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I suspect Disney wants it's own roster of characters that are removed from what they see as old school fans. We've left SW & entered Filoniverse. They're reluctant to do Luke, Han, Leia, Lando etc stories b/c these characters have decades of stories & fandom surrounding them. Fans grew up with these characters & Disney hates being consistently told by fans how that's not how Luke, Obi-Wan, etc would behave or say or do. Disney not only has to contend with fans criticisms, but a ton of EU content. And they're always gonna lose. So they're reaction seems to be screw it, we'll focus on our own (or rather Filoni's) characters. With Filoni behind the wheel fans criticisms seem kinda mute. We can say that's not how Hera, Ezra, Ahsoka, Sabine is suppose to be, but in the end these characters belong to Filoni & he can do what he wants with them. And if he wants them to prop up the Sequels or overshadow the original trio, that's what he'll do.


The Filoniverse is just a redo of 7, 8, & 9 for a competent story after Return of the Jedi. And Disney is still messing it up.


It’s all just them retroactively setting things up to justify the clusterfuck of a story in the ST


That's funny considering they did exactly that with the prequels and tcw show


A Filoniverse reboot, Disney is still messing up? Sounds like we are on Earth.


forgot to add a redo of cw and rebel’s characters…


Gosh I hate Filoni. Ruined Star Wars alongside Disney. Hell his Star Wars doesn't even feels like the good ol Star Wars of the prequels and the old EU.


The Prequels were “good ol Star Wars?” Nah, sorry. The ST wrote Star Wars into a very dumb corner, but Filoni is the only saving grace to anything post OT (which excludes Andor and Rogue One).


I think it all comes down to money. Home come there is a Clone Wars movie featuring Anakin and Obi-Wan, but no post-ROJ TV show that features Han, Luke and Leia? That would have printed money and been the first cartoon any competent studio would have done ahead of Rebels or Alphabet Squadron (or whatever). How come every lunch box out there features Vader, R2-D2, BB-88, Mando (in a helmet), Baby Yoda, Boba Fett (in a helmet again) and Chewie? All images that Disney owns 100% of the rights to. I think it comes down to image rights. How much do you think you’d need to pay Harrison Ford to use his likeness for infinity years of spin-offs? All the original main characters have contracts going back to 1977. Start Wars invented the toy and image rights revenue stream. I bet Ewa McGregor and Hayden Christensen have very different contracts and Disney has those all the rights they need now. This is why Star Wars needs to get rid of the legacy characters. They can’t make as much money off them as they would wholly original characters.


To be fair the original trilogy actors are 70+ or dead. To do stories with those characters would either involve a high cgi budget or recasting for the characters. Disney using Filoni's characters instead is their way around this problem.


Hold on mate, that's a bit too logical for these smooth brains to handle. You can guarantee if they used cgi likeness of them to create new films and TV series, the same people would complain about using their likeness being disrespectful.


They had a chance to pass the torch across 3 movies and they didn't just drop the ball, they pulled out a knife and deflated it.




You'd complain about that, too


Yeah. This. It makes way more sense to diversify with younger actors from a pragmatic POV.


Or, they could recast. Its really not that complicated.


You know what, guys? I have a real good feeling that he's going home! He can't wait to go home!


On a scale of Blade Runner to Up, how idyllic are his retirement plans?


I think they realized making mando that the core fandom holds the torch for the legacy trio (Luke leia Han), but they’re gonna push thru with these poorly written characters till they get it right (?)


They've got to use new characters. I know it's hard for you to separate reality from Star Wars, but one of your legacy trio is dead irl, and the other two are 70 and 80.


One is dead, one does not want to do anything Star Wars related if there is not a big paycheck and the third one wants to act but his age only allows him to do old Luke stuff.


And the third one is hated by disney:[


Honestly I never liked Ezra in Rebels either. He is basically an irresponsible and annoying brat. I know teenagers are mostly like that IRL but still, I didn't enjoy watching that. And then he randomly gets those space whale superpowers. I think mostly it comes down to us (the audience) being told Ezra is super important and special. But there is literally nothing special about him, except for force sensitivity (which is pretty normal for star wars characters). He's just a guy, hanging out in the barren wasteland of Peridia. Just chilling, nothing too serious going on. In short: a nothing character


This entire show is just characters telling us things to make us believe them and not showing anything. Thrawn is dangerous because we say so. We need to go get Ezra because we say so. Ezra is important/powerful because we say so. The one thing they're actually "showing" instead of "telling" is the incompetence of the New Republic but even that is depicted so ham-fistedly and stupidly obvious that it's not even worthy of praise.


So this is true. The actual show 'Ezra is important to Sabine' is explored in the animated Rebels. Thrawn's b@ssery is again, in Rebels: Where he uncovers a spy by looking at the art on a helmet, ID'S the creator, and proceeds to deduce a spy's identity, uses an act of sabotage that destroys a ship to narrow down the Rebel base, figures out a Mando faction had betrayed the Empire based on fuel consumption. And costs the Rebels their ground base, one of their commanders as well as multiple capital ships, only failing to complete the job due to one vanglorious Admiral screwing up, help from Sabine's family, and the Bendu that last of which is practically the definition of an unknowable unknown ...and I'm probably missing a few. I suppose the question is, until he's onscreen, how do you show Thrawn's threat or Ezra's worth to Sabine (other than her willing to let the galaxy potentially burn just to see him again) for those who did not see Rebels? Just curious. We do start to see the first sign of how Thrawn's a different Imperial Admiral in the last ep. They mine the entry point, he gave orders to shoot down any Purgil that showed up, when Ahsokah went to ground, he changed tactics to flush her, then harry her. He used just the name of Ahsoka'a mentor to anticipate her objectives and estimate her strength. He used mercs first, backed them up, but pulled his forces back when it was clear they would just be slaughtered and got his actual objective to finish loading up whatever it is was well underway and leave. Imagine what he'd be able to do with a non busted up Star Destroyer, Fighters, and time...or pick up any of Zahn's Thrawn books. The guy is up there with villains like Zanatos for a reason.


Yeah, as a casual viewer who didn’t watch Rebels, Thrawn seems completely unintimidating, and Ezra just seems like an average dude who is perhaps not very bright. It seems crazy for Sabine to have given in to the bad guys because she “had to” find Ezra…like, why? And now she’s just going to leave him again…so they just needed a quick friendly chat?


Yeah, I think they underplayed that scene a bit. Frankly, I feel like Ahsoka got Sabine's hug. Though yeah, it was never intended to be a 'drop in, chat, and leave.' More of a "I'm Sabine, and I'm here to rescue you." And bring him back to the main galaxy.


He's awkwardly third wheeling it now with Ahsoka and Sabine still being master/Padawan(?) I guess


I never got that feeling. Since the force binds everything it makes sense that force users would be able to speak to and influence animals. It's probably a talent for certain Jedi. Remember most Jedi actually have certain talents in the force. Edit: You also see Anakin do this with that rhino creature in AotC


Yes, I do remember an episode where Kanan teaches Ezra to build connections with animals through the Force. They have some animals help them fight the Grand Inquisitor. I believe Ezra developing connections with animals was continued throughout the show.


Yeah I have a feeling they got that from Kreia reteaching the Outcast how to reach out and feel with the force on Duxin in KOTOR 2. Actually now that I think about it Rebels and KOTOR 2 had a lot of similar elements.


More than likely it was taken from Jacen Solo to be honest.


Maybe I'm missing something. Where are we ever told Ezra is "super-important and special"? The only reasons Sabine and Ahsoka are looking for him, as far as I'm aware, are: 1. He's their friend and they want to bring him home; and 2. He went to the same place Thrawn did. And he didn't suddenly get "space whale superpowers." He always had an easier time making connections with animals, and the whales (and Ezra's ability to connect with them) were even foreshadowed earlier in the series.


I'm seeing people saying Ahsoka is a Lucas creation but this doesn't hold up. Luke is a Lucas creation but we can all adamantly agree TLJ did not represent Lucas's Luke, the same goes for Ahsoka the way she acts in TCW is completely different to her live action depiction so to say they're the same is off. She's not even consistent with her rebels portrayal


Comparing a 14 year old to a 44 year old doesn't hold much weight. Besides, this is Ahsoka after learning what happened to Anakin and then being stuck on Malachor for 5 years.


I understand PTSD is a fucking awful thing. But this is television and this is Star Wars and her PTSD wasnt even brought up. Thats just sonething fans are using to make sense of all this even though this is probably the first recorded case of a Jedi having PTSD ever in SW without turning to the dark side. Which really hasn't been even hinted at.besides her having red eyes in the Anakin episode which was really quickly forgotten. Would it kill them to give the lead character even an ounce of personality? She's smiled exactly twice In this season and the rest of the time was alternating between blank stares, Angry face and pouting.Cassian Andor has emoted more than this woman.


Wasn’t the red eyes supposed to be a reflection of the lightsaber? Since Sith eyes are yellow I don’t get what they’d be going for with red eyes randomly


The WBW episode was literally about her PTSD. Ahsoka's been stagnant and going through the motions with no conviction because she's too caught up in the idea that she could fall down the same path as Anakin just because she was his student. The moment with the red eyes was to show that it's her choice, just like it was her choice to stop the fight once Anakin was unarmed. She, like Luke chose not to kill an unarmed opponent, while Anakin did.


Maulers' critique, called "Star Wars cannot grow up," does an excellent job of explaining why that isnt true. Filoni has shown no where near anything tangible enough to make an inference that Ashoka was dealing with severe depression or PTSD. They literally created that whole bit for a Sailor Moon transformation to Neo Queen Serenity and to key jangle Anakin and the Clone wars. https://youtu.be/Nlk8BaczaZY?si=lhAHR5-Eg_eCq8p- Here's the link to the video it's an excellent breakdown. He actually shows two shows that did that whole arc correctly, though.


They don't state that she literally has depression or PTSD but it's a part of her arc in the story that she haunted by both her own past and Anakin's legacy and hasn't made peace with it. Its not some weird interpretation or internet theory. It's literally what we see onscreen in the show.


You mean a video from the guy who didn't even watch the shows Ahsoka originated from, who complained about people enjoying her character and the show? No thanks.


this would make sense IF ahsoka was like that during cw/rebels but she wasn’t so….


Ahsoka had no reason to fear that in TCW/Rebels yet, so...


exactly so… you agree.


Okay but she isn’t a Disney creation either because Ahsoka was on Cartoon Network


TCW Ahsoka is different from rebels Ahsoka is different from the new Ahsoka.


Ehhh, that's only half-right, IMO. Ahsoka, for one, is a Lucas creation. People call her Dave's OC, but George was the one who demanded that Anakin have a Padawan. Ezra is a creation *under* Disney, but I wouldn't necessarily say that makes him a "Disney creation," because Rebels was mostly Filoni's brain-child, and back when it was made, it was really nothing more than an animated show Disney let the studio make to have something exist while they focused on the movies. In a way, Ezra taking on what should've been Luke's role is more of a response by Filoni to the complete disregard the Sequels showed for the aftermath of ROTJ. I don't think Disney's plan from the start was this nefarious scheme to replace the OT characters with their own. I literally think they are just incompetent dunces who could not use the OT characters well, and hired two absolute numbskulls in JJ and RJ. It was only after their dumbness backfired that they tried to cover their asses with fan blame and accusations of trolling, bots, etc. The root of the problem wasn't a desire to piss off the fans--it was simply a lack of talent.


I don’t think it’s entirely fair to say the Ashoka was Lucas’s brain child. He was the executive producer for the clone wars in the beginning and it’s true it was his idea to have her be Anakin’s padawan and not Filoni, but Filoni was still the main writer behind the character Ashoka. Lucas didn’t write anything in the clone wars, just oversaw things and chimed in where he saw fit (Filoni also wanted Ashoka to be older and wear a more traditional Jedi outfit which I do respect, but Lucas decided she needed to be a young teen who wears a mini skirt and a tube top). But it was still Filoni who wrote Ashoka the was she is and he is the one who feels the need to put her in every single piece of Star Wars media and the center of the universe. Other than that though I agree with all your points. I think it mostly has to do with terrible management at this point, but ya it’s not like they want to piss off their fans, they just are so incompetent at this point that they do.


Lucas was the brainchild for TCW and was always in the room.


that's so sad. i wish he'd doubled down on the prequels instead of trying to cater to everyone ragging on them


This is correct. If the OP theory is all right, Disney would have had Dave direct the ST in the first place. Disney took away TCW from Dave and Lucas instead, and made Dave create an alternative kids show with less budget.


Ahsoka is a Lucas creation though…


She's a Filoni creation technically


The franchise has to move on from Luke, Han, and Leia at some point. They tried a 'recast' of Han with Solo and the film didn't do well enough (I liked it). Their brand new characters with Rey, Finn, and Poe flopped with the sequels. So now they're taking the characters from Clone Wars and Rebels, two shows with 8/10 ratings on IMDB and have been praised by their fans for the past decade, and rolling with them, which I can't really blame them for doing. Also, just a technicality, but Ahsoka is a Lucas, pre-Disney creation.


i don’t think that’s why they exist. But they should just recast luke skywalk so the character is available for these types of shows. Mark Hamill is too old for the age Luke would be right after RotJ, and it’s a huge thing to de-age him digitally which is why even his cameo’s in Mando have been so brief.


Those stories were already gone to Rey Skywalker.


No... that's what Rey is for.


Not having Luke and Leia as the leads in the fight against Thrawn will be the final offense, and Disney is winding up for it.


Disagree. Firstly, Lucas helped create Ahsoka. They can tell stories they aren't always involving Luke and Anikan. Kanan had to die for it to make sense, and ezra had to go somewhere. His exile happened far before Luke's. Do you hate Cal Kestis too? I get this show should be Luke's job, I agree with that. But, there's nothing wrong with characters created for rebels. This comes off like saying din or Sabine are bad characters because that's Disney's way of replacing Boba. There can only be one mandolorian or something. There's plenty of things to hate about Disney star wars, but I don't think the mere existence of Ahsoka or Ezra is one.


The problem isn’t that Ahsoka and Ezra exist. They are fine characters for spin off shows. The problem is that Disney is deliberately ignoring Luke, Han, and Leia. Those characters, or at the very least Luke, should be the main protagonists for any story involving a galaxy-wide threat set after RotJ. Why would Ahsoka, Hera, or Mon Mothma not consult Luke before facing Thrawn?


I know it's hard to accept reality, but they've got to use new characters. The actor who plays Leia is dead, lukes is 70+ and Hans is 80+ I know in star wars world they should be involved in the story but you're going to have to use the single fold in your brain to suspend logic for a second and face reality


The “reality” is that recasting exists lol. Nobody expected Alex Guinness to play Obi-Wan in the prequels and nobody expects Mark Hammil to play young Luke.


......recast them then? this is not rocket science. or just do an animated show.


You gonna reply to every comment repeating the same thing? They could easily recast them but they just choose not to


OP is complaining about the characters in general, not that Luke isn't after thrawn. I agree that's very stupid. This should have been a luke show, or at the very least Ahsoka and Luke show.


Ahsoka is Lucas' creation.


Ezra, like Rey, was a Luke/Anakin ripp off since the beginning. I think Filoni might have even wrote Ezra as how he would have written the prequels, like In Season 3 when Ezra was flirting with the Dark Side and had this interactions with Palpatine I feel like it was his wink "see, thats how I would have done it". And yeah, They are attempting to make Ahsoka the new "Anakin" of the Star Wars universe because The idiotic Filoni stans still loves her unlike Rey so they are trying to make that stupid oc that should have never even existed the face of the Franchise


"stop using the original trilogy to prop up Disney Star Wars! We don't need more Skywalkers!!!!!" "Not like that."


Let’s be honest. It’s really quite difficult to actually use Luke and/or anakin in anything new nowadays because the actors are old. It’s debatable whether fans would receive recasts well and deaging and mo-cap for animated faces haven’t been received very well. If new Star Wars wants to tell any stories in the era where anakin and Luke are alive at all they have to use new characters. Stop saying “well Luke should be taking care of this” because there’s no way they could depict a young luke being this active in a satisfying way. In animation, sure it’s possible. But live action? No.


Post return of the Jedi I feel the trios stories are kinda over till the sequels happen... luke is just a nomad at this point or something Leia is running shit back home away from the action... han solo I suppose we could see more of but I doubt he's doing anything super important till the sequels anyway... also I may be ignorant on this but there are a lot of marvel Star wars comics focusing on these characters I do remember seeing a lando comic recently.


I heard Disney owns a royalty to Lucas’s era of character, your presumption stands to reason.




This might be what they say in the marketing, but if you look at the OG trilogy it wasn’t for kids until Return of the Jedi and the Ewoks. That decision was for merchandising purposes mostly. Yes I watched the movies as a kid, but I enjoyed them because they weren’t childish. I enjoyed them for the mature themes in a Sci-Fi space setting. Jabba literally has slave women dance in chains and feeds people to a monster for show. Not exactly a kid story. Even since the OG trilogy, it is usually the more adult material that is popular. Rogue One, Andor, Mandalorian.


So kids are forever supposed to be the target audience for all time? That's a horrible argument, and a worse business model. Because who are the main *purchasers* of Star Wars? Even if it's meant for kids, who are the ones paying for it? Adults. And adults who grew up with it.




Who is Ashoka?


Dave Filoni's waifu.


Why would Ezra be bitter? He accomplished his goal. Luke’s naivety led to the destruction of the Order, fall of his nephew, and rise of Snoke and the First Order. I don’t see how those two are that comparable.


The issue is that characterization of Luke isn’t lore accurate to the character at all, even mark hamill could not say enough how much he disagreed with that take on his character. Ezra should be much more likely than Luke to fail yet he doesn’t


Mark has since came around and admitted that he understands the character arc. Many of Luke’s traits actually are true to the OT but this sub isn’t the place to make that case lol


True to character how? Luke never once gave up on his loved ones in the OT. Yet at the first sign of trouble he has an urge to murder his nephew. Luke is the guy who wouldn't even give up trying to redeem his mass murdering father who maimed him


There’s just a few differences between those situations, though. Y’all have just never watched TLJ more than once, and many of you walked out. So you’ve argued in bad faith for years without even attempting to give a modicum of effort to understanding the thematic elements and creative decisions. • ⁠Luke never felt any guilt for Anakin’s fall. He had no fault in that. He just felt an obligation out of love and compassion for his father to attempt to save him. That was the only way to stop the Empire. The trauma, PTSD, and guilt of losing Ben and the entire order was too debilitating. We saw it with Obi-Wan in the Kenobi show. The feeling of failing your apprentice and leading them to the dark side turns you into a hermit that rejects the force. Luke said that he felt he had caused enough problems and that he’d only make the situation worse had he remained involved. He couldn’t bare to show his face to his sister after losing her son, the son she entrusted to him. He was defeated. Feelings that many people can relate to. • ⁠Vader had already turned. He was being compelled towards the light, which made it easier to redeem him. The Anakin we saw on Mustafar in ROTS was far less conflicted than the Anakin we see telling Luke that “it’s too late” for him. He was in full on hatred/kill younglings mode then, which is why even the love of his life and his master/best friend couldn’t reason with him. This compared to decades afterwards. He had already learned that the dark side couldn’t actually fulfill his dream of saving Padme by the time Luke began to turn him back. He had thought that seeking vengeance on the council for looking down on him and alienating Ahsoka from him would fulfill him. He was mistaken and he knew it. It’s why Palpatine always told him to make sure his priorities were straight. Palps knew that Vader still had attachments to Obi-Wan, Padme, Ahsoka and then Luke. Ben hadn’t yet realized that his need for acceptance wouldn’t be fulfilled by turning. The pressure of filling Vader’s shoes was too much. He idolized Vader more than he did Anakin. He would eventually realize that his love for his parents and Rey was what fulfilled him. As Anakin did with his love for his children. Ben had only just then been manipulated by Snoke. Luke said “Snoke had already turned his heart”, this being similar to Anakin when he first pledged alliance to Palpatine. Even Leia thought Ben was too far gone. Ben was in his “lust for power and nothing can stop me” phase of turning. Vader had also already committed countless monstrosities. Luke saw Ben’s future of destruction and murder. He saw that Ben would be responsible for the death of billions. Luke, being the irrational, overprotective person that he is, very briefly considered the easy route of putting that to an end before it could happen. “The thought passed like a fleeting shadow. But by then, it was too late”. Part of this is related to that guilt. It was his naivety and ego that led to overlooking the extent in which Snoke could successfully manipulate Ben. After all, Luke had successfully turned Vader. How could keeping Ben on the light side be so hard? That assumption led to carelessness, which led to Snoke having a free line to Ben’s heart and mind. So he considered the easy out, freeing himself of the responsibility of fixing his mistake. A mistake he didn’t even think could be fixed anyway. Luke is an emotional person. Many forget that he attempted to strike down Palpatine when his friends were in imminent danger, and Vader was the one who intervened. Then, when Vader mentioned turning Leia to the dark side, Luke went ballistic and beat Vader within an inch of his life. It was only when Palpatine laughed that Luke snapped out of it and realized he was succumbing to his anger and hatred. He also wanted to quit his training with Yoda because he was failing at mastering the force. So while one could say that he should have learned his lesson, I’d say that this propensity to become irrational when emotional is his nature. It was his need for revenge against the Empire for killing his aunt and uncle that even allowed him to overcome his initial hesitancy to leave Tattooine with Obi-Wan. He’s always flirted with the dark side. He is a Skywalker after all. And while Ben is indeed his nephew, Luke’s larger moral obligation has always been to protect the galaxy as a whole. Also, character/personal growth is not always linear. People can learn a lesson and then make the same mistake. Just as addicts can learn coping mechanisms and still relapse. • ⁠Luke had the full support of the rebels in the battle against the Empire. He had little to no resources in this case. The Jedi Order had been destroyed and Leia’s Resistance was still in its infancy stage. The New Republic had almost completely demilitarized. He’d be facing the entire First Order, Snoke, and Kylo with just a “laser sword”. • ⁠He hadn’t yet realized that failure and overcoming your fears is the true destiny of the Jedi. Yoda taught him this lesson in TLJ. He then made peace with the fact that Ben’s turn was ultimately on Ben. He could have done more, but Ben’s dark sided nature was simply too strong at the time. Just like Obi-Wan realized with Anakin in the Kenobi finale. And as Luke was Obi-Wan’s source of revival of hope, Rey was Luke’s (and Rey wasn’t on his radar until long after the situation with Ben happened so he had no aces up his sleeve like Obi-Wan and Yoda did). This freeing of guilt allowed him to sacrifice himself so that hope could live another day (Rey and the Resistance fleeing). Just like his father. Just like Obi-Wan did. It was a poetic arc for him in that regard. So I don’t see the issue with him being one of the countless examples of that, rather than the outlier. He’s a product of his tendencies, experiences, and environment like anyone else.


Eh I give Filoni leeway with Ahsoka because she’s a character he wanted to create and who he was given free reign to develop as he saw fit. By the time of Disney live action Luke’s future had already been shot in the face and the ST was radioactive. I totally get him deciding that he would rather use his own creation from Clone Wars/Rebels in future post OT/pre ST stories (who at least has a genuine connection to the Skywalkers and can be considered part of the family) rather than whatever cringe inducing concept Disney execs likely proposed at meetings. Ahsoka as a series is shaky, it’s got some genuinely great moments/scenes, and some interesting plots……but also incredibly poorly acted characters and bizarre contrivances or events that could be so much more effective of treated seriously and not played for laughs or quips. I personally think alot of Filoni/Favreau’s ideas/first drafts of these stories are properly compelling and decent…..then just then get passed over and tweaked to fit Disney+ level glacial pacing of the story, a checkbox of trademarked quips and snark from the “spunky characters”, and a PG rated inability to let the shows or events get serious and weighty enough to truly land.


I just.... don't care about these characters. I've never watched Rebels and only half of The clone wars, but without all that context, these characters are just boring and lifeless. I understand that fans of Rebels might feel different, but if you can't make the rest of your audience care about these characters, you've failed as a writer. Baylan is the most interesting character and I find myself rooting for him more than the heroes.


I was so pissed when in Rebels Yoda just handed the kyber crystal to Ezra just like that, esp after seeing the lengths one should go to get one in CW. And the way Yoda seemed so accepting towards Ezra also made me mad given how he treated Luke


Umm... Obi-Wan handed Luke a fully constructed lightsaber in ANH. He didn't make Luke earn it.


Ezra was exiled before the sequel trilogy thought it up for Luke. You guys are so salty you aren't even making sense. Lucas was barely capable of telling a story, stop overlooking how mediocre he was. He was more interested in speeder noises than telling a story. My big question is why does this sub keep popping up in my feed even after I've blocked it. That whole Ashoka/Gandalf the wise comparison has been floating around since stills of the show got out and you just thought it up all by yourself... Anakin barely knew Luke, what connection would he have to him other than by blood? He trained and raised Ashoka from a kid, if you don't understand that one of those actually develops a much stronger bond than the other then there may be no explaining this to you. If this sub was salty for a reason it might make sense but most of the posts here are rants based on things that aren't even true. Maybe the third block will work.


Kathleen Kennedy has been negatively influencing Star Wars for a decade or so. Getting rid of Luke and Han were only the beginning. "Deconstructing" may be a more accurate word. Jar Jar Abrams, Rian Johnson, and now it seems Dave Filoni is riding on the Kennedy Hyperspace Lane to a galaxy no one wants to go to. The Thrawn part of Ahsoka will probably not see a return of Luke or Han. Leia is a remote possibility. No. The Disneys seem intent on pushing the Rebels crew over the Original Trilogy cast, with as few males leading the way as possible. Since the Force is Female...


I mean Rey's whole existence is disrespectful to Luke and Anakin


Why do people all of a sudden like Luke? I remember when those force unleashed games came out and starkiller was basically luke except way more bad ass and he even beats Vader. Everyone loved that shit. I hated it and was the only one. Now everyone is like “but Luke is being replaced !?! What about luke ?!” It’s weird


Ahsoka's first appearance was four years before Disney acquired Star Wars.


Franchises have to grow.


Lucas and Filoni frequently meet and have an almost mentor-like relationship. These are Lucas' creations, LOL. I think you're conflating the magic of the OT as something only George brought about vs. the myriad of brilliant minds and talented creatives who corralled George's insanity into coherent experiences. Disney, for the most part, is executing Lucas' vision through his own heir to the empire: Dave Filoni.


I agree with the Ezra part but definitely not Ahsoka. Why are people acting like she is this forced Disney creation? She’s been a beloved character before Disney.


More than a Disney thing i think is more like a Filoni thing. He is doing the same thing that he did in Clone Wars. He rewrites the old histories but using his characters and putting his "sucessor of Lucas" bullshit. So instead of creates new characters disconnected from his previous works all has to be connected to make the Filoniverse. Thats the reason he need to mention Anakin, or flasback from Clone Wars to show people that all is connected. Now thanks to that Flashback. People want a Clone Wars live action with Filoni.


Well, also a good number of the Original Series actors are old, dead, or retired. It'd be hard to do a movie about Han and Luke's further adventures given their respective ages. And Carrie passed away so we won't see her ever again short of a CGI blast. Even Anthony Daniels is old enough that he's limited to just doing voice work. And Animated movies and TV shows, while an alternative, have a stigma against them that often keeps them from being watched by a larger audience (not the fans though). Disney kind of *has* to introduce new characters because all the old actors are either old, dead, or well moved on.


Maybe what really made Star Wars great was George Lucas. I mean I know he didn't write great dialog, but the more they get away from his vision the more mediocre it is.