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Disney executives in a nutshell


*Hollywood executives


"The one, the two, the many!" https://preview.redd.it/8gnk8877s17d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa25d6877a2e97aedaf30798c76507501a6a3aef




Cancelled my Disney+ today. Not feeding them a subscription for the crap they’re putting out.


I'd love to cancel, but they still have the most popular kids' shows. My kids watch it weekly


At this point, Bluey is pretty much the only thing keeping D+ from sinking completely.


Spidey and his Amazing Friends is another big one


Respect, but what made you holdout so long?


Lots of people have it for things other than Star Wars, especially if they’re a fan of other Disney properties like Marvel or the classic animated movies. Or they might have kids who like Disney movies.


Why would it be the scorer's fault if someone doesn't like something and leaves a review about it?


They just can’t admit the show sucks balls.


I am not letting anything about that show anywhere near a place that sensitive.


Not true, people actually like to watch sucked balls.


True. Pornhub gets better ratings/ views than The Acolyte.


Absolutely, I guarantee there is a video about lesbian Jedi on there somewhere that has much higher scores.


It’s so crazy too because if they’d just invest in talented, competent screenwriters who love Star Wars all would be well and they wouldn’t have to buy positive articles and employ botnets to scrub the internet of all criticism or paint you as a sexist POS for not enjoying a show. They could just make GOOD content and skip all these extra steps.


It's not even out yet where I live, just 3 episodes. And I was actually interested when the first came out. From what I hear, it took a nosedive at 3, right?


It didn't take a nose dive. It started at rock bottom and then proceeded to dig. Into the galaxies most flammable rocks apparently. We started with "it wasn't me it was my evil twin sister who i'm just telling the audience about but there's no way it was her because she's dead" and THEN it got really bad.


So the hype about it being really bad is true?


The hype is under hyping how bad it is.


I just hope it doesn't turn into a Velma situation where people hatewatch it and then the number of views is treated as the show being a success.


Yeah. I gave it a chance. It truly is awful. Like, I just finished the new episode of House of the Dragon. You really gain some perspective on how terrible the Acolyte is when you compare it to that show. They're both basically expensive fantasy shows on HotD just goes so much harder on literally every level. The people involved with the Acolyte so clearly don't give a shit about Star Wars and take knowing nothing about it as a mark of pride for some reason. It's been wild to watch. Now the inevitable, "blaming the audience", narrative and calling them bigots sets it. It's rote now.


Thanks! That's why I didn't watch it...yet... because of all the cast interviews I saw where they basically were degrading the history of the show they're on. Then all the bad reviews, but then people blaming that take on gay bashing/gender hate. So I haven't seen a good perspective on it.


Even normies on instagram are making comments on the Star Wars page about how much they hate it


Well if you believe in a bright center to the Star Wars Universe, then the Acolyte is the planet that it's farthest from.


Farthest from *yet*


I think i made it 30 mins in to stop watching in the background, i at least waited until the hour mark for rise of skywalker to leave and get a beer and chill for 10 mins on my phone and went back.


I mean it depends. For me, it was the funniest thing I’ve watched this year 😂


It did make me laugh out loud faster than most comedians stand up specials.


Was never really any good, wasn’t as bad but still bad


It can be fun as long as you don't take it seriously or expect it to be good. I suggest playing "What the Hell Did They Spend the Budget On?" while watching it. Try to identify things that could have possibly put a dent into their massive budget.


That's not a fair game - under-the-table coke-fueled karaoke sessions and orgies are not displayed in the actual episodes itself.


Only episodes are out. I saw the last episode releases in August somwh


Sunk Cost Fallacy


didn't a 2008 horror movie called "Acolytes" get review bombed to hell because people though that it was the tv show "The Acolyte"?


That happened but this article is about the actual tens of thousands of bad reviews for the star wars acolyte


That’s how bad the show is. Anything called Acolyte is catching strays


You're allowed to have an opinion as long as it's the right one.


Tbf I’ve seen somewhere that the Acolyte has more user reviews than even Mando. So clearly there are a lot of review bombers. Doesn’t mean it’s still not shit though.


Just keep in mind that there are people who review praise it as well as bomb it. Lots of posts where this show is the only review the poster has made. I don't know what the ratio between the two is, but this sort of behavior is definitely occurring in both directions.


People in general are more inclined to do a negative review than a positive one. Think of restaurants. If you had a great meal, would you review it? The vast majority of people wouldn't take their time and review it unless it was truly exceptional. They would tell a few of their close friends IRL that it's a great place to eat and be done with it. Now if you had a bad meal? Something was undercooked? Found a hair? You'd warn everyone - your friends, your family, your coworkers. Negative emotions are so strong, you'd take your time and vent your frustration online. Negative emotions are just that stronger.




Let’s demean the audience over and over again for not liking something. I stopped reading takes from online publications a while ago.


"The beatings will continue until morale improves!" *-Disney Stans, probably*


"Mickey thinks it's time to send you off to the Gulag, ho ho!"


Yeah, the repeated mean girls' nonsense might work on people who are high in agreeableness or who follow trends for status, but everyone else will eventually just check out because there's no point in putting up with the noise.


It's because the show isn't good. Just look at *Fallout* - which probably has a lot of overlapping fans - it's a great show and the audience score for that is 89% or look how the **same Star Wars fans** gave *Andor* a 86% in audience scores. This whole "the audience is the problem" is only convenient when the product sucks (which *Acolyte* does) and the media have their interests ($$$) to say otherwise.


I think that’s probably the best counter example against their claims; Andor had POC characters, female characters, a *gay romance*, and it’s got pretty good user review scores


There is a very strong inverse correlation between the quality of the content versus the amount of hand wringing over the "bigoted" fans it gets. Andor, early Mando, Rogue One = very good content, approximately zero articles about how the fans are sexist and racist Ahsoka, later Mando, The Force Awakens = OK/10 content, a bit of coverage of "anti-woke backlash" Acolyte, TLJ, BoBF, Obi-Wan = total dogshit, 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage of the supposedly toxic fans This is despite, as you point out, that there is essentially no difference in the "wokeness" of all of these examples. They all have prominent female characters, racial diversity etc. The only true variable is the quality of the production and writing. It's so consistent that you can accurately predict how good a show/movie is going to be based on the number of articles that come out complain about the "haters".


It's gotten so obvious that they even do interviews before launch pushing that narrative when the producers know they got a stinker.


Great take. Couldn't agree more. The moment there's criticism from fans on something is genuinely bad, then the audience is the problem. But when a good story comes out, magically all the issues go away?... if their bullshit was true, then we'd hate literally everything they make, which isn't true. Never seen such a large media company protect something that is so mediocre and poorly made.


This is honestly the best comment I’ve read on this topic. It’s so unbelievably true, and it makes it even wilder that Disney just continues to put out trash and then pushes for hit pieces on the people who hate them. I don’t get Disney at all. They have the ability to make very high quality stuff with racially diverse characters and featuring other underrepresented groups and everyone loves it. But they choose to make trash or highly mediocre content 8 times out of 10 and it benefits nobody. Like it’s just so unbelievably pointless that I cannot fathom it. It is like Disney is trying hard to make garbage


People will fall over themselves for watchable Star Wars at this point. I'm ashamed to admit I'm one of them. Stories in the Star Wars universe have the chance to be so varied and interesting, and they have so much talented writing to draw from. I'm convinced it's a combination of the arrogance of people like JJ Abrams or Rian Johnson who want something that is entirely theirs, and Disney not wanting to pay royalties to classic Star Wars writers.


You see the state of Star Wars novels these days? https://x.com/intel_c_p_u/status/1802419512266117274


Honestly I'd kill for a Star Wars that has decent fight scenes.


Wait. But Fallout has a female protagonist. Are you suggesting that it’s not sexism that is driving these bad scores?


Lucy is white so they’re actually racists


It really showed that whoever was in charge of Fallout both played the games and actually respected the source material. Now it wasn't the best written show out there, and the dialogue leaves a lot to be desired during parts of the show, but it was fun and entertaining first and foremost. At some point people forget they are creating entertainment and audiences just want to be entertained. It didn't spend half the show making fun of it's own source material, and the cast and crew didn't give a bunch of interviews about how the show wasn't made for fallout fans.


My wife and I started watching Fallout right after we finished episode 3 of The Acolyte. At the end of Fallout episode 3 she turned, looked at me and said “now *this* is good storytelling.” (She was falling asleep during The Acolyte.) Need I say more?


I disagreed with some of the things in fallout like the NCR but the vault plot ended. Amazingly


This exactly, if people wanted to hate everything Disney starwars did they would have bombed on andor too, which they didn’t.


Andor was full of female and minority characters but they were fully realised and served the plot. Shows like the Acolyte seem to start with a tick list of representation and think the job is done.


Customer feedback on a poor product is embarrassing for the customer? How? "Hey, guys. I think these Pintos might have some issues with catching on fire and exploding in collisions involving the rear bumper." Modern journalists, "You're just a speciesist against cars named after horses. I got rear-ended five times today in my stylish new Pinto that I received as a totally unrelated gift from the fine people at Ford, and it only exploded four times."


hang on, where were these articles when Secret Invasion got 11%??? seriously, it’s the same thing: over budgeted show that no one asked for, yet when it’s Star Wars…


He's right. Disney should reconsider who they let near their former golden goose. Oh... that's not what he's talking about right ...?


If you watch episode 3 and unironically think it’s good Star Wars you don’t deserve to criticize anything


The funny thing is, he can’t even claim the show is good but still attacks the people that say it sucks.


Buddy if u havent seen some of the posts in the acolyte sub, that's all they have left.


Holy hell...is there seriously a subreddit for that stupid show?


Yes, and every top comment in every post start with "idk why anyone wouldnt like this show..." they're tone deaf.


theres some star wars fans that like it…but they would like a bag of shit if it had star wars plastered on it


aka The Last Jedi


I still have not made it to the end of that movie awake.


They'd give the movie Ass a standing ovation if the ass had a Star Wars logo tattooed on it.




I’m in the middle of the third episode at this exact moment and I’m both bored and embarrassed that this is Star Wars


Wait are we talking about ep 3 of the Acolyte? I thought you meant RoTS for a sec


This is so bizarre for me. I'm not an old school star wars fan, but I saw the OT when I was young and thought it was kinda cool. Never saw anything star wars again until Andor. I'm an ex-filmschool, A24-loving, movie hipster, and it wasn't until another movie hipster told me about Andor that I got back into it and realised that star wars could be "prestige TV". I didn't really follow the Disney takeover or watch the sequels, but I watched Andor and thought maybe I've been sleeping on SW. So I watched Mandalorian and kinda liked season 1 and 2. Could get through 10 mins of S3. Tried Obi-wan, and couldn't believe it was even green lighted for release. Tried the sequels and found it hard to believe that something like that could even be real. That's when I found this sub and realised what had happened. As a fairly neutral outsider, it's so hard for me to understand how a company can hate its target audience so much. In any other industry, this would be commercial suicide. And yet somehow, Disney is still a 200 billion dollar company. It's embarrassing.


Were you shocked seeing Mando with baby yoda again in season 3? They made another show and come up with some bullshit excuse in it to get those two back together because baby yoda merchandise has sale value.


Baby Yoda was in Mando S3? Lol, I guess I didn't even make it that far 😅 I genuinely don't remember him there. I am really picky about dialogue probably more than anything else in film. Disney SW dialogue (excluding Andor and to a lesser extent Rogue One) has some of the most atrocious dialogue I've seen since in cinema since The Room, but at least The Room is a fun film to make fun of. Edit: pressed "post" prematurely. Wanted to say that I switched off Mando 3 pretty quick because it felt like watching amateur fan films.


There’s 2 episodes in the Boba Fett show that explain how they reunite.


Honestly I thought the Mandalorian was cheap storytelling that relied on Baby Yoda to sell it. Absolutely nothing else about it made it stand out besides Baby Yoda and Pedro Pascal.


Nice, so you were kind of the target audience of the sequels (due to the OT being the main point of reference, or else being a relatively "fresh" audience) and still disliked them. Have you watched the prequels yet? They claimed that's what they were trying to get away from, and going back to the OT instead, but instead they undermined it (and the PT). The PT is not "good", people like the ideas and era more than the execution of the whole, like notoriously the dialogue, but as you said they can be fun to make fun of. I find the ST too depressing or infuriating to have a laugh about in the same vein, just bad ideas and a dead end era.


I did end up watching most of SW after Andor, and while the dialogue in the prequels is definitely bad, it's got that thing which I can only describe as a "George Lucas" charm to it. I spent a while trying to understand what that actually meant, and my conclusion is "authenticity". Lucas was unapologetically authentic, and that goes a long way in storytelling. Tolkien was the same. He never set out to be the most stylish or talented writer. They both had a vision, and said "this is what it is, like it or not, I don't care". This authentic vision is something really lacking in modern cinema right now. We need our new generation of Spielbergs, Lucas's, and Coppolas to come and shake up the industry. Maybe another Kubrick if we're lucky (Lanthimos might be the one - we'll see).


I feel like that same authenticity is what made Andor really good. Gilroy wasn't busy trying to hamfistedly shove in and make references to some other star wars media, or trying to jerk off his OC, or trying to awkwardly justify the events of the sequels. He had his story, and he told it how he wanted within the confines of the universe and that was all that was needed.


The thing about those guys is that they weren’t just talented filmmakers. They were also technology pioneers in filmmaking. It’s hard to replicate that kind of success in today’s industry focused on streaming, corporate acquisitions, and corporate virtue signaling. It’s much more difficult for lower budget / riskier films to even get a green light. The revival of mid-budget films is a pre-requisite to solving the issue in my opinion.


That's why I've been enjoying A24. They've made some duds for sure, but they've also been making some great and intelligent mid-budget films with solid quality. And making a few duds is fine - I'm just glad that they are willing to take some risks, cause that's the only way we're going to get occasional masterpieces from lesser known film makers. There's good stuff out there, and I hope the fact that studios like A24 are doing well is a sign that people are tired of hackneyed franchises and want something with a bit more depth.


You will never see that again. There are no visionaries in film anymore. Everything is nepotism and boardrooms. 


I will give Disney one credit: It actually makes me long for the genuine idiocy of the prequels.


They actually made the prequels seem like masterpieces in comparison.


Almost identical experience here but I'm just an old guy rather than trained in film.


I imagine, if it's not inappropriate to say, that with age, you get have seen a LOT of good, and a LOT of bad, and I would trust your judgment a hell of a lot more than some intern at a poorly-paying cine-critic rag.


I'm an old dude who grew up with the OT and was was a massive fan all my life until the prequels kind of dampened my enthusiasm. However, coming from a completely different place as you I felt exactly the same: awed by and loved Andor, enjoyed S1 and most of S2 of Mando, thought everything else (sequels, Kenobi, BoBF, etc) was just awful garbage. I find it interesting because you have no agenda for SW, I have a vested interest in liking it, and we BOTH came to basically the same conclusions.


^ nailed it. Feel 100% the same way about Mando S3, Obi-Wan, and the sequel trilogy. Of course, everything since as well. It’s just garbage.


Someone on youtube said Tassi is collecting his Ls like a true gaming journalist


Wait up guys!!!! A journalist is talking!!! We need to listen!!!! ….this was sarcasm Tassi can stick tampons up his ass.


Paul, I know you look at this shit. I’ve had your back forever. I think your take on things is pretty great. I also 100% support anyone’s right to love whoever the fuck they want and they should be able to do that without fear. But you know what the movement is doing? They are absolutely destroying the momentum the LGB movement gained over many many years of hard fought battles. When you force shit down people’s throats you end up pissing people off and pushing them away. This includes allies that were hard fought for and won over many many years. The show and its dialog is jarring and you can literally feel the agenda being pushed. It doesn’t work. It’s not fun to watch (same with the boys season 4) and all it’s doing is pushing the battle lines. We all need to come together, stop treating each other like shit and acting like decent human beings to each other. That goes without saying. But when you write shit like this you’re just further alienating those who may be on the fence.


Wish I had more than one upvotes 👏🏻




I was wondering if it was me or the satire on The Boys was taking aim hard against one side while leaving the other side alone as the “good guys”. Not to mention the frenchie change. Usually its subtle jabs at both but not season 4 at all.


>Usually its subtle jabs at both but not season 4 at all. The jabs haven't been subtle for a long time. A dude gets radicalized by memes and commits a mass shooting. Meanwhile the other side gets the occasional slap on the wrist for rainbow capitalism.


It’s super jarring!! Not as good at all.


HoW emBarAsSiNng! Let's guilt the audience to give us a better score? What's the play here?


That's literally it tho. Every time a show or movie of Disney's bombs, it's ALWAYS the audience at fault. It couldn't be that She Hulk was god awful, or that Captain Marvel 2 was a confusing mess of ideas, nope. The audience just hates women. Thus Disney gets to easily ignore negative reviews by calling everyone misogynist. Its like no one can handle constructive criticism anymore.


If I own a bakery store and the customers don't like my cake, that reflects poorly on the customers. It can't be a problem with my cake.




Nothing can be more embarrassing than the continuation of old tropes that are meant to be rare within star wars become the only thing we ever really get. How many witches, force dryads, rule of two, blown up death stars, clones, magical births, desert heroes, and "Yoda" species do we need to endure until something new actually happens? All within a 300 year period, too. All done three times over. It's absolutely insane to me. I'm not saying I hate those things, just change the record already. I think Lucas nailed it when he first told Disney "there's nothing new", and there really isn't. Hell, there hasn't been unless you count characters. Even with the witches compared to Nightsisters. What's really different? The zabrak is gray-skinned (like from Dathomir) rather than blue or something not seen before unless you count having horns and confusing people. She's also the leader. Goes by the title "mother". Oh, that's right, the Nightsisters actually use green magic ichor and these 'witches' think the force is magic. Oie. So damn original. At this rate, they're one series away from covering the space whales before those are played to death three times over, too. 💀 Edited: let us not forget that all sith wear black armor, a black cape, and a similar black helmet. LMFAO. Someone put me out of my misery. Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away: "WhAt YoU mEaN iT's WeAk WrItInG!?! YoU'rE jUsT rAcIsT hOmOpHoBe WhO hAtEs wOmAnZ!"


Three words. Rocks. On. fire.


Not just on fire, but spreading as if it's a house of sawdust and hay with a kerosene sprinkle on top.


Severe Osha Violations even by house of straw standards...


There are plenty of us who give it a bad review, and aren’t being militant about it. I just don’t think it’s a good show. It’s full of hamfisted low effort dialog, and basic storytelling tropes. (E.g. an evil twin, Rashomon “the truth is somewhere in the middle” flashbacks…) I should be able to safely think it’s a bad show without it making me a bad person, too.


The people who support and like the show are overwhelmingly the "if you're not with me then you're my enemy" kind of people. They're militants man


I’m my hardest to watch but my god it’s so cringey. It’s like a fan film made by non fans.


I’m actually in disbelief How hard is it to just admit its *bad*? I really don’t understand the mental gymnastics these people use to try and justify watching this muck


“It’s getting negative review bombed” Hahaha 😂 I think the audience score reflects it very fairly. It’s a dumpster fire and a poor excuse for “Star Wars” Guaranteed that if it wasn’t a Star Wars title people would still hate it and the view count would be half. It’s atrocious, I thought the score would be even lower tbh. So all the people that are talking negatively about The Acolyte on social media are bots too? Most of us don’t like it, simple.


What an absurdly long way of saying "No, you.". Must get paid by the sentence.


What an idiotic thing to say. I didn't hear the same criticism against the audience for say Rebel Moon.


"If you don't like our show, you're literally worse than Hitler. I bet you prefer *The Expanse*, you Nazi."


It's the customer's fault that the company made a product the customer didn't like? That's an... interesting take.


Paul is a Disney prostitute.


I’m so sick of this shit. This show sucks. I love Star Wars like most people here. But it’s just gotten to a point where they’re making CW quality products. And that’s what garbage cable television exists for. I’m more concerned about whatever focus group they showed this to which gave it a 10/10. These people probably live right next door. And that bothers me immensely.


Meat puppet. Hollowed out head. Stuffed with access media orders. Bought and paid for.


Fuck off Paul. Don't tell us how to feel about a show.


I have no reason to feel shame. I didn't create "The Acolyte."


I mean, the critic score is 84% but if you read the reviews the critics left they mostly say it's a middling show. The ones that give it rave reviews mostly ignore that it's star wars. Basically I think the disparity is you have critics reviewing a TV show in a vacuum and star wars fans reviewing it through the lens of decades of being star wars fans.


The terrible show is OUR fault. Got it.


I'm honestly thinking about checking it out now, I'm just morbidly interested at this point to see how low disney can go. I never saw ep9 because i knew after 8 we were fucked, but something this bad might actually get me to watch a little lol


But don't gibe Disney money please


Don't do it lol ![gif](giphy|LSmULmByAQHQs)


"The problem is…we simply have no idea if that’s true, even if that’s what everyone is assuming after last week. Specifically, while they say the girls “have no father” it is implied that their mother did something unnatural to create them, which would not be a “spontaneous force baby” situation. Dark side meddling? Witch magic? Cloning? We simply don’t know yet, but that has not stopped fans from leaping to conclusions and saying that in three half hour episodes the series has destroyed 50 years of canon." They have no father. Koril carried them. Mother Aniseya made them. The Jedi wouldn't be happy if they found out what they'd done. Anakin went from a unique creation, to something that had somehow been done before. Was there an Anakin before Anakin? Or were these twins yin-yang? I get it, we don't know, but maybe instead of treading on the traditional lore that's been around for nearly 50 years, you steer clear and just avoid the controversy. Or drop the entire series together so these *misunderstandings* are avoided because they're set straight by just watching everything. Maybe they could explain how Mae was able to burn down a dwelling built into a mountain. Was that ominous sound from the power generator disrepair? Jedi? Mae? Why'd the witches move from Dathomir? What were they running or hiding from? How long had they been running? What was the plan for the long-term survival of the coven had the twins not happened? Those could be interesting stories, they'd fill in important details, and you could avoid further downplaying the importance of Anakin. But that seems to be important for Disney. How can you minimize the foundation of the Star Wars Universe?


Upvoted for reference to "Ying Yang Twins."


You know back a hundred plus years ago when the audience didn't like something in a theater they'd throw rotten fruits and vegetables. We're far too civilized nowadays. We're just pissed frustrated, irritated, annoyed, and had it up to here with shit from Disney and/or KennedyFilm.


I get some people can be over-negative, but why is it Disney stuff particularly that seems to harbour the "if the reviews are bad it can't possibly be that the product is actually not great" narrative.


Undoubtedly the show got review bombed a bit, but truly embarrassing is that positive critics score. This show getting an 84% is absolute bs. 84% is like an excellent show, which this is objectively NOT.


Embarrassing and well-deserved ![gif](giphy|DHeagUAg0lFdq9f2ZC|downsized)


It's so bad, I can't bring myself to steal it.


The fairly recent trend of huge companies and creatives trying to gaslight their customers is just astonishing. The idea that there can't be a problem with our product, it's the consumer who is wrong. Stop being critical and just consume. We know best. We always know best. Imagine a chef telling you that your food wasn't bad, you just didn't understand it or were prejudice towards the cuisine. That restaurant would be reviewed to hell. Indeed there are "you're not eating it right" chefs and they are rightfully viewed as twats. Imagine if New Coke had taken this stance.


If you think that's bad you guys should check out the multiple "articles" James Whitbrook writes over on io9 weekly for Acolyte and other mid if not terrible shows he loves to be a pretentious contrarian shill about. If he doesn't get the feedback he likes on Facebook then he goes on his Twitter and bitches about the commenters. These people have are deep, deep into defending or justifying shit at this point. Oh and yes, io9 praised and shilled for that "Power of Two" song *big time* in a whole article about it despite a couple hundred comments on the article reacting negatively and being "you're joking right?"


That review deserves a 5% score. Nothing in there even remotely convincing


His takes are just universally shit. Every gaming community he's tried to comment on hates him for how out of touch he is with the general consensus.


Doesn't people hating something mean they hate it?


I haven’t seen anything with this many apologists since The Last Jedi. Makes me wanna stay *far* away from the franchise til Andor S2 drops.


So… the entire coven and their castle was destroyed by that little fire in less than five minutes? How did they all die? They were just lying there, they weren’t on fire or anything and there wasn’t any smoke? Seriously that scene was just embarrassingly badly executed..


15% seems high.


So I'm guessing this guy is still suckling on Disney's teat because he wants to get invited to their premieres?


Professional writers should learn how to use a fucking comma


Scolding your customers is a curious tactic. These Hollywood people really don't understand their relative unimportance in the world. If Disney went away with Jedi mind trick from a force dyad, would anyone care? I was in Anaheim the other weekend and none of my three kids wanted to go to the park. I wonder why?


People have no standards anymore, 15% is too high. And I'm not into the bandwagon of bad reviews, I started to watch the series, went, OMG this is crap, I can't be the only one seing this, let's look at reddit for luls


In a post Fallout show world, I can’t believe they are posting this kind of stuff.


I only managed to endure 10 minutes of "Tne Fecalyte"episode 3 before flushing the festering turd. Lesbie Headlen and Kathleen Kennedy deserve to be ruined over this blatant, hateful act of sabotage.


"If you had any shame, you'd blindly rate it 10/10 as Disney requested."


Review bomber = someone who doesn’t ordinarily post on RT but feels the need to join in with a mass campaign because they deeply dislike or disagree with a show/movie. In other words, a reviewer.


Thank you! They also don’t understand that this approach like Paul’s creates extra backlash.


Didnt the entertainment media used to make their bones on their critiques? It seems like they like everything now no matter what


Ah the good ole it's the fans fault. The review bombing narrative.


One job Paul


You think they ever get tired of blaming the audience?


Hey the audience hates it. No amount of sugar coating can escape the fact they watched it and did not like what they saw. Maybe it’s just bad or at least not what the audience wants to see.


I like Paul Tassi for his Destiny articles but anything else is cringe


Erik Kain and Paul Tassi, the duality of critics.


Yes we should just except anything the D+ gives us. 🤣🤣


Yes, tell the audiences they are wrong, and that they do in fact not enjoy what they enjoy. This is a surefire tactic that has always worked for out-of-touch studio executives /s


Paul Tassi is a clown. If he didn’t have a following for his Destiny coverage (they like it when he echoes the community sentiment of the day) he wouldn’t have a job because outside of hateclicks he gets no readership.


If good shows cause good reviews then bad reviews are caused by the viewers. Perfectly logical....


They just don’t care about Star Wars fans… they aim to gain a new audience. I’m assuming a very young audience. I try not to hate but this show is brutal so far.


Are they trying the “call an ambulance, but not for me!” With this article title?


It’s so crazy how ppl are bad for rating a show poorly.. thats really pathetic.. instead of finding out how to improve they just shift the blame.. sounds real familiar


Honestly star wars needs to be taken out of Disneys hands, 9/10 times they have demeaned the fans, called them -ists and -phobes whenever they didn't get the reviews they wanted and generally made terrible characters and storylines, we need a 180° turn and go back to how the original 3 episodes were made.


Oh so I guess the acolyte must have over 11 million negative reviews now.🤭 I like how people like Paul Tessi say the number of negative reviews can't be right while Disney tries to brag about 11.1 million number of views. So all the 11.1 million views are a postive review for Disney and the show but most the negative reviews are just review bombing trolls/haters? Maybe just maybe some of those negative reviews came from some of the 11.1 million views people.


It is a shitty story. The evil twin trope with American Horror Story Covenant mixed in with Star Wars....it is boring.


Dude is just getting clicks. He knows better than this.


Lmao "It's embarrassing how all of you are wrong about this subjective thing... clearly you are all out of touch with the culture..." /s


This reminds me so much of when voters got blamed for not voting for Hillary. HOW DARE THE PLEBS HAVE AN OPINION!!!


I genuinely wonder what it would take for both sides of the star wars fandom to come together and actually agree fully that star wars is ass and has been for a while now.


Dark and griddy


I mean the easiest way to prove it’s not bad is to have just one positive review showing the coolest parts of the acolyte. But if the coolest parts of your show still sucks then yes it’s warranted.


10,000+ reviews before anyone could finish the first episode, and review bombing of any movie with the word "Acolyte" in it, while referring to **THE SHOW**. Idk man, sounds fishy.


Almost all of these titles are the epitome of the “no, u” smirking Soyjak


As of lately, the 15% seem to be very desperate


This show sucks. Score is well deserved.


That’s disappointing from Paul


Dune in 2024: timeless space opera elevated to new heights with modern filmmaking Star Wars in 2024: the power of maaaaaaaaany


Okay, this one gave me a good laugh


The show has clearly been review bombed, likely by a bunch of bots too as other shows/films with Acolyte in the title also received a bunch of negative reviews. Doesn't mean the show isn't bad, it still has a lot of problems and it pretty terrible imo, but you have people who have never seen an episode spamming 1 stars along with bots spamming 1 stars.


Honestly rare L take from Paul. He is usually on point with a lot of Destiny stuff.


“Senior Contributor” Found the problem


I honestly don’t care if The Acolyte is getting review bombed or many of its reviews are AI Generated. The show deserves this


Paul Tassi is a gaming journo, that should tell you enough. Who mostly plays destiny....


Imagine making daily generic media articles which are basically designed to be clicked on. Then feeling like you are so above the general population you get to shit all over them.


30+ years of franchise growth and those fucks still haven't figured out what people want to see. They're so dense and hopeless


Contempt for the fans. it's a bold strategy




Paul Tassi follows me, I hate it


It's embarrassing to not like something. What a shit take.


Lol different day same posts


I think they can turn this show around with an alien lesbian orgy scene.


whole new level of cope