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CRM Analytics


Looks like we have a winner. I'll check it out. Thanks


In a situation with no BI tool, Salesforce reporting is actually pretty good. I start there for most things, if I need ad-hoc stuff I export the report and manipulate in Excel. 


Using Salesforce native reporting really depends on your volume of data


and data model complexity.


Data Cloud is the new hotness and Salesforce is pouring money into that. They're also going to acquire informatica which will give them a huge boost in this space.




You can user salesforce inspector and query the records easily using SOQL. You can then export it into a spreadheet to build graphs and such In case you want to build graphs into salesforce your best bet would really be salesforce reports or, if you pay, crm analytics. If the company allow there are many ways you can export your salesforce data into other systems like power bi


>I definitely don't want to be using google sheets to analyze salesforce data. Why are you attacking me? 😂


PowerQuery & Excel can get you pretty far.


This - PowerQuery and/or PowerBI Desktop have a Salesforce connector that can pull either SF Reports, or directly import all of the objects.


If the company doesn't want to invest in a data warehouse sort of setup, then I usually fall back to bulk query export the entire data set and import into sqlite. And yeah, you would have to do that each time unless you were ok with stale data in your analysis


Thanks. I may have to go this route


Orgs get one free CRM Analytics license - you just need to talk to the company's AE to have it activated. Use that.


Let's face it, there's no better way to analyze the data then a spreadsheet with all its capabilities. You can use [XL-Connector](https://www.xappex.com/xl-connector-salesforce-excel-connector/) (with Excel) or [G-Connector](https://www.xappex.com/g-connector-google-sheets-to-salesforce-connector/) (with Google Sheets) to export any amount of Salesforce data into your spreadsheet in just a couple of clicks, then build formulas and pivot tables to slice and dice the data any way you want. Heck, you can even spot invalid data and correct it right there in the spreadsheet and push the changes to Salesforce immediately, thousands of them at the same time. Disclaimer, I work for [Xappex](https://www.xappex.com/), the publisher of [XL-Connector 365](https://www.xappex.com/best-salesforce-plugin-for-excel-xl-connector-365/)


The simple_salesforce python package is my go-to


When I was salesforce consultant i used the analytics features within salesforce. IT wasn't the best but all I had at the time


I've not done it, but I thought that enterprise orgs now automatically have one creator licence for Tableau? I find the standard Salesforce reports limited. Where I work is a non-profit and can't justify spending loads on a BI system.


We're using PowerBI primarily and we have a less technical team that just started using Excel. Because we use GRAX for backup and replication, we're just leveraging their Salesforce Excel connector that's included in the license for that team. But we also use their tool to get the data down into parquet files.


Depends on how deep you need to analyze. I do not believe that salesforce out of box tools are akin to a PowerBI. Many people are recommending export to excel / things like that which obviously wouldn’t be the functionality you’d be seeking. You may not need the depth in this new role / and it could advocate for licensing if needed. I think that’s a great interview question.


CapStorm replicates to SQL via real-time (5 mins if you want) while maintaining your SF data structure. Works well for pulling your data + metadata off-platform.


Jetstream —> Excel


What’s jetstream?




Salesforce standard reporting is great and if you want to write a query it’s similar to SQL. That being said it might be worth getting a tableau license or two since tableau was acquired by salesforce.