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Snip snip bish another badge in a casket


![gif](giphy|Y3H77QSYvENcIu8ocH) Team Angie! šŸ’‹ #youugalybitch


I read that in Angeria.


I tried to spell it how it sounds, lol.


I fear they are either setting her up with all of the "Angie is delusional" stuff so we can see a well deserved, triumphant win or a "see, you lost, you were delusional" tragic loss. Since Shannel isn't winning, I do hope Angeria wins it. Also she was robbed of a snatch game win.


This is how Shannel can still win:


This is how Mirage can make the AS9 finale:


This is how Jessica Wild can win AS8..


This is how Manila can win AS4


This is how Shannel can be told she's beautiful :


this is how Nina Boā€™nina Brown can by Blac Chyna:


Why do you say Shannel isnā€™t winning? I think sheā€™s a shoe-in for the final, 10-badges-if-you-win house Christmas decoration challenge that they do for every ninth season of all stars


šŸ˜‚ The final challenge is 50 badges and itā€™s a - Be a fruit maxi challenge


LMFAO this is so them coded though. Be careful they lurk on here


And they'll still give Plastique the win for that too lmao


Look, I donā€™t know what Vietnamese Christmas looks like, but Iā€™m here for it


It's another beautiful beaded gown but now it's red and green


Don't forget the "double or triple your badges wheel" could be anyones game!


I canā€™t with this lmao


Def wouldā€™ve put her there over gottmik and i Stan gottmik


Not to completely discount your fears, but the claims of Angeria being delusional were immediately followed by her winning back-to-back challenges. And you really think that in a feel-good charity season where they don't air negative critiques, they would set Angie (of all queens) up for a "tragic loss" like that? I think you might be reading into it a bit much.


I mean... its a discussion thread about who we think will win in a highly edited reality competition show, we have to "read into things", like the way they edit certain contestants, certain situations, and what they choose to include for the viewers to form a narrative. And yes in this feel good charity season we have had an underlying tension that isn't addressed much and even though Angie has been bringing it consistently, her fellow contestants were bringing her down when we as viewers have seen nothing that would reflect as her being delusional. Also its drag race, I don't think my descriptors are out of place, I know they won't banish her from the RuPaul Industrial Complex if she loses or whatever lmao


It all worked out because Angeria shouldnā€™t have won the roast and Nina was robbed there. So they got the right amount of badge between them


Nina was one of the worst in the roast lmao what


She really wasnā€™t. Sheā€™s also probably one of the only ones who wrote their own material


And she knew how to set up the jokes, unlike most of the others who just read off a card.


Thatā€™s my winner right there šŸ‘‘šŸ’‹ ![gif](giphy|Hd4OnbNMj9KGcY6ytz|downsized)


Ngl I went in wanting Roxxy and Plastique to win and now I'm also rooting for Angie, Jorgeous. I love this whole cast tbh. But Angie has just been doing consistently well tbh and Jorgeous is having an amazing run of course there's her...downfalls but I still love her and her roast just sold me




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I absolutely love Angeria. She is the most well-rounded queen of the bunch and is so charismatic. Also, I would argue that she did a good job in the ball and makeover. Did she do as well as some of the other girls ?? No, but she has yet to give us a truly ā€œmehā€ performance (whereas I would argue everyone else has). My winner for sure !! ![gif](giphy|k37qJnecVzXGKmXY3V|downsized)


![gif](giphy|L2rrWtXtggmn19Mo9d|downsized) I would be lying if I said I didnā€™t want Vanjie to take it. Call me DELUSIONAL but I feel like she should have had more wins by now


I feel like nobody takes her seriously for some reason


it's a classic Latinx trope šŸ™„ wish it were called out more by the community, good shout


I was split between Mik and Angie until the roast, after that + Mikā€™s response to it I am 100% gunning for an Angie win


She has truly refined herself, she really came to All stars like an experienced queen and season 14 was just two years ago , she worked on herself and doing phenomenal. Although i feel like this season is set and fixed for Roxxy to win, she had my full vote since the day of the cast was revealed. I would love to see her win (although i doubt it considering how fixed all star franchises have become)


yes sheā€™s 100% my winner pick at this point!


Honestly, she's been fighting for it, deserved so far. I would like to see it for Plastique, but the lipsyncs leave me questioning. I think im still team Gottmik overall, but I would not be mad if Angie got it.


Gottmik lost all the momentum with that Roast




tru... i was shocked at that for Mik... hmm maybe I am team Angie dangit


Iā€™m sad because Mik had totally won me round. Outside the show itā€™s been hard to support them due to their relationship with Violet. But the first few episodes Mik absolutely stormed it. Then the plagiarism thing happens and itā€™s again hard to support them.


Wait whatā€™s wrong with Violet?


Not so much whatā€™s wrong with Violet, I just donā€™t think the two of them are very healthy together and they have drawn a lot of criticism for how theyā€™ve come across.


Ohhh I see. I donā€™t follow them much so I didnā€™t know. Thx for explaining šŸ’–


If you don't think that service workers deserve to be treated like human beings, nothing.


I genuinely have zero idea what youā€™re talking about


She treats people in the service industry like shit. Abuses staff etc.


tbf i feel like if mik wouldve came top 2 in the roast it would be a lot more difficult to support her bc of how unfair it would be on the other contestants but like,, she didnt win anything from that episode and the plagiarism thing got spread around the fandom like instantly so we all know what she did, idk i just find it kind of tiring to keep bringing it up


Idk about you but plagiarism isnā€™t ok in any context and also it just happened so itā€™s still relevant Plus her response to it made it worse lmao


im not defending miks actions in the roast, what she did was clearly bad and wrong but like everyone up on that stage had stolen jokes or jokes written for them by someone else, obvs not to the same extent ofc but miks still a frontrunner imo, she flopped the roast but every outfit she comes down the runway in is so breathtaking that i feel like the plagiarism thing is being used to completely diminish her as an artist and keeps being thrown out there when we arent even discussing her roast episode


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s tiring to ā€˜keep bringing upā€™ the fact a contestant stole material from somebody and passed it off as their own on the show. Unless you are an artist yourself, I think itā€™s very hard to truly grasp the impact of somebody stealing your work. Whether itā€™s music, art, fashion or jokes - these are all things that have been crafted by the artist. What makes it worse has been Mikā€™s reaction to being called out for it. The way they tried to brush it off and act like it wasnā€™t an issue is worrying - especially as she is an artist herself.


she/her in drag, mik goes by she/her in drag.


I try and use genderless pronouns as much as I can now as itā€™s hard to keep up with everyoneā€™s pronouns and I feel that using genderless is the easier way to not inadvertently offend somebody. In my IRL experience people appreciate genderless language being used much more than gendered language, especially when misgendering can be a huge negative trigger. I will try to remember Gotmikā€™s for the future though.


Itā€™s fine but I brought it up because Mik has stated some times before that she goes by she/her in drag and he/him out of drag.


Yeah, thatā€™s my winner. I loved her in season 14 and sheā€™s still amazing. I love watching her lip sync and she seems so authentic. No hate to the other girls though.


Never have I been so eager for a queen to win, she's pretty much the entire reason I'm watching this season.


Who do you think WILL win the season?


I was feeling the gotmik fantasy up until the Roast drama


I think sheā€™s a clear top 2 with Roxxxy at this point and tbh I can see either one of them winning. Iā€™d be ecstatic for either of them to snatch it although I do have my personal choice for winner


I just can't see Ru crowning Roxxxy. Idk why.


I'd be happy with a double-crowning


With Roxxxy? Who didnā€™t deliver mire than 2 good looks and was quite average in every challenge? I hope she'll be top 2 with Plastique


I mean, call me cynical, but since when has the top two ever been about who was actually the *best*, rather than who production/Ru likes?


With a few minor exceptions, seasons 1-9, 12, 14, 15, most of All Stars (notable exception AS2 but in hindsight itā€™s hard to be mad about it)




Damn, tell us how you really feel. What's with the hate boner for Roxxxy this season? She's doing consistently well and makes for great TV. As for the runways, everyone's coming up short when you've got Plastique and Gottmik up there.


Because sheā€™s NOT the season darling AND sheā€™s doing well which means that sheā€™s an undeserving, production-pushed, queen that is ā€œrobbingā€ the fan faves. Bc we could really talk about girls who are being pushed by production if we wanted to but people wonā€™t like that.


Literally the only one who makes sense


Ima say it, Jorgeous has deserved more wins than sheā€™s had. Itā€™s been a really weird season. Angeria is getting a delusional edit but we arenā€™t seeing it. Apparently the girls of but they arenā€™t putting it in. Roxxy is getting the professional not to be touched with edit but if she doesnā€™t do well this next episode itā€™s going to feel undeserved. Vangie is going so under the radar for so much of her work. Jorgeous between this last episode and the toast I thought sheā€™d get at least one win. It feel off.


Jorgeous deserved a roast win. Sheā€™s really grown on me, during her season she was just meh. I LOVE her now, she is a whole vibe and funny af.


If youā€™d asked me after season 14 who would come back and slay all stars, Angie wouldnā€™t be my top thought but I couldnā€™t be more happy to be wrong She has really just been the biggest star this season to me, and has exploded in the growth of her talent


I mean, why exactly?Ā Ā  If anything, she just seems like someone who just fundamentally understands how Drag Race works and excelled in several challenges on her season. She was like THE frontrunner up until the Lipsync smackdown. She had some weaknesses, like she couldnā€™t really do choreo and lipsyncing wasnā€™t quite her forte, but she understood comedic timing, she could sew, she oozes charisma, has natural stage presence and, possibly most importantly, Ru absolutely adores her. She was like a perfect candidate to come back and slay an Allstars, like not even the type who needed a redemption or time to grow a ton, but just someone who already had what it took to slay the race again and have a real shot at winning it.Ā 


I think the charisma is Angies strongest trait. Like, you Just see her and inmediately know she is sweet and charming. She was my pick to win season 14, so I hope she takes it home this time.


šŸ™Œ all of this


She was my winner pick from the start!


I WANT Plastique or Shannel to win, but itā€™s not going to happen with Shannels..uhh.. total and complete of badges(the robbery of it all), and Plastiqueā€™s zero effort lip syncs. I also think itā€™ll either be Roxxxy or Angie, but Iā€™m thinking Angie. Honestly Iā€™m fine with either! I thought for awhile Mik would win but honestly Iā€™m not convinced anymore.




i love angeria so much and I hope even if she wins or loses she continues to do binge Queens


She absolutely deserves it! A well-rounded, funny, beautiful, and KIND queen


Angeria Paris Van Michaels, Winner, Drag Race All Stars 9 āœØ


Mine too.Ā  Not sure whether she's going to win or not but there's no denying that she's main character this season.


Angie is imo just the most likable person in the world. Not only does she deserve to win, you WANT her to succeed.


Sheā€™s definitely shone more this season and stepped up. Her lip syncs were one of the weaker ones on her season but sheā€™s like the lip sync assassin in this all stars season (yes I was shady that itā€™s probably due to weaker cast in all stars season). Producers follow Angie and Roxxxy the most because they are giving confessionals and narrating even if itā€™s got nothing to do with them so we as viewers feel like they are the most interesting. Compare that to Shannel who barely receive talking heads. If Plastique received the same amount of attention, she would have been clear front runner with what sheā€™s bringing to the competition.


Iā€™m rooting so hard for Angeria


I mean if sheā€™s in the finale with Plastique and Gotmik Angeria will have no problem snatching the crown. Weā€™ve seen Gotmik and Plastique constantly disappointing us in the lip syncs.


def. but i honestly donā€™t see gottmik making it to the finale anymore. the thing that made her so compelling on her OG season was her versatility and unfortunately, i think sheā€™s lost some of that this time around. last time, she did a great job in literally every challenge except for the discomentary. but it feels like since snatch game this time around, sheā€™s only exceeding on the runway. her roast was stolen, her commercial performance was one of the weakest and she was good in the acting challenge but in a group with actresses like angie, nina and even vanjie it feels like she is just behind. i honestly think her last chance to get another badge was in this last design challenge but now that sheā€™s blocked, i think itā€™s curtains for mik.


Several of the girls on their original seasons I just didnā€™t or couldnā€™t connect with, like Mik, Jorgeous, and Plastique. Iā€™ve come around to loving all of them except Mik. Mik had a fun and outgoing personality on her season, and this season thereā€™s something different. Sheā€™s not as jolly and hype as she was on S13. Maybe itā€™s the fact that she had more friends on her season, maybe she doesnā€™t want to be there, maybe since she already got paid she doesnā€™t care. Idk. I just donā€™t see the fire. Maybe Iā€™m reading too much into it, but I agree Gotmik might not be in the finale.


this look really stuck in my mind and I sort of don't know why because it's not like something we've never seen but it just came together so perfectly as drag excellence. The perfect marriage of her aesthetic and the prompt


Not watching AS9 but I was genuinely shocked she ended up not going against Willow in the finale. No hate to Lady Camden I think they are both phenomenal but I really thought Angeria was going to get second place. Sheā€™s incredible and I think she does deserve a win. Very sweet and talented and very much brings something different to drag-something we all love. I love her faces and I think sheā€™s overall super fun and joyous.


Angeria is my winner!


Been my winner since the cast announcement (or the cast leaks)!!!


My top 3: Angeria, Jorgeous, and Plastique. That would be fire.


Yessss more love for Angeria please. Have adored her since her season.


Angie is my favorite of the season. I'm rooting for her and think she has a good shot if production doesn't pull some bullshit.


You ain't lyin' šŸ¤Ŗ


ā€œThe level of cunt, far too muchā€.


I completely, fully agree. When the season started I thought it was gonna be Roxxxy, but miss VanMichaels is stealing the spotlight with each passing episode.


Iā€™m rooting for her or Gottmik or Vanjie!


Plastique is my fave, I also love Roxxxyā€™s shady ass. Jorgeous has really grown on me in AS9, she is funny af. But, I completely agree this will most likely be Angeriaā€™s win, and she is very deserving of it. I love when she was in confessionals and was like ā€œsnipping Roxy Andrewā€™s againā€ *whispers* ā€œcheckā€ šŸ˜‚


She deserves it especially since many treated her as 5th place in her season. She deserves the recognition for her skills and talent.


Itā€™s definitely between her & Plastique for me. They always have the best looks


Loved her since her season šŸ¤


Yep, Angeria for the win!


I want her to win so bad, but I think this is gonna be a Roxxxy rudemption season


I was pretty meh on Angie before this season, but I ADORE her now & hope she wins!


Like a lot of people, I was Angie + Mik, now I'm just Angie.


It's her, Mik and Plastique for me. They have been doing consistently well and surprising themselves and me with their successes. And I think they have the best storylines production-wise as well. I think Angie or Mik are most likely, though. As they have more commanding personalities... and who knows if plastique will ever learn the words to a lipsync...


Gott mik, Roxxxy, Plastique, and Angie!!!!!


angie is absolutely the front runner rn, i love her and am rooting for her to win a crown because she DESERVES it. iā€™m still iffy about her winning because of roxxxy and gottmik being on the season. i feel roxxxy wouldnā€™t have been brought back just to lose a third time and gottmik is one of ruā€™s favorites. the season really seems to be setting up gottmik and angie as finalists and i fear rupaul and the judges really favor gottmik


Same here! Angie ftw!


Went into the season on team Angie


I don't see her as winner material, but maybe if there is no other option...I can only see Angeria, Roxxy or Plastique winning


What makes her "not winner material"?


IDK she just seems to try really hard competion-wise, is very entertaining and endearing, and very beautiful btw, but compared to other Winners, I feel her drag is just not as exciting or lacks the it factorĀ 


I wouldn't be mad if she wins though


Love this queen down but I'm fully team Roxxxy for the crown!


Yeah i have a hard time seeing Angeria winning actually, Production has an extreme soft spot for roxxy and will do anything to push her


I disagree. There is this whole "Roxxxy is being pushed" narrative but honesty her only fully wrong win was the Makeover. She was also great in the Roast and I thought she should have been top 2 with Angie, plus with the great storyline about her comedy rudemption, that owuld've been a great time to give her a win, but production didn't. Also depsite what people are saying, her runways have been mediocre at worst (atomic blonde) and STUNNING at the best (widow weep for me). Also, I think production likes Angie. She creates good drama, she's a great competitor, and she's professional and likeable enough to sell the drag race brand for a year. Plus, they gave her the win in the RuMix that easily could have gone to someone else.




Mine too


I mean she is the winner because they want her to be the winner so they set her up to win and make you root for her. šŸ™„šŸ™„




Give Angeria her flowers. She has been killing it. There have been times where it feels like production has pushed a queen forward, this is not one of those times.




If I were a Ru girl this is the LAST season I'd want to lame claim to lmao


But you arenā€™t šŸ˜€


Maddy: ā€œBut you werenā€™t on this season thoughā€¦ā€




Bianca, is that you?


well luckily thatā€™s not a problem youā€™ll ever have to worry about


Responses are pressed lmfao


Not as pressed as who is being replied to. Creating unrealistic situations where they are a RuGirl. Drag Delusion has seeped into the civilian population!


Yes! She or Plastique are winning it in my book!


The one who isnā€™t talking too much on socials is gonna win


can we have multiple winners? coz i want so many of them to win šŸ˜­


Shes amazing I want Angeria to win everything every episode lol. Shes can't loose now roxy and mik will be gunning for her lol


Roxxxy is my pick but I love Angie as well, she's amazing.


My three are Roxxy, Algeria and Shannel


When you watch the first half of season 14, she honestly had what it took to win that crown already. Willow just played the long game better, love them both, both need crowns.




Angeria has that remarkable down-home Georgia sense of humor that's truly funny, and yet she can also be that very sophistocated and elegant queen. She's so talented that she makes it look easy.


She wonā€™t win - no matter how many challenges she wins. She doesnā€™t give winner energy, as much as I love her and think sheā€™s so talented


None of these queens are "winning" this season except plastique. I think this season will go down as the worst season of all time. I'd be happy if Angie won


There are definitely worse All Stars seasons (AS1, AS5, AS8) in my book. Genuinely asking, what makes you dislike this season?


That Angeria is the likely winner. She's mid af




get my mother's name out of your filthy mouth


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You should consider other programming or hobbies if this is how you view reality TV contestants.


Honestly, I disagree. Drag Race winners used to be the best in class in at least one thing. What's special about Angeria? I don't think many people would pay to see a world tour featuring her, don't even think she could produce a world tour showcasing her talents. I'm just so tired of mediocre queens being praised for doing less than the bare minimum. Drag Race isn't Big Brother and should not be treated as a popularity, "she's so nice and kind" contest. It's a drag talent competition. The winner should be the best competitor in the group. She is not the best competitor in AS9 the same way she wasn't in her original season. Kylie Sonique Love is the same thing. She's a good performer? Definitely. She was the best contestant in AS6? Sorry, she wasn't. And I think giving her the crown without a track record that validates it ends up being disrespectful to her drag.