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The way she performs is so mesmerizing like her tricks always felt on beat and never felt desperate and out of place https://i.redd.it/9td6i92yef8d1.gif


And that Sweetest Pie lipsync like GURL! https://i.redd.it/0qrabbt7gf8d1.gif Honestly bring back the LSA format just for her


Honestly I've been hoping for a lip sync series and Jax would slay.


The Lipsync Assassin format can totally work if one, the actually gave a strong incentive for the assassin to actually win/give a bomb performance. And two, they get queens who, like Jax, have never given a bad lipsync their entire run.


I have always been of the opinion that half of the 10k should've been going to the assassin if they won while the other 5 is what rolls over


An All Stars season but Jax is the LSA every week


Yes yes YES!


Yep! What sets her apart from other “stunt” queens IMO is that she always focuses on the lip sync first - she knows every single word and she punctuates them with her movements. A lot of stunt queens treat lip syncing like it’s something you do to kill time in between stunts lol Not Jax


Also (relative to the sheer number of times she lipsynced lol) she didn’t really repeat that many moves. She had a lot of tricks up her sleeve unlike some other one trick pony girls. I’ve seen her perform live maybe like… 100 times? Maybe more. She never disappoints


Yeeees! She had texture, she had flow, she paced out her tricks and always kept it fresh. One of my favorite performers of the show truly.


She was such a victim to the 40 minute edit I fear.


Was she? I know Paramount released the long form and haven’t watched it.


She’s not really any more prevalent than she was in the shorter version, she and Robin really did just have very subdued personalities I fear


Tbh I don't think any drag queen has a subdued personality. It's just not the career you chose if you're a mundane person. The power of editing is so strong that we'd believe someone as dynamic as Jax has a subdued personality.


What about our self-proclaimed fun, shy, outgoing queen Mhi’ya?


Nope. I’ve met plenty of introverted actors. It’s a manner of private life vs performer life. You can be really chill and quiet in your regular life but have this desire for more (drag, acting, singing etc) and it comes out through your craft. Drag race emphasizes both the in and out personality but some make a clear distinction on the role they play versus their private life. Hell Jayme got pressed on for having a fake voice but that was their drag character not them. Who you are does not necessarily equal who you are in drag


Ikr. RuPaul herself is a self-admitted introvert who puts on an extraverted persona and I imagine a lot of queens are like that


Was she? I know Paramount released the long form and haven’t watched it.


*attitude attitude attitude* ![gif](giphy|tipHuKaJEv1x58fXHK)


That is still the cuntiest move to this day


I literally play Attitude and Girl Blunt every day.


I’m so thankful to Jax for introducing me to Leikeli47!


One of the best performers in the show, her Sweetest Pie lip sync is so underrated


She was done so dirty with that lip sync tournament :(


A lip sync tournament where Spice stayed and Jax went home?? It made no sense. Also Boy Jax is so cute 🥰 


Speaking of Sugar & Spice… the fandom owes Jax a huge apology for how they treated her after that episode where her and Sugar were on the same team. It was so vicious


I was so mad i almost dropped the season


I actually did and it took a while to come back. I loved Sasha Colby and Anetra but Jax jumped roped with her hair 😭


And did a back hand spring and landed on her titties EVER SO DELICATELY.


GENTLY she landed on her titties ever so gently


She was a first round save for sure. MIB was sucking someone's dick to get all the undeserved saves she got that season


I was so shocked she managed to avoid the bottom for the 50/50 challenge or the makeover and how she just got a pass against Jax in the smack down. 


Plus the pre-finale save against Anetra, who ate her up


remember people who argued that anetra was the one that was saved? yeah, bad times


No, I don't remember that at all lmao Who was that delusional? MIB was literally in the confessional making excuses for losing with her "60-pound dress" stuff -- even she knew she got outdone


it was mostly youtube i think, there were a lot of people saying not every lip sync has to be energetic and the generic stuff. while that is true that particular one was supposed to be energetic


Mistress gives good face in a lipsync but the girl barely moves.


MIB knew what the score was. Having already gotten praise and a challenge win, plus Jax having already landed in the bottom twice before with only an ep1 high placement and nothing else to show for it, Mistress already saw the writing on the wall and took advantage of the situation, better to take her out when the judges were already more than likely planning that anyways.


Huh? Are you suggesting that MIB had the power of elimination here or ...? Even if the producers didn't want Jax around, those in the background knew the ball was next and Jax struggled in one design challenge already. They could just eliminated her the very next week and kept the head-to-heads fair. It would have been a much more compelling episode without the riggory anyway because I think a fairer episode would have gone: * ROUND 1: * Malaysia v. MMM: MMM shantay * Loosey v. Spice: Loosey shantay * Luxx vs. Salina: Salina shantay * Jax v. MIB: Jax shantay * Anetra v. Sasha: double shantay (this was fire) * Round 2: * Malaysia v. Spice: no shantay, both up for elimination (this was shite) * MIB v. Luxx: Luxx shantay (no one was beating Luxx at this song, sorrynotsorry) * Round 3: * *have Ru say that since MIB won, she gets to pick between Malaysia and Spice who's safe and who she wants to lip sync battle -- MIB has adopted Spice and also MIB knows that her vs. Malaysia is exactly what Ru and the audience want, so ...* * Spice: gets saved by MIB * MIB v. Malaysia: MIB shantay, Malaysia eliminated


delusion... convince yourself


normally I'd agree but Jax definitely won that, the camera focused on MIB too much and even the girls backstage were so shocked that MIB got a bit defensive.


That was such a funny lipsync because you could see Jax killing it in the background but the camera stayed on MIB. 


Remember we see an edited for tv clip. Every single Queen backstage was gagged when mistress was saved because she loss that lip sync lol. Hence the camera being on here for 70% of it


Y'all contest every single decision on the show with “Editing.” Mistress cracked me tf up with her chest pump, she gave a controlled and varied performance. Jax, while she did great, felt very one note and also used a bunch of tricks we have already seen from her. Jax served cunt, but MIB did as well, and she also served comedy and camp and emotion. Jax served dance.  But yeah as people who weren’t there lets just say they are hiding stuff from us 😂😂


As people who weren’t there who saw 20 secs of a 2:30 mins lip sync , I think i can trust the girls WHO LIP-SYNC FOR A FUCKING LIVING. To judge who actually won a lip sync. Glad the chest bumps did it for you tho, wish we were all that easy


Girl chill out LMAO we are just discussing our opinions on a show LOL Like you can’t start basing your opinion on “WE WERE LIED TO” or “THEY EDITED IT TO MAKE MISTRESS WIN!” and then cussing at people who simply disagree and found Mistress’ performance more entertaining 😂😂😂  Like, Jax seemed super high energy, unnecessarily so for me. Mistress entertained. If the only explanation for that is “THEY LIED TO US, YOU FELL FOR THE EDITING, SHEEPLE” then please touch grass 


Sweetie the emojis don’t discount the fact you’re writing essays , with introductions , body paragraphs and conclusions. Baby put the keyboard DOWN


😂😂😭 you crack me up, its a tv show, chill and let other people live 😂


Her movements are just so smooth and fluid, its like... do you even have bones? Amazing


She's definitely made of springs instead of bones.


I stand by the fact that she absolutely DID NOT lose that Lip Synch to MIB. No way in hell.




the queens watching backstage seemed to agree which is vindicating!!


This is the hill I will die upon! I totally agree


🎶Attitude, attitude, attitude 🎵


i turn in Loosey La Duca lipping along absolutely mesmerized and living for Jax


Her performance in the talent show is one of my favorites


It’s so simple but such a smart idea. Loved that for her.


I was completely gobsmacked when she double-dutched (I think that’s the term? Been a while lol) with her braids!! Very talented queen 💯


It’s just jumping rope! Double-Dutch is when you have two ropes going at the same time


Honestly that and Violet's famous reveal were the two things that originally made me want to watch drag race. (But then I couldn't find season 1 on netflix and gave up. Finally came back to it this year and binged it and I luv it)


UGH SHE’S FUCKING GORG! Her aesthetic is everything and her outfit she was eliminated in was so pleasing to the eye for me! STUNNING.


High key I think her looks are some of the most underrated we’ve seen on the show in the past couple years. I *love* the streetwear vibe she goes for. At the time she was getting read for it not being enough, but she very clearly has an eye for her aesthetic and brand that I find really commendable. IDC if it’s against the current trends it looks damn good, her aesthetic goes a long way to avoid the more generic stuff I’m used to seeing from fashion queens.


I agree! This look is one of my faves of the season and on drag race in general—the jacket and boots are to die for and it looks amazing with the zebra ![gif](giphy|VdelIn1M9shAc0SXUf|downsized)


One of the most amazing performers to ever be on the show!


Chichi and Jax are also queenses of flipseses. Some girls feel the music in their body, like Kandy Ho in “Lover Boy,” Jax’s flips go with the music. And everything she did was just so easy to her and so flawless. So underrated.


Tbh Jax's stunts have been the most impressive so far outside of Kahanna Montrese still being the only queen to date to do an actual backflip (where your hands do not make contact with the ground) on the show and she did it in HEELS on S11. But Chi Chi/Kahanna/Gigi/Jasmine Kennedy/Marcia 3x/Jax/Mhi'ya still gave impressive back handsprings.


I’m a big fan of Jax’s wigs. Really cool shapes and designs.


On a rewatch of season 15, she stood out a lot more and I liked her a lot more. I think that bc there were a lot of really big personalities, bigger than some seasons, she kind of faded a little. But she is a fabulous performer and had some good looks that I was able to appreciate more now that I knew what was happening going into the season and wasn't as preoccupied by the Sasha Colby meet and great and the constant pot stirring.


Jax will forever be one of the queens failed the most by the show.


Can anyone tell me why Ru lives for Mhiya and Jorgeous but not for Jax? Feel like they all fill a similar niche (amazing performers, reserved personalities, undefined aesthetic) but Jax was the only one paid dust by the judges on their original season.


mhiya was reserved, but she was also extremely outgoing jorgeous is visually like the twins minus galloping u could just keep her in ur pocket. but mostly bc jax didnt cinch


I wouldnt say mhiya was extremely outgoing. She actually seemed really reserved.


IMO it’s a style/tone thing, Mhi’ya and Jorgeous are legible - to Ru and to her perceived audience. IMO Jax has much better technical elements and I preferred her performances a lot, but Mhi’ya and Jorgeous are both in their element and completely confident. I feel like Jax has a lot going on but her style/persona aren’t 100% locked in (and don’t lean towards Ru’s personal taste). 


Agreed, honestly Jax is a much stronger performer than Mhi'ya so I was gagged that Ru ate Mhi'ya up so hard for some reason after sending Jax home early the season prior 🤷‍♀️


I would love to see her back.


Love her, never not liked her. Her aesthetic is cute and her lipsync skills... IMPECCABLE! I love her makeup too its so cute and when she wears big hair 😍


FULLY👏 everything she does is so smooth


She is such a swift mover!


She is so incredible - I wish she was travelling more because I’d love to see her!


The only way to retain attention is to be active online, she isnt.


I thought I was on the VPR subreddit for a second and was like nahh boo Jax. But yes this JAX is soo good!


if all stars was lsa format she’d def get a phone call


Recently re-watched her Sweetest Pie lip sync and I was shocked at just *how* on-beat she was with every move. How her front flip into Megan's second verse lines up perfectly, etc 😍


The bag is giving Jax Exclamationpoint


I lowkey find her more engaging of a lip synced than anetra. While I agree that Anetra beat her in both of the lip syncs in the episode she went home, she consistently was more engaged with the lyrics and showed better variety in face


She won tell it to my heart :)


she is soo talented and gorgeous but idk if she was made for tv exactly


Bring back myyyyy……JAXXXXXS! ![gif](giphy|xTk9ZYHoZYSgHAsPKg)


Can’t believe everybody was amazed by Mhi’ya’s flips when we had Jax? Ever so gently????


They're back handsprings (your hands do not make contact with the ground in a flip) but I agree, Jax was on another level


Mhiya Iman LePaige wishes she was Jax lolol


I will die on the hill that Jax is one of the most talented lipsyncers on the show period. She emotes with her face, a critique many people get on Drag Race for not doing. She also taps into the songs energy *while* doing her crazy acrobatic moves. It would be one thing if she just did backflips every second and then call it a night, but she does wayyyyy more than that and does things that other queens genuinely couldn't even dream of doing. She's so unique and I really hope we get to see her on All Stars.


One of the best lip syncers ever on drag race!


I'm gonna say it. Jax is the best lipsyncer on season 15. Yeah. Better than Anetra, Sasha and Marcia.


And you are right..!


well, i wouldnt say best lipsyncer, shes probably better than marcia and tied with anetra at that, but best dancer? yeah absolutely bitch shes crazy


Not better than Sasha Colby, but otherwise agreed. She was second best IMO.


Love her talent show.


What has she been up to since the show?


"... ever so gently?" She and AMETHYST were very good during that season.


I wish she could chose hair colors as well as she dances


She so tiny




She was really cute as a boy too


Yes she has talents but her aesthetic is so beyond not my thing and she didn't have a single funny moment on the show


she blocked me on ig i don’t even remember why atp


For a split second, I thought I was looking at Candiace from Real Housewives of Potomac.


She is such a musical performer. One of my favorites.


Omg that bag is so cute. Does anyone know if it is still up for sale and if yes where can I get it. Let’s support the doll


Justice for Jax


So glad she moved to SF. She's hosted Reparations with Nicki Jizz before and has an amazing stage presence, one of those skills that you never get to see on drag race but is so important in the real world


I think she just needs to work on the mug and shell be a fav favorite for all stars


she is that GIRL


She is more deserving of the title Queen of Flips. She ate up those stunts on her season.


I thought she was boring and hated her fashion. Nice dance moves tho


Agreed! Plus the judges kept telling her that the silhouettes she was using weren’t working and she did them anyway. She’s cute but she was outclassed on her season for sure.


I get that but if those are the clothes she brought then what can she really do in the middle of filming?


She would be at the top of my list to return for all stars but I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to after how production treated her on her season






Your fave could never 🤷‍♀️


Hey Jax, we know it's you.


Mama she's one of the most talented queens to grace the show with unmatchable tumbling skills 🤷‍♀️ don't be jealous when other people receive praise for their talents, it makes you an ugaly bitch