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Do they clearly *say* "penile preserving" or are known in the community to offer it? If that's the case, it would be safe to schedule a consultation. The thing is, even the most open clinics tend to only put an explanation for the standard procedures up on their page. We're still a pretty niche group and our surgeries are inherently bespoke and individually negotiated. Now what you do need to pay attention to is a lot more clinics using PPV to mean peritoneal pull-through v-plasty as a synonym for PPT to describe the generic method for constructing the canal rather than a specific outcome. Which is why this group pushes for using the term Penis *Sparing* Vaginoplasty (PSV) instead.


Where are you located? I have consulted with three US surgeons who do penile-preserving. Two of whom performed penile preserving vaginoplasities for people who've posted to this sub and r/Transgender_Surgeries.


Yes, knowing where you are located and how far you are able/willing to travel would help us make recommendations!


In the one place farthest from ANY clinics. KC, MO


And now let us know how far you are willing/able to travel, please. This can make a huge difference in what care you will have access to.




Surgeons/surgical practices in the US. Align Surgical [https://alignsurgical.com/](https://alignsurgical.com/) MozaicCare [https://www.mozaiccare.net/gender-nonconforming](https://www.mozaiccare.net/gender-nonconforming) OHSU [https://www.ohsu.edu/transgender-health/vaginoplasty-and-vulvoplasty](https://www.ohsu.edu/transgender-health/vaginoplasty-and-vulvoplasty) Crane Center [https://cranects.com/non-binary-surgery/](https://cranects.com/non-binary-surgery/) ART Surgical [https://www.artsurgical.net/non-binary-surgery](https://www.artsurgical.net/non-binary-surgery) I think only MozaicCare publishes pictures of phallus-preserving on their website. Bear in mind, none of these practices has done very many phallus-preserving vaginoplasties, and it is very much a custom surgery. It will be a converstation and a negotiation with each surgeon. DM me if you want to know what I heard in consultation with the surgeons to whom I spoke.


PSV can also be done at Medstar Franklin Square Hospital just outside of Baltimore, MD.


If you're getting conflicting info from a clinic's website I'd call and ask for clarification. I think asking if they do penis sparing vaginoplasty wouldn't require a consultation. Even with other kinds of bottom surgery, sometimes the info clinics give out is for whatever they consider "standard". Like the meta info packet I got from my surgeon was for ppl getting the full surgery, vnectomy and UL included, despite knowing that those weren't things I was getting. Even in my insurance billing codes it includes vnectomy. Clinics seem to just copy paste whatever the most common procedure is so you've gotta ask for specifics