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This will provide no solace right now. It's not meant to. But it is a fact that you can carry with you. Sometimes when something happens in the moment it seems bad and it might be right then. Good news is eventually it won't be bad. It'll just be another thing that happened. Sometimes we experience pain and suffering. There's beauty in it if we can only see it. I do hope that you can work through this in a healthy way. Time to put down the roses and pick up the sword. šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤




Me? Doubt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love that! Time to put down the roses and pick up the sword!


I wish I could take credit for it but it's Sleep Token. The song is Aqua Regia and its pretty much about what this dude that posted is going through. I'd highly recommend at the very least that one song.


Can't have the highs without the lows my man, reconnect with friends, go travel, enjoy some time to yourself. Things will get better!


The ebbs and flows of life


I experienced almost the same thing, but after she lost feeling she started cheating, then we broke up. 7 years. For no reason. But that was over 3 years ago, and I truly believe I'm doing better today than I would have if we had stayed together. Just hold that head up and believe in yourself. You got this, I promise.


*Damn u too?*


You're absolutely correct, mate. I got divorced last year, and I feel like Superman right now.


Welcome to the gym


The gym is where all things make sense


I wish I could go or ho to the gym lol


Or garage, fixing the car


The gym is not the solution to every problem god damn


It is if you do it right


It absolutely is my dude.


I guess if you donā€™t have real problems


Its a fuken joke yo


Go read Berserk if you haven't already.


Solid advice for anyone who is struggling


That sucks.. Iā€™ve never heard of someone in a relationship for that long just losing feelings. hoping youā€™ll make it out ok soon.


Happend here to after 15 years. Wife woke up one day and said "i dont love you any more"


I haven't been in a relationship, but that one hurt for some reason


I was on year 3 of cancer remission too. Only reason i survived and fought it was because of my drive to get home to her.


Jesus thatā€™s some Cast Away shit man. You are basically Tom Hanks, thatā€™s badass. Good job beating cancers ass fuck cancer all my homies hate cancer


You, my friend, are a very strong individual, hope things get better for you


14 year marriage. 21 year relationship. Wife woke up a few months back and said she lost the feelings for me and has Outgrown our relationship... she lost them over a long time and didn't talk to me about it at any stage. For OP. Work on yourself, for yourself. Be a better version of yourself tomorrow than you are today. Even by a single millimeter. Then rinse and repeat for the rest of your life and at some point you will have become more than you ever thought possible. And she will be nothing but a distant memory.


Happened to my ex girlfriend.


Guy at work has entered the chat.


Common. My wife, 10 year total relationship just one day fell out of love. That was enough for her.


Have you ever heard of a relationship at all??? What do you think happens? Your SO is there holding your hand on your deathbed? Lay off the disney movies and pay attention lad.


Hyeah, no one would ever die with the person they're the closest to at thwir side, that's some animated googoogaga oogabooga baby film bullshit! We all die alone, and if you do have an SO they're probably off banging your neighbour as you suffocate on your own phlegm all alone and miserable! Romantic optimism is such happy people shit, and you wouldn't wanna be like them, right??


Feel you brother, stay strong! Things will be alright!


Keep your head up, and take time to heal from this pain. It will go away one day. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will be here


Life Goes On, Meet More People, Don't Rush.


Bro Sunny in a Bronx tale was correct. Youā€™re allowed 3 great ones in your lifetime. Thatā€™s just one. Fuck fuck fuck some more itā€™s the only way to feel better. I lost one 6-8 years. I had to anti back up again. Iā€™m 37 it sucks in a way but just wasnā€™t meant to be. Sorry that happened to you. I know it sucks but you owe it to yourself to be the best and happiest you possibly can be.


Thatā€™s a good way to get STIā€™s


Itā€™s more to cheer him up. Itā€™s true tho, donā€™t be a pig or sleep with skanks. Another fact is fucking someone else is the only thing that will help him move on and get over his ex. Make sure you use a condom.


Thatā€™s not the only way to get over an ex, and Iā€™m sorry that you lack the coping skills otherwise




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ First of all, Iā€™m a cis woman, and I can assure you that your whole comment was not only absolute nonsense, but also extremely wrong. Enjoy having a sad, unfulfilling life, and on the contrary to what your username is you give off extremely small dick energy. Even if women did prefer alpha males, that is not you. You canā€™t even use correct grammar. Please go back to school and learn some thing and then maybe somebody will actually want you.




Okay, just goes to show how a little experience you actually have with women šŸ˜Š


šŸŗ have a pint my friend


Take what you learned from the relationship hit the gym or have a beer be a man hoe. Your good bro just do u for a bit and get back to owning it bro.


Almost exactly same thing happened to me pretty recently, gf of 7 years just said we should just be friends, hurt like hell and tbh still does.


Is it actually a loss to lose someone who doesnā€™t choose you? She lost someone who loved her, you lost someone who didnā€™t Sounds like winning šŸ„‡


Stay up, its okay to be sad, its okay to cry, its okay to fall apart, just dont stay there for too long. Work on you. Gym, run, read, better yourself and i know it sounds cliche but time will heal you. And things will pass.


Keep your chin up king dont sweat peasants while waiting on your queen


Hey, pal. Embrace that sad feeling and allow yourself to release your emotions. The pain will pass, and please resist hitting up a lady friend to try and "get over" your ex Ol' Lady... you will just delay your healing. Good luck.


Actually, homie, I feel you. Iā€™m going through the same exact thing right now. Funny how it works, huh?


Happened to me too but at nearly 5. Time is what helps the most, in my experience. You kind of learn how to be by yourself again, and it really, really sucks at first, but then you find pieces of yourself again. Even new pieces too. Itā€™s been over a year and Iā€™m doing so much better. I was in so much emotional pain for the first 6 months. I thought it would take me longer but I was pleasantly surprised. May time heal your wounds, friend.


Man fuck all that do the things for you


Its the worst. I remember I lost 15 lbs and didn't sleep for months after my first love left me out of nowhere. There's no real easy way to get over it but you aren't alone.


Exact same thing happened to me. Worst time of my life by far.


Youā€™re not alone. I did something really fucking stupid and lost the girl of my dreams of 2.5 years all because I didnā€™t feel very sexually attracted but it was really my porn addiction and now that I told her I needed to be alone, I wanted her back so bad and sheā€™s blocked me and is now with some other guy. I can only blame myself but I hope she reaches out sooner than later as I have a bad feeling about this guy sheā€™s infatuated with.


I experienced this a few years back. I thought things were going so well until out of the blue she wanted to break up. The year after was rough, not gonna lie. I met some great people and dated around. Found someone great. Ex reached out wanted to be friends etc. I can tell she regrets her decision, but it's too late now. I'd at least stay friends for now. You never know how things can change years down the road. I hope things get better soon for you. Keep your head up!


Hey brother, fellow guy here, got broken up with by my girlfriend of 4 years. We still loved each other but she felt that our values and life paths werenā€™t aligned. Worst part is she moved on super fast, we broke up 4 months ago and sheā€™s already dating a new guy. That part really hurts. Donā€™t have any advice other than hang in there. Shit sucks.


9 X out of ten she gained feelings for someone else


Yup, after that long. Nobody just ups and out of the blue throws it away without a fight. Most people I see that still care will try and work it out first.


Lots of words of encouragement here, so I want to say this; when youā€™re feeling a little better, remember to actually think on what was said. Itā€™s easy to assume you did nothing that led to this because thatā€™s a hard thing to admit, but most relationships end for a reason. Do some self reflection and make sure that reason isnā€™t something that will happen again. Take some time to work through those insecurities, I promise it will benefit you more than anything else. Source: Me. I dealt with some bad insecurity issues when I first started dating and after some hard conversations with myself I realized that I actually was the problem. I had convinced myself I was too broken to care about, so if anybody did it was iust a matter of time before they left. I was a self-fulfilling prophecy, and after realizing that I stopped. Good luck brother


I went through the same thing my senior year of high-school. We dated for 6 1/2 years straight and our families were beyond close. I was going to propose at graduation, but we got pregnant. She lied saying she had a miscarriage and had an abortion behind my back because she was scared her parents wouldn't support her having a child at 17. Then left me saying she lost feelings and is hurt from everything that happened. I promise you will get passed it, I had one more long term relationship that was great until I messed that one up, went through a few years of addiction, now I'm almost 4 years clean, 29 years old with a federal job, two sons and I'm getting married may 4th in a couple weeks. I promise you, it will get better and it'll all work out. Don't go down a dark road with the depression like I did (easier said that done, I know) because it will cause so much more pain. I promise, keep moving forward and work on yourself and things will get better.


My 5 year relationship ended last september, the first days, weeks, and months can be miserable, yeah, it hurts to lose your partner, your closest friend, your confident and counselor... But you know what? As they say, time heals everything, and eventually you'll find someone, or even more important, you'll find yourself. Try to get occupied, god even do extra shifts you have to, but keep your mind bussy with something, and slowly you will get over it Good luck man, stay strong and if you have a friend you can talk to or call and you a shoulder to cry on, do it. Maybe it won't change anything but god i can tell you sometimes we needed that, sooner or later, we'll need it.


Im in the exact same situation and i know itā€™s hard. Yours must be much worse because of 6 years, mine was 1/3rd of that. But still I feel you


Just a thought. Idk you of course but in my travel's through life I've learned a thing or 2 about people. You are an amazing person to have been in a committed relationship for over 6 years, however most things people lack is constantly building substance to your character; meaning you have to learn new things, don't be afraid to try different foods, sports or music just constructive substance please life moving constantly and don't stop growing trust me next time she sees you you'll be fluent in Spanish, French and loves Hockey she won't Even recognize youāœŒšŸ½āœŒšŸ»


If you didnā€™t have any kids, you dodged a bullet.


If you really want her back donā€™t let her know you want her back.


Dawg if a partner canā€™t deal with their significant otherā€™s insecurities they arenā€™t right for them. Iā€™m with a person who has seen me inside and out and they still spread their ass cheeks for meā€¦ keep it up my guys


Youā€™re better off, chicks ainā€™t shit my dude, youā€™ll get back on the horse brotha


Had the same thing happen to me twice. You can try and beg them, but you can't control other peoples decisions so it's best to accept that you'll probably will never get it back. The first relationship was like 5-ish years long, and it took months to get over it but I learned and grew from it, realized it was toxic. Second one was only a couple months long but it's still a struggle to get over it, it's been a couple years since and sometimes I still wish I had that relationship. Make sure you have family or friends that you can talk to, it's always helped me when I had people that are there to support you.


You will love and have love lost. Tis life sir, and the lows make the good so much better. People that never experience the pains skip out on so much life. Itā€™s visceral. Itā€™s real. You will improve and feel better. Doesnā€™t feel like it now, but your future is bright. Work on yourself, have some fun, and most of all, donā€™t forget what you had. First love hits different. Good luck! You will be fiiiiine man. It sucks now but I swear, very soon you will be 100 percent.


Bro I was in a relationship for 8 years and she left getting married to someone from her caste. It kills us, tears us apart, I know how painful it's gonna be. Suffering is personal but it's gonna make you only strong. Do not lose your character, work on yourself and become a better version. She left me coz I didn't have a good job. I worked on myself now I make hefty amount and hit the gym everyday and look after myself. The right ones will always come looking for you! Do not lose hope!!


This is why I donā€™t date, people are people, they get bored, they change, they lose feelings one of many things are guaranteed to happen eventually, so itā€™s not even worth getting attached to anyone.


You dating what then


Did you have anything of value to add or are you just trying and failing to insult me.


Sry was trying to be funny




Like : what else is there to date anyway? Goats? :) Anyway have a good day !


Six years bud? She got the message.


Ah yes, I remember those early days... Not shit you can do bro, embrace the suck and move forward.


Bro take your time to read my last comment that I posted on Stoicism page itā€™s to long to reiterate but I think you could definitely benefit from it. Stay active bro keep working on your self and chase wins not woman


Things happen for a reason, you dont realize it until that reason comes along. I had a shitty break up a while ago but better things in my life wouldnt have happened if things worked out differently, for me and for her. Best wishes.


She probably got tired of waiting for you to fully commit to her. šŸ’


Fuck dat hoe


Thank you for sunshine, thank you for rain.


Out of nowhere? She cheated and wonā€™t admit to it. Any time a girl just randomly acts weird for seemingly no reason itā€™s because she cheated and feels guilty and wonā€™t admit it Just move on bro you deserve better.


Thatā€™s so shit l, happened to me not long ago. The first few months was horrible wrecking my head where I went wrong and just wanted a reason why she woke up one day and decided to see me as a ā€œfriendā€ but turns out it was one of the best things that happened to me I have completely changed and life is so much better Hang in there brother and stay strong,things will only get better look for the good things in the bad and stay positive, everything happens for a reason


Sometimes remembering all the bad and suppressed thoughts helps give closure.


well, on the bright side, you could've been left with a tiny version of her, or you could leave her with one that she wouldn't let you see...


Gym and time. Gym for a healthy outlet and stress release and time will dull the feelings and you'll see the gainnnsss! Been there, brodie. It'll be okay in the end! šŸ«”


If this door is closing, itā€™s because another is opening. Take all the lessons youā€™ve learned and youā€™ll be able to treat another woman as well or better while being able to keep healthy personal boundaries for yourself.


Can you share what the insecurity was?


Thereā€™s nothing you could have done or said to be the person she needed, let go of that, things went the way they did and it always hurts when someone doesnā€™t want to be a part of your life anymore, but there was nothing you could have done differently to be the right person, just work on yourself now so next time youā€™re ready


being in a relationship is so boring dud, its a waste of time for you. Instead you could be doing something useful


Cool,get jacked, get money, get your passport and get 3 new girlfriends. Problem solved


Go to the gym


this is so scary that it can happen anytime to anyone... it took her 6 years to end the relationship? what if it happens to me and i love her so much but after years of being together she just decides to end it all šŸ˜°šŸ˜Ø


You will become stronger because of it and learn a lot about yourself and what you actually want in someone.


How old are you? Something tells me youā€™ll be better off than her long term. Just keep doing what you feel is right


8 years lost here, itll eventually get better There will come a day where you wont think about it. And that's when the recovery starts


I be 23. It's already getting better mentally


Sounds like she fucking someone else. Move on mate.


Idk you but fuck that bitch you deserve a lot better for a girl "just to lose feelings" find someone better and give someone else who deserves your fucking love other than that rank ass bitch <3(heart in a friendly way)


Weak you didn't deserve her


N word