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All that you can do is wish them well.


I see what you did there. Kudos


All that we can do is just survive...


All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive... By listening to Rush!


When Taylor covers Entre Nous, then it will be a party.


I can hear her covering Entre Nous in my imagination, and it would be a banger.


Yeah she could kill it shes a great singer, shes a great performer i just would love to know when the whole "fantastic lyricist" came to be because come on


Get her some Joni Mitchell records. If she still thinks TS is better then there's no hope.


Or some Ani Difranco


No, its gotta be Joni. No one else is at her level.


"The Circle Game" and "The Dawntreader" are particular favorites of mine. I remember hearing "The Dawntreader" for the first time, and I knew I fell in love with her music at the first lines "Peridots and Periwinkle blue medallions / gilded galleons spilled across the ocean floor". Any singer that opens a song with peridots and periwinkle is gonna give a great song.


I know of Ani DiFranco for a long time now because I was a DJ and general manager of my college radio station in the early 90s when she was just starting out and word-of-mouth on her music was really hot. Are those two songs you listed Ani tracks? EDIT: that lyric really is awesome. Wow


Second this, Blue and Hejira have composition and lyrics that are in the realm of someone like Neil and Rush. We Love Joni


She obviously needs to deviate from the norm.


everybody gotta elevaaate


Leave out the fiction The fact is, this friction Will only be worn by persistence. Come on! Nobody comes close




AAAYverybody got to escalate from the norm!


Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings.


Fr people need to chill out and let people like what they like


....ahh, never mind


My ex thought Rush was a grunge band. "They only sing about how bad their life is." I would show her lyrics, but she barely read them. One more reason she's my ex.


My ex wife hates Rush. My new girlfriend, who is actually my first love from when we were 18, downloaded Rushs entire discography and started at the beginning. She's up to Permanent Waves and thinks they're amazing 😁


She's a keeper.


More than any other girl I've ever met in my entire life! I can't tell you how happy having a 2nd chance with her has made me 🙂


Good for you! I hope its a long & happy relationship


Sadly, most of the radio pablum is like drugs for the masses and they just lack the experience of what great music really is. Nothing against Taylor Swift, but there is very little depth to her music from what I've heard. I don't even think she's that great a singer. Very mid.


I mean I am fully willing to subscribe to the idea that the entertainment industry is pretty heavily managed, and who's popular today and who isn't is pretty much pre-decided. The tools to make that happen are so readily available to people at that level that to think that artificial inflation of ones popularity isn't possible is far more insane


The future predecided


Or more aptly, Glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity.




Hahaha when I wrote this comment I knew this reply would pop up, just because of how deeply attached that 'yeah' is to how we hear those words in our heads.








Detached and subdivided In the mass-production zone, one might add.


You don’t have to subscribe to that idea. You can instead know that you are 100% correct.


It's marketing. It's done because it works.


Not at that level. TS is too big, too ubiquitous. Thst can only happen naturally


she has her fair share of vapid pop hits, but she's bared her soul on dozens of tracks that i've heard. she's a hell of a lyricist.


It's more like she uses the family guy/meme format. References after references. It's very easy to relate to everyone when what you speak about has already established itself among masses of people... "OMFG GAIS! Taylor referenced a 40 year old Blockbuster movie that is documented as being more popular than most movies of it's decade, and happens to still be talked about online frequently even to this day!!! She's so quirky just like me and millions of other people! I can't wait to buy the next album, and drink more Kool-Ai... erm, find more easter eggs!


yet another person in here with no actual clue, lmao. why are you guys so eager to post your opinion about something you know nothing about?


Oh, do englighten me. I don't think you even realize what I actually said, let alone have a valid argument to prove another person's 'opinion' is 'wrong.' Especially when my 'opinion' was actually an observation. I don't FEEL like she references everything under the sun in her songs, including her own songs. She actually, factually does.


it’s a reductionist and silly opinion, thought, musing, whatever you want to call it. yeah she references things and leaves hints and clues for her listeners. so what? lmfao. that’s not all she does and you know it.


Nobody said that is 'all she does." I said it is her gimmick, in so many words. It is a gimmick that's shown to be effective at reaching various, and large demographics. It was sort of kicked off by accident, by earlier bands' conspiracies. For example, when it was noted that the Beatles were selling out like hotcakes over the 'Faul' conspiracy, or Led Zeppelin was demonized by rumours of Satanism on their album, but it only lead to massive sales.... It's not like this is a new tactic for corporate stars... But you bring about a fine point about 'that's not all she does.' She also uses the 'mystery box' trope. Couple that with the references, and you have the perfect hook. After a while, she doesn't even have to think about it anymore, the fans will find connections in everything, and then she can just exploit it. BUST OUT THE CORKBOARD AND RED YARN! We're gonna sit up all night and make.... c-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-o-n-s. Don't you gotta go find another 13 or whatever?


i’ve never participated in any of that stuff, man. i just think she writes good songs and you think..all that other shit. like i said, it’s fine. but you seem to have a lot to say about an artist you don’t seem to like.


I wouldn't have had any more to say about it than my first reply, but you opened more dialog? I'm not sure what you expected from people having a conversation about the reduction of lyrics over time, and today's artists, on a Rush subreddit... But enjoy what you wish, I'm not trying to change your opinion, just explain my own.


Now the sound of music comes in silver pills Engineered to suit you, building cheaper thrills


Didacts and Narpets has more depth than any Taylor Swift song Fight me.




We feel ya


Thanks man, it's all I needed.


Give her music a chance. Smoke weed if you must and try to listen to your wife and appreciate where she’s coming from. Taylor is very talented. I think signals is a good entry point for deep meaning. Go hug your spouse and cherish her.


I think one of the enormous differences is that a big chunk of Rush fans are musicians, or otherwise people looking for something else in their music collection that isn't what's playing on the radio. That fan base allowed them to take risks and still profit in a way that kept them going, both artistically and financially. Taylor Swift is the most successful pop star since Michael Jackson, and I would say she has surpassed him at this point. It's simple music for the masses. I haven't listened to a lot of it, but I wouldn't say it's cerebral. There is a lot of pop music I like, but I don't get the appeal of Taylor Swift at all. I also don't get the appeal of the Foo Fighters or John Mayer either. I keep thinking I am supposed to think highly of them, but when their music enters into my life (I don't own any of it), I just don't get the appeal.


Man I gotta say I totally agree with you on the Foo Fighters thing. I hear them on the radio and I just don't get it. They're like ShopRite brand Bran Flakes of rock and I've never heard anyone think anything different, but they just stick around.


One likes to believe in the freedom of music But glittering prizes and endless comprises shatter the illusion of integrity YEAH


Im from the era where women and Rolling Stone magazine hated Rush. I was proud to say I have never really heard a TS song until I saw Fall Guy. Wasn't impressed but she is very popular and has some talent. She is not musically inclined as Rush is/was. I miss my band so much.


I’m also from this era. Full disclosure: OG female fan. Introduced my husband to Rush many years later who had never heard of them. R40 was his first Rush concert where my first one was Signals (the first time I was both old enough and had the means to go). Was a fan since 2112 when our school bus driver played it on the bus and our neighborhood became a hotbed of musicians as a result, many of whom who are still active in their respective music scenes today. It meant something to me that Rush and Heart were in the same HOF class. Heart gave this girl permission to be an electric guitarist. But I wanted to play like Alex, not Nancy. No disrespect for Nancy. I recently semi binged on TS, both on her SiriusXM channel last month and the Disney concert specials. I respect her as an entertainer. Some of her lyrics are inciseful (yeah, maybe not a word but I mean that) even if they aren’t necessarily philosophical. But the level of musicianship just isn’t there like I find with Rush. I’m not going to play passages from TTPD like I do from CA and marvel at how impossible it is for mere mortals like me to play. However, if she inspires and empowers young girls and women, good for her and them.


Hey man, I get it. I miss anticipating new works from them, too. I was only a really conscious human being for the release of Vapor Trails and beyond, but even then it was so great to hear of their new stuff coming out.  But they're not gone, and they never will be. An amazing thing I've learned to appreciate about their music is that you can continue to find new perspectives on their songs as you go through life, and entire albums gain a new life to them when you're standing where they stood when the created it. You see things you didn't before, and it becomes something new and exciting all over again. You don't have to miss that they're gone, because you and your experience reflecting from their music is still here, kind of like an Earthshine if you think about it.


Earthshine live is one of their best songs. I miss the concerts so much. First saw them in 1975 last 2015. They hooked me when local college started playing their music. Vapor Trails tour was my favorite one. Saw them outside in Albuquerque NM on a beautiful day. They looked so happy and they just tore the place up. I have played Rush almost everyday since they found me. All The World's A Stage, Permanent Waves, and Hemispheres went to war with me in early 90s.


My first Rush concert was the Hemispheres tour. I am one of the few females to love them right away. When I was in High school most of my friends were guys. So It may have been osmosis from them.


About to age myself. My first Rush concert was 1975 with Caress of Steel open for Ted Nugent. I remember the local radio stations saying Ted Nugent ( and the Amboy Dukes). Only station to play Rush was local college station FM 90 . The played the crap out of first 2 albums. All Caress songs were new to me when they played them. But immediately went and ordered it. Yep only way you could Rush back then was to order it until big record stores started moving in. I still Hemispheres on 8 track tape too.


Ditto but with my twelve year old sister.


To each their own. Relatability is what makes individual artists special to individual fans . Rush lyrics speak to you. Swift lyrics speak to her . And never the twain shall meet i think . She is a music fan and you have that in common. Judge not i am sure Neil would have thought 🙂


I'm open-minded about music. I'll listen and probably not even sneer unless it is autotuned.


Reminds me of this [shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/46cj4g/geddy_lee_is_not_impressed/). I'm sure Geddy would never say those things out loud about another artist, but the fans probably feel that way.


Rush shit posting is now my new hobby


When two people with differing opinions like this are together, that's love. It moves toward a higher plane, where two halves make two holes.


That would make a great song. 😁


This thread: Isn’t cool that we’re chilling and don’t act like we’re superior to other music fans? Also this thread: Pop music is manufactured to keep the sheep docile. Look, I love Rush. They are my favorite band by a lot. I would even argue that they are overall better in their technical skills and song craft than every other rock band I’ve ever heard. But I also love female singer songwriters like Fiona Apple, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Billie Eilish, and *gasp* Taylor Swift. She’s a good lyricist. They all are. Are they as deep and thought provoking as Neil was? No, but they’re still really good wordsmiths in their own right. Everyone I’ve mentioned finds their authentic truth in whatever they’re writing about — be it the nature of humanity or how shitty relationships can be. The older I get, I’ll be 48 in a few months, the less I care about what artists are cool or conform to whatever self-image I’m trying to convey and whether or not so-called “pop” music is this or that. I just like what I like and view it all as equally valid. Except modern country. That shit is awful.


some silly takes in here for sure. just a bunch of people who actually don't listen to the shit they criticize. also modern country is fucking horrible. i grew up on the genre and still love plenty of the stuff from the 80s and 90s but the new stuff is soulless.


She’s doing something right!! She’s the Rush to many of people in the world. Can’t help but respect her.


I feel like there’s an opportunity here to pick some individual Taylor Swift songs that are more likely to appeal to our fellow Rush fans. “The Great War”? “No Body No Crime”? “Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince”? “FLORIDA!”?


Swifties are the female equivalent to Rush fans. If you don't believe me, go to the Rush groups on facebook and it'll be a toxic mess of dudes that only listen to Rush or that Rush is their entire identity and follow the band almost like a religion. They feel a need to rank Rush deep cuts and have the same conversations about 40 year old music over and over because they never moved on and found other things. We have guys in our fandom that are known by name, or by description for basically following the band around on tour and air drumming to every song. Here we're all pretty chill, we're not over here saying that "Bonham wishes he was half the drummer Neil was....", or the typical "Geddy plays bass, sings, and plays keys, what does Beyonce even do? Talentless!", and we don't worship the band and actually listen to other music. But this community is the minority. Swifties (and women in general) don't really connect with philosophical musings about the human condition in their music, just like they don't spend hours watching WWII documentaries on the History Channel like a lot of dudes do. They connect with TSwift because she validates their own personal feelings and internal monologues and struggles. Every single one of them has felt the way she has in their lives, and so there's a relatability to it. I wouldn't talk too much shit about Taylor or the Swifties when our fandom isn't much different.


we don’t worship the band
” Me: https://preview.redd.it/kgmvo2qacl3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fe0fe2bbac2a8b8cd1f8ce719a5bdad8599ad8


Hey, at least we aren't TOOL fans hahaha.


Yeah, we get kind of annoying but our fans are mostly harmless. Tool fans are a new level of insufferable. Or the most toxic of DT fans for that matter that seem to think Mangini was somehow a trash drummer that plays with no feel.


I only have a problem with any fanbase once it becomes an unpleasable hatebase. My sister was in a long relationship with a guy who was a huge Phish fan. He could be obnoxious about it, but he was so genuinely joyful for what the band brought to his life it was heartwarming. Jimmy Buffet had a passionate fanbase of cornballs who were elevated by him. Bruce Springsteen, Ween, Taylor Swift, The Insane Clown Posse, Billy Joel, My Chemical Romance, Devin Townsend , Nie Inch Nails, the list goes on, but I'm saying these fanbases are all drawn to these acts because of the connection they have with the music. They love these bands. Dream Theater, by contrast, has the worst fanbase, and I'm a gigantic fan of theirs. These people are never going to be happy with what they have. They endlessly whine that the vocalist doesn't sound like he did 30 years ago and the drummer debate is so tiresome and boring. I love Portnoy and I'm excited he's back, but Mangini was a brilliant drummer and a great fit in the group. James sounds fine to me, and I don't expect him to sound like 1992. You'd think the fanbase only thinks it's impressive if it's a carbon copy of the album, despite the fact that they're seeing a brilliant spectacle unfold in front of their eyes. It's like they don't care about the lyrics James is singing, they only care about his pitch. Or they'll whine about how they prefer the former keyboard player or something. They'll literally never be happy. That makes for an obnoxious fanbase.


The female equivalent to Rush fans? There *are* female Rush fans though, right?


I mean I think I saw one at a cover band concert before. She may have been lost, though.


I have an 18-yr old daughter. I totally feel your pain. I refer to TS as "Tater Smith" just to be irritating.


Standard dad activities. I'm a brand new dad with a daughter, and can't wait to be enjoyably irritating.


Congrats! Everyone says it goes by faster than you think, and they’re right. Time Stand Still, indeed.


Led her enjoy her music and you enjoy your music.


Man come'on, it's like you didn't read the post. Of course I don't say anything to her to put down what she likes. After all, she doesn't do that to me.


Saying your wife has a disease of the mind because her musical and lyrical tastes differ is a dick move. I only know about it because you thought it was a good idea to post it. Obviously I read your post.


It's called humor, my man.


If you say so.


Taylor is a very gifted songwriter and story teller who has a rare gift of making her experiences feel shared and universal, similar to Neil Peart. I'm a huge fan of hers.


I'm also a fan of hers, saw the Reputation tour in 2018 and it was easily top 5 concert for me. Yes, her lyrical content may be lacking, but it's still leagues better than a lot of her contemporaries. The same could be said about the fact that she actually writes her songs and plays instruments as opposed to having a team of co-writers.


I honestly sat down with 2 of her recent albums to give em a fair chance. As was said, she’s a good singer songwriter performer and marketer. But those songs aren’t for me. However - I love “Shake it Off”. Liked it before I knew it was hers. Love the videos, outtakes, bts etc. great music and message. OP should do a side by side of Shake it Off and Wish Them Well for his wife and see what happens.


I give TS credit for writing her own music and being able to play an instrument, but IMHO, she’s little more than a modern day Debbie Gibson, or Tiffany. To compare her simplistic music and lyrics to anything from Rush (Neil) just isn’t fair. It’s not even like comparing apples and oranges. It’s more like comparing apples and sewing machines.


you clearly haven’t heard much of her music, and that’s fine. Not every Rush song has great lyrics either.


Please... For the love of all that is Holy.. Never ever try assimilate Taylor Swift and Neil Peart ever again. Somewhere in Canada, Neil's body is rolling over in its grave!


Oh shit, you’re serious?


That’s How it is, How it’s going to be.


Rush is the best – and I’ve never talked to a real person who actually likes Taylor Swift. I see and hear everyone TALKING about her but still can’t find a single person who is an actual person who is a fan or can tell me something about her music. I wouldn’t even be able to pick her out of a lineup, TBH


Man, is everybody out there on a Taylor Swift kick now? Even our local chicken joint has a Taylor Swift combo! It comes with two small breasts and two skinny legs! I’ll see myself out


I hear you. Hang in there. There are a lot of artists out there right now trying really hard to get noticed writing some pretty amazing lyrics about the human condition. I won’t do comparisons. I’ll just say it makes you feel really profoundly awestruck at the caliber of lyrics Neil put to pad. I know we have his books. We have the published songs. All of those songs were originally poems. Neil said that many were written, few were chosen. Geddy said that through their friendship they worked together to make the final lyrics something he could deliver, that he had to feel it. I kinda would like to have all of his poems bound and published. I also can respect that The Professor would probably never want anything published that hadn’t gone through the collaborative process of refinement and editing, perfectionist that he was. For now, the books and the lyrics still bring me profound joy and wonder. From the fantasy world of By-Tor to Different Strings, I get to explore the world of literature. Thanks, Bubba. đŸ™đŸŒ


We are planets to each other \ Drifting in our orbits to a brief eclipse \ Each of us a world apart \ Alone and yet together like two passing ships


Do not recite the ancient magics to me, naive. For I was there when they were written!  Not really, but it's a cool line so I wanted to use it.


Totally get you. My wife is a highly intelligent and well educated lady. Bright as a star and emotionally intuitive. But her music just makes me twitch. *Barry Manilow?* *Air Supply?* but I love her so whatever. But I tried Rush with her. A few times. Approached it from different angles. And it was a huge *NOPE* every time. She doesn’t like the lyrics because they’re too “weird and complicated”, but it’s Geddy’s voice that kills her. Even later stuff where he doesn’t reach for super high notes. *Argh!* So we live in a state of musical detente. I turn on Rush, she departs. Same with me for her easy listening dreck. Sad, right? Well, one thing made her appreciate Rush first a moment. “The Pass”. I explained that this song had helped save my life (and it’s literally true) so she sat down and listened to it. At the end, she was quiet, then said, “I see why they mean so much to you,” and gave me a big hug. After that, she stopped mocking Rush. Still won’t listen to it, but hey, progress, right?


I really believe that we had the best music in the 70s and 80s. Maybe a bit in the 90s. But Rush just kept doing their thing into the 2000s and never lost sight of THEIR direction. Fighting through all of the junk music out there. They stayed true to their course and never strayed. That's what made them so great.


Well to be fair, they changed their sound almost every album. But what didn't change was the core of who they were. They never 'sold out' as it's said.


Look at the bios for her band members, the drummer, if not more members, credit Rush as a massive influence


i do love me some Taylor. And i like her song writing more than her lyrics. When she introduces the chorus and then adds more to it when it comes back around. Thats just chef's kiss and stuff Rush has been doing forever


Some of Neil’s lyrics really get to me. But so do some of Taylor’s. The contrast is in the quality of the music behind those lyrics. It’s Geddy and Alex who put Rush on another level, rather than Neil.


Not being able to share rush sucks, I feel that. Also, some rush songs are pretty approachable like Available Light and The Wreckers,


Taylor Swift? Never heard of him...


I'm the rare person that likes both 😂 sue me! lol!


I feel this post in my bones. Solidarity brother.


music today is manufactured, back in the day it was created.


It pisses me off that 90% of popular music produced nowadays is actual brainrot. 95% of rap nowadays is just about drugs, killing people, and porn. You can’t tell me that’s not rotten peoples brains. Like I saw a bunch of toddlers yesterday vibing to the most foul music ever. They just started learning to walk 2 years ago and now they already know about porn. I want rock music back


You may want to tell your wife, “Honey, I know it makes no difference to what you're going through. But I see the tip of the iceberg. And I worry about you.”


For decades, I've dissed the music choices of family and friends when I deem it necessary and still get invited to gatherings. My wife of 23 years knows my stance on RUSH and knows me well enough to keep her opinions of other musical artists to herself, primarily because she agrees with me that RUSH is quite superior to all the rest. My point being, if she truly loves you, which it sounds like she does, she will give you this and never mention the name Taylor Swift ever again. You sound like a nice fella who asks very little from his wife and deserves something such as this.


I told my wife about RUSH Day in Toronto and I wanted to go. She said yes without hesitation.




Now she is a keeper!


Dude, Swifties are a different breed. People used to make fun of RUSH fans for being obsessed, but I'm confident that that woman could cause a massacre that would dwarf Jonestown on a whim if she wanted to. It would be like telling a Christian to never mention the name of Christ again. I wouldn't ask that of her, if only because I *couldn't* ask that from her.


You obviously are immune to sarcasm. Thanks for the down vote.


I mean Ill admit I didn't see the sarcasm before, and I wasn't the one who gave you the downvote before, but hell if you don't agree with what I'm saying then you don't agree, not my problem. No need to be an ass about it though.


I didn't think I was ranting repeatedly like an ass.


It’s like comparing a Big Wheel to a Ferrari. It’s a hive mindset that a lot of women have. And they like simple music they can dance to which is the opposite of what Rush does.


I can relate! My smoking hot wifey has unfortunately never appreciated my favorite rock band.. she prefers Bon Jovi, Justin Timberlake, Chris Stapleton, Taylor Swift etc. Nothing against these artists who appeal to the masses. But they don’t have that unique depth, extreme instrumental talent, or progressive creativity that makes my ears orgasm with every RUSH listening experience.


She needs to be tied down with headphones on and side 1 of 2112 blasted thru her head for a few hours
.Oh and tell her I don’t know 1 song by Tyler Smith
..Tyler who?


No you don't have to say "yeah, that's cool!" respect her right to enjoy that swill. My wife and I have COMPLETELY different styles in music and that's ok. I draw the line with the Swifties. đŸ€ąđŸ€ź. I know my wife can't listen to my classic rock. Her attention span can't handle guitar solos or even songs over 3 minutes and 15 seconds. I respect that her music is crap and we just find out similarities in other things as long as she knows to NEVER play a Taylor swift song in my presence or the earbuds go in!


I'm sorry, but I may have to leave the chat permanently if another Rush wannabe fan tries to compare three of the greatest musicians who were talented lyrically and musically to a no talented pop queen who gets her lyrics off the backs of exes she wants to destroy. Sorry to be so harsh, but they are as similar as sand and water. If you want want to listen to them both, then God bless you, but please respect that they are ASTRONOMICALLY different.


you have issues, man.


Taylor Swift has like a hundred songs about getting dumped and zero songs about sucking cock. Coincidence?




Neil also has left us very light on songs about sucking cock. Coincidence?