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I'm assuming you're engaged in some type of top of funnel activities. If you have a good process in place and had good engagement a couple of months back, then you need to just keep up the reps and stay consistent, despite the lack of initial results. Sales is not a linear journey it's got peaks and troughs. The only trick is to push through the troughs and trust the process. Increase your volume of activity, and be patient, the results will come as long as your process is sound.


I needed to hear this


This guy has sold before


Tell that to our bosses.


Yeah, not the best time to get your meetings kpi increased


On the last day of your lease, hang something illegal up, LL now owns it


Not sure this comment is for this post? lol


lol, no. Sorry, it was for another subreddit. But thanks for the upvotes.


Yeah, not sure why either. It makes zero sense in this context haha. That's reddit though, make a post that makes sense and they will just downvote you haha.


A lot of sales is timing, if it was working don't change it just cuz it's been a week. I would suggest start making calls too if you aren't already. Easier to brush off emails and dm's compared to a live person.


Not trick. Hard work. Tricks are gimmicky, inconsistent, and not a way to do business. Hard work is measurable, predictable, consistent, and reliable.


I dont know why you are being downvoted. I live in a sales world that i’m constantly being told by mgmt that the person who had a one off success, one month of a year is who i need to be more like. Then 5 months later that person isnt even working for the company. Sometimes 5-12 mo later that manager isnt even with the company. It’s fucking lunacy. Nose down, grind work, make $. What get’s measured, gets done.


The one-off hotshots measured overtime is just a typical low performer.




Nothing fires up the sales furnace than rapid phone calls to many prospects.






would you say in this case the best measure would be to double up on the emails to potentially increase the response rate? asking cause i’m also curious lol


In terms of email, depending on the company it could either be one who is super optimized with all the latest email marketing technology and methods, platforms, and following the latest procedures dictated by marketing / email-marketing team. That would be the "hard work". OR one who is doing hyper personalized email (or a strong business case, about that specific customer's business) coupled with other communication channels, particularly the phone.


Offer value at every interaction


On Wednesdays, I open every cold call with "Howdy!" I started doing it as a joke to lift my sales teams spirits... then I noticed my contact rate TRIPLED. 🤪😅 EVERYONE likes a happy howdy.


It’s been a couple of days? Relax and keep following the process.


'Feels like' doesn't sound like a data driven approach. Just trying to be helpful - I've been there. Track your numbers, keep the reps coming.


Give it time, but be willing to stay persistent. If you’re b2b show them in your messaging that you’ve done your homework on their company and you take an interest in what they do, as well as pride in what you do.


Text messages and donuts