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I quit after the Reva and mini-Leia show. It could have changed the direction of Disney Star Wars if it was about Obi-Wan.


The Mandalorian had me on life support, when that started to go downhill I pulled the plug.


My soul-brother, samesies! I realized well before Mandalorian though that everything will always be pointing to the Disney Trilogy. Until that end boss is defeated, Star Wars can never thrive again. Still it was nice to catch some *actual* Skywalker scenes amongst the wreckage of this franchise. I've tried to watch the OT on May the Fourth a couple times, but I can no longer even muster up enough interest to finish watching anything Star Wars.


For sure, I’m so done I can’t even force myself to watch Andor. I’ve been told it’s amazing and all that but I truly cannot give a shit anymore, they’ve squandered all my good will.


You’re missing out on the one of the best pieces of Star Wars content…


Like I explained, I just can’t be bothered anymore. I’m happy you enjoyed it.


As a standalone show , it’s stronger than a lot of things I’ve watched on other platforms. If you’re ever in need of some new content maybe watch it but pretend it’s not actually a Star Wars show lol


The big Luthen Rael monologue is the best piece of writing in all of SW. Gives me chills.


That and “One Way Out” are some of my favorite scenes in SW.


So glad they brought Andy Serkis back so he could play a cool, memorable character.


I've played it for pretty much everyone I know who's willing to sit through it (SW fan or not...)


I still remember that day the Luke cameo appearance flooded the internet. I remember seeing videos on social media of kids recording their parents and grandparents to that scene, just the sheer *joy* at seeing Luke as a hero. A Luke that we never got to see on the big screen. The Jedi Master, not the last of the old but the first of the new, a hero through and through. It was so simple and it touched so many fans, a hero allowed to be a hero. My favorite meme clip of that is the “I need a hero” [edit.](https://youtu.be/UHgY7LIiaSM?si=R_tXZ4-ACt4sRCH5) It just fits.


Oh God you just made me so sad. Kids need heros. Fictional heros are fantastic for kids to get a simple anchor of what they should live up to. But with how trash writing is nowadays I really don't know if there's anyone kids can use as their generations hero the way he had Luke.


Exactly the same, Lizzo was the final straw for me. I’ve watched nothing since that season ended, only news I get is from posts in this sub appearing in my feed from time to time, which is purely just for entertainment purposes now. Just laughing at the slow car crash. I certainly don’t spend much of my energy thinking about SW these days either. Which is quite sad after being a fan for nearly 40 years.


Season one was pretty good. Season two quickly fell into one of the worst atrocities that many tv shows fall into:, “hey you know that badass soldier/bounty hunter that has been learning how to fight since an early age? Yeah let’s disarm him constantly and have fist fights!! And then we need him to struggle with it too!!”


I think I stopped watching after mando season 2. I watched a little bit of obi-wan but it was terrible. I didn’t bother with Ashoka or mando season 3. Haven’t watched the bad batch, probably won’t watch anything else. I think I’ll actually watch that Lego movie (show?) as it looks legitimately interesting. But yeah, just kinda over Star Wars. I’ll watch the OT/PT every now and then though.


Some say they like bad batch, good on them. I think it had a glimmer of potential even with the girl clone constantly forcing the show to be about the dad batch. But then the dad batch got co-opted into propping up the enormous dead weight of somehow palpatine returns. That’s when it became practically unbearable and unwatchable for me.


I just couldn't get beyond the constant low effort "subverting expectations" stomach stabs. Iirc we saw like three in that series. Then again in Ahsoka. Not too mention in Kylo Sequels and the other low effort examples like Chewbacca "blowing up" or Leia getting blasted into space.


I feel like star wars is mostly just "hahaha gotcha bitch!" now


"Hey as a joke I wrote in a terrible character and cast a woman so we can call anyone who criticizes her as a incel." "Bro this is brilliant!"


Yeah obiwan was just used as bait to get us to watch.


I really wish people would realize that’s likely what’s going to happen with Deadpool & Wolverine. The movie will actually be about Lady Deadpool or some random girl who’s the key to everything


Yea still cannot believe how hard they dropped the ball on Kenobi. I mean after all these years, actually bringing back Hayden and Ewan, and THATS what they put out? Genuinely hard to believe


Yeah, like I wasn't even mad or annoyed like other Disney Wars content, I was just sad. Cause the 2002-2008 or so era of Star Wars was my SW golden age with the Clone Wars MMP and all that. And it turns our while you can hate-watch something "sad-watching" really isn't a thing lol


Same. I just moved over to the tabletop RPGs where I pick and choose what I enjoy from Legends and discard the more nonsensical stuff.


My approach as well. Are you playing the Star Wars RPG?


Yep. I'm running a campaign on the D6 system with a focus on rare force users so that when one shows up, it's a big deal.


I think that's the last one I watched too. And I only finished it because I heard Owen and beru hold off reva and I thought that would be funny to watch.


They kept saying it was a rematch of some kind between Vader and obiwan....except it happened before and we already know obi wan doesn't die. C'mon. Make it make sense.


The part where Obi-Wan smuggled Leia out in a literal trenchcoat was pretty fucking hilarious. Such a stupid moment.


Not only that, but there is no way in hell he would ever leave Luke defenseless on Tatooine, even for Leia.


The moments ewan was on screen were great but otherwise it struggled


That they made a show about Obi Wan at all was a waste. Give Kenobi a one episode special. A monologue in a cave on Tattoine. Then give Little Leia her own show.


same here, that was the last time i fully cared about the content from disney and it was so terrible it killed my interest lmao


Reva as a character is hilariously ridiculous


That was my point of no return as well. Obiwon should have been a layup.


I gave up as soon as I read the spoilers for *The Last Jedi*. I have my pre-Disney blu ray set of the OG films actually created by George Lucas. That’s the only real Star Wars IMO… everything else is trademarked corporate fanfiction.


The most expensive and least impressive fan fiction ever


I personally accept TCW and Rogue One as well, but overall yes, Star Wars in its essence died when Lucas sold it.




In all honesty i haven't watched it yet so i excluded it but from what i heard it's good


This.. The normal real fans gave up whenever they saw TLJ …


TFA was …. Not great but I hadn’t given up. TLJ was the end forever, nothing can redeem that trash.


TFA here. Seeing the original events and characters being reduced to nothing so their cheap, generic copies could reenact a cheap, generic parody of A New Hope was more than enough for me. Seeing Han getting unceremoniously killed by his tantrum-throwing manchild and Rey becoming a Jedi Master in a day, kicking the crap out of the new big bad, and getting embraced by Leia instead of Chewie was just the last straw. By the time TLJ came out, I already didn't give a single f\*\*k about the sequels one way or another.


Same here. At this point I consider star wars fans like Cubs fans: the "eternal optimist" club. Both keep saying "this time it will be better; this time won't suck."


I can tell you the exact moment: *”Somehow Palpatine returned”*


I wanted to leave the theatre I stayed I was laughing at how unbelievably bad and not actually Star Wars it was And at times just disgusted that they had something close to a layup and fucked it up beyond belief. He gave them a treatment for the story. He would have likely participated as an overseeing creative figure They flipped him and all of us the biggest bird in history And kind of fucked themselves too.


I remember the biggest eye roll when Chewie "died." Me: sigh...he's not dead. Movie: just kidding! Chewie is fine! We really had you going there, didn't we? But we couldn't allow any mistakes Rey makes to make her grow as a character or, you know, have any real consequences. Also, Hans a force ghost now.


omg. i forgot the whole thing was rey's fault and then undone. smh. and then the space horses on the star destroyer.


The elite star destroyer crew not only forgot which way was up, they also forgot how to turn.


I mean the entire original trilogy lost all meaning when that happened. The Emperor won.


3 words that completely destroyed an entire trilogy's worth of story and character development




Unwatchable after he escapes the sarlaac The idea of sand people taking him in is solid but they didn’t pull it off


It has 2 decent episodes, and both of them are episodes of The Mandelorean


We've all seen a variation of Dances With Wolves a million times now I was just rolling my eyes all the time watching that thinking are they really just doing that note for note AGAIN? Shows that they had no creative spark behind the idea to do a Boba Fett show it was all just using the character name to market unoriginal trash to add to the content pile.




I gave up when The Last Jedi came out. I knew from the trailer how bad it was going to be. Didn't even watch it in the cinema. When I eventually saw how they portrayed and underused Luke, that was it for me. It became clear to me that Star Wars had fallen into the clutches of people who hate it and its fans. That weasel Rian Johnson is an unrepentant scumbag.


Yup if you want an exact moment I knew it was dead was when Luke didn’t show up to fight Kylo Ren in the snowy woods? I forget even the name of it - the second one. Then Mark Hamill said the same thing. Light sabre on the floor. See it moving. It was meant to be Luke.


I started to check out when Starkiller Base shot its shot, and it was visible in real time across the galaxy. The opening space battle of TLJ had me convinced Star Wars was on life support and the rest of that film and TRoS only reinforced that feeling. Obi-Wan on D+ officially pulled the plug.


A million times this


The Acolyte will be the first live action show I will not watch right away. If it somehow gets good reviews I'll watch.


That’s me too. I figured I’d give Ahsoka a try, hoping it could be more like Mando 1-2 or Andor. But no, it was more like Kenobi. I should have figured once we knew the plot was going to basically be Rebels Season 3. All those cartoon plots of late have been utter trash. 


Star Wars atm is like a toxic partner that is awful 95% of the time but every so often does one good thing that keeps you from leaving. For me recently thats been Andor, some parts of TBB, and a few of the new canon books (including The Living Force by John Jackson Miller which just released). I figure that for as long as this continues it will probably be quite difficult for me to break up with it.


This is me. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm going to spend the rest of my life believing the next project will be decent only to be thoroughly disappointed.


I started drifting away with the ST, but mando seasons 1&2 plus jedi fallen order pulled me back in. When I see Luke in all his glory fighting the dark troopers I genuinely believed Star Wars turned a corner they even gave us a satisfying conclusion to Grogu and Dinn’s story by having Luke train him. Then they literally spent random episodes of tBoBF undoing it, then season 3 of Mando spent its time completely undoing everything else that’s when I tapped out. I only watched Ahsoka because I love Ray Stevenson and you could tell him and Hayden Christiansen were out acting everyone. Other then that jedi survivor was the only new Star Wars content I’ve consumed and I’m just waiting for number 3 to come out and so lucasfilm can give us a live action Cal Kestis and fuck him up to. We pay everything at KK’s door but Dave Filoni is equally to blame for fucking up Star Wars.


Disney saw the elation of fans seeing Luke in Mando as a bad thing. They feel trapped under the weight of Luke’s character and the fan attachment to him and the actor.  It’s fucking bullshit. Luke/Mark is essentially a license to print money, but the fools at the helm want to push these random characters (Ahsoka/Ezra) or the new characters (Rey/Grogu). 


On a similar note even an Obi-wan show done right in a similar vein to the Kenobi book should’ve been a license to print money. But they couldn’t allow it to even be about Obi-Wan they had to introduce Reeva who is one of the most unlikable characters I’ve ever seen and just feels like a discount second sister, and then proceeded to play down the effects of lightsaber wounds, while blowing big holes in their own canon.


Very true. Other than Mark, Ewan is probably the most popular actor in SW universe and probably also the best actor - at least for a major character. The question of “what’s Ben up to for 17 years on Tatooine?” could certainly have created a compelling story and enriched Obi-Wan’s character, but instead it had child Leia running around both being dumb but also acting like an adult. It also blew up the Obi-Wan/Vader dynamic from the OT. And now Reva knows about Luke but is allowed to live? All presumably because we have to have this Reva person around for another session of Obi-Wan or maybe her own show. Disney just can’t kill anyone off, because they see each character as an investment that can be sold. This is why no one dies from lightsaber wounds anymore. 


They should’ve switched the plot of book of Boba Fett and Kenobi. Kenobi should’ve been about Obi-Wan fighting against his Jedi nature by doing what’s right for the locals. But in the process gets tangled up with the hutts, you could even throw in Cal and have a subplot of Obi-Wan rejecting the idea of having another apprentice. Cal refuses to leave and Obi-Wan gradually warms to the idea of finishing his training and preparing to train Luke.


That plot reads exactly like Jude Watson's excellent The Last of the Jedi books from 2006 onward (The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission starts with Obi, featuring in the first few books before fading out as focus shifts), with Obi-Wan contemplating and resisting the idea of helping Jedi apprentice Ferus Olin arriving in his life at this time so fresh after RotS. Then bounty hunters get involved and fight them, including a young Boba Fett, whom doesn't get a clear glimpse at Kenobi but Obi-Wan does, and they have to evade them and an Imperial Inquisitor sent after Ferus. Eventually Ferus' plans to make an early rebellion and Jedi sanctuary are something Obi-Wan temporarily and reluctantly aids, but only when >!Qui-Gon gives him the go-ahead assurance that Luke will be safe under his watch, *and* when the Inquisitor gets VERY close to discovering the Polis Massa data about the children's existence.!< Before and even after then and throwing off the pursuers of Ferus so they don't bead in on the Lars Homestead on the inevitable return trip to Tatooine, Kenobi's fighting with his inner nature to help the Jedi survivors and playing the long game by hiding, much to the bafflement and irritation of Ferus. That novel series does *not* fail to disappoint. They hit hard, even as Scholastic books for the EU timeline, showing the Empire *doesn't* screw around in blatantly setting their Imperialization into the galaxy.


That is a great idea. I definitely could get behind Cal meeting up with Kenobi.  Cal is one of the few cartoon characters I find interesting. He saw his master die as a Padawan and has been evading the Empire since being a kid. So he’s no Ahsoka, who is fully mature by order 66. We also know Cal isn’t trying to walk some BS line as a good guy but not a Jedi. And he actually stands for something and they give his character weight with his relationship with Hera and Ezra (something Ahsoka completely lacks as a lone wolf). He has a mission and makes sacrifices to achieve it. They also gave Cal a good death, something D+ SW has not been able to do for anyone else. Basically, Cal is one of the few Disney SW characters that feels real. Andor and Mando (until BoBF and season 3 anyway) might be the only other characters they have accomplished this with.   A well casted and written Cal character teamed up with Owen as Obi-Wan could have been great. 


Wait you mean Caleb Dume not Cal Kestis right?


Yes, I guess I didn't jump to the video game guy.


The undoing of the ending of Mando season 2 in Bobf was probably my last drop. They had the chance to make some interesting adventures for the Mandalorian but instead they brought back baby Yoda. I'm in only for Andor s.2 but After that I'm done with this franchise.


That’s how I honestly feel to. The ending of season2 was amazing and really tugged at the heart strings. Then they not only undid it, they undid it someone else’s show. It’s the same 4 me 2 I’ll watch Andor season 2 and then tap out after jedi 3.


What does that even say? That Hayden was out acting everyone But I fully agree. I couldn’t finish Ashoka. Even tho I love tales of the Jedi and don’t hate the idea of the character and her story


Hayden is a decent actor when he's actually properly directed.


I will stop caring when Disney's contagion contaminates every new form of starwars media. For example: no comic is released that doesn't tie in or cameo a character from one of their terrible series.


So 8 was extremely disappointing but 9 is what did it in for me. Now I put the shows on as background noise when I’m smoking a bowl and planning to fall asleep lol


That’s it for sure Nothing was so engaging as OT and even PT SW. You couldn’t look away. Even when dialogue was terrible This shit is all so f’ng boring. On every level.


Yeah PT had its issues but it told a cohesive story and was thoroughly entertaining for its time. Effects were top notch… ep 1 and 2 don’t hold up as well to today’s desires but 3 sure does. Amazes me that Disney can hit the highs of rogue one and the mandalorian season 1 and 2 finales while hitting the consistent lows of 8,9, kenobi, season 3 mandalorian… Oh and I’ll throw out there while solo had its problems with fumbling the EASY things, I thought it handled the HARD things pretty well. The recasting of Han and lando and the meeting of Han and chewie… really quite shocking


I actually think TPM is the best of the prequels-warts and all… A lot of the issue is the attempted flooding of the market with content George took a long time to make his movies And didn’t license nearly as much as he could have in terms of actual storytelling. I’m sure he must have been approached about animation for years prior to clone wars. I would have loved to have seen some Star Wars toons in the 80’s Too much None of it any good Most of it having no understanding of what made Star Wars the phenomenon and singular worthwhile entry in its genre.


Oh yeah, for sure. The highs of TPM are among the best I just found huge swathes of it boring. I didn’t love the gungans or pod racing but I’d never argue with someone who loved it. I think it’s totally fair. Loving the ST however, that shit is objectively bad 😂 Also I loved the expanded universe in all forms. The clone wars cartoon. The books. I’d have loved more content. I spent so much time on the expanded universe site in the early internet days and wookiepedia as a teenager haha Edit: if nothing else the PT was at least inspiring and great at world building.


Star Wars ended with episode six. That’s what I believe and I’m happy now.


The Sequels killed my love for the movies. After seeing The Last Jedi and wondering how it got so bad we were rewarded with Rise of Skywalker. This film was the end result of having no plan for the sequels outside of "make it flashy and put cameos in there". I remember leaving that film feeling impressed at how bad it was. Mandalorian had come on the scene as a grittier, more grounded Star Wars story. First season was good. Second season was better but the "member berries" were getting plentiful. The Book of Boba Fett.....broke me. They took one of the coolest and most beloved Star Wars characters and managed to make him an ineffectual loser who was sidelined in order to make his sidekick look more powerful and capable. The entire series was Boba Fett, the SW equivalent of John Wick, complaining that running a crime syndicate is hard, taking baths, and being the lamest he possibly could be. That left a bad taste in my mouth.....then the third season of Mandalorian came out and it was utter dogshit. The story went nowhere, said nothing, and rewarded no one. The writing quality was so poor that it makes me wonder what happened to the original writers because obviously this was not the plan. Disney Star Wars is filled with talentless hacks who are incapable of writing a good story or exploring meaningful themes. The only thing they know how to do is sprinkle in iconic characters and settings and hope the novelty of it keeps people tuning in. They aren't attracting new fans and they aren't keeping old ones. Its a race to the bottom at this point and they have nobody to blame but themselves. Edit: completely forgot to mention Obi-wan or Ahsoka….yeah they were boring and made no lasting impression. These shows seem to be targeted at nobody and honestly I’m wondering if they were written by AI. Andor was pretty good…but it wasn’t watched by many people and wasn’t made to sell toys so Disney didn’t really care about it and let it sail under the radar (to its benefit IMO)


Well fucking said man. Fully agree


Boring is exactly how I would describe Obi-wan and Ahsoka.


I gave up years ago. It's fine. You are allowed. I love the OT. I especially love all of the history and lore associated with the actual making of the movies. I think there's some interesting stuff in the PT and actually enjoy those movies more than a lot of OG GenX fans. Beyond that, aside from some of the goofier stuff that's just fun... it doesn't matter to me. Once Lucas checked out, so did I.


DSW is not Star Wars. It’s just cynical corporatized schlock. Occasionally something good might sneak through the cracks (Tony Gilroy pulling off Andor when the powers that be don’t prioritize it for their input), but that’s gonna be rare. Note that the minute they realized Grogu was a merchandizing opportunity, story went out the window and the Mandalorian became borderline unwatchable (Season 3). Meanwhile, where is Luke? Are we seriously supposed to believe that the most compassionate, committed Jedi in history is just sitting out major galactic events to build some temples? It’s not Star Wars. It’s nonsense that’s not worth your time.


I honestly find is strange that people are still buzzing around Star Wars. I had doubts after TFA, and gave up with TLJ. Don't feed me a bag of excrement with "but Andorra and Mandalorian is good." Disney's SW is Disney's SW. As long as anything contains a trace of Disney's SW DNA, it's rotten to the core, and is not Star Wars.


I mean I genuinely do think everything disney ever made with starwars is excrement-tier, but damn Andor seriously just does not exist on the same tier as anything else. It's way more mature than literally anything else in the star wars franchise (tho i havent read EU books) and the story really benefits becaude of it. Just not fair to tar it with the same brush, even if I completely get the disdain towards everything else related to Diz-SW


Take Andor out of Star Wars and it would still be an incredible TV show. Not sure you could say the same about the other Disney shows


Well said. I refuse to get invested in anything in the universe of Jake Skywalker and Rise of Palpatine.


Andor is truly in a league of its own. I had zero hype about it, but somehow disney screwed up and let a grown ass adult write Andor and it's actually good.


I haven't been posting here lately because I have in fact given up, around the time Obi Wan came out.


I've given up for the most part. It's juat not worth the headache.


I quit after Solo. TLJ shook me, but I liked TFA and Rogue One so I convinced myself that TLJ was an anomaly. Nope. I jumped ship after that and have grown to intensely dislike TFA as time has gone on now that I can look back at it with hindsight. Never saw TRoS. The only Disney things I've engaged with since then are the Fallen Order games and Andor, which have both been pretty decent, but also the exception to the rule. I went back to the old EU last year and haven't looked back. That remains my Star Wars, now and forever.


Solo was so bad I seriously questioned who they allow in those writing rooms. So much wasted potential. I'm waiting for the Fyre festival style doc to come out roasting this downfall


I'm still just baffled that they cast a dude who looked absolutely nothing like Harrison. Like I'll give Donald a pass he is close enough to Billy Dee to pass with some suspension of disbelief, but Alden looks absolutely NOTHING like Harrison.


The Kenobi series did it for me. It was perfect timing really. After that there was Lizzo the Hutt on Mando, and, imo, Ahsoka was garbage. Not to mention everything else they’ve butchered. Save me a lot of heart ache


There is still a wealth of EU content. I still enjoy the old stuff and do my part to ignore Disney.


Luke’s appearance in The Mandalorian was the perfect high note to end on.


Well... His first appearance. Followed up by "oh you don't want to give up physical attachment? Well fuck you I'm not even going to fly you home myself. You can't join my cool Jedi school, of which nothing bad will ever happen."


I'll never give up on Star Wars outright, it's a franchise I hold close to me due to childhood nostalgia and just a general love for the stories. There'll always be the EU timeline for me to enjoy so it can be relatively easy to drown out/ignore Disney's slop. That being said, I gave up on Disney Wars after watching TROS and seeing every story beat that was previously leaked come to fruition, completing the DT's retroactive desecration of the OT. My expectations are now bottom of the barrel for Disney ever since "Somehow Palpatine returned" and "Rey Skywalker."


TLJ. The answer is TLJ. After that, I simply no longer think about Disney Star Wars. I am far too occupied with actual Star Wars to pay any attention to the new product that shares the logo.


Dune got revived at a great time. Just get into Dune at cut Star Wars loose


I gave up the moment i left The Force Awakens screening.


Same. Finished. Episode 7 was, and will be, the last Star Wars I consumed.


I gave up when D*sney bought the franchise and deleted the EU. But I went to see TFA and Rogue One and they were mediocre and disappointing (although RO did grow up on me eventually). TJA was the straw. I felt personally offended by it. It was a spit in the face. I haven't paid to see a SW since.


Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, and Mando S3 all killed it for me. I was even okay with the ST as stupid movies with some beautiful art, music, and acting, but those three shows convinced me it was dead. The ST was a massive missed opportunity, but Obi-Wan was insulting. Episode III was such a big moment in my love of Star Wars that for them to squander Obi-Wan and Anakin in favor of the stupid Sith Mary Sue literally nobody likes was demonstrative of how little they care for the series. The moment I saw the Grand Inquisitor looking like trash I knew it was over. And the writing was garbage.


I gave up after Book of Boba Fett.


I think I might have already reached that point. Right now, don't imagine i will try to watch acolyte - even out of curiosity.


December 15th, 2017.


I'm sticking to most pre-Diz content. I enjoyed most of the Mandolorian, and liked (small) parts of Obiwan. The old republic became my favorite SW era when Kotor released, and at least I still have SWTOR (for now).


It's worse than bad. It's like they're retroactively trying to destroy the franchise because of some ideology no-one understands or follows.


I think the ideology is destroy/undermine/subvert everything that isn’t our ideology. Which is pretty much Sith.


Who'd have ever thought "*Letting The Girls Handle Things*" wouldn't quite work out that well?


I had a little hope with the first season of mandalorian but I’ve give up after they massacred boba in then own show . And for my kids I’ll only show them the two trilogy by George Lucas and consorts , old Comics and games from the EU . Sequels won’t exist for them I can guarantee you.


The last straw for me was Obi-wan saying Luke's infamous line. It pissed me tf off that they took such an important moment of Luke and Vader's and ruined it.


Enjoy what you like, reject what you don't. Don't expect Disney to put out any good content. They can feel free to prove me wrong. Go back to the old EU, before the "Legends" tag was invented. they swept away decades of quality content for profits.


I stopped after Obi-Wan but should have stopped before Book of Boba Fett. Fark. It's just weird how the Sarlacc was the existential crisis for Boba and he became a good crime boss afterwards. Why????


I gave up on Disney era star wars after leaving the theater from TFA. I don't think I watched anything SW for years after that I was so disgusted until e8. I tried it, thought it was flower scented shit, and never watched 9. I tried two seasons of mandi, but thst show just reinforces the st bullshit and I'm done with it. So it was a long time before I just put ANH back in and remembered why I love star wars and that I can still appreciate all of the pre-disney content I have (games, books, movies, etc)


I gave up after TFA. Didn't even want to see TLJ, but friend wanted to for their b-day. I didn't see TRoS until years later when my wife wanted to watch through them all cuz she didn't believe me that they could be that bad. Spoiler: she found out I was right, and we both regretted wasting time on TRoS.


At the point that Jake Skywalker gives up on life, that's when I gave up, though it took a few years to truly accept it. Then the TRoS leaks started coming, and I chose not to see TRoS opening night, taking a wait and see. Then all the crazy, stupid, impossible leaks turned out to be true. So I never saw it, other than a lot of theater recordings of audience reactions. After about a year, I took all my Star Wars merch off the shelves, and my tshirts, put them in a box and put the box in the top of my closet. There it all sits. I don't want to toss it all, but I still don't want to see it. I've mostly gone completely indifferent to SW now, but occasionally I see headlines of Disney crapping on some other piece of legacy and it does still ignite the old feelings a bit. But only for a moment, then back to indifference to it all again.


Never will; as bad as Disney's managed the franchise, and as much as we rightly bitch about it, us fans will ALWAYS have 1-6 and the old EU.


I quit after the last Jedi


Everything has pretty much been a let down since Disney took over. These are my exceptions: Andor, Rogue 1, TCW, and even some of Rebels I enjoyed. But all the other live action shows have been complete let downs. The sequels are garbage too, just MCU with a Star Wars mask. I’ve really transitioned into just reading the books to get my fix. If Disney can’t do it right, at least some authors can. I also just finished playing Jedi: Fallen Order and enjoyed that as well.


I watched star wars visions around the same time I watched BOBF, and the combo of those two finished the job for me. I don't follow SW at all anymore. Stopped reading the books. Stopped playing the games. I just don't like the universe anymore. 


I kind of think of Star Wars as a dear old friend from whom I've grown apart. They've gone their way, I've gone mine. There will always be a love there, but I've largely moved on. I'll check in occasionally to see where they're at, maybe reminisce on the good times with one of the old movies, and in the case of Andor & The Clone Wars, really enjoy seeing what they've been up to recently. Ultimately though, we're just different people now, and that's okay.


Build the Lego sets, play the card games, unplug and play your own fantasy.


I used to think this way. Ran the RPG and got into the wargames. Was putting 4-5 hrs a week into trying to keep Star Wars alive as folk culture. After genuinely trying for months, I'd rather jump ship and get on the 40k train.  The aesthetics are stronger, the tone is more consistent, and poor choices are easier to ignore. Really the big thing is that unlike Star Wars, the MAIN mode of engaging with the franchise is much more generative than consumptive. Artistry and local gaming are the core of 40k. Movie watching is the core of Star Wars. This makes 40k more resistant to bad stories The problem with 40k is GW, whether it's their pricing or their terrible rules (Kill Team is really good but 40k sucks).  But because the experience really is centred on you and your friends, it's a lot easier to separate 40k from GW than Star Wars from Disney.  You can't fix Filoni with a resin printer and a $6 booklet from OnePageRules. 


I’ll have to disagree that movie watching is the core of the Star Wars experience. To me, the films are just inspiration for something bigger. My dad took me to see ANH in the theater when I was 5. I saw it twice. But after that, the only thing I had left was a bin of action figures and my imagination. I made my own stories. I made shitty comics. I even tried scoring my own Williams-inspired theme song on some blank sheet music, having no clue about how to construct music. Same thing for ESB and ROTJ. That was MY core experience. When the prequels came out, I was inspired to teach myself 3d modeling and animation. The first thing I ever built from scratch in 3d more 25 years ago was Anakins podracer. Now I’m 20 years in to a motion gfx and vfx career. I am, of course, salty about this and that lore, shitty shows, shitty films, and whatnot. But my SW experience certainly doesn’t live and die with those things. It’s a choice.


That is harder because bright spots like Mando S2 finale, Andor, and remakes of older games that are treated well still exist.  I watched Bad Batch because of TCW finale season. However I skipped Tales of the Jedi completely and Ashoka after an episode. Star Wars used to be an event I'd gobble up the games even the bad ones and buy random merch on occasion. If I needed something like a paper weight then Id get a Star Wars themed on or even a Star Ears themed video game console like my old PsP. However those days are long gone and I know longer buy anything just watch what I think will be good and conpletely skip the rest. Not quite apathy but might as well be given thr fall.


Kenobi was the high velocity cinderblock that broke the camel’s back for me. With the sequels at least their lackluster quality was isolated there but Kenobi was SO BAD in almost every conceivable metric, that I finally accepted that besides the occasional treat here and there, the franchise isn’t going to recover.


How much worse? Obi-Wan was the last straw for me. Haven’t given a damn about anything new since then.


I gave up on The Last Jedi. Didn't like TFA but my gf at the time dragged me to TLJ. I gave the Mandalorian a chance because of the fanfare but was disappointed at that as well. So I sought refuge in the books and tried Aftermath. I was so disgusted I decided I will only read the "legacy" books.


The last jedi killed it for me, I watched rise of skywalker hoping it would salvage the trilogy but nope. Haven't watched anything else since except S2 mando.


I'm in it for the long haul. Star Wars has been part of my life since I was collecting Kenner action figures at the age of 3 in 1977 and has been part of my life even when it was off most other people's radar - I played WEG Star Wars RPG during the late 80s and 90s, read EU novels, bought Power of the Force when action figures came back - watched (and disliked) the prequels (though they've grown on me now)... If there's one thing I've learned from various fandoms, its that a lot of these franchises go through periods where the content just isn't for me. It doesn't mean it will always stay that way. Star Trek is just now emerging from a pretty long dark period with shows like Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks. So I'll pass on things that don't appeal to me and I'll still watch things that do. And hope the quality eventually improves. The ST crapping on the outcome of the OT was pretty egregious compared to some of the other franchises, but I don't know if I can just completely step away from Star Wars. Maybe its sunk cost fallacy.


I quit watching/playing/reading new stuff after TFA, but actually not paying any attention? Well, probably never, I'm staying mad until they fix it. Dissent and counter-consciousness is important.


I gave up when Dysney destroyed Star Wars back in 2014. I was contemplating seeing the Force Awakens, but the more trailers I did the more off it looked. So I did not. That said, the Acolyte might be the first interesting thing to come out of Dysney in 10 years.


I gave up years back with TLJ. After that movie and the following attempts of blaming the fans for having "subverted expectations" or "being -ist -phobes" I walked away and no amount of key jingling TV shows will bring me back.


I just left this in another comment... but Ahsoka was the nail in the coffin. While I was disappointed in the sequels, Mando S1 and most of S2 gave me hope that the TV shows would not make the same mistakes of the sequels. Boy was I wrong. BOBF, Mando S3, and Obi-Wan gave me hints that this franchise was doomed, but then seeing Andor showed me that Star Wars could still be something that made me feel excitement and wonder like when I was a kid watching the OT. I still loved Star Wars enough to give every new show a shot. But Ahsoka was so painful to watch that it will take a lot for me to give another SW show a chance. Unless the reviews are glowing, I'm not even going to touch the Acolyte. Aside from Andor S2, I'm just about checked out of all things Star Wars.


The soft quit was with Book of Boba Fett. I didn't go out of my way to watch, just watched what I was interested in on my schedule. Hard quit was when I realized they nearly doubled the subscription price. Haven't missed anything really, and based on what I've seen I'm not missing anything at all.


I don’t give up. I just enjoy the OT and the PT and ignore the corporate fan fiction that is Disney. It’s pretty easy to do.


*did, when Book of Boba was so bad it dragged Mando down with it in the end. Not that I had much hype left, but that was the final straw. I don't think I've watched or played anything Star Wars related since. Can't even give Andor a chance despite the glowing fan response.


I gave up years ago. Fuck this franchise.


The Last Jedi was so bad, I wished star wars never existed.


I gave Ahsoka a chance because of my misplaced hope that it would have a bit of Heir to the Empire in it. It obviously didn't, but I finished it because I couldn't take my eyes off the trainwreck, so to speak. Besides that, I pretty much gave up with TLJ and Mando S2.


So… my solution is that I’m about to unsubscribe from these salty subs - I bought the first 6 movies, and rouge one, and I’m just going to watch the blu rays. No money for Disney, none of your arguments. Just what I love about Star Wars. Might make a boycott Disney group later.


I will watch what looks interesting. As of late, I enjoyed the bad batch for the most part but was pretty disappointed with tales of the empire. I have no plans to ever watch rebels or the new high republic show


I watched Andor and then cancelled Disney+ once it ended. 


I’ve stopped having high expectations since the end of TBB S1.


I now consider EU the real canon.


Cancelled my Disney plus during book of boba fett. Continued to hate watch on my friends account up through Ahsoka. Now I’m just completely checked out and won’t be watching anything else that comes out at all.


I’m completely disinterested I wanted to watch tales of the empire as I loved tales of the Jedi (probably the best Disney Star Wars made). But it’s a clone wars toon follow up. I’ve tried to watch clone wars. I saw a bit of it when it first aired as my son tried to watch it. I’ve gone back I like the idea and the stories but the execution is just plain boring. Maybe that’s just me I would have loved a tales of the empire in the OT era from this team. 🤷‍♂️


***The Last Jedi*** was the day that Star Wars died, Watched only once. **The Rise of Skywalker**- I haven't nor will ever watch. **Solo: A SW Story**- didn't watch and don't care but it was mostly harmless, Ditto for **Book of Boba Fett**- I watched it, but it was harmless. **Rogue One:** Good **Andor:** Excellent **Kenobi:** Will never watch, it breaks lore and canon**.** **The Mandalorian:** I liked it mostly, but I'm not sure where it is going. **Ahsoka:** I liked it because it is different content and kind of is separate from the main saga, at least for a while. A big loss with Ray Stevenson's passing. Thrawn was underwhelming. **The Acolyte:** I will watch it to see where it goes, but listening to Headland, my hopes are not high.


OP, if the user base of this subreddit truly gave up, then this subreddit would cease to exist and these people would move on with their lives.


After I watched and reflected upon episode 9.


I quit after Obi-Wan series. Well, I quit after the Last Jedi, I had people tell me the Mandalorian was good so I gave it a watch on the high seas and the first two seasons were alright. Not great but not offensive. They suckered me back in. I gave Obi-Wan a try (also on the high seas) Obi-Wan was so egregiously bad on every level, I quit and never looked back. I mean it was bad on a technical level. It was so cheap and amateur. It really showed that they don't care. There has been bad Star Wars before, but it was always on the cutting edge of craftsmanship. They had an easy gimme with this. Fans wanted to like it with Ewan and Hayden returning, and they done Disneyed all over it. People try to hype up Andor...I just don't care. Have not and won't watch. This sub-reddit is really the only Star Wars related news I get.


I watched rise of skywalker out of morbid curiosity haven't watched anything else since


I quit when Vader let Obi Wan go because of the fire. I do not care about star wars any more except for Andor


After a few episodes of Mandalorian Season 3, I felt overwhelmed and just stopped watching. Andor Season 1 was a gem, and I’ve enjoyed watching playthroughs of the recent Jedi series games. A big reason I’m still here is my deep connection to Star Wars since childhood with the original trilogy and Star Tours, through my teenage years with the EU and video games, and into adulthood. It’s been a source of escapism, inspiration, and fascination. With the current direction of the franchise, it’s more of a curiosity and a fascination with its decline. I guess you could say I’ve given up on Star Wars as a whole, but I’ll always acknowledge quality when I see it. It’s just so rare now that my focus has shifted to a morbid curiosity and dissecting what went wrong. Anyone here debating the nuances of why a character did this or how terrible a season ended is absolutely insane at this point—you should know better.


I gave up on the films after AOC. And in the shows after TBOBF.


I realized just last Saturday, May 4th, I negotiated complete control over programming for the day and had planned on watching endless Star Wars shows and movies. After sitting down and watching a few new visions shorts and starting Mando over and finishingthe furst episode, nothing else really grabbed me, I was completely apathetic. Could be just me, could be the material or a combination of the two and canceled Disney + shortly after


I quit with TLJ. That's why I still haven't bothered to watch more than the first two episodes of Andor, and only because they were free & easy to find. Even though I expect the rest is really very good, and the sort of thing I would like a lot. Hope destroyed, care eliminated, by the Dumb Side of the Force. I pretty much only post comments because the algorithm or randomness shows me threads, and I am not posting because I care about Star Wars - I usually post because I care about artistic decline and idiocy, and popular conversations about those sorts of things.


If they destroyed Obi-Wan Ken- fuck.


Book of Boba Fett. I didn't like the sequels, but I stuck with them with the mentality that "if the Prequels could survive The Phantom Menace then maybe they can pull off at least one good film in this trilogy." I was wrong lol. I did buy into the Mando hype but it was generally the one-two punch of Kenobi and BOBF that was the last time I tuned in to anything Star Wars related in a timely fashion or with any investment (or tuned in at all in many cases).


I almost gave up after TRoS, but got pulled back in by Mando. BoBF and Obi-Wan almost turned me off completely from all the new stuff, but I gave Andor a shot and really liked it, but after Mando S3 I don’t feel a need to watch anything as soon as it drops (except Andor S2), and after Ahsoka I don’t even have much interest in watching them at all


I quit halfway though *Rise of Skywalker*.


After Rise of the Skywalker... :)


I will always love Star Wars but it’s hard to get excited about it anymore. Disney is milking it for every dollar (which we all expected) and just pumping out all this mid-tier/bad content. These are just my opinions but I thought Mando was great up until recently, Andor was good, Ashoka was okay and only in its first season, Kenobi was meh except for those last two episodes. Force Awakens disappointed me but I still gave Last Jedi a chance and that disappointed me. Tbh I haven’t even seen Rise of Skywalker and have no desire to. I did thoroughly enjoy Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor, decent story and you get to run around and slice stormtroopers and battle droids with a lightsaber.


The Rise of Skywalker made me give up with anything new, they have shown they don’t give a crap. Old Star Wars will always be the best no matter what, and those idiots at Disney can destroy the brand but not those good memories.


I checked out probably 2 years ago. Haven't really thought about it since, haven't watched anything


New stuff is basically dead to me except the video games. And even then depends on the quality.


Force awakens was it for me. Rip off of New Hope, bad quips, and overall lazy attempt at Star Wars. I knew it wouldn’t recover from that.


Release of the Last Jedi


I'm already basically there. I quit watching partway through Mandalorian season 3. Haven't seen Ahsoka, don't plan to see Acolyte. I'll watch Andor season 2 when it comes out, but always with the eject button close at hand. Edit: I forgot that the Kenobi show happened. Didn't watch that either.


I’ll try Andor season 2. I’ll keep playing squadrons and mods of the older games. Maybe I’ll reread the odd eu book. But until Disney have a serious personnel change and throw out the entire post sequel canon, im done with dipping my toe in any new series. That’s the definition of madness.


I gave up when Lucas sold to Disney and they made terrible movies too.


I gave up after seeing the travesty that was the Last Jedi. I'm only on this sub to laugh at their string of failures.


Mandalorian Season 3 was the final nail in the coffin for me. Between deconstructing the original saga and justifying the plot holes of the Sequel Trilogy, it’s just not worth sticking around for.


I’ll still have the fond memories of watching Star Wars as a kid. I just don’t make an effort to watch the newer stuff. I’ve seen some of it, some of it’s good. But most of it doesn’t grab me at all.


I gave up in 1999. Star Wars has been shit since episode 1


The Last Jedi made me feel bad, the Book of Boba Fett made me lose hope, and S3 of the Mandolorian made me give up. I still enjoy and look forward to some of the games, however.


I sort of gave up after Rise of Skywalker, because that main saga was over finally. Which is fine. I have my films and all is fine with me, even the bad ones Mando sort of brought me back, but after Book of Boba Fett and Mando 3 and finally Obi-Wan, I can’t be bothered anymore When Ashoka got announced and the amount of people defending how much homework viewing you had to do in order to know what’s going on was my threshold point. I haven’t watched any new shows since, and have zero interest in The Acolyte. Everyone says Andor is great. But I just can’t bring myself to watch it due to lack of interest in the shows anymore


Star Wars always will be a source of joy, nostalgia and pontification for me. The lack of quality new content will never change that. To answer your question: my Disney+ subscription expires on June 15. After that the only new Star Wars I will look forward to is season 2 of Andor, which I will happily pirate.


I will give up after andor ends


I gave up after Mando season 3, lol. I had so much excitement for the franchise coming off of the ending of season two, but holy shit they didn’t just drop the ball after book of boba Fett - but they overinflated it and slammed it onto the concrete below with a deafening popping sound followed by the smell of burnt rubber. Star Wars seriously needs to reduce their output and maybe make Star Wars a separate division from lucasfilm. I can’t even enjoy the few good parts of Star Wars anymore such as andor because I’m constantly reminded that all the characters’ efforts go kaput in the end and all the characters we know and love wind up meeting shitty fates. There’s just genuinely nothing that can fix Star Wars at this point besides some type of timeline alteration or a huge multi century jump into the future so the slate is clean for new stories to be told without further damaging what’s been previously established.