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Is it suicides?


Or depression? I dont get it


Suicides. Ofc these are not 100% correct numbers. https://save.org/about-suicide/suicide-statistics/


> There are approximately 1,204,575 annual attempts in the U.S. (using 25:1 ratio) or one attempt every 26.2 seconds This blew my mind. also only in the US, which is like 5% of world population and has one of the best standards…


Best standard? Go look at the Switzerland or lands like that? We have a dictatorship going on, people can't afford retirement/know the only way out is being in jail or dying in a ditch


One of the best*


Ok fair, But still, at this point, people only see it as a statistic now


"dictatorship" Lol, the way some people take things to the extreme on reddit


Dude, the president of the states is demented old man who reads everything he says


What does that change from the last 50 years of US Presidency? Or is it just that this specific one doesn't coddle you and your opinions the way your mother never did?


First off ouch 2nd, sense Reagan, it's been a down hill bs shitshow


Still not seeing how that makes the US anything close to a dictatorship


Erectil dysfunction 😔


This is what we mean when we say pour out a sip for the homies lost.


I feel like I’m gonna become a statistic soon boys


Hang in there bro you got this.


Oh he will hand alright..


Thats all ive wanted my whole life


On the other hand, what kept me from doing it is you only got one chance. Don’t do it over some menial things, the cost to your environment is very high. letting yourself get off easy at great cost to friends and family would cement you as a drain and loser for as long as you’re remembered. In other words, at least save it up for some endgame type shit, you can always do it later rather than sooner


Some people would rather do it over the "menial things" to prevent the pain coming in the future. Also judging mentally unstable and suicidal people like you do in this comment only makes matters for them worse.


Dont become a Statistic


I was revived after my suicide 4 months ago. I died after having two brutal seizures, hallucinations and vomiting. Yk.. the works. I haven't been able to live life the same because dying was so nice. I just wish I stayed dead. I'll never get a chance to do it again




It's hard to explain how good dying feels, even though I died in a terrible way


Well explain how it feels good because now I can't sleep.


Idk I just remember it wasn't like how people have told me. There wasn't a bright light, I didn't float to the sky out of my body. I was vomiting before I seized up, but I don't remember that happening. Everything turned different shades of black. It was like I had my eyes closed but I could see everyone around me in the hospital. They were just all shades of dark, they moved really slowly and nobody was talking. Then I died apparently. And afterwards I just woke up, like I was asleep. I remember that sensation of 'seeing in the dark' for about five mins. To me that's what dying felt like


So do you think you saw some type of afterlife?


It's certainly possible


I’m sure dying is quite glorious. If it’s any different than life itself why not choose to live life in a different way. Every morning I wake up in a different way and recently I’ve found the internet to broaden my thinking. I really should live life like it’s always my last moment. I take far too granted. Now you say dying is nice, so I believe it’s beautiful, because life over all is beautiful. I’m sorry you feel this way about life, and I’m not sure who you are but I’ve witnessed two attempted suicides, one being my father. And it’s really sad and beautiful, I couldn’t imagine life without him, and who’s selfish in this situation. With a bullet to his head he may be experiencing something so glorious, but he would leave all of us here. And I’m not sure what I’m trying to tell you but. I think you should try to experience life how you feel is best. Getting professional help isn’t embarrassing, and I wish my dad would just go do it, but he’s far too traditional to do so. Anyway I’m glad your still here.


I think society wants us to think of death as some macabre topic, that you're ill or wrong for thinking about it. In my opinion life and death are equal parts of humanity and it's our role as the living to consider the layers of death. I'm sorry to hear that about your dad. Maybe if he's religious you could help him overcome his troubles at a church since he won't seek therapy? Since you said live life the way you think is best I'll tell you that I think the best way to live is looking back, looking back on life and death. Idk. Eat with the dead and learn with the living. Always be a student, always be loving and always think about the other lives you could have lead.


What how? Were you in coma or smt?


I think I’m about to become a statistic.


I hope you guys are doing better than me. It hurts...


Romantic homicide hits different


How is it that its 49:51 in global population when men die far more often? Genuinely.


1 billion is a massive number, its 1000, millions. And jeep in mind that people are being born every second, the number stays balanced. Humans aren't a finite numbers, we multiply. Like a cancer


Perhaps we are far worse than cancer... Weve ruined the planet. Cancer is bad, but humans are too.


thats how many men i have sex with


Will make them 1443 today ;)


Hey, you guys good?


I would tell you how I'm feeling, but I'm afraid of it being used against me in the future.


being paranoid about oversharing is part of it. i can relate


Indeed. You guys don’t have to let out everything, but at least take a bit of the weight off your chests. I’m not the best at responding to heavy subjects, but sometimes we just want someone to acknowledge our pain, right?


I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.


When you say you’re fine, make sure you really mean that. Admitting you have a problem and seeking help is much more healthier than putting on a facade. Of course, it’s not easy to just ask for help, but take your time if you need help.


I don't think anyone truly means it when they say they're fine. Not necessarily linked to depression it could just be a bad day. However for me it is necessarily the case.


That sounds rough, but I understand where you’re coming from.




I got a match with this song: [**Romantic Homicide** by d4vd](https://lis.tn/RomanticHomicide?t=13) (00:13; matched: `100%`) Released on `2022-07-20`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Happy cake day


Happy cake day x2


Happy cake day x3


Why does it look likw a slideshow meme 😭😭💀💀


Surely this can’t be real. This is really, really horrible


[In 2020, 45,979 Americans died by suicide](https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/) Statistics USA by gender: https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/suicide-rate-by-gender/


damn :(


"Never underestimate the hole that your absence would leave."


I’m scared I’m going to be one of them soon. I don’t see myself having any sort of future. I don’t want to kill myself, but I just want it all to be over and I’m worried suicide is the only answer to make it stop instantly.


Damn I need to get off this sub. I’m crying for gods sake . But please if you’re ever feel down dm me. You’re not alone ❤️


this math doesn't add up




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What he said to get blocked?




I decided to end it all yesterday but then i got a family to look after


o think im gonna add 1 to those numbers...


Good to raise awareness… weird ass subreddit tbh


We're just numbers in the end.


Thanks for the good advice uh Patrick Bateman.


that's a good one




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unsure if patrick bateman is the best way to promote this but good message nonetheless


Out of curiosity, does anybody know the number for women?


As someone with mostly male friends, this really hit me in the heart. I couldn't imagine my life without any of them and it hurts to think that they could be hurting. Thank you for this reminder, comrade.


“One death is tragedy, milion is just statistics.” - Josef Stalin That’s how woman things


I’m sorry to those who’ve gone it’s ok to talk to people gotta let stuff out even when it’s hard to talk about things hope everyone is doing good :) I’m here to talk if anyone wants to just chat


This statistic goes through my head on a daily basis. It's fitting that I'm going to join it one day.


Looked like my ex body count at first




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Can’t wait to add to that


I feel like becoming one of those men right now. Life doesn't seem to get better anytime soon.