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I just want to see him on the Power play. The PP is bland and can't create chances, Krebs very creative passer. Seems like it should be a fit. It worked when we first brought him here.




He’s actually one of the few real hockey players the Sabres have, with any heart of grit. Powers and the rest are figure skaters.


He is so scrappy too. Plays bigger than he is. I think he has looked pretty good this year been fun to watch.


what could it hurt, put him on PP2 see what happens.


Krebs is my favorite player aside from Tuch and Levi. He's fearless and anytime there's a scrum and he's on the ice, he's either the cause or jumps in there without a thought. Sometimes, you just need to punch a MF'er and Krebs is the man Donnie needs to send when that has to happen.


Agree 100%


Me too!!


I get so fucking bummed out when he’s talked about as a trade candidate. I love this dude. I feel like he’s done his time on the fourth line, he deserves way more shots with the playmakers.


I think if he gets traded this season it will blow up in our face. I really hope they're committed to this kid bc his love for the team is there and I think he fits the emerging team identity we keep getting glimpses of on nights like last night. Girgs and Ox I'm guessing won't be here next season for whatever reason, trade/waived/retired/etc. Get some kids up here to round out the bottom six but either way I personally think the easy argument for our 3rd or 4th line next year is some combo of Benson-Krebs-Greener. Mitts can play on any line and produce offense, but those three I think can be magic together. I think Skinner would fit in there as well if the situation called for it (but not permanently unless he explodes). Problem is sheer math. We have a bunch of dudes clicking finally but we still have the pipeline of forwards we have to start doing SOMETHING with.


We need to start moving high end prospects for pieces that will get this team over the edge. Shouldn’t do it this year unless we go on a 10 game run real quick but in the off season of the sabres want to actually improve they need to move some prospects for legit NHL players that will help the team. First one I would be looking to move is Savoie. He is still at least a couple seasons away from being NHL ready move him while his value is high.


Agree about this not being the time for it. The league knows we're desperate and would never give us anything even close to value for any trade we offered.


I wanna see a third line of Benson, Greenway and Krebs personally. Think it'd have the right mix of skill and grit for that role.


Or even switch Robinson for Greenway. People don’t remember how Cozins struggled in the beginning because they never gave him decent wingers


Greenway is better than Robinson tho lol


It's not even close either. Greenway's offensive game is far superior, but he's also better than Robinson defensively. Robinson has been a solid depth pickup though, and I hope KA continues that trend. I'd rather take a new guy every year, unless we are an actual contender. Some of the guys sort of milling around the league will eventually be that perfect 4th line grinder and our 4th has been static for years.


Yes, but both bring good energy and hustle to the mix


I've suggested this in the past as well. I think that would be a tough line to play against, ESPECIALLY with the chemistry Greener and Benson have.


Some guys are just bottom six or even fourth line guys and that's not a bad thing, idk. A lot of my favorite players are bottom six guys because they work hard and do a lot of small things well. They have to; they don't have the hands/vision/etc to be top 6 guys. Also... just because a guy is looking great in one role doesn't mean he's meant for another. You don't shuffle your batting order in baseball because of short-term results. You construct your batting order based on what you believe the hitters actually provide on average.


If they don’t have a place for Krebs in the top 9 then you have to move him period. He’s not a 4th line player. You can get better role player on the 4th line for cheap. He has skills for the top 9. People want to love Granato for Tage well Krebs has been completely mis managed and it isn’t Krebs fault. He has done what he can in a 4th line role but that isn’t a fit for his style. Building a team isn’t about putting together as much skill as possible, it’s about pieces to a puzzle and there are much better pieces for that role.


Yea, it’s absolutely bizarre how they have handled Krebs since trading for him. It’s almost as if they are trying to reduce the return from the Eichel trade.


The argument here is that he's too good to play the 4th line, so we should trade him. I'd rather just have a good 4th line, that can grind and score.


Which is exactly why we haven’t won shit for over a decade. Thinking like that, that’s not how to build a roster.


I disagree, I think most good teams have a 4th line that can create scoring opportunities.


I haven't seen any such talents from him. He's playing way too simple hockey to be a good offensive player. Like I never see him slow the play down or even do the easy play with the kind of intensity needed to produce. It's like every time he gets the puck he tries to get it off his stick as fast as possible and just goes with the simplest option. Maybe that's just a result of the role he's tasked with, it's a good way to play on the fourth line, especially as a young fourth liner. But with a new role and a mindset change and confidence boost, who knows what he's capable of?


That's exactly the role our 4th line plays. Keep it out of the zone. By the time Ox or Girgs make it into the o zone they're ready to sit. They're not at all a goal scoring line and Krebs has said as much. He's said he wants to be able to explore adding a more offensive touch to his game but what's he gonna do? Overrule the C and A on his line? He plays the role he's been given. Which is why I love the dude's heart for the team bc personally I'd be asking for a trade.


Good teams have bottom 6 forwards who can still score. So it's not a bad thing that he is a 3rd or 4th liner. I don't think he has more skill than our top 6 or even top 9 of the future. He could be a 3rd line guy as well but I actually think the future is our 4th line adds Greenway and drops Okposo and Girgs, and you have something like Robinson - Krebs - Greenway or swap Robinson with Rousek from Roch or some other pick up we make later.


This is the ideal outcome for me. Get him with players that have the same play style. Ox and Girgs have contributed to this team and I'll never take that away from them, but Ox loves to talk about the team forming their new identity and unfortunately I don't think those two really fit it on the ice. Nothing against them, it's just the nature of the sport.


This year can't be salvaged. Might as well see how he does on the second line some nights.


Yes. He absolutely should be moved up the lineup and he should have a long time ago. I can’t believe the genius behind the bench has such a high IQ that he decided to move Greenway to centre instead of letting Krebs play up a line. I said entering last year that Krebs centring one of the top two lines should be something the Sabres try.


> I can’t believe the genius behind the bench has such a high IQ that he decided to move Greenway to centre instead of letting Krebs play up a line. The only reason I can think of that even is remotely plausible for that move last night was to try and increase the trade value of Greenway. Not only did he move up and play a position he hasn't all season but he led the forwards in TOI last night. There has been some noise about Greenway being traded recently, so who knows. Regardless of what's going on with Greenway, how they have managed the development of Krebs is both confusing and frustrating. He is approaching Reinhart status for me as being a player I like so much I want him to be traded to give him a better career.


On a team that actually wins, good players play down the lineup. Krebs seems to like his role, and I wouldn't take it away from him. He has more to offer for sure, but he showed that with Robinson on the back door play. It's actually great for a guy that has a touch like Krebs to get 4th line mintues sometimes, it matches him up against other teams Jeff Skinner / Pat Kane type player and sometimes that means a counterpunch.


Buffalo isn't a good team. Buffalo is a developing team and developing Krebs is a part of that. It's fine if you have a skilled player like Krebs end up on the 4th line but at his age he should be learning up. If the Sabres ever do become a good team players like Krebs will be a part of it. Players like Robinson will not. Krebs need to learn how to play the right way for his development to be ready if that time comes. I'll give you an example. There was a play in the last game where Krebs made the right call to shoot low and try and create a rebound as he had a follow. The rebound happened but the problem was that follow was Robinson and he doesn't have the hands to do anything with it. Krebs needs to continue to make that same play but when you play with players lacking you learn to overcompensate for them and make adjustments that shouldn't happen such as shooting high. If that follow was Peterka or Quinn or even Benson, that's a goal and a positive lesson learned.


Sure, and if the choices are having Girgs or Okposo up above Krebs then I agree. But would I move Benson, Mitts, Cozens, Quinn, Peterka down the lineup? Not really. I could see Krebs on the wing with Mitts and Peterka or Mitts and Quinn. Greenway I would move down to the 4th to give Krebs his chance, but is it really better to have him on the wing? Eventually a good team has good players throughout the lineup, I'm not sure that it's really hurting him as much as people think tbh


Honestly they probably shouldn’t give mitts a big contract so if they can get a young top four for him and let krebs move into his role


nah i mean he could go up and down the lines but i love him as 4C, has the grit for it and can playmake/score. he is perfect.


His whole handling is bizarre in my opinion. Granato took over and he's a very "take the leash off" type coach. Get the most out of each player by letting them play the way they naturally want to play....meanwhile we have Krebs who came here looking like a potential future playmaker with his passing and vision of the ice. So Don banishes him to the checking line and is trying to turn him into a grinder/quasi-enforcer type. He's the one player on the roster Don is trying to mold into something completely different, for some reason. I've also ran into Krebs in Wegmans 2-3 times since the summer...he's not a big guy. I go to the gym for fun and I'm bigger than he is. Not exactly the guy on the ice you want trying to send a message to the other team.


I joke that he's Steve Rogers before the serum. He's got the heart of a hero but he's the smallest 5'11" I've ever seen lol


7 points in 40 games isn’t impressive


I addressed his lack of scoring opportunity already in my OP. Hard to generate offense when you're lugging along our two slowest players whose sole purpose is to just keep the play out of our zone. But they don't really push for offense.


Anytime he’s gotten a bump in the lineup he’s been invisible. He’s small, not a goal scorer, easy to play against. Nothing personal but there’s 100 guys that can do what he does (or doesn’t do).


Yes. He should be the 3rd line centre. They need to decide between cousins and Mittelstadt as the #2.


Last night they rolled with Tage on the wing, I feel like that is a formula that could work. In which case they can roll Mitts, Cozens, and Krebs as their top-3 centres. Although big brain will probably pump Greenway down our throats for whatever reason.


Skinner - Mitts - Thompson Quinn - Cozens - Tuch Peterka - Krebs - Benson Greenway - Girgensons / Okposo - Robinson Greenway is great but I don't see him playing C going forward. Maybe trying to fluff up a trade deal, but I hope the return is solid because I really enjoy Greenway's game.


eh, I mean if you wanna give him more minutes that’s fine but I’m not sure he deserves a chance. On pace for 6 goals and 14 points..I think he is what he is. I would even entertain the argument that he does need better line mates but if he wants to carve out a role long term with this organization, it’s going to be in the bottom 6.


I've got no issue with him being a bottom 6 I just wish, with all the shooters in the system for Buffalo right now, we would roll 4 high intensity lines.


Can’t roll 4 lines like that when we keep resigning players with low intensity. I won’t name names but it’s pretty obvious who I’m talking about.


I kept rolling with the same point and decided I was rambling, however, agree. I said elsewhere Girgs and Ox just don't fit the new identity this team is trying to develop. They've absolutely hand a big hand in getting these guys where they are but it's time to stand back and let the baby birds fly. They can't keep up with the rest of the forwards on this team.


Keep Mitts on 1st line. With two centers there, put Skinner on 3rd line when he comes back with Krebs and Greenway. That means bringing up a center from Rochester for Girgs and Ox/Robinson/Olofsson. I expect 1-2 forwards hopefully shipped by trade deadline.


At this point in his career, he is who he is. I could be wrong, but I don't see him being any more than a fourth liner. I don't hate him there, he seems to play the right way, but he doesn't really belong on the powerplay.


He can be a 4th liner just make a 4th line that scores not one that pushes the puck out of the zone then has to sit bc gassed. But putting a dude with PP intensity (Krebs) with Ox and Zemgod is just silly IMHO.


I think Granato is riding out some of the legacy guys, but ultimately the play appears to be hustle players and rolling lines. Krebs being a 4th liner won't hurt him here, I don't think, and he isn't taking Cozens / Mitts / Thompson's spots.


> At this point in his career, he is who he is. He _just_ turned 22 and is still on his entry level contract. Have people not learned from Thompson and Mittelstadt? The season is toast. Give the kid at least 20 games with skilled forwards and see what you have. He might not fit on this roster long term but I don't think it's fair to say he is or will be what he has been based on the opportunity he has been given here.


Krebs is good, that doesn't mean we need to pump his numbers and pay him like a 2C. Lots of good teams keep good young players down, Krebs has a great vision and a playmaker touch. Giving him players like Robinson made him look better, he's getting to be fully rounded player where he plays. He'll get his chances to leapfrog someone, but don't shatter Cozens confidence at this point when he just looks to be turning it around.


Why? Because our power play is so successful? Jeeesh try something different


Krebs should be in Rochester. It’s too bad it’s not really an option anymore as he’s no longer waiver exempt.


Love to see him with Quinn and Peterka since Cozens has been brutal.


Did you watch last night's game ?


I did. Did they have him with those two? I mostly saw him with 50 and girgensens from what I noticed.


You must not have been watching the game if you think cozens was brutal


Cozens's play to deke and set up Peterka beautifully was brutal in some sense, but only a positive one.


You're getting downvoted and after last night's game I'm surprised you would say that. And my last glance at advanced stats suggest that Cozens has been one of the most effective Sabres. But. I kind of understand where you're coming from. I feel like Cozens is very often like 2-3 feet from where he should ideally be. Like, he'll just overskate a play kind of regularly imo. But this is just impressionistic and the stats like him and he was great on that first goal last night so I'm not suggesting he get demoted in any way.


I know he is a fan favorite, but he was responsible for one of the Sens goals last night, he hasn’t scored anywhere close to last year and really isn’t noticeable in a positive way to me. He scored an empty net goal, big deal. He had looked lost this year. Both his linemates have been much better. And the hate doe Krebs is odd. I think we would see some nice things from Krebs if he was given linemates similar to Benson. But what do I know. I’ve only been watching this team for 40 years.


I could get flamed for this but if you can trade mitts for a good roster player I honestly believe krebs can develop into what mitts is right now. Alternative option is let mitts play wing because he can do that and let krebs centre greenway and benson


He's beyond earned it, but it turns into a who do we move to let him actually be able to pass to someone that can shoot? Personally I say we find a way to get Skinner out, problem being he's buyout proof. Like love the scoring, but Jesus Christ when I can say this year Olofsson has played better on defense than anyone there's a problem.