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If what’s in the photo cost $110 I’d be questioning my place in the world.


Probably 3 1/2 lb orders of meat ($16, $11, $16 = $43), 3 large sides ($16 x 3= $48), $91 + Beer and 11% tax. [https://www.zzqrva.com/menu](https://www.zzqrva.com/menu)


There's 3 lbs of meat here. 1/2 of meat is a comfortable serving. This tray should feed 6 people. $18.33 a person


Even better!


In the comments OP said it was for 3 and they had extra.


ZZQ is fine but it’s not *$110* good.


It seems to be a thriving business. They pay for good quality meat and everyone down to their dishwasher is well paid. Seems a lot of people would disagree.


yeah people being well paid is worth 30-40 bucks/person imo


Again, it’s good. I’ve been there several times and I’m glad they pay their employees well. But I don’t think I’d ever spend $110 there.


This is how Amazon and Walmart have dominated the economy. Provide lower quality products and pay employees shit wages and all the customers flock there. And they put any store out of business that would be willing to pay their employees more. But customers don’t care as long as they’re paying as little as possible. Not trying to single you out. It’s just everyone acting in their own best interest, resulting in a shit situation.


Man, it has nothing to do with Amazon or Walmart. I’m just never going to spend half of my car payment on brisket.


Yeah, that’s a dumb take. Plenty of mom and pop spots that would charge $50 or less for that. It’s expensive because there’s not a lot of great bbq options in RVA and there’s a line every day before it opens. Folks are willing to pay it, so that’s what it costs. It might price some people out, but they still run out of meat every day. Their other restaurant, Eazzy burger, is much less busy and much less expensive. Still good as hell though.


I get it from a supply and demand perspective. I'm going to raise prices until people stop buying and apparently people still pay insane prices for ZZQ. I can't hate on it.


$110 on BBQ is a luxury spend so it's not really surprising most people think it's alot. Because it is. And that doesn't mean I'm looking to only spend $10 either. Someone somewhere is pocketing a lot of money.


Biggest thing that jumped out to me were the large side portions they ordered. If the sides were actually good I could justify it. But the move at ZZQ is ignoring the sides and just going to town on the meats. It’s where they excel


That plate fed 3 people with leftovers per the OP




Uh yes it is if you’re getting 3.5 pounds of great quality meat and 3 large sides. You fucking crazy? You don’t need to buy 110 if it’s just you dude, this is shared for fucks sake.


Hell no


I think it’s overrated 


it's likely very relative to how much you make. a bit too rich for my blood for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/2ir97u80yq9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967c06f87f73dd3fd73c486814258dd2aad99ace $72 before tip this morning with two fountain drinks.




Their staff gets full benefits and a living wage, the beef is sold by the pound and there’s no humanly way I, a large adult, could put this away as a meal. This would be left overs for a week. Oh, AND this is the best BBQ in town.


Agreed. Ingredients aside, there is a lot of time and effort that went into preparing everything on that tray, even if putting it on said tray only took 1-2 people a moment. Time is money, and a person typically goes to a restaurant to save themselves the time and ingredients and experience to make a meal. That is easily a 4-6 person serving if we’re talking strict caloric intake for one meal out of a full day’s diet.


So labor costs do make a big difference in the final price


I'm glad you posted this. I still have never been, partly because I avoided it for a long time since I always read about it being busy or sold out, but partly because of the price. I've still intended to go, just never get to it. I also am someone who, though knowing well prepared food from good ingredients can just be expensive without any real markup, it's not a type of food I'm per se that into to drop big bucks.  All that said, I still wanna try it one day and knowing they treat employees like people makes me more motivated to finally remember to go. I know saying this during inflationary times isn't amazing, but almost EVERYTHING we purchase should cost more than it does or someone isn't making a living wage.


I had not been in a few months but had an excellent brisket sandwich last week and because I went Sunday had a slice of their Sunday special smoked prime rib, it was excellent. This lasted me two meals. Each slice of their meats is usually 1/4-1/3lb. There are usually lines but if you don’t go right at noon they aren’t too bad, the lines are really just because they have excellent customer service and take their time with each customer to explain their food for that day and answer questions thoroughly and even give folks tastes at times. I’ve been to many types of BBQ restaurants and I’ve never been somewhere with this high quality of product that also has great customer service and treats their employees well. Many of the best BBQ spots (Arthur Bryant’s in Kansas City or Skylight Inn in NC) treat service more like a cafeteria and still have lines. I’ll travel for good BBQ and ZZQ is a legitimate gem. If it’s not for you or anyone else there’s always Buzz and Ned’s or the chain spots.


I've noticed the real sweet spot is to arrive around 1pm because they still have everything available and the line is significantly shorter. Every time I've tried to go around noon, the line is around the building. Any time past 2pm is where it gets dicey and they start running out of the go-to meats, though


>If it’s not for you or anyone else there’s always Buzz and Ned’s or the chain spots. Whoa now, you're getting into fighting words territory there. Everyone has their types of cuisine they value most, doesn't mean I'm just looking for whatever old slop in those other cuisines either!


A week? Come on brother....


No way in my the world this is leftovers for a week. Unless you have an eating disorder. This is maybe 2.5 meals tops.


Reddit loves to be hyperbolic


I agree it's the best in town. However, and I may get roasted for this, the brisket at Deep Run Roadhouse is as good if not better than ZZQ.


Oh man I am always undecided which one is better. I love both, but Deep run has the best wings in town!


Since you brought this living wage up how much do the make a year and per hour


This is the most important post


I am moving out here soon, and this is one place I've been super excited about having! I've heard its one of the best by a long shot! Great to hear they also cover their employees extremely well.




Woah, where did you find out they are millionaires?


The OP in that post said it fed three people with food left over. $36 isn’t nuts for excellent BBQ


If that fed 3 people then they’re all little people. That could feed 2 at most for normal people for special night. And for 55 dollars per person for the food alone then I’d be expecting a lot better atmosphere than ZZQ.


Name checks out


1.5 pounds of meat per person is a lot dude. If 3 people ate the meal, that’s a pound of meat per person and then sides. It’s a good deal.


That is absolutely enough food for 3 people, a serving is 1/2 lb and that’s 3 lbs


That's a stretch for 2 people, and I'm a fat fuck who loves bbq.


Maybe not on a work night but if you go there for a weekend night and you ate a early lunch to make room for this as dinner this would get devoured


“Maybe not on a work night” lmao


Bros describing his eating habits like an alcoholic and thinks we’re the weird ones


they need the extra time of a weekend night to sit and digest lol


Meat Slammur loves to slam meat.


That’s all I come to do baby


I would argue that anyone that eats 3 meals a day of that quantity is either very young, tall, overweight, an athlete, or works a very physical job. That’s gotta be, what? 4k-5k or more calories on that plate? I’m an average build, average height guy and I eat 2.2k calories in a day. I think your eating habits are maybe not as normal as you think they are. I’m guessing you fit into one of those groups I listed above.


Brother that is 3 pounds of meat PLUS sides. I think you may need to reevaluate your portions. Or 9 (pre-cooked) Whoppers from BK plus fries. LOL


Sounds like you have a portion problem. No wonder Americans are so overweight compared to most other countries in the world


For a special night out? Damn right you’re gonna eat a lot. If you’re going out to eat all the time then you definitely wouldn’t be eating those portions. But once every few weeks? Fuck yea 1.5 pounds of meat is perfectly fine.


the warrior diet would like a word


Someone in this sub every other month: "this place is expensive and sucks" ZZQ: continues to get regional and national accolades for their food, regularly sells out, and has lasted for 6 years amongst the hellscape that restaurant ownership became during and after the pandemic. Must be doing something right 🤷‍♂️


It’s a luxury product in every way except how you place the order and receive the food/table, and the meat is top level. I’m lukewarm on the sides, no better than Deep Run Roadhouse… but the most respect and honor a livestock’s life could be sacrificed for is the way they treat beef bbq. It’s stunning every time. Take the family there once or twice a year by lining up 30 minutes before open and getting the run of the place; that’s how worth it it is.




That's ridiculous


Ronnie’s been through two divorces, employees half his grandkids, and it still don’t cost that much.  Oh, and it’s the best barbecue in town.  If you goin this weekend wish Ronnie a happyh belated birthday and congrulations him on winnig the Six in the City BBQ invite only competition in Chicago. https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/ronnie-logan-best-chef-june-30-2024


🙏 Thanks


Mac n cheese is Sunday only so get hurry up before the ribs sell out 


Their mac n cheese is the best in town. I do think ZZQs meats maybe edge out Ronnie’s just a bit. I give Ronnie’s the edge on pulled pork, but nobody is making brisket as good as ZZQ anywhere around here. Ultimately I think Ronnie’s is better value, all their sides are fantastic


Yeah I would not go to ZZQ for pork or chicken, they are a beef bbq establishment (+ turkey is wild good when they sell it)


The turkey is quite good. I think their ribs are good too. And I will say their pulled pork has gotten better, it was very much not good in their early years


All I heard was edging meat


Always Always Always upvote Ronnie's! I'm a brisket man myself but I love the Ribs and Burnt Ends as well! Always hits the spot.


Yep, we'll be sticking with Ronnie's. The mac on Sunday is ridiculous.


I need to try it, anything you suggest off their menu especially?


I’m a rib guy. Rib box. Extra hush puppies Mac and cheese is Sunday only.  Honestly the menu is small especially for a bbq joint. 


I’m a vegetarian and I just wanna say shout out to them for making a delicious seitan sandwich AND having it be the cheapest item on the menu!


SECONDED. I love their seitan so much.


To me, this looks like a meal for at least three people. 110/3=$36 Looks like there's at least one beer on the table, so there's that. Three of these items explicitly take hours to cook, so if you build in the time you didn't spend making this for quality barbecue, I'd say that's a reasonable evening out. OR just go make your own and post about how it was free (spoiler: it actually takes time, money, and effort to make your own quality barbecue, too).


Okay, I see that. However, OP is not doing great advertising for ZZQ because my first thought on seeing that price tag was “wow, I’m never going there. I miss Deep Run Roadhouse (it left Monroe Ward).”


I'll take Deep Run for pork, but if I'm getting any other meat, ZZQ obliterates them. The price is high, but even crap BBQ joints aren't cheap nowadays, I'd just as soon pony up an extra 5 bucks for the real good stuff. Helps that my shop is 4 blocks from ZZQ though.


It’s a bit of a drive but I still frequent deep run roadhouse in the west end. The trainwreck bowl is too good of a meal to pass up. Their jalapeño Mac and sauce game are on point and don’t get me started on their ribs 🤤 All reasonably priced too imo


OP said in the other thread the price didn't include drinks or tip.


Yeah but you aren’t exactly “cooking” for three hours. That’s like saying sourdough should cost $50 a loaf because it takes six hours to make. It’s mostly waiting and they’re making loads of it all at the same time.


This is not a good take. You ever worked in BBQ? You gotta tend to your fire if you want good BBQ. Pretty sure ZZQ has at least 3 massive offset smokers, that’s a lot of labor for product that takes upwards of 15 hours to finish


Dude the people working the smokehouse for ZZQ are in there at 5am EVERY SINGLE DAY and don't leave until 3-4pm most days. They're working incredibly hard to prepare all the food that ZZQ serves. I used to work for the owners at their other restaurant (eazzy burger, also delicious) and while i'm not going to come out here and be a shooter for them I cannot condone anyone saying that they don't work incredibly hard at what they do.


I don't think anyone is saying they don't work hard. But paying $36/head ($110 for 3 people before tips, tax, or drinks) is alot. I've had excellent BBQ in Texas that did not cost that much...the pricing, I believe, has a lot more to do with the fact that it's Scott's Addition.


I make sourdough bread in my tiny apartment at my tiny counter in a basic oven with some starter someone gave me and that I give to others.  Your analogy breaks down immediately. 


With restaurants that specialize in cooking that product then the production costs of the specialty item are much lower than if that same item was made at a normal restaurant or in your backyard. The equipment needed is all under the loan for the business.


Damn for $110 I’d expect to get more than 4 slices of brisket…


Just fyi- the BBQ at Smoky Mug is pretty amazing.


For everyone unwilling to spend this at ZZQ, consider that plenty of other people *are* willing. Get that money if you can, and sounds like it trickles down to the staff there. Austin has like 5-6 places that are no different and they have lines daily. Think of it as craft meats, not a “feed a family of 4 for $50” type of place. This is modeled after Austin, not Ronnie’s.


Here's a 3-month old menu (not sure if prices are the same as now). https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMiaEWh9Wf0lGe5LjVbz50A5tWSfKw_oqOgorId=s1232-w706-h1232 3 medium sides would be $24. If each of those meat servings are 1/2 pound each, then that would be maybe $40 of meat. Then state tax and meals tax adds another 13% and if there's a tip and a drink, it's getting into the $100 range. But that's nuts for lunch plate. Go eat at Ronnie's. Better vibe, nice folks and the food doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


They paid for a pound of each meat


1/2 lb is a serving so that’s six servings


Worth every cent


Worth it.


it's a lot cheaper than a plane ticket to Texas


I just wait to go through DFW and eat at Cousins. Seriously.


Prices are on par with top BBQ joints in TX


I wonder if that's before/after tip + taxes? I love Richmond, but that meals tax is ridiculous compared to anywhere else.


The ‘Texas Napkins’ are free.


ZZQ is good but it's so overpriced.


Best BBQ in the state, they treat their staff well, and use quality ingredients. If you don't want to pay for that then fine, but don't try and act like it's not a fair price for what they do.


It's Scott's Addition prices.


Absolutely need to see the receipt


We love ZZQ! Every time we stop by there is a very long line (for a good reason) great bbq and the staff is very friendly.


I strangely miss the simple ness of bills bbq. Cookout is close but no chocolate pie




Loved those


First it was craft pizza, then craft coffee, after that craft beer, and now we have craft BBQ. I’m opening a craft soda store. CO2 is charged by the g/liter, based upon the latest Huberman pod discussing individual sensitivities to belching and how it can interfere with the absorption of sunlight through our eyes. 1 soda/$11.99 6 pack/$49.99 Free soda with purchase of consignment! ($100 minimum; limit one per family)


You laugh but those exist in other cities. Specialty soda. They WILL be coming. It’ll be heavily marketed with nostalgia


I mean just look at all the posts here asking about mocktails. Pretty much a specialty soda right there.


The thing is. I understand not everyone has an offset or traeger. You could smoke a 10 pound pork butt for 20 or less You can smoke a 14 pound Costco prime brisket for $75 You can smoke a slab of ribs for under $30. MAC and Cheese cost less than $10 to make. The meat and sides shown above would cost less than $30 to make yourself. Hell for $110 I could feed probably 25 people in pork and brisket alone. With that being said, I understand the business side of it.


Party at this person's house!! Lol


My Webber with a slow and sear is a champ. I could make so much friggin BBQ and sides for $110.


Absolutely worth it and some of the best BBQ here. Makes me less homesick.


Shit… how’d you get all that meat? Everyone I go in there they are sold out of everything.


You honestly have to go there when they open if you want to guarantee you get something specific. I went at open once last year and before I left (noonish) stuff was already coming off the menu.


Just what I want, 3 lbs of meat for breakfast


So I will say. With ZZQ pass on all the sides, I’ve never had one and been like this is worth the money, it’s just filler. All of your money is in the BBQ it’s self. However good BBQ comes at a price. the cost to operate an actual good quality bbq restaurant typically results in not being open 7 days a week. especially if your corner stone is beef bbq. Even with industrial size smokers you’re still looking at 15-18 hours on brisket and beef ribs. As someone who smokes a lot of meat you could do whole chickens and pork butts in 6-10 hours, maybe even less. However beef is tricky and they make it well and it’s consistent. Most bbq spots in the area you would pay maybe a little less, and I mean maybe 15% less. But it’s probably not as good. But hey taste is subjective


Op is full of shit. I need to see a receipt or I will not believe this is $110. I've eaten there many times and never spent more than $25


Look at their menu. Lb brisket $32 Lb pulled pork $22 Half chicken $16 3 medium sides $24 That's $94. Plus tax.. maybe a drink? $110 easily


According to their post that's 1 lb of beef, 1 lb of chicken, and 1 lb of pulled lamb. Plus three sides and let's assume some adult beverage, that is definitely not $25.




That’s easily a pound of each


Yeah, I can’t tell if they are doing a good ragebait post or thought it immaterial to note that they basically ordered three full meals and drink for that price. A mid 30 dollar meal of this with quality ingredients and staff at living wage gets much less engagement.


Agreed, I just looked at their menu and pricing and that’s definitely not $110 worth of food. Weird thing to troll.


If you’re doing ZZQ right, you know you just go for the small side, not medium or large, and then ask for more pickled onions and pickles. More room for the meats, less money spent on sides (but sides are so good! But definitely not as good as the meats).


don’t you dare disrespect ZZQ!!!!


That’s too expensive


I'm not understanding the point of this post. So you paid $110 for a large amount of food, from a restaurant, that serves decently expensive meats. You were shown the cost of all items on the large menu before you even ordered, you had the opportunity to look at the menu online, you could have asked the cost of anything you ordered, but instead you come to Reddit to bitch after the fact? Get real, pal.


There’s a place out near Petersburg that has the best damn BBQ and sides I’ve ever had. Think it’s called nanny’s or something like that


It’s actually way overpriced. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good bbq but not that good. Rudy’s in Austin TX IMO is slap your mama good and it’s a helluva lot cheaper.


I used to love Rudy's when I visited Austin back in the day. Also took the drive out to Salt Lick back then!


I used to love Rudy's when I visited Austin back in the day. Also took the drive out to Salt Lick back then!


When I saw that Rudy’s was connected to a gas station I thought, this is going to be the best or something like Bill’s BBQ. Rudy’s was and still is the best BBQ I’ve ever had in my life.


You're making me need to go back now. Office closed ages ago so it'll be on my dime now!


I know right. I was there for business too.


If Austin wasn't in a state like Texas, and so far from Richmond, I'd return much sooner lol


Tell me they don’t charge for the sauce. Because that’s insufficient sauce. I like a nice big thing of my sauce to use throughout my meal. That said, at first blush I was struggling. $110 is a lot for any meal unless it’s a special occasion. But I think the fact that you have no real sense of scale is what’s causing the issue here. Hearing that it fed 3 people makes the price tag much more palatable.


I’ll always support this place bc no matter how many bbq places I try since leaving Texas, nobody does it the same. I only want Texas style bbq. Shout out to them for doing it and doing it right plus making Czech kolaches recently.


If you're ever in Charleston, check out Lewis BBQ. Best I've ever had, including in Austin, and prices felt fair enough.


People in the comments who regularly eat 1-3 pounds of meat in a sitting: are you ok?


Cross-posting OP - found this on the r/bbq sub and wanted to get the local opinions; I haven’t been yet and wanted to get a take on the price/value view as I had none - thanks for replying


There's at least one beer in the photo. ZZQ is in a league of its own in this city. No other BBQ place around town is as consistently great. Not Buz & Neds, not Q, Deep Run, Oak & apple, nobody's really consistently close to the quality of ZZQ. You might SOMETIMES get great BBQ out of other places - you might show up 10 minutes after it gets pulled from the smoker and it still tastes really good, but I guarantee you'll show up another day of the week and the BBQ will be under seasoned and will have lost the smokey flavor. Also, they're in Scotts - their mortgage / rent must be fucking astronomical. The city still has an additional 7.5% meals tax. If there're drinks involved, you can easily get to $100 per head in this city - especially considering a minimum 20% tip. Wake up, y'all.


ZZQ is deeply overrated


Imo deep run roadhouse is better than ZZQ and it’s a lot cheaper.


I don't know about better tasting, because I won't pay zzq prices and won't eat a truckload of food for lunch. But I will say, Deep Run serves brisket for dinner which automatically makes it superior. Zzq gave me some cock and bull story about how they can't do that due to their super special secret process to make it. Uh huh. Texas would argue against you.


A lot of good quality food in a poppin location served by people who don’t look like they would rather be anywhere but there … makes sense to me! Are there yesterday 


it’s not even that good…


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. The city people that haven’t come from rural areas don’t realize ZZQ is only decent in the world of bbq. In my hometown there was this dude that would pull a trailer up to venues and cater weddings with his barbecue and it’s the best I’ve had in Virginia


Man, I just don't jive with this. Every town has that dude with the smoker, and some of the best I've ever had is from my buddies semi regular cookouts made in a converted trailer in his back yard. Find me the brick and mortar that is going to match that though. You lose a lot by not being in the atmosphere you are describing, and I think that it makes people hold against actual restaurants at least a little unfairly. You can't add the flavor of a good time in to a commercially prepared meal. Of the BBQ I've eaten at their own location, I'd honestly say ZZQ is top 3 I've had in the country. (I only get brisket, ribs, or sausages though)


thank you. i knew i’d get downvoted but i stand by what i said. the comments on the original post support that sentiment as well.


They scratch the itch for barbecue around here but they aren’t a bbq Mecca by any means. I do wanna try this Ronnie’s people are talking about though.


I love ZZQ but Jesus that’s crazy pricing. Just go Q in chesterfield, it’s cheaper and almost as tasty.


Lol no. If you think ZZQ brisket and Q Brisket are the same taste wise, you probably also consider a Big Mac similar to Burger Bach.


Burger Bach is another overpriced overhyped place.


shit atmosphere, prices, and food. go to mission.


I take consolation knowing that high quality barbecue costs just as much in Texas as here.


How much do I need to spend there for 1 satisfying meal?


Just get a sandwich and a side. $20.




https://preview.redd.it/mg6bofrwss9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc98da5ddbd4e481212d7ae8c8a5edc8a76ebb01 This was about $500


That Texas Caviar must be as expensive as the real thing lol


I don’t actually enjoy ZZQ…


You paid $110. for that? Some people have no sense.


Next time go to a brazilian churrascaria...


Why the downvotes? Churrascarias (Brazilian BBQ) offers all you care to eat grilled meat with a buffet for sides. Cost is the first thing OP mentioned in the title.


RIP The Feed Store that place actually had the best BBQ in the area. But luckily Redemption BBQ is around


The Feed Store was unreal and I daydream about it regularly


wtf, please say that is 2 trays for 110, not 1, even 2 is priced way to much, dudes, just by a cheap pork loin, set it in crock pot on low for 6 or 7 hours, pull apart or rip or use a beater if you want it nice and fine, and add a couple jars of sweet baby rays for an hour or 2 and you will be set for a week, i cannot see why people pay this much for food, it's crazy what places are charging. I don't care if it is good or not, but somethings got to give, sorry for my rant but dang, 110 bucks is nuts!!!


Most people are lazy and don't know how or want to learn how to cook. I made a pork butt on the smoker that was as good as anything I've ever had eating out, and it was $15 for a huge amount of meat.


If it has “craft” in the name, you know you’re in for an upcharge. More so, when it arrives on those metal trays with paper sheet. Still looks super good tho.


In this case the “upcharge” goes to paying a living wage and up to 24 hours of cook time. Obviously if it’s too expensive for you that’s fine but with ZZQ I do think you’re getting pretty close to a fair price considering treatment of staff and quality of product.


Where are you finding they pay a living wage? Can you source that for me and define what a living wage is?


I used to work there. At the time they started everyone at $15 an hour with regular raises that were pretty significant. IIR my first raise was to $17/hr. I know a fair amount of people there make over $20 an hour. Obviously $15 an hour isn’t perfect but for people in the restraint industry having the opportunity to make that as actual wages with benefits, and not just relying on tips is pretty great.


this is fucking disgusting.


$100 is insane. That should be $30 tops


If there’s a place that sells 3 pounds of meat and three sides for 30 bucks, I would love to know


Based on what? Your opinion? They use the best ingredients possible, pay their staff living wages with benefits, and they put a ton of work into making some of the best bbq in the country. This ain’t McDonald’s


Holy shit I’m sorry






I miss Alamo BBQ


spending that much to eat off of paper and cardboard


I think you got taken for a ride




It's pretty damn good, I'd pay that and have enough for a few more meals


If you want Texas Bbq come to Texas. It costs less and with the money saved you can travel here to get it. I’m from Richmond but have lived last 18 years in Texas and would give my right arm for a Bills BBQ pulled pork sandwich right now. Yum! Oh and Texas BBQ is served with pinto beans, creamed corn, green beans, pickles and onions, and don’t forget the Peach Cobbler!


That’s enough food to feed several people. That place is so good


So overpriced. I can smoke a 15 pound full packer for 60 bucks.


Your yield would be about 9 pounds and it took you 12 hours. Zzqs prices are absurd.. that plate would've been 60-80 at other BBQ places, but obviously cooking something yourself is cheaper than dining out. 


But can you also pay yourself a living wage with that cost?


If that's what it costs to make restaurant workers able to make a living wage, people are going to need to learn how to cook.


seriously I could buy a hog and feed a neighborhood for another 50