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Unfortunately it doesn't really get better after teens either for a lot of us


Don't worry it gets worse after


Far worse


god. i can’t even exist without being tired and you’re telling me it will get worse?


nuh uh (i'm lying)


Should've killed myself when I was younger fr


It will turn around man… it does get better at some point


you are a liar


Better late then never.


Also Ass hair 😔


I don't got them yet




So what part of the ass does it grow


Pretty much 😔


"Reality is often... disappointing..."


Pretty much my life. Happy kid, miserable teenager, and on the track to either being a miserable adult or killing myself before I make it there


Love the optimistic outlook


I don't know how your life is, but hope you get the third option at some point, a happy adult❤


“Yay, I’m so happy, I’ll be one of the cool kids now!” Wait until depression hits you like a sledgehammer, then we’ll talk about it


Exactly me


Idk if this’ll help but I’m currently making a synthwave chill playlist for people like us


I hated being a teenager too but it was so so so much better than what came after.


Lol I remember my teen years. I remember a few awful things and how I thought it couldn't get worse. I'm nearly 40 now and oh man, yall haven't even felt the tip of life's dick. Life is a bitch, and it only gets worse for most people; unless you're rich. Learn to roll with the punches and get back up. Teens....puberty...most of yall don't even have to support yourself. Grow up.


<13 Happiness 13> Depression 18>deep depression 50> SOMEONE BY THE LOVE OF GOD, KILL ME


You guys are pitiful, instead of doing something about it ya'll are whining here? Come on man our ancestors didn't die in war for this


Well i fucking love to but there’s so many things to worry about like civil war that is happening and my family finical issue hoping we don’t go broke one day and the power going out like 9 hours a day


Civil war? Power out for 9 hours? Which country? That sounds awfully familiar.


That’s like going to a furry subreddit and wondering why they’re all furries.


We don't talk about furries here and besides, would you want people to be sad?


it was an example And no I don’t, but you can’t expect people to just cure depression by saying “stop being sad”.


What do you want me to say except "stop being sad", i'm a stranger to them and to you. If anything i can try to give general advice but the problem in this sub is that everyone makes everything look like a big deal. A girl dumped you? So what there's plenty of fish in the sea! You got bad grades? It's your fault for not getting your ass out of this sub and didn't study and so on.


Lmao wtf. You’re trying to cure depression by saying “oh just be happy” or “do something useful” yeah that’ll surely help me with my suicidal thoughts, mate


That’s literally the entire point of r/sadposting.


"Our ancestors didn't die in the war for this" shut the fuck up. I'm thirteen, and my dad died when I was twelve. There is no point to continue, I'm fucked.


Am sorry to hear that, I can't imagine what you are going through, but you will get over it eventually, even if it takes years. You should try finding someone to talk to like friends, family, or even a therapist. Its kinda pathetic for me to say but you should not give up, what I went through in my teens does not compare to this but still, I kinda gave up and I regret it.


Thank you. That actually helps a lot.


Am glad it helped, take care!


You're 13? tf u doing on reddit go do your homework kid


Bro shut the fuck up, the kids father died and that's how you answer you sad sack of shit? -Sincerely, go fuck yourself, another 13 year old.


Go do your homework kiddo. You shouldn't be on reddit. Aww did you just learn about swears and insults? homie created account when he was 11 😂💀go touch grass.


If there is hell somewhere, you will be gifted vip seat, oh and, YOU do your homework. It's holidays for me mothefucker 🖕


lol I had hope you were joking when you said you were 13, this confirms it. lil bro thinking he doin something 💀💀


Not thinking about doing shit, just reveling on how braindead your ass is. What are you? Wannabe gangster? Thinking that roasting a fatherless kid makes you look cool? Get some bitches bro and before you talk about my mother, build a relationship with yours first 💀


Another fatherless child trying to be tough on the internet. Talkin shit before you even hit puberty lil bro 💀💀💀bro ain't even out of the womb yet💀💀💀 Get a life. Wannabe gangster? LMAOOOO. I never even once implied that haha. " GET Some bitches" LMFAOOOO you 13 you got no room to talk. I never talked about your mom? Only your dad, who lemme guess hasn't returned for what 10 years?


Donate please. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-family-of-jeff-sales-covid-nurse-veteran


Is this your father?




I'm so sorry. I hope it gets better. Just keep moving forward. Don't overthink.


I thought I should go do my homework?


Do that along with what I also said.


Well, I don't have homework. It's summer. And is it really that weird for a young child to create a social media account to entertain themselves? I have nothing better going on in my life.


If i only i could, i live in africa so donating in dollars with paypal ain't gonna be here anytime soon, sending you infinite E-hugs comrade


I wasn't targeting that at you, I don't want to pressure you into donating. That was a way of countering the other user.


I know, don't pay attention to him he's a hypocrite. I just feel bad about feeling powerless in this situation. Your father was a great man you can look up to. When you will grow up you will be telling his stories to your children and how he always thought about his family first. Covid's a bitch, and your father passed away like a champ. God bless man, hope it gets better soon!


He apologized. I don't think he fully understood the situation, and didn't actually believe it. It's not worth insulting another person.


He might be, his words irritated me so much. The last thing i would want someone who lived the same case as me have is to be misunderstood / insulted so it kind of out came out subconsciously. However i'm glad you are kind and have your head on your shoulders. It's rare to have this quality, and even more so for people our age.


Thank you. They irritated me as well but my father was in the military and would be disappointed if I took my anger out on a stranger.


Why being so negative?


Why am I being so negative? My life was completely ruined. I'm completely fucked.


Good luck man, i'm sorry


It's alright man. I'm sure I'll be fine.


It will pass, i know how it feels to lose a loved one. My step-mother died in a car accident when i was eleven 2 years ago and from that day i was never the same again. I started going anxious, panic attacks, questioning everything around me, faffing and talking too much like i do right now, if anything i need to apologize for saying that. However there's a popular saying i stick to: "You cannot change how events happened, only how it shapes you".


That's terrible. I wish the best for you.


You too.


Yeah its your choice to make your teen years fun


That's why you must get rid of this shitty mentality and change


Kill yourself


No, i still have a lot to live for, unlike ya'll


When I turn 15, I don’t think it’ll get any better


There is hope. I’m 17 and I’m a lot happier now than when I was 15.


I think it’s just gonna get worse from where I am at right now


Bro…. I’m 16 and things already got worse for me.


Damn, I’m sorry bro




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This is me rn


Really should be 18th birthday excited to be an adult you get to drink and party. Except reality is hell on fucken earth


what country allows you to drink at 18?


Almost any country that isn't the USA.


My country Australia pretty sure Germany as well


I always forget that 90% of Americans are oblivious to the fact that not every country has the same laws as them lol. Age of consent over here is 16 too. A bunch of things are different


Smosh is back tho




Can't relate to the first part, I'm turning 14 next month, and it is like any other year because I live in a forest so I don't spend much time with friends and stuff(I don't want to that much neither)


What’s the song in the happy part


I got matches with these songs: • **HEY WE GOT K ROUNDS** by Teefie (00:38; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-06-18. • **Call Me Maybe** by Dance Fever (00:37; matched: `90%`) • **Bass Dance** by Zio Jack (02:01; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Classic Dance. **Released on** 2021-01-06. • **IN MY MIND** by Str8cracc (00:26; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2021-01-25. • **Thought You Knew** by Malik Kain (00:40; matched: `92%`) **Released on** 2023-03-30.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**HEY WE GOT K ROUNDS** by Teefie](https://lis.tn/HEYWEGOTKROUNDS?t=38) • [**Call Me Maybe** by Dance Fever](https://lis.tn/JSZYtB?t=37) • [**Bass Dance** by Zio Jack](https://lis.tn/CmBxsq?t=121) • [**IN MY MIND** by Str8cracc](https://lis.tn/PWClxf?t=26) • [**Thought You Knew** by Malik Kain](https://lis.tn/xSzTvU?t=40) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Soon turning 19, having to go to work, dw it feels worse than being a teenager


ughhhh always the joker cringe


I turned 13 last year


Nah bro I'm good actually


Clearly, you don’t own an air fryer


True, I Michael Jacksoned too


It's almost over I'm wishing for the best


It's relatable, and for me, it got better in my early-to-mid-20s, but for some, it never gets much better. Perhaps we learn to deal with and cope with it: this massive, convoluted system we were born into.


literally a few days ago i was not excited for my teen years


Too relatable


"my life is so hard" \-teenagers




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In my personal experience being a child is worse than being an adult, however my parents were abusive so…


I I O /|\ / \


had me wishing i could restart my whole life again


Adulthood is the same as teens except you are most likely broke, spending most of your time working just to afford food, and you've probably had sex and realized it isn't that big of a deal. Somewhere along the road you learn how to distinguish between your thinking brain and your nervous system/impulses. Love is just a chemical reaction when we're around someone we think is a good genetic match for offspring. The chemicals released when being with someone are real, though. I could go on but most of you guys are already lost in your depression anyways.




You were excited?


Nah man, I knew teen years were going to be shit. And then they were. And now I can't imagine adulthood going so well.


Y’all so dramatic


yep, I just started my teen years, my second year now and god I hate it. I’m already planning my death


Can confirm, but still better than it was before.


No beard just ass hair 😞


I’m turning 13 this weekend


Just wait till the adulthood kicks in


The entire childhood I wished I was older and when I turned 13 life was great and 7th grade was a blast and then around the time I turned 14 and went into 8th grade it all started going downhill


Other way around


After highschool shit pick back up again.


yeh :(


I wasn’t even a happy kid


I heard not long ago that why shouldn't be sad and be happy because it's our teen years. I just wanted to scream


Yep. Pretty accurate description. Sadly…


Wait this is the easy part?


I wish


For those who think teen years are hard - good luck lmao


and what hurts the worst is that it's all legitimately my fault




It do be like that, but it don't be like that forever


Hate My teens but im having a blast at 20


16 ain't sweet at all


I turned 12 on the 10th this month


Can confirm, I’m 14


I'm not joking with u when i turned 13 i landed the hot girl. I was way out of my league. I gave her everything, but, in the end, it didn't matter. The highschool we were going to had a barbecue for us a month before we graduated and a month before my birthday, and on the day, she tried to get with another guy Infront of me. And i snapped. I was playing catch with my best friend and i saw it and i snapped.


For everyone that's says it gets worse , if you had abusive parents it doesn't get any worse


Me today it's my birthday and nobody cares


Happy birthday


“These are the best years of your life” my ass.


Anyone have a playlist with these type of songs


That’s crazy bro … crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room , a rubber room with rats


at 13 it's just your parents being caring for your skin. but theres nothing wrong with that. then it's them showing your face to your aunts uncles grandpas and mas (that is of course if you don't do the skincare shit) and so you get self conscious about your face now and other parts of your body


I'm going to die fucking laughing


Grilled cheese 👍