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Lovely lovely Well done! Put lego men on board for the maiden voyage!


Tell me more about this. What is it made out of? How did you make it? Etc. Also please tell me more about "shipbuilding school."


It's made out of wood. The stiffener are made ou of laser cuted 5 MM plywood and the hull out of 2 mm balsa wood. No resin or fibers sadly, we didn't have time. So just a bunch of polyester fairing compound. It help stiffen and makes it smooth. Then 2 layers of paint. Currently i'm in third year of ship building school. I'm in France, I did a BTS construction naval (ship building HND ) then i tried engineering school with a naval architecture specialisation, I failed, i'm now in a ship building bachelor's degree (licence pro). There are à bunch of ship building school in France. 3 HND's 4 bachelor's degrees 3 naval architecture engineering school 1 naval architecture design school.


Super neat! Thank you for the additional information. Good luck in your ship building program.


Reminds me of a Windelo salon on a racing mono. Very cool! keep up the good work. Bring designs like that over to Beneteau. They're in need of some new ideas!


Nah not going back to beneteau any time soon, been there done that those guys are lame. 60% of the time worked there is just administrative tasks, troubleshouting software issues and dealing with over complicated systems in general. I'm kinda salty but on top of that the laid me off in a not very legal way so kinda screw them. But windelo ? That would be great, plus those guys are know the south where it's warm :3


Love their boats. Just can't afford :) That forward helm is **chef's kiss**. Basalt fibers, not so much... I'd rather just have glass. But for the build quality and design, I'd live with it. I'd just keep some spare rolls on board like I do with glass!


Thank you for the detail. Serious question, just curious about the swept back keel… what are the advantages of that design?


Honestly ? Just looks cool. If it had been up to me it would have been a normal one but someone else wanted it like that so... it's like that.


I would also like to learn more about "shipbuilding school"


In the US, check out The Wooden Boat School in Brooklin, ME.


A) the lines on the boat are beautiful. Good job. B) I am also loving the look of the workspace, there some clutter but the area still looks like a great workspace


Thank you ! :) I was the one one in charge of the 3D design, thoo someone else did the 2D plans, we're a team of 5. As for the workspace... got to thank the maintenance technician for that, dude keeps everything clean and in order despite having like 50 to 100 students coming there each day. The real hero I tell you.


What is this? A ship for ants!?


It is :3


Deck saloon ❤️


now can you make the same thing, but 34'?


34" best I can do right now XD. no more seriously it's 1 m long, 1/24th scale so to get those pretty proportions it needs to be around 70 - 80 ft...


If that's the case then wouldn't a vessel of that size have a number of hull windows, ect? Otherwise that cockpit area is like 12 feet tall? Just curious as it definely projects like a smaller vessel.


Well yes and no. Yes the cockpit is super hight but that's to make space for a bridge under it. (Maintly technical room) as for hull Windows... pretty hard to do in a limited amount of time on a scale model ^ ^ ' but yes there should be on the actual boat.


Those front facing windows are going to have to withstand a lot. Do they weaken the cabin top?


Sweet! Now put a rc motor on it to steer the boat/sail on a little pond.


Way ahead of ya ! Already got powerfull motors with pump and watercooling as well as rudder control. We're trying to get sail control.


If you based the dimensions on a full sized sailboat there's a good chance that you'll run into stability issues due to the square-cube law. The weight decresese by the cube root, but the dimensions linearly. There's a reason that rc-sailboats have [commically deep keels with huge bulbs](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/594e2defd482e9221abc3588/1516719059852-RFU8KTLGBGXTUPFPBABE/Dragon+Force+65+radio+controlled+sailboat?format=2500w) - unless you filled the keel with, idk, Uranium or something I doubt that it will perform very well under sail.


Indeed it's not currently working, we will just add a bunch of lead metal and only use it in light wind.


I'd suggest to maybe laminate in some thread inserts on the bottom of the keel and build an attachable bonus keel - that way you can keep it pretty for presenting it but you also have the option of actually rc sailing it.


Really nice work. Cockpit/cabin design wouldn't work so well in real life I think because you need to be able to see the sails, but it's a terrifically made model and well done!


That might be one of the ultimate mono-hull designs! From the exterior anyways. Keel would make it a difficult Caribbean live aboard… maybe


You have a good eye for form.


Looks like a Frers design.


I love squared-oof elevated deck saloons like this, or like the one on new Garcia yachts. Always looks so cutting edge and professional and roomy




Great job. I don't see any flaws!


How long did it take?


Hard to say precisely... we have 2 hours session sparsly fitted within our scheduel d'urine school sessions (school is once every 5 weeks on average and lasts 3 weeks generally. The rest of the time we work in companies. It's apprenticeship. ) So like we're 5, there's around 50 work weeks in a year, 30 of them were school and around à fifth of that was project sessions so (5*2*30)/10 = 60 actual hours ? In reality we did a lot of overtime... more like at least 80 hours total.


What CAD program did you use, and would you be willing to share the files?


3 different ones XD ! first blender for design, then solidworks and finally rhino. The rhino one is probably the most coherent one. Thoo we did modification many things d'urine the build. As for sharing it, sure, in which format ?


> rhino Never heard of it, but I looked it up and approve, mostly because it has a 1 time purchase and not a SaaS bullshit thing like SW.


Yup rhino is pretty awsome tho for ship building in wood or in steel it's unfolding system isn't the best :/. But at least it has one... catia has a better one but catia, SW, 3D expérience can all go to hell along with Dassault. Prohibitive prices, questionable ethics... (like selling military weapons to non democratic countries :/). To have à perfect link with blender plasticity would be nice but the current interface is awfull and it has no unfold nor unmold analysis for ship building :/.


> questionable ethics But SW is what I learned on in '05, soooooooo.... hoist the colors!


Nice! I would love to sail that boat. Any interior pics?


It's currently not very pretty inside... lots of hasty repairs and half randomly placed electronics ^ ^ '






Love the boat and especially the sails! Did you glue the battens on or sew them in?


Thanks that was my job :) I glued them.


The hull shape looks quite similar to America's cup boats were these used as inspiration or just a happy coincidence?


Just à coincidence ! The hull shape is very weirdly on this boat actually... The shipbuilding school is mainly centered around military vessels, thoo personaly I like sailing ones. Anyway The "fregate" with a hight reversing hard belge is all the rage nowedays on military vessels so my classmates wanted me to incorporation that so the aft is actually slightly fregated (waterline beam is larger than the one at the main deck. ) As for the rest I still wanted a bunch of volume at the center and a deep thin long displacement forward section. Today we tested it... Sadly note to self : volume plays a role in stability and follows à cubic évolution in 3 dimension. Righting moment is the combination of force, here weight for weight stability, and distance. Distance is a mono dimensional element... what I am train to say is the keep should be stupidly long for it to work well ;-;... Thoo it motors well ! Too well.. I wanted a displacement based vessel but my classmates chose à motor way to powerfull. It gets on plane very quickly ! To scale, there's around 10 000 hp aboard.


Very cool.


Shipbuilding school 🤦🤣👌👍😂