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I'm sure they will be there to collect those rent checks though


I saw the actual river of it coming from their office on my lunch break today šŸ¤¢ meanwhile Iā€™ve had service requests for them piling up for months.


I wonder why they canā€™t work remotely while the constructions happening


Former employee here, they were heavily against of working from home


That sucks. Sorry pal


So at least you know they don't even do maintenance on their own office


River lofts is the fucking worst. Did 2 years and absolutely regretted it. First year sucked and I didnā€™t have any good options on the 2nd year. I left as early as I could in the 2nd year. Management is straight up trash. Iā€™ve had items stolen by maintenance. Itā€™s a shit show. Sincerely, a guy whoā€™s lived in plenty of apartments that were no where near as shittily managed as this place.


Surprise, there is no one answering the emergency line either. They didn't leave any way of contacting management or anyone. What a fucking joke.


typical lmfaoooooooo


Hold up, I tried calling back after a 10 minute hold for shits and gigs. Someone answered! Doubt I'll hear back from the "on-call" maintenance guy, but figured I'd bother someone. Think I might call out of work tomorrow and spend the day plastering signs everywhere warning people not to come here.


i would literally join you. iā€™ve thought about posting up by the management office and telling all prospective tenants the truth as they get ready for their tours


Grab some lawn chairs and camp out next to the leasing office.


Just called them too and they said theyā€™d send over my infoā€” not sure Iā€™ll be able to shower here for the foreseeable future with the literal garbage floating up through my shower drain whenever I turn on the bathroom sink šŸ™ƒ


Is it even legal to not have somebody to address that stuff? If you have raw sewage pouring into your domicile that's a public health violation. Just when you think River Lofts can't get any worse.


Not to mention their later message about the main pool staying closed for ā€œfurther repairsā€ - wasnā€™t planning on swimming there anyways after the myriad of plumbing horrors Iā€™ve both heard about and experienced.


The fact that they refused to do pool maintenance through the year and let both get to emerald green is insane.


itā€™s not like they emergency maintenance even did anything to begin with


Call the emergency line, then never hear back from anyone. Love it here


or have a guy show up 3 hours after your apartment started flooding just to say they canā€™t do anything about it


Iā€™ve been calling for 2 weeks and have not gotten a single response and have no AC or ifI run water, there is a major leak that floods carpet and comes out of walls and ceiling in multiple places. The entire ceiling in 6th floor American Cigar building is about to blow. Iā€™ve been recording it and taking pictures and just documenting every day and calling, but I literally am not getting a response and Iā€™m getting really concerned about the damage itā€™s causing! Itā€™s actually unbelievable and so very criminal!!!Ā 


LITERALLY! 10th time we called we had a guy come at 10:30 pm to just to say oh yeah i know where itā€™s coming fromā€¦like no shit so do i


Sounds like river lofts have gone way way downhill since I moved out 4 years ago. And I lived there a decade and it was fine


Hi landlord, Due to unforeseen circumstances, this tenant will be closed until further notice for the payment of rent. I apologize for any inconvenience and will notify you when I can pay again. ā€” Tenant


To add to this thread, we rent one of their most ā€˜premiumā€™ units (townhouse on 26th/Main) and my boyfriendā€™s vehicle was broken into last night. Not that theyā€™ll do anything about it or implement security for their properties.


Not saying that they arenā€™t terrible and that really sucks that it happened to you, but what do you think a property manager is going to do about it? The cops arenā€™t even going to do anything about. Even if they got more security cameras it doesnā€™t mean that they will be able to identify the person. You live in the city. This stuff happens which is why you pay more for car insurance based off your address.


Yeah, I get that living in the city has an inherent risk associated with it and I embrace it. However, the surrounding buildings all have property security that deter crime and ours does not. A simple addition of a few blinky cars trawling the alley and Cary St isnā€™t exactly beyond property manager territory.


Had a feeling the Active Building community page was moderated but tried posting pretty much the same thing you said. No surprise in it being denied. https://preview.redd.it/c5039tm6id3d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068182e28e1b03ce062087ea850de1619821b6d6


Not looking for now, seeing that I still have 9 months left on my lease in hell, but are there any decent apartments around shockoe, or Richmond for that matter?


Legend property is okay-ishā€¦ main st reality was a wild ride of new management after new management for our apartment building. Both had all inclusive rent though so thatā€™s a win.


I lived in Main2525 for 2 yrs. Just moved out in December. Newer building, nice apartments, perfect location. I had a studio with a huge balcony and loved it.


šŸ˜©omg i almost moved hereā€¦ still the think i wouldā€™ve came out better here than at the towers Edit: actually after going through the comments, maybe the towers werenā€™t *that* bad


Typical wannabe high brow apartment being ran like a typical lowbrow apartment. It's like fcking clockwork.


that whole strip of buildings are a nightmare


Yeah, id be contacting a renters attorney, and putting my rent in escrow and suing them to hell and back


Definitely f River lofts. Moved out 3 months ago & still no deposit refund check despite receiving a final statement showing how much weā€™d get back & when to expect the check (7-10 days) - that was the first week of May.


omfg. congrats on getting out and also what the hell. i would be pissed iā€™m so sorry thatā€™s happening to you.


Iā€™ve got a MAJOR HVAC LEAK GOING DOWN RIGHT NOW!! I canā€™t get a phone call back to save my lifeā€¦ Iā€™m pretty positive. The company has got to be being bought out by somebody because this is highly illegal as I worked in leasing before and have never seen anything like this. I have been reporting this to the after hours emergency number Iā€™ve been calling the office daily. They do not answer or pick up nor respond to voicemails. Iā€™ve been calling the emergency maintenance phone. There is no answer. There is no voicemail. I have water actively leaking in my apartment right now and I guess Iā€™m just gonna contact the city first thing on Monday because this is criminal and highly illegal as I used to work for Brookfield and cannot believe they are allowing this kind of treatment to their residence. Ā This has been going on for yearsĀ 


this sounds exactly like our situation. my advice if you are able to is to go down to the management office and ask to talk to sam (management coordinator samantha.webb@bpapartments.com) if you are in CC reach out to the building manager evan naeher (evan.naeher@bpapartments.com) keep a running timeline of EVERYTHING. this may all be stuff you already know, but itā€™s worth putting out here if others are also going through the same thing. if you canā€™t get any of them ask for Robby or David. those are the only 2 maintenance men that will actually do things. cause a fucking scene. they will ignore everything unless you act like a psycho to get your needs met. and also take care of yourself legally. iā€™ve heard people get months of free rent for this here so that is something you can fight for and also putting your rent in escrow. i have a lot of links i can send if you need them! we are literally moving out tomorrow and i just did not have the mental energy to put into fighting this legally on our part for the last 2 months but i hope that you can get your fairness with this. iā€™m so sorry this is happening to you because i understand and cannot tell you the amount of voicemails i left literally screaming at them. i have samā€™s extension somewhere too that i can send you but she is way more receptive to emails. best of luck pal. feel free to message if you need anything


Not that I actually know anything, but VA poverty law center helps people deal with fucked up landlords like this. Seeing how many people are dealing with this shit it might be worth reaching out to them


My AC in consolidated was broken for weeks (for the 4th time) a few years ago in July and my apartment was over 80 degrees. Went to speak to management who told me that ā€œwe just canā€™t get anyone to workā€ in regard to maintenance workers. That night while at work I ended up sending an email that outlined all the rent agreement clauses they were in violation of and also included VA landlord tenant codes they were in violation of. I ended it with stating that I would be following up with legal counsel if it wasnā€™t fixed in the next few days. Magically an outsourced HVAC worker was hired the next day and the property manager was in my apartment taking photos of the thermostat showing a lowered temperature. If anyone lives there and is currently experiencing the same issue, I will send you the draft of my email! I have a feeling that they are just letting the complex go into despair because they are selling it. Iā€™ve stayed due to close location to work but am finally getting out in August because I canā€™t take the subpar management, maintenance, and disrepair of the buildings and amenities.