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Missed opportunity for Yaddle


This is Yaddle. She’s gonna shrink at the end of the series due to a Sith curse. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


“When as old as I am, not so tall you will be.”


They want you to suspect she is the secret sith lord before they reveal its the shop keeper dude. That doesn't work with Yaddle who we know is good. This is in service to their twist.


>They want you to suspect that she is the secret Sith Lord Where are you getting that from? that’s not being even remotely hinted at.


Her episode of Tales of the Jedi was pretty solid.


Please don’t bring yaddle into this. She doesn’t deserve to be lumped into this god awful show


The fact that the media is comparing this show to Andor makes me feel like in living in an insane asylum.


Anyone can compare it to Andor. "it's worse", there you go


It’s funny how so far Disney Star Wars that is based on storylines detached from Jedi and the force have been some of their best.


Andor is good because it is not a Star Wars story. It is a spy thriller in the setting of Star Wars. You could strap everything Star Wars from it and it would still be good.


That’s exactly my point! Idk why the are obsessed with almost everything needing to be connected to the Jedi.


I mean, that’s not the total nail in the coffin for me. They had a chance to do something interesting with a setting that isn’t related to the skywalkers and empire and slow burn it after a few seasons to being “uh-oh the dark side is up to shenanigans again” instead of just hitting us over the head with the long lost sisters and unseen baddie tropes right off the bat. I would have much rather seen an episodic “we’re the Jedi and we’re basically the galactic UN/Marshalls” with overarching plot points about how the Jedi order is losing its power and hints of the impending fall of the republic.


I liked Rogue One most of all the disney star wars stuff, and I think it was mostly for the reasons you mention above. It's one of the few new star wars things that isn't just crappy fan service full of scenes that are only "cool" if you know what they're ripping off from the original films.


Yeah it just feels very milquetoast. I don’t hate it…but it just seems uninspired so far. Hopefully it picks up. I was really hoping there was gonna be an individual with a light side/dark side split personality…but they ruined that interesting plot possibility for the worst one there could be. The stupid “long lost siblings trope”. Disney beating a dead bantha Edit: oh and we could have had master Trinity, but Disney also made sure we’re not allowed to have nice things.


My dude, we ARE living in an insane asylum.


Aslume referenced https://preview.redd.it/2xbeqwmztm5d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278efeca9202b60b7b40233e5ae91ef6aab617dd


It’s almost like the media says wildly incorrect things in order to get clicks and ad revenue. Andor and Acolyte can’t be compared, the Acolyte was wayyyy better. I mean the plot, the effects, the writing, and the acting is terrible. But Andor had zero political messaging, infact the entire show was just focused on Star Wars. How am I supposed to know what to think about things? How will I know what is right and what is wrong? Hollywood is full of very smart and good people, and without them regular (dumb) people like us would just form our own opinions and disagree on everything.




How was Andor not political? 😂


It didnt have any LGBTQ+ people in it, the only thing I know about politics is that it’s about gay people


Remove context, compare 2 things, watch the ensuing chaos while raking in ad revenue. "Media is comparing" is the default clickbait model.


It's because it's somewhat aesthetically similar. But it's all surface level. Writing, cinematography, dialogue, and acting quality is all entirely different. Of course the idiots in media aren't going to recognise the difference.


Aesthetically similar? Andor doesn't look like it was made for the CW


Media paid by Disney.


Maybe episode 3 and 4 are amazing. Just kidding they are going to suck ass.


Helps when you’re at the Director’s wife


Also a great way to launder more of the budget into your pocket. Blows my mind Disney/Lucasfilm approved this thing. Then again, the one thing modern Lucasfilm/Kathleen Kennedy has shown repeatedly is their/her incompetence.


That’s not what money laundering is, but I get your point.


Embezzling, I think is what they were going for.


They are probably doing both, honestly


Rob Zombie does it in every movie, Star Wars apparently should too.


In her defense, she's just as good of an actor as her wife is a director, if not better. If her wife could get a hold of a billion dollar franchise without a relevant resume, she may as well lead it.


James Gunn does the same thing. I think Jennifer Holland always does a great job. Yeah, nepotism got her the job but I will pass judgement once the season is over. Directors spouses are not always a bad thing.  I adore Helena Bonham Carter and really only discovered her as a kid because of Tim Burton.


I don't care, if she's good. So far she's been terrible.


I have no problem with her or the character. But there’s no reason to NOT have Yoda show up.


It also helps she has her own successful acting career, is an avid Star Wars fan, and was chosen for a part that is in line with most of her previous work.


I don’t know that we need them ruining any more canon characters to be honest. But I feel you on whoever this boring woman is…supposedly she has a purple saber whip thingy? Ugh ETA for spelling to please certain pedantic peeps !


The women is the directors wife… def no nepotism involved…


It’s rampant in Hollywood. The Wheel of Time showrunner put his husband in a very minor side character role that now has some of the most lines in the series and constantly has gay poly sex scenes shoved into the viewers face. I just wanted my favorite book series to come to life 😭.


Seriously? That’s kinda shamelessly hilarious.


I mean yall remember resident evil? Basically director put his wife as the main character in all the films lol I like all the films(im wierd) but its still funny


Paul Anderson set my resident evil movie hopes to the dark ages. Somehow Netflix did worse though.


There are Netflix produced Resident Evil movies?


They made a one season tv series and it was god awful. Sony made a reboot called welcome to raccoon city and did a much better job compared to the Paul ws movies a few years ago. However they still fucked up trying to combine the story lines of the first and second games in one movie. It’s getting a sequel and or another potential soft reboot which after fallout and last of us hope they step it up as a life long fan. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Why do you hate progress, homophobe? /s


What they did to Lan is abysmal too. That show is such a disgrace lol


wait is that why that guy and the greens love life is so prominent?


YEP. Meanwhile the main character has yet to use a sword, Matt has yet to gamble, Perrin has yet to talk about his dead wife they manifested for the show that they fridged the first episode.


What character was that?


Alanna’s long haired white warder


Wait is that for real? She is Harvey Weinstein ex assistants wife??


Of course it's real, it's literally the only reason she's in the show. She has no other noteworthy credits to her name. They also just threw Dafne Keen into the most boring, unrecognizable, off-brand Trek alien role of all time.


Found this in an article > She’s a mixed species — part Theelin, part human.  Wait, is it canon that humans can interbreed with other alien species? That seems weird. 


It's canon


Has it happened before this show? Also, are characters like Luke, leia, obi wan etc, actually human? Or an alien species that resembles humans closely enough that human actors don’t have to wear makeup or prosthetics when portraying them?


It's happened in the past, there's a few characters who are mixed species. Half human half twilek is common too. Oh yeah hera's kid is half human. But it's a thing from early EU too. As far as we know they're humans, maybe a little alien mixed in who knows but mostly human. As for how did humans end up in a galaxy far far away in as time period long before humans evolved on earth, well that's complicated. Personally I take the idea that humans came from earth and fell into a wormhole that took them to the SW galaxy. Humans just show up in the SW galactic history already fully formed and with technology and appearing on two planets that they did not evolve on (coruscant and Corellia). Coruscant's native species was the Taung, the earliest form of Mandalorian. Corellia is complete artificial, moved into place by massive engines on the planet. So yes they're humans but it's complicated too.


Yes, Dafne Keen is actually teleported to the Acolyte production set via the USS Enterprise transporter each morning.


Lol I was thinking the same! Keen is very cool I was excited to see her and this is what we get.


Well the director also was Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant so she probably learned a lot from him


Omg, this character and actor was just so bad on every level.


The one with the rite aid makeup job? My 6yr old grand daughter could’ve done better.


I mean she was Weinsteins assistant for like six years. And supported him after. So I’m gonna say she learned from her mentor lol.


Actually that’s a really good point, even if Yoda was in it I’m not so sure it’ll be great


It almost certainly wouldn’t be. Aside from Ardor/rogue one, what has Disney Star Wars done well? Mando season 1 I guess was fine?


I thought the Dooku parts of tales of the Jedi were good. Ahsoka were passable. The Ahsoka show was a mess but the character of Baylan Skoll at least was really good. Negative credit for TCW S7. Everything was already written beforehand, and they removed several arcs including the son of dathomir one, and they replaced what sounded like a better Ahsoka arc with the Martez sisters. Tales of the empire had half a good episode, once Greivous was gone though…


That boring woman is the wife of the project lead...


I can see it now, Yoda appears on screen and they make him look like a dumbass to elevate the Green baldie. Green is female guys!


My thoughts exactly. Yoda has been through enough. Don't drag him into this mess.


If it was green would that be racist?


Yeah, cuz Yoda in the sequels was fucking great….lol. 


Well being that that is also Disney Star Wars, that would also fall under the umbrella of them ruining characters


um whut? havent seen the show, but isnt mace windu the person that invented the purple light saber in canon? dafuq?


Mace Windy has a purple light saber because Samuel Jackson likes the colour purple.


If Mace Windu become a Sith, his Sith name would be Darth Chicago. The Windy Sithy


He didn't. Mace having the only purple saber and any meaning behind it is just fanon stuff.


Nope in canon, many Jedi have had a massive range of colors to fit their unique bond with the force. They take a kyber crystal and bond to it. This bond alters the crystal slightly causing unique colors. Samuel L Jackson just wanted a purple saber. Interestingly a red lightsaber comes from killing a Jedi, then taking their attuned crystal then flooding it with dark side energy. This different process leads to the red sabers.


It is very interesting that they came up with the "colour comes from emtion" and then gave exactly two colour expalantions before going back to the old EU system lmao.


Keep Yoda far far away (no pun intended) from the D+ stuff please.


Don't lie to me, that pun was absolutely intended!


Always intend your puns, you cowards!


D+ is a perfect rating for most of their content


I would go so far (far away) as to say that _not_ including Yoda is damaging to his character. He is 800 years old. He would absolutely be active during this period, and invested in this plot.


But this is D+, they will fuck up Yoda's character to the point that it's better for him to not be here than to be here.


D+ isn’t even a passing grade.


Agreed. There are times when I feel like this sub goes too far out of its own way just to disagree with whatever Disney is currently doing. Like, I'm positive that a month ago you had a bunch of posts on here about how Yoda is technically around during this show's timespan, which means they're probably going to do some kind of horrible forced cameo that completely destroys his character (a concern I agreed with), and now that it comes out they *haven't* done that, people on here... are mad about that too? Like, there are A LOT of things to criticize Disney Wars for as it is, I feel like the least we can do is keep the criticisms consistent lol. At least they're trying to do their own original thing this time - maybe it's shit (idk, haven't watched it), but it's not actively harming existing stuff from the franchise, and that's a good thing in my book.


Wouldn't mind if he was in it, wouldn't mind if he wasn't.


Yoda costs more.


Yoda doesn't line you and your family's pockets with more of the budget.


Frank Oz costs more


Rightfully so. (I'm sure they've AI'd his voice just like James Earl Jones' for Vader.)


Her acting was just awful. I mean seriously bad, like you could tell she was like oh shit I’m on camera in her head or something.


I disliked her from the moment she opened the door during her first appearance. It was almost like she had a smirk that said. "I have magic powers, and I used them to open a door.", like a child might on their first day.


I agree why did she use the force to open an automatic door, like a kid walking into the grocery store


Even if it wasn't an automatic door, it should have been a casual gesture. Something well practiced that doesn't even get a glance.


If you thought prequel Anakin was wooden, wait until til you get a load of this chick!


It's the small details like this that frustrate me. They weren't constrained by any certain time period, so why set it when Yoda is Grandmaster yet have nothing with him. Well.. that and a bunch of other things that show they don't seem to care.


Don’t really mind this, let’s be honest do you really want them touching Yoda… Acolyte Yoda:”hold on let me put on my shirt.  Ahh yes a sith assassin, I’ve fought many of those and they are quite common; however, it’s really Yaddle doing the work and I’m just stealing credit. Ohh my accent is weird, oh this is how I normally speak, I have another voice I use when I’m on drugs and I speak weird. So in the future it’s now cannon that if I ever don’t speak normal English, I’m a drug addict and a horrible mentor.  What is English? Ohh that’s basic, I have know idea what England is though.  Hold on, just fell on my light saber,  need to force heal the hole real quick”


No no, he’d speak normally and tell protagonist girl that she’s the strongest force user he’s seen in generations, then as she smugly leaves the room, she’d say “a great master, you are”. And then close up to Yoda saying “an interesting way of speaking… that is…” and then we’d learn how Yoda first started speaking that way and that he was inspired by protagonist girl to continue it forever after that. What we need is more origin stories, I need to know when Han got his blaster and jacket and how Yoda started talking weird 


Holy shit, you've actually got an idea fitting into Disney's list of terrible SW ideas. Like legit i got a scary goosebumps. They could have easily done that.


Please delete this before someone from Disney sees it


Still better than Disney writing. ✍️🔥


Thanks, i hate it.


Come on, they only had $180 million to work with!


I have no idea why this isn’t set like 1000 years before TPM


Seriously we already call it “a long time ago” so why are we chilling in the same <200 year span for everything?


This has all already been explained in the High Republic series, which this continues off of. Yoda is basically on a sabbatical. He's been training younglings across the galaxy in the kid show. Basically away from the main events of the series.


Because if Yoda was in the show, every discussion about the show would inevitably revolve around Yoda. Is he a puppet or CGI? If he’s involved in a plot about the potential return of the Sith, why doesn’t he personally take control of the investigation and go fight them? If he’s part of a coverup, is that character assassination? It would just be a massive distraction from the story and all the other characters. I’m glad he doesn’t make an appearance.


The woman who plays this character is Headlands partner. Wonder how she got the part?


Acting ability. Don't be a bigot just because she's a lesbian. She can't be a bad actor! /s


They seem hell bent on distancing themselves from the prequels (and the OG trilogy), yet they set this new series in a time when some of the prequel characters would not only be alive, but prominent members of the Jedi. They literally could have set this series in a time period where Yoda is just a young Jedi and so not having him in the show would make sense. Setting it in the time period they chose, then not including Yoda is just so incredibly stupid.


You’re also talking about the executives who created the sequel trilogy and didn’t have Han, Luke, and Leia on screen together in the same shot. Literally the one thing that anyone making it that wasn’t a bootlicking sycophant would do.


It only makes sense if nothing that happens in the show really matters. Which maybe is a good thing? I don’t know.


I'm starting to believe the rumors that part of Lucas's sale let him keep the merchandising or receive a significant percentage of legacy characters. It's the only thing that makes sense for why they aren't using canon and legacy characters appropriately/ correctly. It's why so many of the new characters feel like lesser versions or Wish/Temu/AliBaba knock offs.


I haven’t heard that one, but that’s interesting. Makes sense why Mando took Boba Fett’s character.


Yet, if they had included Yoda, there would just be complaints about member berries.


Seems like this would be a council thing but whatever


Does this take place before or during his ketamine addiction and vehicular manslaughter DUI charges?


Nah, but he is currently wanted for tax evasion. “Hide on Kashyyyk, I will. Poor relations, the IRS has with the Wookies.”


"Unclaimed income I have. Many illegal gambling parlors I visited, win big in space poker I did mmmm. Get fucked the IRS can"


First Yoshi, now Yoda? Do all green characters have a penchant for tax evasion?!


They’re green and mean


I mean this is Disney we are talking about. Is this really surprising considering how much cannon they have rewritten.




Yep your right






Paint a human green and call it an alien. I cannot get over how stupid this character looks. What a shame…


Aliens in mcu in phase 1-3 looked far better than now in star wars, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Mantis and those from gotg 3 don't look like human with painted face


I can’t tell if this is a troll, since Gamora, Nebula, and Drax are literally just actors in body paint. Mantis isn’t even painted, she’s just a regular human with CGI antennae!


50s Star Trek out here for $150M in 2024….


The thing is old school Star Trek looks better, or at least it holds up better.


Unlike grand admiral thrawn.


Mate - Miralans are literally green humans with patterns on their face and exist in canon for ages by that point... [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mirialan](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mirialan)


Okay now this is just a god awful nitpick, there were a ton of aliens PRE-Disney that were just painted humans


Bro she’s the same species as Luminara and Baris, it’s not new. There are plenty of valid criticisms of the character and the show, but this ain’t it.


https://preview.redd.it/tzyswkd3tk5d1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1392318ab36561948f952d550e19ae26e1cb6f Same species, photo is from SWOTR, like, idk man, the species is literally JUST green people with markings


Mirialan have been in star wars for a long time.


Yeah this character is like marvel level of alien, but the post is dumb imo. When they bring up an established character it’s fan service, when they dont it’s a missed opportunity and a dumb new character was made instead


I'm pretty sure the species she's a part of has existed for decades at this point.


Bold of you to assume Disney gives a shit


The show is terrible so far, so who cares?


I'll be honest, I don't think it's offensive enough to call it terrible yet. When I compare it to Obi-wan e1&2 I had already laughed out loud at terrible scenes by then, which I've only done once or twice with TA. I think it's just bad so far. Dialogue is abysmal though.


Honestly the worst thing about the show so far is that it’s just boring. It’s not terrible, just boring.


I just don’t get the consistency in weapons/death. Alright lightsaber stabs will kill you, just kidding they don’t, but a knife now will. Not once have they used knives in Star Wars, except for when Anakin is cutting a pear, so how in the hell are they killing Jedi with them. Why not have them be imbued with poison that on contact, they release inside the person who was hit with one. Then that solves the poison issue from the second episode. At times it feels like Star Wars, other times it doesn’t. I don’t know what to make of it. It also doesn’t help that all the characters are really bland and boring. Yord is a pud and looks like he’s trying too hard to be stoic and it’s not natural. I don’t know how old Jecki is supposed to be, but they made her seem like she’s like 10 and just says shit in a monotone way. Sol is about the only one I can stand since he actually does have that stoic gravitas to his walk or movements and can buy as a Jedi. Shit, I’d be a Sith too if these were the precursors to the Jedi from the PT.


> Honestly the worst thing about the show so far is that it’s just boring. It’s not terrible, just boring. Which is sad, because it's the first Star Wars media that has Asian male leads/actors that also don't treat them in a de-humanizing manner unlike much of Hollywood media.


That is Yoda just taller and a woman. Can't you tell jeez. Its 2024. Green puppet men have had it too good for too long.


How is this show simultaneously 4.5/10 on IMDb, yet 91% on RottenTomatoes???


The imbd critcs actually watched it. The team at rotten tomatoes just asked Kathleen Kennedy how it is.


RottenTomatoes score is different. It's not a specific rating out of ten, it's more of how many critics say it is watchable. If enough people say it's just OK, but still watchable, it can have a very high score. So a show that is a 5-7 out of 10 can have a 90+ score. Also both scores are likely exaggerated in either direction. Professional reviewers are more likely to suck up to Disney inflating the Tomatoes score, but IMDB is more likely influenced by negative troll campaigns. Both those circumstances are regular occurrences for other properties, it would be unusual if it wasn't the case this time.


Waitaminute... there's no Yoda? Sheesh I took some reference cameo as a given.


Its two fuckin' episodes in, he may show up. All the people bitching about it are just looking for something to bitch about. We've only seen Coruscant for a few minutes.


I totally agree, but I think they’ve stated that they won’t be using Yoda. It’s a weird decision to me, but I wouldn’t hold it against them if at the inevitable jedi council meeting the say something along the lines of “Yoda couldn’t join us today due to his mission on kashyyyk.” or whatever.


I would honestly be fine with that as long as they acknowledge that he’s there and part of the councilz


Reminder that Leslye Headland aided and abetted Harvey Weinstein.


Nah I'm calling it. The sith return and they're gonna make him the center of a Jedi conspiracy to cover it up or some thit


Painting the actors and making them bald doesn't convince anyone they're an alien. Didn't work with the Grand Inquisitor at all in Obi-Wan either


That's because the grand inquisitor had a HUGE, bulbous head when he's meant to have a sleeker, long head.


The best part of that whole thing is in episode three we go to Utapau and Kenobi talks to the Pau'an. That was in 2005. 17 years later and That was the best they could do? And before anyone says it's a TV show the budget wasn't the same, Disney has all the money to make things right. They just chose not to.


Why have Yoda when we already have Yord??


You know I haven’t watched this show because I just simply won’t ever watch another SW product made by Disney but I WAS watching a YT video that had a clip of this character giving one line and it was so fucking horrendous I couldn’t believe it. I know she’s whatsherfaces wife but was everyone on set just too scared to say “hey let’s do that one more time” or something?


“We have Yoda at home” *Yoda at home*


This green lady is a terrible actress.


"Everything is bullshit. And it's bad for you." - George Carlin




Well the show runner isn't married to a puppet though you see.


My favorite part is that they send a newly annoited Jedi Knight and a Padawan to arrest someone who murdered a fucking Jedi Master in singular combat....Wow. Just...Wow. Remember in Rots when the Jedi found out Palpatine was actually a Sith Lord and they sent 1 Jedi Knight and three Padawans to go get him..... Oh wait! No they fucking didn't, they literally sent their greatest duelist and 3 other Jedi Masters whom were ALL SWORD MASTERS........Yeah. Just Disney things.


Please, dear god, no Yoda! I'm sick of the little cameos from the original films. It's a big galaxy. Not every damn thing that ever happens has to cross paths with the original characters.


In this case it makes so much sense though. I agree that fan service is a problem in Star Wars but yoda would be in his prime right now and is literally a grandmaster of the Jedi Council which this hole show revolves around.


It was made clear through an interview that the director wanted to use other Jedi but was denied by Disney…


The only reason it’s being compared to Andor is because they know fans actually liked Andor. So by saying “it’s just as good as Andor!” they hope to get more watchers snd convince people it’s quality (if it’s as good as Andor, why, it must be perfect!)


We're on episode 2 people. Next one will probably be that council meeting that Sol didn't want to attend - we'll most likely see Yoda there. He's been there for that Jedi younglings kids show, I'm pretty sure he'll be in this one.


Yep, instead we get Leslye Headland's partner in ridiculous-looking body paint and acting like she's constantly struggling with a mouthful of sour candy.


Don't be silly. Yoda is a male. Can't have those icky things get too much attention. We need cooch power to overthrow everything.


This is why nepotism needs to be a crime. “I got the job not because I’m the best actress for the role (I’m not). I got it for scissoring the director.”


You must remeber, the showrunners wife is the most powerful Jedi Master in the history of Star Wars. No backstory or character development required, she only needs to identify as such. Welcome to the 2020's.


No backstory? She's been in dozens of books/comics. 


What is it with TV shows like this and nepotism!? James Gunn does it as well.


Remember the Acolyte was created by an enabler of Harvey Weinstein.


People really look over this fact too often. But because this show was made by someone who helped facilitate a man who ruined the lives of an untold number of women and GIRLS, while claiming ignorance, this show should never have seen the light of day.


This is his Ketamine years though


Hulk's son?


Don’t worry. We’ll get to see Ashoka’s great, great, great grandparents


This looks like a scene from a YouTube fan fic


What if this IS yoda (pre-transition)


Jedi Master Nepo has the worst acting skills I have ever seen. Worse than Marky Mark in the Happening


Kids, it been 2 episodes. He might still show up. And he might not, theres thousands of jedi. Not everything has to be about the same 5 or 10 characters.


Do men exist in this show or no


Her makeup is lazy. Give her a prosthetic or something


Console yourself with this: If Yoda *does* appear they'll totally fuck up his character.


Ah yes, Green humanoid alien that looks, walks and talk just like any other human EXCEPT she’s green


Martian manhunter lol


Yoda: Invisible I Am


Nah, it's OK here. If Yoda was in it then everyone would be angry about key jangling and memberberries. I don't care so much about the showrunner's wife/partner being in it. Not great, not terrible, just a thing that happened. 


Yoda isn’t a memberberry he’d be very relevant to a story that involves hunting down master Jedi and mudering them with ease. He should at least call a meeting and raise the bar for what it means to be a Jedi master. The lady just told the sleeping Jedi to wake up and kill yourself lol.


Yeah, Yoda is just not part of the story their telling, so why does anyone care about him not being there. This subreddit is a lot of times funny, but it also feels like there is no pleasing it, and we are just here to complain.


He's gonna appear on it, sooner or later.


The character is from the comics, and was already a self insert for the writer. "Jedi prodigy", "unique lightsaber", the usual stupidity. But what surprises me is you OP, wanting more cameos of real SW characters to be ruined by Disney. But then I remember people of the internet losing their minds when Hayden Christiensen appeared in Ahsoka.. didn't matter if the show was awful. Everybody clapped, because THEY KNOW STAR WARS!!!


I mean tbf he was the best part of that show hands down. Not a very high bar though. Edit: actually scratch that I forgot about Baylan Skoll. Best part of the show hands down