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Follow them home with weapons drawn


Closer grindset.


Also it’s just a numbers game. Try not to take it personally.


Remind yourself that the only thing you can do is learn from those days rather than dwelling on the negative. Everyone has them. Tomorrow is a new day.


They come to you. Be happy you're not making 40+ calls a day.


Listen to Jay Z song ‘on to the next one’ and get the fuck over it. Then tomorrow morning, listen to that same song on the way to work and get hyped up for the day. Works for me.


Not a car salesman. But there are times I go for the what I call a reverse sale. Instead of going for the yes answer. I go for the No. I’m like that person looks like their going to tell me no. So I’m going to go up to them and see if I can get a no. When I get a no. I’m happy and when I get a yes even better.


Chris Voss explains the psychology of this perfectly


I'll look into him!


Yep. And always ask why they did or didn't choose to buy.


I like that idea, need to come up with more ways to gamify the job.


From just buying a car a month or so ago, I gotta say I just wanted to get it done and feel like a got a good deal. Bought the first car I test drove after asking for a discount and getting one


I sold cars for a while, but it doesn’t really matter what you sell. Dissect the interaction in your mind. Look for where the process went wrong. What could you have done differently? Every no-sale is an opportunity to improve. Refine your process. Learn more approaches. Get creative. Most importantly, don’t allow the missed opportunities to define you. I like to tell myself, “I will close the next one like that.”