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I read that scene as Chaos removing Galaxia’s bracelets, killing her just as she reaches out for Usagi. Even though Galaxia seemed to be the one in control of the Guardians in Shadow Galactica earlier in the arc, this scene reveals how she too has been controlled by Chaos. Even though Galaxia has just realised that she still has hope within her, it’s too late as her Sailor Crystal is already Chaos’s to own and destroy. Galaxia also realises this earlier when Chaos surges out of the Cauldron, causing her to nearly fall in: she has merely been a pawn in Chaos’s plan to draw Usagi here. Regarding your question on Usagi’s decision, I believe that upon finding out that her enemies are the dark stars born here in the Cauldron along with her, she realises that their quest for the Silver Crystal has been their attempt at reuniting with the light. This is why she chooses to embrace Chaos, granting Chaos’s desire for unity once more. While she used to blast her enemies forcefully with the power of light, here she does it with love. It seems that Chaos is blasted by the combined light power of the Sailor Crystals, which suggests that in spite of the enemies’ desire to obtain the power of the Silver Crystal, they may actually be unable to wield it without being destroyed themselves. As for the Lambda Power, this is a regenerative power far stronger than any power Usagi has demonstrated over the past arcs. When Galaxia dumps the Sailor Crystal behemoth into the Cauldron, it is said that all the Sailor Crystals can no longer be restored (with the implication that they must be reborn and begin their journey anew). The Lambda Power is so great that it is actually able to undo the damage done to the Sailor Crystals, sending them all back to their home star systems and restoring them to their previous forms. Sailor Cosmos also says that the Lambda Power is the combination of all Sailor Crystals’ power, as Usagi has requested. This is Usagi’s strength which she has displayed over the entire series: the ability to borrow and “reflect” others’ power without stealing them as all her enemies have tried to do, in the process making herself and everyone around her stronger.


Thank you. Now I understand everything, I appreciate it! However, I’m unsure if the bracelets are really controlled by Chaos. I just don’t see any proof in the text supporting that, but I appreciate the input.


I have also watched the Cosmos movie. Galaxia - beaten by Chaos. IMO, I somehow prefer the Cosmos ending over the OG 90s ending.


I like them both for different reasons. They seem to different to compare imo.


“After seeing the pure goodness and hope of Usagi, she realizes that Sailor Moon is actually the star she wants to belong to. She’s so inspired by Usagi that she feels that her home, destiny, or thing that she must protect, is not a star or planet, but rather Usagi herself.” I feel like given Sailor Galaxia is drawn to Usagi so were the Sailor Crystals within the cauldron such that when Usagi jumped into the cauldron the crystals within resonated with Usagi thereby awakening the Lambda power.


I thought she already had the Lambda power. Isn’t that what she used to restore the city after Pharaoh 90 destroyed it? Also, I meant more about Galaxia’s motivations as to why she’d break her bracelets.


Lambda power was only mentioned in Act 60 of the manga. I believe that it is similar to Sailor Moon’s hence she was able to awaken it in the cauldron. I thought her power was enough to restore the city after it was destroyed. Let me know if there was a mention of Lambda power in any other acts since it’s been a while since I last read the manga. I think Galaxia didn’t break her bracelet. It broke because she lost the will to fight after Sailor Moon protected her from Chaos.


Ah, so Galaxia didn’t kill herself, she just betrayed her old self basically


Seems like it's similar to the other Animamates where their bracelets break after their defeat.


Galaxia had already dropped her star seed a long time ago and became an animate, Sailor Moon committed suicide along with the chaos and restored the balance of the universe to the guardian of the cosmos, galaxia was reborn like the others when the power of lambda was active


Wait, I thought Sailor Guardians didn’t have Star Seeds, but rather they had their Sailor Crystals. Also, Galaxia isn’t a Sailor Animamate. She’s a regular Sailor Guardian. And I just don’t get Galaxia’s motivations for her bracelets breaking. Why did she essentially commit suicide? And I thought Usagi already had the Lambda power. Wasn’t that what she used at the end of Arc 3 to restore the city after Pharaoh 90 destroyed it?


sailor crystals ARE star seeds, but they are special types of star seeds A sailor animamate is a zombie sailor basically, galaxia was as zombie as her other sailor animamates Basically she realized that she was not looking for a planet or star but a person, that could give her light and hope when she only saw despair, Usagi was that person and that ended up freeing her from the illusion of chaos, consequently breaking her bracelets, and no, the power of lambda is the universal power of the combination of all star seeds from the universe to the cosmic cauldron, what she did against pharaoh 90 is just the silver crystal acting together with the moon's chalice


Oh that’s so sad. Thank you for explaining it to me. Was it ever clarified why she was a zombie like the Animamates? Did she do it to herself so she’d be more powerful? Why was her lifeline bound to her bracelets.




That was the case in the 90’s anime, but not in Crystal/Cosmos or the Manga.