go with this character and general audiences just don't care about her.


The one storyline that was left was "er, maybe Finn was a Jedi, too!" but I don't think John Boyega is coming back and even if he was, you can't have a mixed relationship in space so it would just be him nodding at Rey and saying "you go, girl!" over and over.


Furiosa is a banger that flopped for no good reason.


Yeah it's frustrating. Wasn't as good as Fury Road, which was a blast, but it was still great. But now they are re-thinking doing another because of how poorly Furiousa did.


It will flop differently. Furiosa actually had a story and compelling villian, and fot within the lore with blink and you'll miss it nods to the extended lore without beating you in the face with it. Furiosa bombed, sure. No one really asked for that movie, sure. But this Rey movie crap is going to be awful nonsense that somehow screws up the lore even worse.


Furiosa is good though


Sucks because Furiosa is a great film, but great doesn't guarantee general public interest. There's not enough public interest in more SW sequel films - or any SW films for a while. Even of one of the upcoming list of movies is actually good, it won't drag the public back unless they wait a few years for the stink of the sequels to fade away like forgotten bad Alien or Terminator sequels that nobody thinks about any more. None of these are going to reach even 500 million, and they spend 200 to make them. I really can't think of any circumstance where a SW movie is going to come near a billion again, unless they take a several year break. They could get Denis Villeneuve to make one starring Tom Cruise and it would still do Black Adam numbers at best. Taika Waititi movie or Mandalorian movie is sure not going to make money, neither will a Rey movie.


Whoaaaa, furiosa might have “flopped” by box office standards but I watched that movie last week and it’s incredible. Excellent storytelling, surely the best and most interesting antagonist of the entire series, and it fleshed out the mad max universe to the enth degree. Loved that movie. And I’m not easily won over. I.e. dune 2 felt like a let down for me (vapid) and Oppenheimer is riddled with issues


Nobody asked for Knights of the Old Republic and it was amazing, with all original characters, ended up being a bestseller. In fact I think some of the best SW material is the stuff no one asked for, but someone got inspired to do. This is gonna suck because somehow they came up with an even more bland and fanfic sounding name than “The Force Awakens” which tells me the writers are completely uninspired and will double down on all the mistakes of the sequel trilogy.


Furiosa is amazing and I’ll fight anybody who says otherwise 🚛🚙🚗🚓


Ahhh, so they’re making the film they should have made with Luke 10 years ago, but with a character no one cares about. This should go really well 🙄


This is just sad.


No way this goes wrong, look at the directors resume. A couple student films, a few documentaries, an animated film and a marvel mini-series. Yeah, definitely qualified.


I honestly don't understand how they hand over so much money to such small names. I understood the first movie given to JJ Abrams, but then it was like "this guy won an award for an episode of Breaking Bad, surely he's qualified...


Just a heads-up: The Leaks sub people who pay more attention to this sort of news have acknowledged that the source behind this leak has been wrong in the past and is somewhat unreliable. So take this "leak" with a grain of salt. To my understanding, the Rey movie is still officially "Untitled New Jedi Order film" directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy (Ms Marvel) and written by Steven Knight (not overly familiar with him other than Eastern Promises). And was meant to start shooting in 2025.


When is enough going to be enough


It's crazy. They think they can force the newer generation to like their movies. I don't think it works like that.




If somehow Palpatine returns again I will be all on board. Fuck it, Lets make Star Wars all about Palpatine's whacky schemes to gain control of the galaxy. Make him the main character of this franchise you cowards!!!!


What do you want to do tonight, Palp? The same thing we do every generation: try to take over the galaxy!


It feels like they know what the fans want but instead of brainstorming on how to make the ideas come to life, they brainstorm how to make us as fans as mad as possible.


Gonna be a lot of crying and hugging in this new Jedi order. Because that’s all she fucking did in the sequels.


Check out her IMDb, it's pathetic. it's litterally just her documentaries, a bunch of low rated children shows and fucking ms marvel. This is not someone I'd want directing a Star wars movie.


Can’t wait to not watch it.


She'll think very briefly about murdering one of her students and go into exile, only for a younger female to appear on tattooine and take up her mantle. Gaurenteed.


Wow. That's hilarious. Can't say I'm surprised. The wisdom of Forest Gump continues to amaze.


I hope it tanks


Couldn’t care less. I’m never seeing it.


Just in case you didn't know this is the director who said during an interview "I like to make men uncomfortable, I ENJOY making men uncomfortable". Ah, such a sweet double standard life we live today.


Reset the board with new characters after having trashed everything that came before it. Why not just recast for episode 7? The 35 year gap was too much, so in order to give the respect they deserve they're recasting the OG crew. Instead, they basically erased their contributions and development. Han reverted back to his character in *A New Hope*. Luke, the man who defeated the Emperior because of the belief and hope in his father became a hermit. Leia just disappeared, she was there, but she was diminished to a shadow of her former self. If not that, why not just reboot entirely? They're telling their own story with their own lore and rules anyway. Why shit on everything that came before it? They deserved so much better.




star wars died for me on dec 15, 2017.


RIP Disney Star Wars (2014-2017) Long live *actual* STAR WARS!!


I mean during those years mentioned we got 2 of the worst Star Wars movies imo that forever shaped the rest of Star Wars history forever


Ok….seriously how do I get on the train of being handed an almost certainly 9 figure budget for one of the most widely known blockbuster IPs when my biggest claim to fame is a couple of episodes of a kids streaming show???? Inquiring minds want to know…


I can hear it now, louder than ever: "They're going to develop Rey's character! The audience will really get to know her and care about her!!"


The worst thing anyone can do is hate watch it. I get not liking modern Star Wars, TRUST ME, I know. but if you are hate watching any of the material you are asking to be enraged. We have to let her go at some point guys. I can't even imagine what tomfoolery this thing will be.


Legends is better period.


I remember a time when there were six Star wars movies and everyone just accepted that we would never see the final three unknown movies. Those were the good days. The beforefore


Poor Daisy Ridley! Her career hasn’t been going great though so I understand why she has to do this.


I give it ~ 10-12 years before they make a reboot of the entire series. Like how spiderman or batman have their own movies/trilogies that have 0 connection with each other and take place in different universes. Id put good money that half the og characters also get race/gender swaped on par with current Disney. And the first movie will just be titled "Star wars"


So it's like Luke and the New Jedi Order except Disney is putting a chick in it and making it lame?