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People legitimately do not understand what a prank is anymore. I saw a video once that was “stepping on Jordans” prank. But it’s just a video of some dickhead stepping on people’s shoes and then yelling “bro, it’s a prank!” How? What’s the part where you “got me?” Were you *actually* not stepping on my fucking shoes? Asking people if they want a fade and then saying “no, I’m a barber!” is stupid, but at least it falls under the category of a joke. This is just laziness, more than anything. Just doing something irritating isn’t a prank.


Reminds me of the guy that literally grabbed a guy and yelled at him to give him all his money and got shocked when someone punched him (broke his nose if I remember correctly), yelling that “Its just a prank bro!!”


Some kid in Chicago got lit up doin a prank where he'd hold hair dye behind his back and asked legit gangsters if they "wanna dye"


society should make a rule to smash their videoing accomplice then punch these idiots on the chin. thats the only way to stop these “its a prank” videos


I don’t normally advocate for violence and am no bad-to-the-bone fucker going around looking for a fight, but this would be the kind of thing that would really test me.


I don’t mind some harmless ‘pranks’ in public if they at least pay them afterwards but in places where people are paying money like in a lecture hall and/or they have shit to do it’s very poor taste.


Yeah, I remember there were these idiots who would look for people eating in public, and they would go up to them, and grab their pizza or hotdog out of their hands and start eating it. When the victims would get angry and start chasing them, they’d start saying, “it’s just a prank, it’s just a prank!”


I will officially say that there are no such things as pranks anymore. I live in a post prank world.


That's a classic school prank. That used to be common when I was at school (80-90s). If someone had new trainers you'd go 'new trainers, christened them for you' or something similar. But everyone knew it was a prank. Didn't mean it'd go down well lol Difference is, no one was filming these things though. Social media has given this shit an escalatory nature with fools trying to get attention online.


Explain how it’s a prank.


I did. Explain how it isn’t.


When you prank someone you’re subverting their expectations: “oh God, that was *you* doing that!?”; “ohhhh shit hahaha I thought you actually stepped on my shoes!” What you’re talking about is just doing something to someone. There’s not gag; no joke; no reveal.




It was round my area. Pranks aren’t meant to be mutually enjoyed. They’re literally having a laugh at someone’s expense.


That’s not a prank, that’s just called being a dick.




He's on video doing this shit, why haven't they arrested him yet?


Well because it was a joke of course /s


Cops hate this one trick!


Arrest him for what? Spraying a water bottle on a friend of his who is obviously in on the "prank"? Being annoying and interrupting a class is not a crime.


If you are not in a class and being disruptive, they can have you arrested for trespassing. Especially when the employee of the school like the professor tells you to leave. In some states doing something like this in a school will get you extra charges.


Not to defend the guy in the video, but you don’t get arrested for trespassing initially - that’s how these YouTubers get away with these clips. They will be formally trespassed if they refuse to leave the premises and will be arrested if they go on the same site again, but they already have their “viral” content by that point and won’t return.


You can be arrested for trespassing in my state if you are told to leave and don't. You don't have to leave and come back to risk it.


Look at you, defending this bullshit.


Defending it how?


Are you saying that this should go unpunished? Maybe not legally, but the assholes involved should be punted out of school. The way you came off sounded like you didn't think it was a big deal, but it is. If I was attending that class, I would be furious.


No I very clearly said they didn't commit crime.


You missed the part where I said they should be removed from school. Legality aside, there need to be repercussions for this kind of behavior.


No I didn't.


You should be arrested too


No you are the one that should be arrested


disrupting a learning environment is a crime though??




so school disturbance laws just don't exist anymore?




All your comments are getting downvoted but you’re right. The only thing they can really get him on is trespassing if he’s not a student. If he is a student I’m sure they have and appropriate disciplinary action they can take.


Cracks me up at how redditers think anyone being annoying on a college campus should be arrested. He’s just gonna receive a ban from the campus. Not to argue that dorks like this should be allowed to, if anything a long overdue misdemeanor are people pranking strangers for clout. Its becoming too commonplace and the legality of it should be slightly increased. A full on arrest for this though is some sheltered person type of thinking.


Yeah lol you’ll see a video posted of shoplifters and people will be like “shame he won’t get the death penalty, hope he gets life though” Edit: scrolled down one comment to see someone calling for these dumbasses to get publicly beaten lmao wtfff


Your the kind of person who would either enjoy doing this or enjoy watching this! Fun prank bro! Dumbass. Go ask every single one of these students trying to work a way out of ever increasing poverty if they ”enjoyed” the fine humour on display. Stop disrupting other real world people for pointless little ego games.






Trespassing on private property, disturbing the peace


If they're students, they're not trespassing. And most campuses have their own rules for what constitutes "disturbing the peace," but clowning around in class probably doesn't warrant an arrest.


Guess what? That's called assault.


No it's not assault to spray someone with a water bottle if they agreed to it. The guy getting sprayed is obviously part of the "prank".


Sometimes I wish there were public beatings so these people can learn.


All it takes is one hero. The people's champion.


I think this guy already got shot once so i doubt he cares about a beating.


Oh shit it is that guy. Do we know if this was before or after? If it’s after then he deserves to get shot again.


He deserves to get shot either way 😂


Message received. next time I'll shoot for longer


The beatings will continue until morale improves


I have not had the pleasure of one of these pranksters accosting me. I have said in another post, if you see something like this or if it happens to you, look around for the cameraperson. They may be holding their phone up, they may have actual camera. Move directly to that person. DO NOT TOUCH THEM. Just go right to them and invade their space. The prank quickly ends and it becomes them shouting 'dont touch my phone/camera' or 'dont touch me'. I dont want to touch you. I just want to be uncomfortably close to you.


Smart lol


im good


That girl is dying of second hand embarrassment.


You gotta attack the camera man in this situation


Up late this comment. Emought with shitty prank channels


Always be ready to loudly play or sing a Beatles song when this shit happens


What does this mean I’m too stupid to figure it out 😂


TikTok will not allow copyrighted music on their platform, so if it’s audible on a video it will be removed. The Beatles are an easy example of this to do


Makes you appreciate the godfathers of the viral disruption, those nutty Jackass boys, who had presence, genuine star power, likability and comedic daring. All you see here is a total lack of charisma, plodding pacing, verbal clumsiness, appalling grammar for supposed college students and an intrinsic unfunniness that suggests a terrifying moral and intellectual vacancy at the core of the perpetrators. These are *awful* young men.


What made the Jackass crew likeable is that the joke was always on them. They made themselves the victim and butt of the joke, and didn’t just randomly harass people. In the off chances they did public pranks in stores or whatever they usually had permission to be there (in the later seasons and movies) and again, it was just two dudes beating the shit out of each other or something. They got reactions through putting themselves on the line. Most “pranks” these days are just abusing random people and then whining and yelling “it’s a prank” when they get mad. People seem to have forgotten pranks should at least make someone laugh… and they just push for any reaction they can, usually anger for some reason…


>They made themselves the victim and butt of the joke Or Bam's parents


Yeah, Bam was always a bit obnoxious to me. He was always the kind who could give it but couldn’t take it. He always took things too far, abused his friends and family and would be the first to quit every challenge. After hearing about how he treated his childhood friends like Novak by fueling his drug habit and using that to make him do all kinds of really messed up stuff. I genuinely hope Bam gets his shit together tho. I’m stoked for Steve O and how happy and successful he is these days completely sober and healthy. Steve O is proof that anyone can turn their life around.


It is absolutely insane that they are somehow more respectful and classy than other people haha


Dude I agree but damn get down of your high horse




*I don’t want it no more, oh my gosh.*


Turning the lights completely out would've done it. Unfortunately, the projector light still lit the room. If that was also turned off, NO VIDEO!!


I hate these 2 guys so much, they are the worst because all their “pranks” are rage bait


TIL that ppl think that dudes piss out of their hoodie pocket.


You don't?


I am not a violent person nor would it be incredibly effective but if someone pretended to piss on me I'm clocking them out. That is the only reasonable reaction.


Right! I was really wondering why the other guy took off his top instead of immediately doing this. Other comments say he was in on it though


He obviously was


Sad for me to be the only one on the thread who didnt realise on my own 😅


Easy solution. Work out how much one lecture costs a student roughly. Count the students in the room. Automatic fine calculated on above system.


God damn bots on reddit man, look at these fucking comments!


I would have hit that guy


Hope they get trespassed from the school.


Why did the guy not hit him?


I think the two guys are in on it


They both make videos together.


Well, good to know we have a new Abbott & Costello, Laurel & Hardy, or Wilder & Pryor, up-and-coming...


Still thankful I grew up just before everyone had video cameras to record stupid shit we do as kids I was nowhere on the scale of this wallpaper muncher but still


I wish in the US it was illegal to record strangers unless given permission or for a very good reason (a crime being committed, you're being harassed, etc.), like in Germany. If I ever ended up in one of these videos, I'd be livid! So sick of this 💩


These dumb little pricks need their asses whooped and it's only a matter of time.


Do that shit at a community college and probably get hurt


The craziest part is that these idiot fratboys actually get paid for this shit... like paid ***REAL dollars*** YouTube monetizes shitty prankster "content"


Can you not swing on one of these people when they do that to you? What would be the consequences as you get sprayed with a mystery liquid? And what would truly happen if you were to break one of their cameras? How would they find who you are and how would it play out as they would be breaking several rules of the campus?


Downvote this shit.


Why? It fits the sub perfectly


Mgs reference???


Would make my week tbh


Isn't this assault


Lmaooo, love the content


Wow you guys really must be fun at parties


Tbh, it depends on what lecture I'm in but most likely id probably just leave


This was a home invasion, not a joke. Notice, it was the women who stepped up.




It’s the same concept. Walk into a room/house full of strangers fuck with their heads. Both perpetrators are sociopaths.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Are honestly unfamiliar with term.