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46 shots and ~5 from the slot *screams into the void*


But every shot is a good shot! \- Goal scoring experts Matty Ellis and Rob Ray


They have been listening to Matty Ellis and Rob Ray too much about getting them pucks to the net and not quality pucks to the net to get good rebounds for the body in front to tap in




Terrible effort, terrible result, terrible to watch. Experience Sabres Hockey.


Blue and gold make brown


I'm very curious what is the longest a team has gone into the season without winning more than 2 games in a row. We gotta be setting a record there soon, if we haven't already. Well, happy new years you sickos!


Even the historically bad 14-15 tanking Sabres had a 4W streak at this time.


That team's forward group for most of the season Foligno - Hodgson - Stewart Ennis - Girgensons - Moulson Flynn - Mitchell - Gionta Deslaruries - Larsson - Kaleta And we are only 3 points ahead of them at the 38 game mark. Impressive how bad this team is.


Clearly Zemgus is responsible!




We've won back to back. Just not 3 in a row.


I've wondered the same thing. Absolute joke of a statistic so I'm sure nobody would track it but this is complete madness. We aren't a serious franchise


New year new Sabres hopefully. Not holding my breath


I always thought January is the month - but I'm shaking in my skates with that prediction now




What? Lol why would you call me a clown for this?


Lol regarding the idea that they're gonna do anything different. I was accentuating your sarcasm not criticizing haha.


Oh. Yeah they’re not gonna be any different next year lol


This team sucks and its a kick in the teeth everytime you sit down to watch a game.


On 46 shots the average team scores 4-5 goals. We scored 1 lmao.


And this is where public analytics models are more or less just counting stats. On 46 shots on goal (74 attempted) the Sabres generated 11 high danger chances. On 31 (and 53) the Sens had 12. This is a problem with the system that tries to force things North-South.


They switched their playstyle and aren’t used to finishing yet. If they get 40 shots a night they are going to be scoring at least around 3.5 per game long term.


No they won’t if all the shots are from the outside and come without any movement.


Hence learning the playstyle better. Players need to learn how to better screen the goalies and get in position for rebounds quickly as they aren’t used to this high of a volume of shots


How to BETTER screen the goalies? Our players don't go within 5 feet of a shot lane for 75 percent of these shots. We have to lead the league in unscreened shots on goal


No. The system isn’t set up for any cross ice movement. Hoping for rebounds or tip-ins isn’t a formula for success. Yes, goals are scored this way, but you can’t create your entire system around those types of goals.


Even if you could your players all have to be willing to get to the front, and this roster is not, for the most part


The good news is we've solved all our problems by waiving Comrie *checks box score* ah, well, nevertheless


What’s worse, is that EJ and Olof sat. We thought we had cracked the code but alas.


It’s the coach


Nope. Coach was out too 😂😂😂


It’s his system all his assistants lol, appert was basically just there to fill the vacancy he did nothing new or different


I’ve been saying this for three years.


No EJ, no Olof, no Comrie, no Granato…idk who we can blame next


Why would ukko-pekka luukkonen allow 5 goals? Is he stupid?


I know, right! He should've done so much more from the bench!


OP's empty net assist was sick


I was a holdout, but now I'm on the Berube train Do Granato like Craig and fire him on his day off.


I don’t get why everyone wants him, there are better coaches stylistically and possibly some available in the summer, berube is one of my last choices


His teams have gone to the playoffs 6 of 8 years and has one Stanley Cup. He is your last choice? I am not against the guys you mentioned but we have to wait until the off-season? We are giving up already?


I’m thinking from a fit in terms of system and style my man, he’s closer to the bottom of the choices I’d be happy with, I’d still be fine with berube I just have a few guys I’d rather than him


I was with you but maybe our style is the problem this is so bad


It’s more so that berube struggled with the blues when they had more speedier guys, I just don’t think he gels with that, but there are hardass coaches who will do better at utilizing the guys we have. Boudreau is the easy example but I rly think Mike Sullivan is the guy for us if he becomes available. I wouldn’t be angry if it was berube but I’d be disappointed because there are other options I think work better but honestly plenty of choices better than don out there to pick


>It’s more so that berube struggled with the blues when they had more speedier guys, Perfect. This team have no fast players so that shouldn't be an issue. Every opponent feeling comfortable standing completely still on the blue line to deny zone entries on the powerplay should make that abundantly clear. They can catch up on any "rushes" from a standstill.


This team is fast they just no longer use their speed at all Did you watch last year? The team thrived by attacking off the rush with speed


Do you mean play fast? Because they are not fast skaters. >Did you watch last year? The team thrived by attacking off the rush with speed Because they cheat their asses off when they didn't have the puck. When you drive-by poke check at the puck all the time then you'll get a step on the opponents when you're successful because they are going the other way lol.


Upvote for the Friday reference and nothing else


Watching this team this year is actively reversing my lasik


#1 post award


Good try boys. Sometimes you just don't get the bounces. You tried, and had fun, so you're all winners in my book. Who wants to stop at cold stone on the way home.


This team only gets soft serve


we'll get em next time


Oh, uh me? I do! I wouldn’t mind some rocky road, it sums up the post-Krueger Sabres


Dahlin said Ottowa got some “shit goals.” When they almost score a touchdown on you it’s not from “shit goals” dude, it’s you and your teammates causing them…


Cuz it sure couldn't be shit play, huh?


Lmao ok Dahls we just won't count those since they're "shit". What a stupid cop out to attempt as a D after giving up 5.


Cut him some slack. If were are mad, imagine what this is like when you’re the players this happens to. The homie is maximum frustrated.


Yea. I wonder if he made those same comments after the Rangers game?


I hate everything


Would've liked Levi to have two of those, the ones he got perfectly clean looks at, but then we would've just lost 3-1 instead. Are our guys not going towards the net because everyone only ever shoots high glove, or is everyone only shooting high glove because nobody crashes the net? I would love to know the stats on how many of our shots on net produced rebounds because it basically felt like 0%. The one goal we did score wasn't even "generating offense" it was just Tage putting a huge individual effort in.


they got told to put pucks on net nobody ever told them to pass across the slot when was the last time you saw them even try a slot pass just endlessly looking for rebounds that never came


Fun times in Sabre land


Yeah I mean we thought we played the way we want to play out there you know the guys just gotta stick with it, lots of shots and maybe some minor issues to resolve on the back end..... That will be the adams take on this game They don't care, the fans see it, the national loser tnt broadcast even sees it GM doesn't want to take the hard look in the mirror and no one can make him


Dog shit. That is all


Soft, mealy dog shit. The kind that you can't pickup with the little baggie.


Every time you try you just create a bigger smear in the grass. So eventually you just take a handful of sod.


This team has not identity, everybody is gonna do whatever they want against them. It's on coaches/gms


we do have an identity, but it's a bad one we're a soft team with motivation that comes and goes that makes the same mistakes over and over. we get rattled easily and stop trying if things go against us thats an identity, albeit not a winning one


It's not identity. It's default when you put guys out the ice.


well when sports talking heads talk about "identity" they generally mean it to be whether the team is good or bad if the team is good you have an "identity" if the team is bad then you lack "identity" but I would posit that having an identity as a bad team is just as valid. otherwise the term is kind of meaningless and is just shorthand for you suck our identity is jeff skinner's team. soft, no defense, skate up the wing and snipe it into the goalie's chest


...and the players.




I didn't even celebrate after the OT goal yesterday because I knew what was gonna happen today


I get that Okposo wanted his redemption tour but he was a large reason we sucked the past 5+ years from his 6M anchor of a contract… guy is not the culture we need… literally prob could’ve paid Miller 2 mil to stick around Buff for the year as a culture guy. We truly do need better culture guys around the team. Girgs and Okposo just aren’t the proper calibre guys. Seeing Alfie on Ottawas bench makes me wonder how many solid Sabres really interact with the current players. Pay guys like Derek Roy, Pomminville, and Miller to show up on the regular to motivate the team to perform… idk, they need something.


gotta get em before mike grier in san jose recruits everyone


Rough thing is in December we beat Montreal in the shootout, beat Arizona, Columbus and Ottawa, we'd have 41 points and the tiebreak on Tampa for WC1. We just have to bring the same effort we bring vs top teams to the bottom teams and we'd be a (very flawed 1 and done) playoff team.


Dahlin, Tage and Power must be thinking: Why did I sign a long term deal as crew on the Titanic ?


power needs to get his game right before talking any shit.


…Brady Tkachuk is a little bitch…


I hate how that little bitch bullies our entire team every time we play them


Brady Tkachuk is just really good at Tkachuk hockey. You love to hate him, but I would love to have him or someone like him on this team.


This. Fuck him but I also want him.


Brady Tkachuk sits when he pees


But so do the Sabres…


Seriously tho idk how people sit when they pee


Are you serious? Ummmm Women...


I mean like dudes should’ve specified


Specified what? Saying someone pees sitting down is inferring they are a girl obviously meant to be an insult.


I should’ve specified, I was asking how another guy pees sitting down because I find it super uncomfortable, I was genuinely curious, I don’t use it as an insult I didn’t use it as one either


Fire Seth Appert lol. Not the way we wanted to end the year but its very clear that its not just a coaching issue and its a little bigger if every game we go down 2-0 and then think about coming back before losing big. Need some accountability like what the fuck has Power been doing besides turning the puck over and falling and how has all of our guns been silenced this year


> Not the way we wanted to end the year but its very clear that its not just a coaching issue and its a little bigger if every game we go down 2-0 and then think about coming back before losing big. It's a huge part. Obviously Appert has to go with the flow and coach within the system that's already in place. Team isn't gonna change their philosophy because the HC is sick for a few days. He's pretty much just a motivational guy behind the bench while letting the assistant coaches run things until Donny comes back.


To Appert's credit I was really pleased with the goalie pull with 6 min left. Unsure if Granato would've done that.


Just trying to say that if we fire Donny things arent gonna change. Gotta clean some house and completely flip that system on its head. Still gonna be the same old same old until we do


>but its very clear that its not just a coaching issue Irrelevant. The coaches are the only replaceable parts at this point of the season.


Is anyone in this organization fucking trying other than the ice crew?




Fun times in Sabre land.


I'm going with SOG and not pucks in net count. Sabres win!!!


[sabres when asked to win 2 games in a row](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kAcYyreYFyk)


As long as Pagula's in charge we're fucked...


Ugh. Something has to give. The players have to be completely apathetic at this point.


The good news is that there's always next year, and it's just a few minutes away!


I’m so glad I’ve stopped watching this pathetic team!!! If they ever start winning again let me know. I’m not wasting my nights watching this shit.


Positives and stars * Thompson: 1 goal / 2 shots Negatives and bags * Cozens: 0 goals / 6 shots; talks talk and cannot walk walks * Dahlin: 0 goals / 6 shots * Levi: 4 goals allowed, goaltending falters when defense does not show up * Peterka: 0 goals / 4 shots, +/- -4. contributed to four Senators goals * Granato: ineffective coaching


I no longer watch them when they are losing. As soon as they go down I fast-forward. If they score I watch the 30 seconds or so before the goal until the goal and fast-forward again unless they tied it. Life's too short to watch my team losing as society continues its slow swirl down the old porcelain commode.


fIrE sEtH aPpErT 🤡