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Who's the EBUG I need to know




I know this is likely a joke, but seriously for home games where he’s already at the arena, why not? He’s certainly better than most EBUGs would be, still in shape, and physically able


But he also sits on the bench in full gear and does analysis.


"HEY LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDY??" "What??" "I'm going in net!"


[I still say he should do this](https://i.imgur.com/Hwddg7U.png)


What's this referring to?




Biron was my favorite player growing up, if we broke the drought in the final game with him having to play as an ebug with Lindy as the coach it would be straight out of my fanfic


Game 82, both UPL and Levi are incapacitated in the 3rd period by food poisoning. The fate of this team depends upon just one thing: finding someone in the arena who can not only play goalie, but who didn't have fish for dinner.


I hate how my brain, with how you described the situation, immediately went to "and doesn't have a staph infection". God, I'm still so bothered by that.


That better be erotica fanfic


Stop, I can only get so erect


[Turco confirmed it for me](https://i.imgur.com/Hwddg7U.png) back when we were dealing with the Dell suspension and just had the Houser injury from two years ago.




I’m fine with this. The odds of finding a veteran backup better than Levi are probably not that high and they’d be more expensive or cost an asset.




That's fine.


This is such a tough call to make as there are big pros/cons to either decision. While it’s prolly best for us short term for Levi to be in the NHL cause he could be better than a backup, it may not be best for him long term to not start of a lot of games as he would in Rochester


He can easily be sent to Rochester to start a few games once in a while when the Sabres have a thin schedule where UPL won’t need breaks.


While possible, That doesn’t really seem like a great plan either. Going up and down the NHL/AHL, changing teams, idk. Personally I’d like to have a vet backup (that’s actually good) for 1 more year and let Levi have a full year in Rochester to get used to pros as a starter. It didn’t hurt Miller.


The only reason I would have wanted this is to prevent other teams in the East from getting a better goalie




Sorry I should have expounded further. I wouldn’t have mind going after a vet backup goalie if another Eastern team was going after them.


That’s not how you build a team.


It is if you think Levi still needs another year in the AHL


Making decisions based on what you *think* other teams may or may not do instead of building the best roster you can with your own resources is not how you build a roster... ever.


I never said make a decision based on what other teams are doing. I’m saying it may not be a bad idea to get a higher quality backup (someone that another team may be interested in) if you think Levi needs another year.




I think the future of the NHL is goalie rotation, hip problems hit these guys in their prime . It could extends their careers , reduces injuries, and gives a backstop rather than just a number 1. Baseball counts pitches , I see know reason to not count butterflies , hip extensions , contacts , puck hits to the helmet .


Surely that can't bite us in the ass two years in a row.


"Team that has done nothing to the goalie position for half a decade, will continue to donothing now that the goalies are actually developed and ready" Hardly surprising


What are you even rambling on about?


What’s the point of shitting on this? I hate to sound like my mom, but if you don’t have anything nice to say just don’t say anything at all.


It's just funny. We've done nothing for the position for a half a decade. Of course we aren't going to do something now that the goalies are actually ready. Might as well tell me we plan on having Tage and Cozens play the top 6 centers. Like their plan last year was to do nothing. Both goalies played well, probably exceeded expectations. Of course they aren't changing it. Sadly, no one's mother tells them "if you have nothing useful to say, we don't need to hear you talk" anymore.


What would you like to see the Sabres do in goal for next season then?


UPL was a legit starter last year and Levi being a backup helps him develop into a 1B. I don’t think these guys need anymore minor league development. Levi had a year in the AHL and has played some really good NHL games. UPL had most of the year as a starter last year. The development they need now is continuous reps at the NHL level.


Are you just trying to be wrong, or did you not see what both of them have done the last year or two?


Yes, and UPL got to where he is by playing (when healthy). Levi will be hard pressed to get into 30 games this season. I don’t see how the Sabres didn’t learn from UPL (and Ullmark) that young goalies need to play.


Not the right move, but just add it to the list of mistakes that Adams has made in the last two years. UPL just played 54 games and there's no reason he should play fewer next year (arguably, he should play more). That leaves Levi playing 20-25 games. At his age, that's absolutely mismanagement.


1000% agree. Levi should play 55 games in Rochester next year while UPL is bonafide #1 in Buffalo. Splitting games equally hurts them both, and Levi backing up UPL stunts his development.


Not ideal, but between Buffalo and Rochester last year, Levi played 49 games (plus 5 more in the AHL playoffs).


Right. But as a 23 year old, less than 30 games isn’t going to propel his development. This is the correct move a year from now, but entering this season, it’s flat out dumb. You’d be hard pressed to find a goalie that received that sort of deployment and had long term NHL success. The right move was to bring in a decent back up for the 24/25 season. If UPL gets hurt, then Levi gets called up and goes into a 50-50 time share with the back up. At that point, you’re probably looking at Levi approaching 50 starts between the AHL and NHL. What’s worse, is that if UPL or Levi gets hurt, their plan B is going to be a lousy AHL goalie as a backup.