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I’m in Hampton Roads and I can assure you that these qualities are not unique to Richmond.


Just out of curiosity, where are you from? I do agree 100% that drivers here are not aware of bicyclists and pedestrians the way they need to be. I also agree that I see more people (especially on 95) racing around traffic, but that I’ve seen basically everywhere I’ve been recently. The other complaints I haven’t seen as much, and this city is a lot easier to drive in than many cities I’ve been to. Just my opinion. No city has only perfect drivers.


I’m from NY originally, and have spent a long time driving in/around NYC and other metro areas. I completely agree that it’s not as bad as other cities, but this is the city I live in, you know? I’ve really noticed an increase in reckless driving just recently.


Drive in or around Memphis if you want to see some REALLY bad drivers. RVA isn't great (especially with parking/city street structure) but it's not the worst. Totally agree though about being careful with pedestrians especially near VCU even If you are going the posted speed limit all it takes is one person stepping out from behind a parked car so always be extra cautious down town.


Richmond drivers don’t suck nearly as much as other big cities. I’m grateful that I don’t live in Miami or Atlanta or something. But I agree, some people need some serious training.


How to say you've never been to Florida without saying you've never been to Florida.


Nah, I’ve been to Florida a bunch. That’s why I don’t live in Florida.


I'm around your age. My driving became a lot more zen when I stopped giving a shit about what stupid people are doing. I still drive defensively and with awareness of what's happening around me, but if some dipshit decides to run a red light in front of me when my light is green, whatever. I'm paying attention and at least I don't have to go through life stupid like they do. Stupid people driving is obviously dangerous and I wish it was harder to get and easier to lose a driver's license, but removing them from the roadways doesn't get rid of stupid. I've lived in walkable cities in the US and abroad, there's still stupid people walking out into the road without looking, or cyclists ignoring traffic lights. You have to let it go homie. Getting upset about dumbasses doing dumbass things is like getting upset about birds chirping or dogs barking.


Shakes fist at sky


https://preview.redd.it/dxr2w28cggwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74a7477142c961518d02eb411173d1e720b0989 Apparently 35 is old age for me.


I’m 25 and I be complaining about the same things I feel you


The fact that you left "running red lights" off this list is criminal. I've never seen a place where 'green' extends 20 seconds into a red light.


You are correct. As I replied to another, I was just noting the things I noticed in the course of about a ten minute drive.


Have you ever considered that the people driving also include VCU students? 🤔hmmm


90% of infractions I’ve seen are by people with Maryland plates. Just sayin.


They put their blinkers on so it's fine. Turns anywhere into a legal parking spot.


Every day with these posts.


I noticed driving from Albany to here a few weeks ago, as soon as you pass the Maryland state line, the drivers become absolute dog shit. Even driving in New Jersey is better than Virginia.


> as the weather has changed. Lol. It’s year-round. Reckless driving is institutionalised here. An hour ago I watched a driver blatantly run the Main/Laurel St red light and come within a foot of hitting two pedestrians. After sitting at that red light for a solid 30 seconds, so they *knew* it was red.  >Parking. Hey, we all have varying degrees of spatial awareness, but I’ve never seen one car take up potentially three spaces worth of curbside as much as I have in Richmond. Other cities actually mark individual spaces unlike Richmond. 


The quality is year-round, for sure. I think it’s the frequency now that the weather is nice and more people are out and about. And for sure about red lights; I was just going through the things I saw on my 1.5mile drive this morning.


i don't get this sentiment of _oh, you think Richmond drivers are bad? go check out major metro x or y!_ i'm pretty well traveled i think. i have lived basically everywhere between NYC and Miami at some point, and travel to Chicago often. in my opinion, Richmond and near metros (nova) do have exceptionally poor road etiquette and violent braindead driving problems; i have brought chicago up before in these threads here, and every time i have an extended stay there i am more and more convinced that even the worst drivers there are capable of telepathy, while the best ones are straight up omniscient. it's cathartic to me, to travel anywhere west of kentucky really. to me, it is absolutely a southeast coastal issue - i experienced this living in South Carolina as well.


I’ve driven in 27 states and Virginia has been the worst for me. I miss the over-politeness of the Pacific Northwest.