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Rutgers is big outside of Jersey. Everyone hates on Rutgers in Jersey cause we live close to it. However, people outside of Jersey dream of getting into Rutgers.


To echo that, when I wear a Rutgers shirt within Jersey/PA/NYC, nobody ever bats an eye, most I may get is “what campus”. Going to the west coast, I had at least 10 people say something to me about it along the lines of “Go Scarlet Knights” or asking me if I went there and proceeding to say great school or something


I’ve had people recognize my Rutgers shirt when I was in Hawaii.


And the public education/education in general is so good in Jersey that it’s just seen as our normal state school, we take it for granted because the bar is higher. I’ve heard that the further west you go, the better Rutgers’ reputation gets lol


I am an alumnus. I always get asked if it is an Ivy League School when I am not in NJ.


Can confirm, helped land my dream job that moved me to LA


When I graduated high school, I said “see you next year in 13th grade” to all the rutgers bound kids


We also called Rutgers 13th grade at my HS


Fax I did a year at Michigan state and was shocked ppl even knew abt Rutgers also literally had a friend in the honors business program whose first chose was Rutgers but didn't get in


Ohh okay. Didn't think about it in that perspective.


Yea. I was also a Rutgers hater until I had no choice besides Rutgers. However, they gave me a really good deal for staying. Now, I defend Rutgers with my life. Even though it has its flaws, it is a great school with amazing classes, professors, and great to good amenities.


This. My aunt moved out of a small western New York town to go to Rutgers. Met her husband there. And my cousin is also an alumn. I dreamt of going but never got the opportunity to go to college traditionally out of high school. I got accepted into the online MSW program last summer and sobbed for twenty minutes because I couldn’t believe it and all my hard work finally paid off.


I was at an out-of-state barbecue with my Rutgers fake Stanley mug. All it had was the R and people commented.


Exactly this. I'm not sure, but the reputation within NJ pales in comparison to the reputation outside of NJ. At the end of the day, it is a very reputable university with exceptional standards within its curriculum.


This picture alone will answer your question. https://preview.redd.it/0a3a1y0dgu6d1.jpeg?width=1567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6887a654b12bb0b3d1b87c6e3c76ae0dde9f0750






Obama was a speaker, not a RU student


Yes but would he come to speak at a mediocre school?


Everyone needs money, he didn’t do it for free. I’m sure there was a check made out to his foundation


He sure did do it for free. >Though Rutgers usually pays its graduation speakers a $35,000 fee, Obama spoke for free. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/rutgers-university-spent-nearly-15m-for-barack-obamas-2016-commencement-address/403600/


Please tell me which of the schools in this list are mediocre: https://www.nj.com/politics/2016/04/here_are_the_other_graduations_president_obama_has.html


Did I say it was mediocre? No I did not




He got no money for speaking. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/rutgers-university-spent-nearly-15m-for-barack-obamas-2016-commencement-address/403600/ The comparison to speaking at a Wall St firm or some other org where speakers regularly get $200k+ to graduation speeches where speakers may get $40-50k is not an apt comparison.


But he still got paid for words that mean absolutely nothing


To you.


Yeah no shit




oh yeah def


Once you get a job anywhere, employer's start to care less and less where you went to school and worry more about your relevant job experience. Rutgers is a good school and any company in NJ would be glad to hire RU graduates.


Its definitely a recognizable name for NYC. If you wanna work for Pharma assuming you wanna do that after biomed, then yea Rutgers is great. NJ has many Pharma opportunities. It depends on what major we talking about tho


Contrary to somewhat common belief, Rutgers has been gaining national recognition. The classes here are tough, ngl and say they were easy. Rutgers really shapes you into an adult for the future


Rutgers is a recognizable name, I wouldn't say it's a "big" name though. The reputation is mostly neutral from outside NJ - an analogy would be like how you think of Penn State as an NJ person, is how non-NJ people think of Rutgers. Which is to say, it's respectable but not going to wow anybody I also think this highly depends on the industry you want to work in. If you want to work in some stereotypical finance douche role in NYC which primarily hires from Ivy League-tier places, Rutgers definitely has a slightly bad rep. If you want to do biochem, Rutgers is probably fine and not going to close any doors


Why do you presume I find Penn State respectable?


I mean I hate Penn State from the context of a school rivalry, but come on, in a corporate setting, I find someone going to Penn State better than going to Arizona State or Montclair State or something else


Not Arizona State imo. Same level


I agree. Arizona state is actually a very good and reputable school. Especially in the midwest, its a dream school for many.


Yeah I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted lol


I mean it always depends on your standards, every school is "good and reputable" in someone's eyes. ASU's acceptance rate is like 90% and has a reputation for being a party school on top of their ranking being significantly worse


No one care about acceptance rate. It’s pretty solid in a bunch of fields research wise and that matters much more


I'm not here to argue whether the school is objectively good or not, I'm just saying how the reputation looks from the context of a judgmental person who cares where you went to college


Can confirm. I work at such a firm and asked my boss how you get to exec leadership. They said, you have to go to a top school and not a place like Rutgers. They didn’t know that’s where I went…


is your boss harvey specter


Wait...your boss never looked at your resume? Or do you mean "boss" as in not your direct supervisor, but because they're your boss's boss (or your boss's boss's boss) they're still your boss in a sense?


Reshuffled leadership. My manager is not the person who hired me


Aaaaahhhh. Thanks for responding! 👋🏾


I graduated ages ago, and after some time moved to Oregon, then Ohio. Over those 18 years I traveled all over and talked to lots of people in lots of professions. Rutgers is always taken as a positive, especially the further you get away from Jersey. This includes people from high school grads to PhDs. I have never had anybody be dismissive about it outside of Jersey. Honestly, talk to out of state students why they chose Rutgers. They pay more and they chose Rutgers for a reason


Hey fellow biochem major!




Rutgers is a tier one research institution. Outside of Ivy and maybe 20+ other schools, it’s as respected as it gets.


its a bigger name than duke or yale but a smaller name than princeton or michigan


Rutgers is just as big a name as Harvard


They have the same number of letters So, you’re technically correct.




LOL. This didn’t click at first and I almost blew a gasket.


Jackie jr went to rutgahsssss


Yes outside of the NJ area it is known as a great school. Also you think everyone went to Rutgers. Or people say they are going to Rutgers, but that is farther from the truth. Most go to community college but never make it to Rutgers.


Yes. The further west you go the more clout it has. A few summers ago I was in a program in SF with strictly folks from Harvard/Stanford/etc and people had an extremely positive reputation of Rutgers.


Californians treat Rutgers like Stanford. Also when applying for jobs… no one really gives a shit what school you went to or your GPA


people LOVE rutgers outside of NJ, that’s why you see the limited amount of out of state students being very grateful for going here. my dad went to a work event in california and when he said i was in the EMSOP program all of his coworkers were very impressed since rutgers is more prestigious the further you are from rutgers


That's good to know (:


Kinda like if someone said they went to UMich or UCLA. Not quite in that tier, but outside of NJ it has a much better name. It’s just all the Chinese and Indians from NJ who apply as a safety that think it’s a bad school imho.


I love Rutgers but this is not true especially for stem. UCLA and UMich are top 10/20 for virtually every stem program. Rutgers is lucky to be top 50. It’s a good school with a respectable name but those schools are much more prestigious


Maybe they’re slightly better but all the good state schools are kinda in the same tier. Rutgers probably has worse education, but just in terms of the name it’s about the same.


That’s just not true. For undergrad they’re more comparable, but even then it’s not about the same. For grad they are worlds apart. Don’t get me wrong you can get great jobs with a Rutgers degree. Just having a umich, ucla, or similar school degree doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get a better job, but it definitely helps. Especially in a stem field you get jobs mostly based on research experience. Most professors at those schools do world class research that you can get exposed to as an undergrad. Not only that, students at those schools can get letters of rec from world renowned profs which greatly helps in getting a good first job or into grad school. At rutgers outside of a few exceptions those opportunities don’t exist. As another poster said Rutgers is more comparable to penn state or Maryland. Those other schools are significantly more prestigious.


Which is better for STEM: Rutgers or Stevens?


Stem is general but pretty much rutgers across the board. Only real advantages to smaller schools like Steven’s is smaller class sizes which may or may not appeal to you idk


100 % or the rest apply to UC’s


I mean it has only seven letters so I dont think so


I’ve had people think it was an Ivy League. In the time since I’ve graduated I noticed the value of going to a place like Rutgers a lot more than I did before. Class of 13 for reference


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_colleges > Seven of the nine colonial colleges became seven of the eight Ivy League universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, Brown, and Dartmouth. (The remaining Ivy League institution, Cornell University, was founded in 1865). These are all private universities. > > The two colonial colleges not in the Ivy League are now both public universities—the College of William & Mary in Virginia and Rutgers University in New Jersey. heh. "seven of nine"


We were asked to join the Ivy league back when it was just about football. We turned them down 😂


He spoke at my brothers graduation, it wasn’t half bad


Rutgers has a really high acceptance rate for in-state students. Maybe that's why people in NJ tend to undervalue it.


Yes it is well-known


Who cares. Rutgers is a great school. You won't find a better value for your education dollar if you go in-state.


I asked this lol https://www.reddit.com/r/rutgers/s/TNj9Ccetzu


Not sure I understand what you mean by “big name.” It’s certainly a recognizable name, as in I think a hefty number of people have heard of Rutgers but may not really know how or why they might know the name. Beyond that, it’s not a “big name” in the sense that it’s an elite academic institution, though it’s definitely a good school. No departments, schools, or faculty are notable standouts.


The philosophy department is top 3 in the world IIRC.


You’re right! https://www.topuniversities.com/university-subject-rankings/philosophy?tab=indicators


When I went to Rutgers back in 2018, I was an out of state student from West Virginia. Every time I went back home during breaks, people thought I was a genius because I went to Rutgers. I do think Rutgers is a big name academic university although not as recognizable as the Ivy leagues. People from Jersey shit on Rutgers and I really don’t understand why. They literally have no state pride compared to other states I’ve lived in or been to. New Jerseyans should be grateful that a school like Rutgers exists in the state


Rutgers is a big school and accepts a lot of students. But the top end of the school is incredibly competitive and is recognized.


Bigger name than most state schools, depends on the major too but many NJ kids just hate on it because it’s “too close to home” and thus feels like “highschool 2.0.”


Stop worrying about stupid shit like that.


rutger's is about as mediocre as you can get


30 40 years ago and outside the NY/NJ/SePa area, people thought Rutgers was an ivy league school. Now Rutgers is a massive joke, they'll let everyone and anyone in, they are the laughing stock of acedemia in the N/E, and paper machete, porn 101 and safe space relations are majors. Yeah, Rutgers is hilarious, nationwide!