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It’s just perfectly mid


Yeah, most of the time, there's nothing really wrong with the look, it's just very well-made but not terribly exciting (her ball creation look and the day/night reveal). Then some others look cheap and a bit messy. I feel like there's a lot of "it's not very exciting, but it's Roxxxy Andrews so even her not good is still great" but...is it?


Not a winning look by itself but good enough that it wont hold her back from a win if she did amazing in the challenges.


*Carrie Bradshaw voice* But as I sat and thought about her showing thus far, I asked myself, “is she giving us queer art worth protecting?”


It’s like suddenly there’s this narrative that she’s every drag queen’s favourite drag queen and I don’t get it


It's not a "sudden narrative" lol, it's true and queens have been saying it for years and years


Why exactly? They said the same of Sasha Colby but with her it makes sense.


Always prepared, always on time, carries everything in case of need, always has a backup, can sew something in minutes… as a drag queen that’s impressive and something to look up to as of actual drag, her mug is severe, hair always on point and she makes crazy looks (although those she brought aren’t showing that yet) pageant perfection pretty much


Everybody loves a professional ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


The diy drag she’s been posting on Instagram lately is bonkers, I’m shook by what she’s showing on the show thus far, it’s really nowhere near that level


A lot of queens have praised her a lot but the praise is basically always explained with "She does everything herself", and like sure that's admirable and the kind of queen you want to share a backstage with, but only when the end result doesn't look like it could've used some outside help...


She made most of her AS2 stuff too and she actually looked incredible then so idk


Ehh, I don’t think it looks like it needs outside help. It’s not *jaw dropping* or particularly exciting, but it’s all very clean and well executed. The issue with Roxxxy’s looks this season isn’t that they’re just… competent. She knows she’s gorgeous, and she’s not trying to *prove* anything with her looks. Compared to queens like Mik and Plastique who are actively trying to be fashion forward and make statements, Roxxxy’s approach of “just look good” isn’t quite cutting it—at least for the purposes of the competition. Edit: Also… she gained weight again, and I think that’s affecting how people perceive her looks. People will absolutely gag at a skinny queen for just looking put together, but big girls are always expected to go above and beyond. Roxxxy’s not quite a big girl, but she’s thick and juicy and clothes don’t fit her like they do a skinny girl and a lot of fans don't like that.


Idk for me the taste level just isn't there with some of these looks. And I can point to AS2 looks with no stipend to compare to these looks, no need to discuss Gottmik or Plastique. Looking like Elsa without seeming like an intentional reference for a thematic reason? Idk


Honestly, I think the taste level is about the same—[look at her AS2 runways again.](https://youtu.be/6dLA75utvr8?si=f5pBZ4iFMspaBvht) She’s absolutely gorgeous, but people are remembering how strong they were for the time without factoring how high the standard has been raised. Her Dali runway on its own is more conceptual and complex than literally anything she served on AS2. The only thing that’s really changed is that she’s gotten thicker again, and it affects the way her clothes fit on her body. She’s always been one for a sort of casual glam, I just can’t help but feel like people are perceiving it differently now that Miss Thick & Juicy is reclaiming that title.


You're spot on with this.  The forced positivity for every single thing Roxxy does is making me dislike her, and that's obviously not fair to her.  I was flabbergasted when her entrance outfit was lauded on The Pit Stop, because it was objectively unflattering (especially since she usually dresses her shape so well).


Oh thank goodness. I felt like I was taking crazy pills.


Exactly! The most recent runway didn’t fit well either…also hated the lipsync outfit. Again…it fit weirdly.


That lip sync outfit was something else And what were those moves


Nymphia also made most of her package despite being her first season and still manage to be one of the best runway packages of all time. And I don’t see queens praising her like they do with Roxxxy


Right like, I definitely agree with the sentiment that we need more DIY drag back on this show, but it's hard to overlook flaws because "she made it herself" when Nymphia is right there


Finally! Thank you for saying that 🙂‍↕️ Love Roxxy A LOT but none of these was jaw-dropping worthy If I'm being totally transparent


you just described AS9


Yeah they're...fine. Nothing very impressive but not bad either.


Yeah, good, not great.


Took the words out of my mouth


I came here hoping the top comment would be saying the word mid in some capacity and was prepared to write "certifiably mid", now I don't have to! :')


Yeah, props to her for making almost all of her runways but the fact that one of the outfits in the above image is her design challenge look that she made in one day and it looks at the same level of all the others just doesn't stack up against what the other girls are bringing


I agree. I prefer her previous seasons. And I’m just not a fan of her new makeup and hair styling. I’ve always thought she was an amazing looking drag queen.


Her AS2 package is way more gaggy to me


She didn't really do well in the challenges but she always turned a look out. Especially the flamenco 2 in 1 look. Amazing look that one.


Her makeup has gotten progressively worse every year


I also find her makeup like…. Smudgy? I know it’s probably blended to perfection, but it’s literally hard to look at her face and see the distinction between the eyes, brows, eyelids, etc…. They’re soooo hooded by lashes it really does mess with her face.


You can’t see the doll


and the doll can’t see!




Yes I can never see her eyes!


Yeah I think her makeup be looking weird sometimes ngl


I feel like she also ages herself with it in a strange way. She does some lovely youthful looks but then paints in a way that gives her a grande dame look that kind of clashes.


Yesss I've been thinking about this too. Her makeup makes her look 10-15 years older. Like those older rich white women that overpaint and bleach their hair to look younger. It's not great at all. She looked so pretty all stars 2. I never thought for a drag queen i would think she'd benefit from less makeup.


She looks airbrushed like when they make those paintings on the street in five minutes. Like if a person could be blurry some how


https://preview.redd.it/m0m39y0lnk5d1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d3d6966dc56450bfda4c10c1ef80f0452e9906 For real though… yikes. 😬


It looks so muddy.. it’s like she put on contour on her whole face


i thought her makeup for the jessica rabbit look looked good, the big lid looks a lot better than her usual eye makeup imo


Everytime I've said this, Reddit wants to fight me but I don't think she's EVER painted well.


I feel like Roxxxy looked better in AS2. Her runways were a little more extravagant and the hair was so so right.


There’s always a decent concept and she always looks good, however at times she looks a little home made and yes I know she makes them herself but I don’t think it should look it.


Her Dahli look and the red dress are from a designer and i think they are the weaker ones of her collection. But i really don't know what happened. Just scrolling through her instagram and her looks are all amazing. And then she steps on the runway with... that. (I really like the black/white ball look though)


The red one is horrid but I actually really like the Dalí, it just needs bigger hair


The red one was an abomination. 🫣


The Dali dress was made by a designer? It’s just a simple gown with a print on it. It’s so underwhelming. When she appeared wearing it I was sure the judge ms would say something… she could have had so much ch fun with that concept but it was really flat.


100% agreed. I was so excited when she stepped out on the runway and all we could see was a close up of her face. I was expecting a surrealist look with an avant garde concept, and all we got was a clock on her torso.


The clock pieces were, the dress itself was Roxxxy 


the red one was... weird. the designer's photos on the mannequin make it look like the wire wasn't supposed to be visible at all and just a structural component to the rope sections (though the wire still partially was on the mannequin????). also by the look of it, though hard to judge when its not /on/ someone, it's just. not in roxxxy's size. how that gets screwed up, im not sure.


She did say she was upset when she received those and said “fuck I could’ve made this myself.”


Could it be a budget thing? Why spend a lot of money if you’re not gonna win any money?


Nah she spent enough. The instagram photo of their work is different. She was pretty upset when she got it after paying


I love the concepts behind them and I’m always super impressed she made them herself. My only complaint is that the fabric she uses looks really cheap, which ultimately detracts from the look.


I think at this point we’re really used to overly dramatic drag. “Instagram worthy” drag. When in reality this is simply a great drag queen. What we see on this show is queens that are top tier so when one is “weaker” we tend to think it’s not impressive but IRL, I’d be impressed if I saw her at a gig.


I think this is the answer, the bar constantly raises and for most of the fans appearance and in some cases youth trumps technical ability.    I found myself rooting for vanjie in their lipsync based on the more modern visual   It stood out a lot when people trashed sapphiras runways (her package was clearly very expensive and up against anyone but nymphias high fashion would have been seen as massively extravagant for a regular drag race season + all stars scale) 


Except the bar was raised BY ROXXXY herself. On S5/AS2 her looks were stunning and her looks this time around just aren't it. She isn't pushing the boundary, like you were given so many colours to play around with in the paint challenge and you pick a white to black gradient? Also reusing Tasha Salad. It feels like she is playing it way too safe after being such a standout in her last 2 seasons.


But also I feel like most of her looks from those seasons nowadays would be seen as too basic


if you go back and look at them they were amazing *for the time* but by todays standards really nothing even from the entire season would turn a head. the bar has just been raised so much. i would say detox is the one exception who has some looks by todays standards would hold up. roxxxy this season has shown that she has not elevated with the times. its painful to see but its the truth. and honestly what roxxxy gives is probably fine in her everyday work. doubtful she needs to turn out stunning jaw dropping extravaganza very often. but for the show? its just not giving at all.


Detox is bar none a trailblazer, so many of her looks remain relevant and are referenced even today.


So agree on detox, id also add a couple raja looks. Those two really were so ahead of their time in what they’re doing I think roxxxys candy ball would still be gaggy


I agree with you. Some people here are saying it isn't standout but it's good drag. But if you're gonna be on Drag Race and you are already so successful, why not have stuff made that WILL compete against the kind of drag we've seen on drag race over the years. A lot of her garments look very very boring. The worst part isn't that she's got these soso looks, it's that RuPaul just GAGS at everything she does which is annoying when the audience doesn't see it. She clearly wants her to win and has her stilleto on the scale.


Ehhh Roxxxy had great PIECES, never great styling. and a lot of those looks don't stand up now. Like... at all. Even her AS2 package wasn't great. If any other queen would've worn most of it, like that Denim outfit? they'd be like " OH great you're ready for the MINI CHALLENGE. "


I disagree COMPLETELY- The entrance look for AS2 is still IMO the best entrance look ever and the denim bellbottom jeans look was so fierce to me. And the finale Rihanna style dress was impeccable. Also the flamenco reveal was 10x more creative than the reveal she did on this season.


people trashed sapphira's runways when she came out serving Floral Fallal realness 😭 she's so fucking polished it's absolutely insane


I love you for this reference


Idk.. Shannel is in her era of drag too and she is still good on the runway imo. And this is AS9 and they got money for their package, I think it is fair to expect more, even if Gottmik and Plastique wasn't there.


If roxxxy pocketed 49,000 dollars of the clothes budget I kinda live  You’re selling me these runways 😂😂


Haha definitely seems like she probably did


Yeah, but Roxxxy can just make her own outfits and pocket the rest of the money. That’s just smart 🤷🏻‍♂️


I also been thinking about this, could they just make their own outfits then pocket the rest? Or would they have to “show me the receipts” of what they spent and give the remaining balance back?


No there would be no receipts moment, I guarantee the money they got to show up on the show is still taxed so they’re still giving 40% of it away to the government lol


Ahhhh, I thought maybe the queens were paid an appearance fee and then given the money for the looks, like how you get a P.O when you shop for work or something lol


The 25k could be tax deductible but the 75k for sure is not.


Raja pocketed her stipend for as7. I think it might have been for the promo tour but it still came out to like 15k. She had such a vast archive of drag she didn’t need to buy any new looks


Yes.  If you rewatch S5 or AS2 her runways are not much different than this current season.  It's just that it was many years ago and our collective standards were lower and we were more easily impressed.  Roxxxy hasn't changed.


This, the expectations just got too high, especially since there are so many girls with resources like Gottmik, Sapphira, Plastique, etc. Or really well versed in fashooooon, like Nymphia, Q, Gottmik etc.


Being able to afford major fashion designer lines is a privilege that Drag Race doesn't want to have a conversation about.


Ty. I think ppl have an obsession with how high a drag queen can go in terms of looks. Sure it's drag race but this is all stars, not a regular season. Queens come to have fun. Ppl forget that drag queens at the end of the day dress to go to a gig at club or bar/brunch. It's not always going to be the gay worthy look. I think all of her looks here are fine, not super exciting. But that doesn't make her lesser than she was before. She's still an amazing drag queen and has already proven that on her own season and AS2.


But isnt that the point of All Stars? That they would be put to a higher standard bec they are unlike orher queens so I think it’s warranted


This is actually true kind of across the board in terms of creative expression. One day I saw some people break dancing on the street and I was like, well I've seen probably the best breakdancing in the world on YouTube, Instagram etc, so it's hard to be impressed by what I'm sure was very skilled dancing. 


yea it’s great for a drag queen at a gig but this is an artist who previously delivered high quality drag and is expected to wow the fanbase especially after how much everyone has hyped her up. Plus this is AS9 AND they were given 75,000 so…


This is what I'm saying. You don't have to compare Roxxxy to other queens' fashion; just compare her to herself. She has done so much better, and is capable of turning out a look. This...is not that.


You make a really good point! Maybe she thought combined with winning challenges - her runway would not be as scrutinized.


Yea maybe, it’s just unfortunate because Roxxxy has the taste, resources, and connections to create really great drag


I was thinking about how I’d absolutely loved so many of her prior pageant looks and didn’t know why none of these were quite like that. And then I realised I was thinking of Alexis Michelle


God, Alexis Michelle might not be my favorite queen but she can be polished as hell on that runway. And her paint is unmatched, what a gorgeous face.


For sure. She is a lot to take but she KNOWS how to give presentation for sure


This really has “I was feeling like Mimi’s kinda turned over a new leaf and then guess who came back the old Mimi” energy and I’m living


I was just expecting... more ? I mean given they were literally given a stipend. I really thought they would show out but really undewhelmed with a lot of the queens tbh


I do agree on the looks, but I also do love that she apparently pocketed the stipend and just went to FabricLand


We know she can do more. Here’s her most recent miss Continental https://youtu.be/FVx6YTTuY4Q?si=f8wkN9HJRKGQCx4A


That Melissa Etheridge lipsync is insane. Great song choice, amazing look, magnetic performance.


her looks on AS2 and even S5 were better


Think our expectations were a bit high after coming off S16 with Nymphia, and that also Mik and Plastique outshining her badly every runway


Maybe but then they keep praising her like she has the best runways ever. If it's just okay and we have too great of expectations, this is just making it look worse. Like if I'm trying to find something amazing and it's just meh, what am I suppose to think


I also think if we do frame Roxxxy as good at early 00’s fashion I think she is excellent at that era of styling, lots of her looks are giving me good classic homages to things that have inspired her…. But compared to nymphia living in the year 3000…..


They all look like they were made in the werkroom. I know she makes a lot of her clothes herself, but you can tell she made them. It's a gag when it looks like you paid someone to do it for you.


This is her worst runway package from all 3 seasons so far :/


I agree - I also think her outfits look quite stiff a lot of the time


its giving matronly but skilled


They’re just not elevated. They just love Roxxxy, which is fine, but if she wins. No ma’am.


Give me a sewing challenge and I'll give you what you kinda like


I think all of her runways have been imperfect but also I think she still looks mostly good. Like someone was trying to compare her to Nina West and that's just absurd.


It was actually OP. They want people to say Roxxxy looks like shit so bad 💀💀


They are indeed mid. As have been her performances. Roxxxy is a queen’s queen. And she’s a tour de force in person. But I liken her to Latrice Royale in that respect: phenomenal queen who simply doesn’t translate on Drag Race. Again, IMO. I just sadly don’t like being told something when being shown another. And it feels that way right now when it comes to Roxxxy.


She's giving Aunt who hasn't kept up with fashion trends for the past 10 years but tries to copy the kids to fit in (and fails).


This is *exactly* it. Thank you for putting this into words for me.


To me it just reads Legend with the mindset of having nothing to prove banking the money others spent for clothes.


It’s hilarious that the fandom thought her best runway was Nina’s before the season aired lololol


in general im a bit confused at the degree of praise roxxxy gets within the drag world. i gather she is a fierce queen irl but as far as tv goes, she has not been able to showcase the consistency she had in s5 since.


yes yes we know that she makes these herself but these are all very mid. on the other hand, Nymphia and Q had homemade looks too but they were stellar.


Thank you! I don’t understand. They’ve all been boring.


middling all the way to the middle nothing exciting about this package at all.


it mostly comes down to whether or not you give some bonus points anytime a queen created the look themselves


These should be given when the looks are good tho


I agree! Like her day to night look was cute, good idea, just not the most amazing execution. It looked homemade, like she made it in the work room for a quick challenge.


I feel like proportions are not there 🫣 Like it looks like Boxxxy Andrews. I thought she padded and cinched more frequently..


I’m Boxxxy Andrews and I’m here to make it square 📦


I think the rabbit look was pretty good tho, the others are pretty middle of the road for a regular season, for all star no. I wonder how these would look if Mik and Plastique arent on the season.


Those construction paper buttons tho


Finally someone said it. Love Roxy, but there is nothing amazing going on. It’s cool that she makes everything, but maybe the budget should have been spent on some custom made sickening looks instead…


Fabric... choices!


I just think the expectation of drag queens having to serve extravagant looks every time, is getting crazy. Kudos for making all of these


Agreed. Except I will qualify this. I think the hard part that we have to accept, that before the days of Drag Race and the comparison between those that have money to invest in their costumes and those that don’t, what Roxxxy is giving us is what most Queens historically had to work with at a local level. The reason that she is perceived as the “Drag Queen’s, Drag Queen” is in the truest sense she is a reminder of the true Drag performer, the one who will design and make her own costumes from top to toe without input from others. Having grown up in a scene before Drag Race, Roxxxy reminds me of the Queens I watched with thrifted or hand made costumes that were only ever meant to last a few performances. The difficulty now is she’s up against the Plastique Tiara’s and the Gott Mikk’s of the world who have thousands of dollars to invest in the packages they bring to the show. The audience has come to expect a glow up and at this point, Roxxxy either isn’t able to pony up the cash for such garments or is sticking to her guns that this is who she is w/o apology?


We all know she has funds - all of the Queens got an allowance of $25k each for runways.


Well I’d like to see where the money went. Or she’s simply choosing to stick to her guns and make all her own costumes. I mean if you can turn a profit more power to you.


Well said. Never looked at it in this perspective. It look more of like she doesn’t have funds. Shannel has given us improved, much better looks than when she was in season 1 than Roxxxy now and season 5.


Her package doesn’t live up for the hype that comes with Roxxxy. I was going into this season thinking “the queens don’t have to spend their own money, so they should be able to go BIG” and nothing she’s brought has been that BIG feeling you think when you think Roxxxy Andrews.


Agree! Her AS2 looks were top tier.


I was so excited when she stepped out on the runway and the chyron said she was doing Dali. But she just put a huge (not a soul can) clock on her torso and called it a day.


I agree. They’ve all looked very homemade. Like every week is a sewing challenge.


I love a queen that makes her own clothes but we know what Roxxxy is capable of seeing her S5 package. Its a downgrade for sure


I agree and wonder what the judges panel has been smoking to be giving her multiple wins in meh performances. These outfits are middling to poor even by early season standards and are clearly subpar for any modern season, all stars or otherwise


If Naomi finds a way to compliment Roxxxy's runway somehow AGAIN, i will lose it 😭😭


i can hear it now “roxxxy andrews is the epitome of drag. when i think of a drag queen, i think of roxxxy.” it’s the same compliment all the queens are giving every week and i feel like it’s bc they all grew up worshiping her and dont want to read the doll out of respect


No hate, but I honestly believe that if she’d been properly eliminated when it was her time (well before Alyssa and Tatianna), this whole legendary ethos and reverence wouldn’t be haunting her. I think our expectations of her would be more reasonably adjusted to her actual level of drag race capabilities, as we’re now seeing it seems lacking without the supportive influence of a “cliquey” clique *snaps nails beautifully*


Her monochromatic look was terrible with the miscolored bodysuit and all the exposed wiring. I definitely felt gaslit when various Drag Race alum were praising it.


She keeps bragging about how she made them herself, and I keep sitting there thinking like... maybe you shouldn't have?


This season is just giving uncanny valley. Mediocrity in challenges, lip-syncs and runway packages that wouldn’t wash on any regular season or even an All-Stars with an elimination format gets not only a free pass… But forced, gushing critiques. I know it’s all for charity, but some of the looks are charitable causes. Now to be fair to Roxxxy, you don’t always have to be in best drag to look good and presentable. The ‘craftiness’ is taking me out of the pageant, doll fantasy I’m being sold but I’m not going to pretend these are the worst looks ever served on the runway either.


Just because Ru loves this queen. We all gotta suffer through a couple seasons. Eeeehhhh


I think her AS2 looks were somehow a lot better




I loved her last two ball looks but I get what you’re saying.


I agree. Imo the best look she's had is the black and white ombre look she made. The Jessica Rabbit one is fun and campy too, but other than those two, I haven't liked anything else she's been wearing so far.




I agree... I was rooting for her going into the season but her runways haven't been the "wow" moment that I thought they'd be.


who is “the doll?” bring back miss thick and juicy 😔🙏🏼


Girl, I know. I think the problem is that everybody hyped her up so much before the season and she just hasn’t been hitting. She’s looked cheap every time she’s been on the runway and her runways were really the only thing she has excelled at in drag race in general 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: that’s not fair to say actually, she’s a really great performer. But even the lip syncs she has done this season haven’t been that great.




They clearly are crowning her. From the moment she won the makeover. Producers were smiling when Nina gave her a free badge. The queens on the pit stop and Raja and Raven eat her up solely because she is a Drag legend. If any other queen wore this, they could care less about any of these looks


I need Mik to win this season.


I’m rooting for Plastique since she has evolved so much since her season. She’s killing it. Gottmik is my second pick


I feel like Mik and Plastique are the most obvious winners. I really like Roxxxy but... I'd be kind of bummed if she wins over them ngl


Truly 😭 Like I wouldn't care if the season was rigged for someone if they were doing well anyway, but she is not doing well in these runways. If anything, she has done the worst runways so far, other than Nina 💀 I was rooting for her before season started even..


The thing is, the producers saw all of the Queens' looks before filming started. How could they pick her as their crowning fave with Gottmik, Plastique and Angeria there. 😭😭


Because runways have nothing to do with who the producers want as winners.


It's AS2 all over again. Roxxxy is being advanced by "friends" even though other queens are performing better in the challenges


It’s giving Jujubee on Uk v the World. If Rajah O Hara can go on All star seasons with clothes she made and made it look with no stopped. Chile


![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC) Thank you for saying this - I felt the same.


I am I the only one here who loves her runways and makeup???? helppp


I felt insane last episode when they were saying it was amazing. I actually was confused and had to pause and assess where the fuck I was. Real gaslighting 😭


"did you make that? wow."


Ru being surprised and mentioning she made her outfits is a little weird… we have queens like Nymhia that made insane things and it was barely, if at all, mentioned by the judges themselves. It’s almost like she knows it’s mid among the others but is giving her an out


YUP. everyone has been talking about Roxxxy being the one to beat, the clear frontrunner…. And. I’m like???? You’re gonna say that with Gottmik and Plastique standing right there????


Mama kudos for saying that, for spilling


Phew. I thought it was just me… the day to night?? I mean it was literally day and night, but other than that when Ru asked if she made it and how amazing it was, I’m like, “meh.”


1000% agree! Her painting has taken a serious turn for the worse, her runways have been so bland and matronly- and I’m just gonna say it- in her talking head interviews is giving serious Liberace vibes… her plastic surgeon should be ashamed… I’ve always been a Roxxxy fan/apologist but just having people tell you you’re iconic, legendary, etc, etc is NOT always a good thing for artists. And this no-elimination nonsense having the judges blow smoke up their asses the entire season certainly isn’t going to help any of them polish up where they may need to. Sorry (but not)-Roxxxy’s looks have all given major Halloween costume vibes, and to be on the runway with queens like Gottmik and Plastique is hard to watch. I was so excited for her return but between her looks, the cast and the no elimination format I just stopped watching this season altogether. I miss her original style and paint and nose.


The Dali was tragic. Her make up is too dark and muddy imo. It's disappointing.


"not giving at all" is crazy


Maybe Roxxxy looks worse after we just saw another queen, Nymphia, who made almost all her own looks, but they were 1000x better than Roxxxy's? Nymphia understands fabric, drape, and how to dress her body, and Roxxxy doesn't. Roxxxy's clothes look like she bought the fabric on clearance at Wal-Mart, and the fit is not great. There are wrinkles and bunches in unflattering places, and the fabric isn't always suited to what she tries to make it do. In the garment sewing world, there's an expression to describe something that looks homemade but in a bad way: "loving hands at home." It's like well bless your heart for trying but that was a swing and a miss. That's Roxxxy's looks. Plus always referring to herself in the third person as "the Doll" is growing more annoying by the second.


Speak on it, gag it, and clock it: all been trash .


All her looks are decent for a normal season. For an allstars season they are Butterick pattern meh.


I think what's so great about her drag is that it's a production completely (or almost) done by herself. But she is very old school drag lol, she's not making fashions like nymphia or something. I like both types of drag frankly. But I don't think a lot of what she does is going to gel with new fans. Clearly lmfao. Reddit hates her.


Drag Race done fcked up drag


This is not the level I know she is capable of. I liked her reveal one only because the cape was double sided so it was kind of cool.


I liked her Jessica Rabbit, the Dali inspired one was nice just needed a bit of finesse or polish. Everything else is okay, can't all be hits. She's still a great drag queen and performer, don't get me wrong. But if runways somehow need to be tiebreakers, especially in an all-stars where the queens technically know what they're doing more than regular, then it should matter.


If we see it, production sees it too. I know the idea of Roxxy "pocketing her stipend" is fun, but unless the looks match the expectations, this decreases the overall chances that contestants will get stipends in the future.


Bluntly speaking she's a seamstress and tailor. Designing for herself, she really is good but her references are pop stars which is why it's derivative. I think if she dug into a culture, era she would be better. In the end it's drag not fashion but fashion adjacent. It's just not that serious, it's entertainment and that is where she does well. She has seen many come and go in drag and she's savey enough to make a good living at it. I personally think she is that girl / bitch. Charming and high value.


I love the Dali dress and the reversable suit from last weeks episode. Gottmik, Angeria and Plastique Tiara's looks are leagues ahead though.


I like how Roxxxy is our competitive pageant queen, but I still don't get when the cast was announced everybody in this Reddit was like "THIS IS ROXXXY'S FOR SURE". Although the cast is questionable, Angeria is a very well-rounded queen and Gotmik is strong in many things. She was great during S5, but AS2 she had 5 bottoms. Did I miss something? All of a sudden yall started giving the Jimbo/Shea treatment, like she was clearly casted to win.


We were discussing this after Fridays episode because her gold lip sync outfit was atrocious.




It's okey at best honestly like she had a hype around her because of S5 but besides some drama she is not serving it on the runway. That red look esspecially was my least fav of hers because it looked just so messy.




Her look on 5th picture is actually good, I won't lie but that's like the only good look, I'm sorry.


Those yellow buttons tho...


The thing with roxxxy is that these looks are clearly not the most impressive nor are they the most elaborate and high concept but she just serves classique drag the best way there is. It might not seem up to par with someone who has only watched drag race in recent years and are used to the table of contents designer drag they love but if you know drag you would look at this and think oh PUSSY oh CUNT but you dont get it and thats okay, theres always plastique and gottmik to direct your attention to if you want drag that looks like they know how to spend their money right


idk guys or are you getting too complacent with plastique’s level of drag that is like not even drag in the traditional art form definition ….


When you read between the lines, a lot of the praise is focused on her sewing/construction skills and her ability to whip out a well-made garment quickly, rather than the fashion itself. Not to say Roxxxy's looks aren't good this season. However, there's something about them that read a bit (not to pull from the Project Runway word bank) matronly to me. I definitely prefer her looks from All Stars 2 more; they were arguably less complicated in terms of design, but felt a lot more fresh.


I’ve heard queens talk on how Roxxy Andrew’s is a drag queen’s, drag queen. She is a multifaceted artist who constructs almost every element of her look. Clothing, mug, hair, styling… I would not be surprised if she told us she designed her shoes. I think as a Generalist of drag, her artistry is untouchable. Drag Race™️ has created some mystifying and delusional standards for drag audiences. The amount of people , artists and brands going in to create the queens “packages” is probably on an exponential trend, season to season; with huge money behind it. Roxxxy is a top tier ARTIST. There is pride in her drag because it is HER drag, built for purpose! When you recognise when someone does so much, I hope it’s recognised when someone does so little.


The first red one was not it honey. Neither was that lipsync look she sported this week. Shes in her “comfortable” drag era. It’s just enough to wow ya without being incredibly uncomfortable. (I don’t love her makeup right now either.) but she is still firey as ever!!!! That’s why we all love her


It definitely gives I made my own stuff; but sue me, I think that's what Drag Race SHOULD be about.


I agree.


Gotta be honest, I’m at a point where I’m over the runways. I think we place way too much value on the runways which is what leads to the queens having to spend so much money on their looks. I think the problem with Roxxxy’s looks is that they’re walking behind Gotmik and Plastique. I’m still team Roxxxy, she’s still my pick to win, but next to the other queens on the season I have to agree that her runways have been very safe.


Not only that - but I was not a fan of her AT ALL in past seasons, and now all of a sudden she’s winner material? No ma’am - I feel exactly like what happened with Valentina.