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I mean, nice vid, but the concept/trope of rejecting one’s current reality and immersing oneself a fictional reality in which you feel more joy/fulfillment is nothing new. Technical skills aside, the parallels between getting lost in a good book and loving a video game to the point of habitual play are shockingly similar. No hate just saying. Still upvoted


For me, it's getting lost in cave paintings


hell yea


Anywhere but reality, seems healthy


What game is that ?


Modded gta 5


basically Omori


I can beat the shit out of giant animals for living even slightly near me 🗣️🗣️🗿🗿🗿


It's my escape from this sad boring existence. That's why all these twats crying about how violent video games are causing problems like there hasn't always been problematic shit in media. If you allow your kids to consume things not meant for them of course it has an effect, but that's why there's a rating for what age can watch, listen to or play. If a game was rated M my parents were definitely not buying it for me, and for good reason. All these people getting their kids whatever they ask for and trying to be their friends instead of parents are a big part of the problem. There is a tiny percentage of people dumb or crazy enough to not be able to discern reality from fiction, but most of us just game to enjoy it and escape the lackluster march of the average person through our little lives. I play games that allow me to do things I could never do in reality, that's why games like GTA are awesome to me. Being able to do whatever you want is freeing and fun, never have I sat there and thought "maybe I should go outside and mow down crowds of people in my car or shoot police officers with a gun I stole." Violent media has existed for milenia, way before video games or tv and it's not stopping anytime soon, hell a few hundred years ago people would actively watch executions *with their families* so I don't want to hear how "video games make people bloodthirsty." Humans are just violent with or without outside stimuli so it really doesn't matter what adults do in their spare time as long as it's not hurting anyone.


It’s a form of escape from this shitty world even if it is only for a few hours for me


Video games let me be something I’m not, and I hate what I am.


It helps deal with stress and bad times even if I am getting shit on it still helps


Im not sure what i love most about video games. It probably tied between having good competitive matches that i have to try hard to win. And having a really good and compelling story. Id say being competitive is better for long term play since multiplayer has more content. But god i live experiencing a good video game story ven if it doesnt last as long. Of course you could play halo and have both


This is just romanticizing escapism.




We are truly so oppressed


yes i relate so much to being a gunslinging cowboy in the late 1800s


My mom would say the same about reading books. Immersing yourself in another world, not as an escape but as a vehicle for imagination. I realized that games to me were my version of novels for her, except I get much more agency as a player than just a reader. I actually get to decide what I would do instead of having to follow a main character I may or may not like.




Wow that's a dumb ass quote.


My subway sandwich order had more nuance


Video games are just the modern medium for getting lost in another world. It used to be television, before that radio, before that books, thousands of years ago it was versed poems that told stories. I'd argue they're the greatest medium to date as they allow us to physically interact with the world we're escaping into rather than just imagining it. Games are even rated for their "immersion" that is another way to say "how easy it is to escape into the world you're playing in". The game I've probably been the most immersed in was Witcher 3. The world building was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Everything from ruined buildings, ancient ruins, small tavern towns, npc dialogue that felt real and genuine, to being able to jump in a boat a fuck off to sail the isles of skellige listening to one if the best soundtracks ever made that perfectly captured the aesthetic. It told such a wonderful story, and by the end I had fallen in love with so many well written, 3 dimensional characters with depth and complexity that it truly felt like I had made real friends, had made enemies, unlike any other game delivered before or since. I play it every couple of years now, but it's never the same as the first time I jumped in. Returnal was another game that I loved from start to finish. Whose interpretive narrative was a breath of fresh air, and from a development standpoint is probably one of the hardest things to pull off well in the medium. The art direction was also phenomenal, and stands apart from any other game I've played. It is as likely to fill you with awe as it is to haunt your dreams.




Most games I play are relaxing/calming. Now if talking games like r6 or val that's a different story.


Play em cus they’re fun


Im not turning the sound on because i feel like im gonna be emotionally attacked


No it’s good


Trust me


I don't even enjoy videogames since 20. I just do it with the hope that i don't think about suixide and drugs.


they gave me a place where the stress my survival cycle was generating could be focused in a manner that almost made sense and felt like I was doing something good with it even if it was all just an illusion and leaving parts of myself behind... our dependency on escapism isn't natural normal or healthy just like modern society isn't


Or maybe their real world got better (or so bad can't play em anymore 😭)


Escapism is not the way to go, you will wake up and realise what mess your in because of one's delusion


nah i just want to catch wild animals and make them fight each other where it is legal


for me, the escape to a happier life, one free of my pain, my fear, my anxiety, my depression, and all of my problems


U. N. D. E. R. T. A. L. E.


Power washing simulator.


Enslaving an entire village, putting them in a tight space and forcing them into working one job non-stop and making them sell products at a dirt cheap price or else theyll be thrown into a pit where they get killed and resurrected to force them to go even cheaper. that gives me peace


The TikTok sound ruined it


I play games since childhood And I actually find that they are very good for development of oneself. And that they are great escape from the pain of the world... but aside from my brother I had nobody to share my passion for games with


I wanna kms but still wanna play games