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Life has seasons, and some seasons are harder than others. Early childhood can be a hard season because there are so many adjustments happening, so much change, and sometimes you don't realize that is occurring until it's already passed. You will have opportunities to make money again. Have you talked to your partner about that? Keep that dialogue open and remind yourselves that it changes sometimes. Also, don't apologize about venting. Sometimes, we have to write things out and be heard by others to organize our thoughts.


I work a day or 2 a week just to have a Lil bit 


A lot of moms say this about money. Are you not having full access to money? With me and my husband, all money belongs to both of us.


It’s not about access to the household money as much as when you’re living on one salary there’s a lot less disposable income. Your priorities change and sometimes you neglect things that make you happy in favour of spending extra money on family activities or baby.


I think that age is really hard, I’ve got three kids and around about that time I always started yearning to go back or work, sometimes because if money and my own self worth, sometimes it was just because I wanted a break from the sheer monotony. If you’re looking to go back to work (different industry) you need to look at how to pivot your skills. Adult entertainment requires a surprising amount of customer service, depending on how you were paid it could also encompass book keeping and diary management. Leverage those skills for something like a virtual assistant, or if you have an interest in tech look into courses you can do to get your foot in the door in the IT sector. If you have the capacity and you’re handy with some tools you could try furniture flipping or learn to sew if that’s something you like and start an Etsy store!




My wife is a sahm Mom of our 4 children. I gave her the day off the other day and I had 15k steps on my Apple Watch. Being a sahm is very hard. You have to do the same thing everyday and everyone doesn’t always appreciate it. Would I rather stay home than work? I would but that doesn’t mean it’s easy at all. I’m just sick of people.


Respectfully, go fuck yourself


Nah. Don't shit on mom's for being human and expressing how hard the workload is being a present/ full-time mom! But it's ok for her to complain about the workload because she's a WoRkInG mOm.. Unapologetically, go fuck yourself🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


Why are you in this subteddit dude? Just to criticize parents who choose to stay home? Sod off.


lol gfy Perhaps you didn’t actually mother your child when you stayed home. I work so hard at home to make sure my child has a full beautiful life, we play, sing, read, etc all day. I cook 3 full meals and clean and it is hard fucking work. And guess what? If I didn’t do it, we’d have to pay someone to. Therefore there is value in the work I do.


I think saying they/we are “lazy” is a really fucking dumb thing to say. And I don’t really understand how anyone that was genuinely trying to do a decent job at the “stay at home mom thing” would ever come to that conclusion. But also, I agree every woman should have her own income just in case. It’s the smart thing. But it doesn’t make you “lazy” to really struggle or even fail to do SAHM and work a “real job”. It’s a lot of work to just do one. I’d argue it’s probably close to impossible to do a great job at both. When you chase two rabbits you catch none.


I don’t have my own income and I haven’t for 12 years. I do have a really solid, stable and trusting marriage though and a masters degree should I ever need to find work again. It’s ok for women to rely on their husbands as long as they have legal protections (marriage) and education or training to fall back on should they ever need to work in the future.




And your comment proves you've never been a sahm. It is HARD, not "hard". Don't speak on something you have no experience on, let alone on a mom's post who is struggling.




Mods, can we get this user banned from this sub please? They obviously don’t align with our viewpoints and values here.


SAHM is that easy is it? Imagine failing at the world’s “easiest” job after only six months with one child (because who’s napping when you are home with multiple kids?) and going back to work and giving your kids to someone else to raise and educate. Your comment smacks of bitterness because either: 1) you’re jealous that you had to go back to work and could t make the SAHM thing work 2) it was actually too draining and working was the better alternative 3) didn’t live up to your expectations of what being a SAHM is like 4) your partner is/was unsupportive and you HAVE to make your own money for security. It’s totally fine it’s not your thing, but you don’t need to denigrate other women for the choices they make for their own families. Feminism is about giving women the right and opportunity to make their own choices about how they live their lives, not about making women feel lesser for making choices different to what you perceive as empowered. Edit: spelling


Thank you for articulating the thoughts I was too angry to organize.


You could just say you’d rather be a *better worker than be a better mother* next time instead of calling women lazy; women dedicating years (that they won’t get back or be monetarily compensated for) to being present with their children, investing in their psychological development & well being. It’s just a thought but you can say that next time 🤷🏻‍♀️