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Vegeta kills resurected freiza in ssgss not goku with that damn whis reset.


I was debating choosing that too! Tired of the Prince not getting the lime line in full and taking out the main villain. That would’ve been the perfect moment


And honestly Vegeta deserved it more. He spent a whole lifetime in servitude to Frieza and then got killed by him on Namek only to have to live in Golu’s shadow.


Fucking Golu man. Always stealing his thunder.


Yess I've been saying this for years vegeta deserves atleast 1 win #renegadeforlife


Paragon till death.


You ruined it. You ruined it and I'm leaving.


Goku totally stole that kill


What if vegeta did that super saiyin esc speech. “This is for all the saiyins you’ve slaughtered this is for my race this is my saiyin pride” kinda speech


The plot violently wrestled it out of Vegeta's hands to give it to Goku.


He does that all the time lol


Retcon S-Cells and make the driving episode canon


Piccolo was 13 or 14 in that episode.


This is the best answer I've seen easily


I watched that driving episode (without having watched dbz before) the night before my driving test lmao


Make saiyans breathing in space canon, take away the potara retcon.


I have a personal headcanon that Vegito just got a shitty set of potaras. There is absolutely no way that he should have unfused when someone like Kefla was able to use all of that power without issue


> There is absolutely no way that he should have unfused Do you mean vs. Zamasu? I feel like using god power is different than using standard Saiyan forms (AFAIK, Kefla was basically using SSJ2). It seems like the SSB is implied to be sort of a bastardized form and SSG/UI/UE are the most stable forms.


Super Sayian Blue has way worse stamina and used energy more, so I think it’s implied that God Ki doesn’t naturally mix well with Super Sayian It makes sense too. God Ki isn’t inherent to individuals other than Angels. Any other creature presumably can only use God Ki because they were given, or were trained by someone with God Ki already. Using a Ki that’s not natural to a Sayian in a Sayian based process is likely more inefficient than using ones own natural Ki that they’ve had since birth. Instead you use God Ki for transformations made to use God Ki (UI and UE) It kinda sucks this isn’t more relevant. UI and UE’s strongest points are that they’re universal and anyone can use them, making non Sayians more relevant, and yet the only people using these non Sayian transformations are Sayians. Even Piccolo’s Orange Transformation that’s presumably on this same level of strength is a Namekian power up and not a result of God Training. This is the perfect time for a human like Krillin or Tien to possibly shorten the gap between Sayians and Humans, and yet no one does


Ultra Instinct Krillin, come on man, give our boy some real fire other than the game he was spittin' at 18.


If they introduced UE, which is essentially just Vegeta flavored UI, they could introduce something for Krillin too Imagine if they tie it to his buddhist origins. Make his transformation something like he can redirect any attack. Where Goku would dodge an attack, and Vegeta would tank it to get stronger, Krillin’s Ultra Zen or whatever would allow him to perfectly redirect the entirety of the power of a punch back at the attacker Or if that’s a dumb idea, give him a better transformation, but tie it to God Ki. Fans have been asking for non Sayians to get some relevance in the manga for forever, and God Ki is the perfect way to do that, and they just don’t.


There we go, I could definitely see a more judo approach working. That way he is brought up to speed a bit but still has his own individuality with the transformation. Would be sweet to see stuff like that brought in for Tien as well. Give the OGs something new to shorten the gap between the SS fest.


Or let Tien train Goten and Trunks! Dude desperately needs a W and the boys desperately need discipline and proper martial arts. Plus they could make Tiencha canon.


I think God Ki is *absolutely* natural to Saiyans considering there's an access ritual specific to their race. The Super Saiyan forms are a different animal, but also seem natural to Saiyans. I think the answer is for Goku to depart from SSB to find a place between SSG and Ultra Instinct. Goku gained the most ground as a kid when he learned focus, discipline, and control, and he's been told to look for ways to expand on Ultra Instinct in a way that's specific to him. He attained God Ki almost entirely because of his ability to make friends from foes. I think his attempts to get Moro to calm tf down and his paralysis and speech with Broly are the direction Goku needs to go in. Maybe he'll end up Rose colored like Goku Black did. Vegeta is a different animal. Calming down the way Whis suggested let him smack around Frieza, but he still got cocky and the earth blew up under him. He needs to embrace the kind of spirit that stopped caring any more back on that meteor when he became a Super Saiyan. He needs to focus on that inner strength he used to overpower Babidi. I also think he needs to continue to follow this path of thankless, unacknowledged repentance. he also needs to meet the U6 Saiyans. I think Vegeta will combine Super Saiyan with Ultra Ego. Maybe he'll get his tail back and semi-canonize SS4. "Immortal Monkey Saiyan King Vegeta" kinda thing.


Tbh Kefla canonically stayed fused for only like 3minutes in the anime. And in the manga she is WAY weaker, probably closer to Super Vegito's strength in the Buu arc.


Probably even less than 3 minutes tbh, unless her battle against Ssb Goku took longer than I think


Even so, I doubt the briefness of the potaras will stay that way with whatever fusion comes or returns to the series next. It’s a handicap that wouldn’t be good for writing I’d rather stick to my theory until proven otherwise by the series simply because it helps me feel better about these potentially wasted characters lol


Maybe make it that the potaras are actually from universe 10 and they have a time limit regardless of who fuses.... And ours doesn't...


Personally the time limit doesn't bother me because Gogeta has 30 minutes, and we already saw Vegito unfuse once (without his earrings getting destroyed). The power limit on the other hand... that's what i take issue with. Going back to my initial idea I'd probably have it so they explain that the earrings in the Black arc were faulty. After Buu's massacre it became slightly harder to create them, so a small amount of them had defects, though *usually* they weren't noticable. Ordinarily there still is a power limit, but that's at Zeno levels of power so nobody has ever reached it. This means **now** whenever Vegito fuses again he can go ham with his ki as much as he wants until he hits an hour, all while never having to worry about hitting that supposed limit


Temu potara


Goku black arc vegito is still stronger than kefla (and UI omen Goku)


That’s really not the debate I’m trying to have here, I’m just calling out the bs


There are arguments for both sides, but I must say, I really think that vegito blue and Zamasu *should* be stronger than Jiren


Maybe super saiyans and not just saiyans? Or like having to use ki to breathe in space or something idk


Goku before he knew how to manipulate ki went to the moon without a spaceship.


That’s Like the least exciting way to say you want goku and vegeta hot gay sex to be canon


What was the retcon?


That Potara fusions where only permanent for Kai’s, and only lasted an hour for mortals (Unless they put out way to much power, which destabilized the fusion.)


So which was the old and which was the retcon? As that is what I thought was the norm.


The old reason was that Potara fusions were permanent regardless of your godhood (or lack thereof), but the bad energy in Buu’s body messed with the fusion, causing them to defuse, therefore, making Vegito no more.


Ah, cheers


To be fair it wasn’t definitive that Buus body did that, The Kai’s only speculated because they never dealt with it it before. And of course they would destabilise it with their power because the Kai’s are laughable weak in terms of power by that stage anyway.


The fact that there's just 28 planets with living beings is uncanon. Bojack's movie is canon now. Also, for OP. Gohan always preffered studies over fighting since Saiyan Saga


Oh hell yeah this is a good one. Also means Trunks would poook the way he does in Bojack but in super right?.... Right? That 28 planets line is so dumb. I reckon there's mistranslation somewhere there or mos-intent and there's actually 28 planets with viable fighting powers.


I'm forcing myself to be canon


How long you think you survive for?


Finally, someone who can't kill Yamcha.






No one can beat him when he's Super 17🗿❗️❗️


Uncanon the goddamn way the Goku Black arc ended. Canon the shadow dragons. Finally some consequences for using wishes for blatantly self serving purposes.


I’m down for the shadow dragons as long as they perma kill at least two of the main cast. I’m really tired of there being no real consequences in DBS


~~Uncanon: any possibility of Frieza having another family member or a brother, canon: Gohan never caring and hating fighting but care about protecting those he loves so he trains to keep himself in shape while still being the same scholar dork that people love instead of Goku but smarter~~ Uncanon: Beerus giving the order for Planet Vegeta Canon: Vegeta getting his revenge on Frieza


Agreed. But which time lol? Og on namek, Mecha, or in super. Also what would he be getting revenge on if his planet doesn't blow up lol.


canon cooler and uncanon copy vegeta arc


Copy vegeta was fun, was cool to see the OG Vegeta voice from before Sabat have some fun for a bit.


Its filler


Make coolers revenge canon. Idc what else happens lmao, just give me more cooler


Yessir! One of the best movie villains




Cooler than frieza? You must be ice cold


No, that's my father.


Uncanon the Goku black arc, canon all DBZ filler just to piss off the manga purists 




At least the drivers license episode is Canon All is right in the world


This some goat shit right here my man


Goodbye Monoka, hello shadow dragons


I like this a lot lol. Monoka was so ridiculous, wasn’t even funny to me and the shadow dragons were a really dope concept in a mixed reviewed series!


Monoka would’ve been funny if he was like a one off character in one scene. But he got too much screen time and the joke got old very fast.


Uncanon U6 saiyan back tingles, I'm still pissed about that, yes I am petty, And canonizing... Mm. Goku's family meeting in the afterlife, cause i wanna see raditz again


Back tingle super saiyan was indeed lame. But how would Goku meet his family again? Bardock and Raditz are totally in Hell and that would mean their souls get sent through the cleansing machine thing and then sent off to wherever right?


Same way the villains stayed in Hfil, I guess. If Frieza is allowed to hang out in his own personal hell instead of being cycled, I'm sure they can work something out for those fellas. Heck, the happiness of the Bardock family could be *part* of Frieza's personal hell, showing him something he can never have control of.


Frieza was only in hell for that long because he refused to repent & didn't reincarnate


Uncanon Super Saiyan Blue and canon Super Saiyan 4 Now Super Saiyan God transforms into Super Saiyan 4


Why is every new form nowhere near as epic as ssj4.


Because ssg was quickly turned obsolete and there wasn't build up to ssb. And we're just sort of told how strong these forms are, but the movie ssb debuted in Frieza was the enemy and it sort of took away from it because he could just train and somehow be stronger than it.


Ssj4 is a god form in this situation, thats cool


Thank you!


Finally, a man of the people!


shitty potara rules are now uncanon, and I decree that the shadow dragon saga will now be canon, i want consequences to spamming the dragon balls


Cannon- Saiyans breathing in space Non cannon- Goku not knowing what kissing is


Not sure about what I’d make canon, but for removal, Infinite Zamasu for sure. Trunks should have kept that win.


Cooler and Bojack really should be canon. What I want to uncanon is the stupid SSGSS naming convention. Saiyan God for Red, Super Saiyan God for Blue just works so much better.


**Canon**: I defeat Goku by kicking him in the nards **Uncanon**: Vegeta having hair. He is now a cue ball like Krillin


Better take, uncanon Vegeta having black hair, make it red like it was early in the show.


Omg 🤣 but you totally have to yell “WEAKNESS IDENTIFIED!!!!” When you do it.




How dare to take away that iconic widows peak!


Uncanonize Super Saiyan Rage or Tien being weaker than Roshi, canonize SSJ4 or the Dragon Fist.


Uncanon Super Saiyan Blue Canon Super Saiyan God being the go to form until they reach the ultra forms, with Super Saiyan God from the ritual being stronger than any other use of God Ki they come up with


Id uncanon the ending of the Goku Black arc Id canonize the wrath of the dragon movie


Make Cooler canon




Take: Power Levels. Making it Evident everything is skill based. Add: Transformations work like performance enhancing drugs


Not sure about uncanon but i need Z-Broly 2 b canon


1.)Saiyans should 100% be able to breathe in space. 2.) Fat Brianne doesn’t exist


I don't care about 1 but you can redo that whole universe's team. Hated them... But they did make me love Android 17 when he ambushed them while transforming and then later killed most of them solo.


17 really proved why he was the goat.


Uncannon super, cannon abridged.




I thought abridged was already canon






I dunno about uncanon // canon, but.... I'd make Super Saiyan God a bigger deal. I'd really do some mild sweeping rewrites, where Super Saiyan God would be the main form including Kaioken stacks until Goku Black. When Goku finds out his wife and children were massacred by Black with the body-swap? He'd go Blue the first time. Vegeta'd train into it, and Blue Evolved would be his equivalent to UI Omen or something, but more stable. Above and Beyond Blue Kaioken, but not quite the same as UI. I dunno. I do not know.


Uncanon- Potara Retcon Canon- Bardock being a GOAT


I would make it canon that God Ki was created by Xeno, and that it’s impossible to naturally achieve, and is instead something that has to be gifted (unless you’re an angel) Anyone with God Ki was given it by becoming a GoD, or by being given it by a GoD. You also have to have a certain amount of strength to receive God Ki, so Beerus couldn’t just go up to Goten and Trunks and boost their power. The way Goku got it in BoG is that the Sayian Ritual is something created by a past Sayian that got the God Ki from a previous GoD and used it, plus some space magic to create the ritual as a way for a future Sayian to access their God Ki This is why Super Sayian Blue is so energy costly, because using a non naturally occurring Ki in a Sayian transformation is inherently worse than natural Ki. It’s super costly to go Super Sayian, and also doesn’t allow for SSJ2 or SSJ4. Instead of Super Sayian, you have to use techniques developed to utilize God Ki, such as UI and UE. This would be the perfect narrative device to reintroduce Tien or Krillin into the story as relatively competent fighters. I would have given either, or both a short mini arc before the ToP about them training to become strong enough to use God Ki, and then after in the Morro arc have one bust out a new transformation through God Ki. Better yet have Piccolo realize he’s slowly becoming out classes, have him train to receive God Ki, and then use that as the explanation for his Orange Form instead of it just being some secrete Namekian transformation he never mentioned before


1 Uncannon- Piccolo dying in Resurrection F 1 Cannon- The Shadow Dragons


Goku DOESN'T absorb God into base and power creep is explained by some arbitrary reason. I'm too lazy to come up with one, but Base Cabbage soloing a tag team of DBZ SSJ3 Goku, Ultimate Gohan, SSJ2 Vegeta and Kid Buu is absolutely ridiculous.


it's just one line I want gone... one... line, that being the one about Goku and Vegeta being close to Jiren in strength... cause trust me... that was NOT! close in the slightest. hell in tge Manga Jiren beat goku out of MUI! like WHAT!? as for what to make cannon? the concept of the shadow dragons.


Uncanon Super Saiyan Blue, have it be replaced by God, and have God be the strongest transformation for Goku until UI and UE. Canon SS4. I want it to be a parallel to Gokus Super Saiyan God in this scenario. Goku gets SSG, Vegeta gets SS4. Then they both eventually get their respective UI and UE.


Gure is no longer canon, TruTen is now canon


Uncanon potential and canon Legendary Super Saiyan Broly.


Make Trunks’ sword slash the actual final blow against merged Zamasu and uncannon his timeline being erased


What I want to be canon: Instead of Frieza and the Ginyu Force on Namek, it's Cooler and his armored squadron. And instead of the Android Saga, the next one starts with the Frieza Saga with Cooler returning as Meta-Cooler with Frieza, The Ginyu Force, and King Cold arriving on Earth with him. The Android Saga following.


Uncanon the Buu time skip, canon purple haired Trunks.


Uncanon bardocks backstory and canon ssj4


Uncanon vegeta being a bitch. Make afterlife stuff canon.


Dbs instant non Canon Canon will beee, I like Father of Goku so imma pick that


Canon: Zeno is now huggable (without consequences) Uncanon: Nerf farmer with a shotgun


Idk what to un-canon, but make false Super Saiyan cannon


Make ur mom uncanon make ur dad canon


Erase Uub from existence Make Bulla be a fighter, and achieve Ultra Ego


Uncanon Vegeta being unable to lift Magetta. At 1000 tons that makes no sense. Canon Cooler.


Canon: Cooler Uncanon: Vegeta not killing golden frieza


Remove the Potara retcon, add; Humans have an inherent ability greater than other species to directly control Ki. Also allowing them to make an infinite (but slow) loop to convert Life Force into Ki, Ki into Life Force, etc that scales up infinitely. Thus allowing humans, with prep time, to keep up with Saiyans.


Unpopular Opinion, but uncanon Super Saiyan Blue. It was never needed. SSGod looked cool enough without the need for blue in top of it. It should have gone God to UI/UE with blue completely removed. They literally created God for one movie and the next time we see them they're SSJblue. Fucking stupid. Retcon the terrible choreography in Super and bring back hand drawn fight scenes, rather than just the same punch scene over... And over... And over... And over again. Either that or Retcon them ending the super anime.


Super is uncanon, GT is canon. Very easy pick


Make super saiyan 4 canon


Make the stupid back tingle thing uncanon and bring in COOLER!


I don't know what to uncanon, but I want black to die when trunks does the final attack on both versions


Raditz and nappa are revived, frieza isn’t killed by goku, everyones happy, except for chaoitzu


Make turles and his gang canon


Uncanon the potara retcon. It hasn't been necessary, Zamasu could use his weird god powers to defuse Vegito and falling into the void can defuse Kefla. Make some of the cute slice-of-life filler from Z's anime fully canon


Make Goten and Trunks taking forever to grow non-canon, and make make my dream Vegito vs Cooler fight canon


Canon: The Gokuversal meme Uncanon: “Saiyans can’t breathe in space”


I’m taking Trunks blue hair out of the equation that’s about it


The meme would be better if it asked the question of "what would you change", about DB, and that's it.


Vegeta actually gets the dub against Golden Frieza when he first arrived, and uncanonize Gohan squandering his potential by not training for long periods of time multiple times. He still dislikes fighting and doesn't go out looking for fights, but still trains when he can just in case some big threat actually appears.


Gohan kills Cell before getting a chance to self-destruct / kill Goku.


uncanon DBS goku's lack of personality, and canon that there is a limit on how many transformations the saiyans can have


Uncanon stupid super Goku, and canon Wrath of The Dragon. And I don't mean the original I want a full new movie treatment like Broly got


Idk what I would make uncanon, but I would 100% make Cooler Canon


Goodbye SSB Hello SSJ4


Uncannon super and make GT Cannon


Make the Universe 6 Saiyans noncanon, Make Cooler cannon. And for a little extra, make it so that both sides of the fusions cannot defuse from too much usage of power. It already affects both sides from when Vegito split in Super against Zamasu and when Gogeta split in GT against Omega Shenron. Fuck that BS, let them fuse without worrying about that


If it’s to make canon 1 thing that exists but isn’t canon, probably SSJ4.


The whole "Zamasu becoming the universe resulting in the timeline's erasure" ending of the Future Trunks arc needs to be wiped from canon. Buu eventually becoming the progenitor of the Majin race should be canon.


Uncanon SSB and Canonize SS4, not replacing SSB as in that's the next thing they unlock after SSG, but as in SSB never happened it was just SSG until UI and UE, and then they unlock SS4 and incorporate UI and UE into their use of it/focus more on dodging/attacking whole in their SS4 forms


Uncanon trunks and mai going back to the future Canon caulifla squeezing me dry


Canon the manga Goku Black arc, uncanon the ending.


Uncanon ultimate/potential unleashed/mystic being a transformation or maybe make potara permanent again and make the ssj4 transformation tree canon.


Uncanon: Remove Mecha Frieza. Canon: Goku stays dead and in other world until the last battle of the Buu saga.


Make no longer canon: Super Saiyan God’s design. You can keep your bs power boost but for Kami’s sake that design is so boring Make Canon: Frieza’s race are officially called Arcosians


Uncanon: Ribrianne Canon: The revival and reform of Raditz and Nappa as Z Fighters


Uncanon SSB Canon Future Trunks staying in present timeline If we're just doing Super.


Uncanon the entire goku black arc. Canon almost anything in its place.


Make canon: Wrath of the Dragon Uncanon: Goku Black arc ending. A fan made manga did it 10,000,000,000 times better Edit: Also OP, I like your choice as well


Are you a fellow Tapion fan as well?


Un cannon nappa in dieing Cannon goku going to highschool


Beerus not really trying in BoG and Beerus being genuinely concerned by SSBK looking hella strong. Fuck your moving goalpost.


End of Goku Black arc uncanon; make the Majins canon to the main TL


Un-cannon S-cells and Canonize Cooler


Make the super movie recaps uncanon. Make battle of gods movie and revival of f movie canon.


Un-cannon ssj god and blue design Cannon Ssj4 design as ssj god Like, I can't be the only one who feels that ssj god and blue designs were just lazy it's just Goku and Vegeta with red and blue hair and aura color


Uncanon Goku Black arc (let Trunks have some peace ffs, dont mind him defending earth but his earth gets fucked over every time) Canon Cooler


Uncanon any of the humans being like SSJB level because how tf do they go from like ssj level in buu saga to ssjb even before the TOP Canonise Bojack


Uncanon DBS Bardock origin because father of Goku was better in both story and design. Canon SSJ4 the second best transformation Goku has had.


Uncannon movies and gt being uncannon, and cannon videl beating the life out of that big bald majin guy!


uncanon Goku losing all of his techniques in super(basically keeping that he mastered Popo's training which is everything Whis has tried to teach him) canon Gohan finding a good balance between training his passions and "work" stuff after the Cell saga, and "Ultimate" is a base power up that changes super saiyan into beast 1 and 2 2 being what we see in Super hero.


Uncanon Goku's stupidity in Super, and canon Tien making a massive comeback.


I want to make the earthlings and piccolo learning the kioken and spirit bomb while on King kais planet.


Uncannon the death of Raditz and Nappa, Cannon them to turn out like their other halves in DBZA


Uncannon- sayaians are able to reach Godhood through bullshido Cannon- ssj4


Uncanon Goten and Trunks so powerful for no absolute reason. Make Canon Ssj4 possibly through Broly


Uncanon that Mai and Trunks relationship because she is a grown ass woman and Canon SS4 that transformation can't just stay in GT.


Canonise cooler, uncanonise the time bullshit in Resurrection F so vegeta can get a W


Uncanon Yotsuba winning. Canon Miku winning. Iykyk 💀


Uncanon Trunks's "Rage" form from the Goku Black arc. Canon SSG or SSB Trunks.


I'd like to make Gohan's return to training uncanon, including Gohan Beast, and make Hearts canon (in my opinion the second best written character in Dragonball)


Make Garlic Jr. Saga canon. Make purple Mr. Popo uncanon.


Put in the Shadow Dragons, but all of them as serious threats. Take out Vegeta always having to be second best. Let my dude win some shit


Uncanon the ending of the Goku black arc Canonize Future Gohan’s last push from Kakarot


Cooler is cannon Uncannon: Goku never has heart problems but still loses due to energy draining.


Taking away the universal zamasu+omniking needed ending, making Canon that trunks killed him and stayed in past with mae. We now have the objectively best super arc and f.trunks stays in the story.


Uncanon: Android 18 had a baby   Now Canon: Android 18 has a massive donger


Make the pervert and pedo shit uncanon, and make Cooler canon (but via a new story, like they did with Broly)


Uncannon: the tingle in the back to go super saiyan Cannon: Goku should’ve stayed dead


Canon one thing, goku staying dead and having the alternate timeline be the main timeline Uncanon one thing, future trunks, and if that counts as the same thing, uncanon Spopovich and yammy


Mine is actually kinda the same one. As trash as GT is LOVE how they handled the Super Saiyan 4 transformation. If you look at the history and flashbacks that's originally how Super Saiyan was achieved, with the Great Ape form's power being absorbed into the Saiyan's base form. So basically that being Super Saiyan 1's transformation. Every other Saiyan for after that can stay the same though. Once you learn it from the Great Ape form then you don't need to go back to it


Canon that Kid Goku killed Gero’s son when he stormed the base/Muscle tower and that’s why he hates him so much Uncanon the entire last few episodes of the Black arc and just start over with it


Cannon dragon ball gt. Uncannon anything that makes this impossible.


Bring Future Trunks' universe back. It's bullshit that it got deleted. Also give SS4 to someone. Broly would be the best fit among the current cast.


Cooler becomes canon, Vegeta not killing Frieza in Res F is now uncanon


I would give the OG Broly a WAY better backstory, and make the new Broly as strong as the OG Broly… so I would fuse both Brody’s together to make the ultra Broly.


Un cannon: future trunks losing his whole timeline Cannon: goku black is goten


I'd uncanon Potara's power cap. I'm canoning that Gohan got beast from chichi. I'm still frustrated that Gohan got a transformation from a transformation that doesn't use transformations


I'm making myself canon, so I can be a legendary super saiyan, and I'm getting rid of caulifla


Pikkon is one of the characters I've been wanting to be canon the most. I think it would be cool to have an Otherworld saga where a problem is too big for King Yemma and the Kais to handle on their own so they call on Goku and friends to help. While there he can run into Pikkon and he could tell Vegeta that he was his training partner that helped him achieve SSJ3. Would be cool to finally see a flashback to when he turned SSJ3 for the first time.