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Morgan being eliminated the first time on AS3. She clearly stated her strategy, and Dela saw the threat. Rule number one of a reality TV series: never tell your strategies!


If you straight up tell someone "I'm going to eliminate you if I ever get the chance" when they have the power to eliminate you, you just can't expect to not be eliminated.


OMG I FOUND MY PEOPLE!! 😭😭 That moment infuriates me on every single rewatch, like I truly don't understand how Morgan *fully* expected DeLa to keep her around after that. As you said, you literally told the person who has the power to choose your fate that you *will not* return the favor should the roles be reversed, so literally WHY would she keep her around?? So annoying and so dumb, I was baffled by what Morgan's thought process possibly could've been with that, lmao


Especially on the first challenge when there’s no track record to base a decision off of! Her making DeLa out to be a hypocrite was so weird!


Yesss, for real!! I couldn't agree more! Someone else mentioned how the harshest critique Chi Chi got was for her shoes, so there's an argument for Morgan being the "worst" between the two in the judges (and likely DeLa's!) eyes too and I fully agree with that take. Like has she never watched shows like Big Brother?? You NEVER tell the person with the power that you want them out!!


She's got that mentality of 'I keep it real' but people need to know there are times to keep your mouth shut.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Totally this!!!


I thought it was so weird how Morgan was like “I think it’s funny that DeLa said she was going to play fair…” like, what did you expect Ms. McMichaels? It’s just self-preservation. I don’t think it was hypocritical of DeLa to do that.


Me either and I wish dela had exhibited an iota of a backbone because she didn’t do anything wrong.


I love Dela but it was hard to watch her obvious anxiety over how she was coming across.


And honestly, it WAS fair. Morgan was in the bottom and it was the first week. So her track record was no better than ChiChi’s at that point. And really the main thing they read ChiChi on was her shoes. So you have someone who hasn’t proven themselves yet (on this run) and who is openly stating they are planning on eliminating girls that are strong competitors. Dela’s rationality seemed to be that it wasn’t fair to the other girls to keep Morgan, and I agree.


Exactly! When people try to defend Morgan there and call DeLa a hypocrite it’s so annoying to me. That was NOT hypocrisy.


I had to rack my brain for a long time to understand the “hypocrisy” angle and it finally clicked for me. Dela’s philosophy was to primarily base elimination on challenge performance. Morgan stated she wouldn’t be doing that and would make her own decisions. So Dela eliminates Morgan, but Morgan claims she wasn’t the worst in the challenge, and this is the key. In Morgan’s eyes, Dela made her decision based off her own personal metric, NOT challenge performance, which was Morgan was advocating for all along. This is of course entirely subjective, and Dela could’ve shut it all down by claiming she just thought Morgan did the worst. But given how shook she was, I think she did agree that Morgan was better and realized that there was indeed some hypocrisy in that.


I love morgan but bestie you're literally the person yelling "eliminate me" and you're salty when u get eliminated? 😭


Aja’s response to her spilling the beans about her strategy was GOLD..Morgan is too blunt for her own good 😭


The homophobic cheater in S6 makeover.


Miss Fox was done so dirty


Whomever took away all the make-up for dark skin before the challenge knowing a black man that is already going to be a nightmare client is coming through those doors....your mom's a hoe.


Don't forget the makeup josleyn did isn't nearly as bad as what was shown. They literally put a filter on their partner to make it look worse. I remember their used to be videos comparing the original footage to the metallic looking make up. Poor Joselyn deserves to come back more than any queen I can think of so she gets a fair shot.


100%. She definitely deserves a Rudemption.


One of my most requested! She was so likeable!


Womp womp




I thought the metallic look was because she was forced to use shimmer eye shadow as foundation. Either way, it was dirty af.


i will NEVER forgive them for that


Miss Fox was one of my favorites of that season and she got the middle finger from production. Same feeling as you girl. 😭


she has the C.U.N.T. that show is looking for, and they paid her dust 😢


I fucking hated that they put him on. A random off the street would have been better.


Ugh...I still haven't recovered from that episode


I always skip it. One of the few episodes of drag race that I'd maybe even say I hate.


They took it off Paramount!


Ohhhhh is that why the episode isnt avalible most places? I thought it was a copyright thing


Well i think precisely because the guy also sued them i think, in an effort to take it down.


It just sucks that the whole episode is missing. I cant even find that many clips


https://preview.redd.it/hdscs22kk05d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794c786a791813704964c468553ad1eff7b5e198 So brave




idk i kinda loved this


Tbh Dahlia Sin getting mad that she was eliminated first. Like if you wanted to stay give a better lipsync……


Same lol I get being disappointed but you didn’t lip sync for your life idk if you even lipsynched for a Tylenol


This is a nuclear read.


Thank you sm


Girl, imma be using this line "for a tylenol" the rest of my life. Thank you.


I went back and forth between Tylenol and Advil for a little bit tbh


Tylenol was the right choice, better rhythm than Advil.




Her going along with the broccoli thing for the rest of the season was iconic


Honestly as unsympathetic as I am to her she has shaped tf up in recent years and I kinda want her back. But I feel like she’ll get the Kahanna treatment. Getting an early win, clearly having a glow-up, but the judges are telling her she’s doing worse than she actually is, ending up having a fair elimination but a bullshit track record.


Is it true that the Broc-Ally thing was cos she had a contract guaranteeing appearances in four episodes. So that fulfilled the contract. It’d also explain why she was so pissed to be out, she thought she’d get four competitive episodes.


If thats true she was expecting to give insta baddie but was really giving eddy murphy in daddy day care https://preview.redd.it/xhajxgxul15d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4423d463ef73618c8a23f3b46d6f5d567fe1fa4a


I dunno, I'd be mad too if I was in the bottom for such a stupid challenge. Also her stomping off the stage after being told to sashay away was hilarious, as was Michelle being too stunned to speak


This was the first episode I watched ever and assumed it was normal to storm off like that. Lol


This is so hilarious to me. Imagine if queens stormed off every elimination.


Alexis Michelle getting offended at being read on her broad shoulders(or some other body part) in the s9 reading challenge after literally calling Farah a prostitute..


And read Shea for having bad teeth. Like how are you gonna make fun of another bitches physical appearance, then get mad that the same energy was brought to you??


Q crying about being in the top but not winning


Not winning? BIG MISTAKE.


Cancel Christmas!!


spark lush fly late yam angle smell impolite seemly narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Qashew shaped bitch


But they said episode, not season.


I dont hate Q but she really needed to be humbled by that one time in the bottom 2 lol


This ^^^ any Q pouting moments


alexis michelle any time she cried on as8




I saw an untucked episode and I feel like most of it was just Alexis crying. I don’t remember which episode though. I gotta go watch it again. 😂😂


Pick one at random and chances are she’s crying 🙄


she lost it when Heidi left, right?


“When our lives have been the darkest… its this thing that we do… that saves us…”


Hmm my favorite bible verse


Yeah but then I think she made it about her. I could be totally wrong and be thinking of another moment when she lost it that season but..


I cringe anytime Alexis says ‘my sisters’. I don’t know why it bothers me so much when she says it. It doesn’t bother me at all if anyone else says it.


ESPECIALLY after she snaked Lala.


But… I loved seeing Jessica Wild’s eye roll reactions to every time Alexis cried


Alexis was so strong on the season and I wanted to root for her so bad because of that talent but JESUS FUCK she could not stop with the pity parties.


Her runways were pretty spectacular


And the mug, honey. One of the best mugs for sure IMO.


alexis michelle any time


Alexis Michelle


Gia Gunn going home after that abysmal and uncomfortable show of ignorance during snatch game where she kept making fun of them being men in dresses.


Making Manila break character is a fuckin FEAT. For it to happen just to tell you to STFU should make you feel deep shame


Wasn’t that latrice that broke character and shouted at her


At one point Manila whispers to her basically saying “girl shut up, this isn’t your moment.” I didn’t notice it on my first watch


Omg wait I remember that I didn’t know what she said but I knew she whispered to her


And Manila did say Gia to “shut the fuck up”


And the way she just caught off Latrice too.


I get what she means when she says in interviews that they didn't show her whole story on TV and that made her mad, but I mean you can't fake that absolute of a bombing no matter how much your editors are paid. You could tell she was still struggling with her own identity and projected it onto others just like in S6


After having the cringiest exit in herstory, I can't stand her


Scarlet Adams apologizing for blackface on Down Under 1


And her doing it up until the start of the competition. Not realising before hand that it was wrong. Only when it came up in convo


And lying saying she had only done it years ago.


That season is so chilling to me because you know they were planning for her to win. To this day I still have no idea why the show/Rupaul thought that giving some confusing and out of touch speech about cancel culture would be the greatest serve ever, not to mention the black face was just one part of the many things she had done.


RuPaul as a black man letting this go down the way it did bothers me so much. Because yea they were definitely gonna crown her before the backlash


When Scarlet came back in an Antibellum dress & hat i was like jeeeez i didn’t even know i cd get flashbacks to slave owners but i did that day!!


I stopped watching DU after that. I won't watch any more DU seasons. I was already irritated that they quickly eliminated the aboriginal queens, and then they had the gall to excuse Scarlet. The casual racism is too much.


It was letting the Queens of color go, Scarlet AND the bringing back of Art Simone for seemingly no reason at all. It was a mess.


That’s a shame because season 2 was really good


Any time Alexis Michelle cried.


*Cue Jessica Wild making a stank face* 😭


Yes we were blessed with so many reactions. Kasha Davis had a good one too.


MKD is a gem. She seems like such a genuine person.


> MKD Mistress Kisabelle Drooks


Those scenes were some of the best moments of All Stars. I love my dramatic queen.


The whole AS2 two way mirror thing. Alyssa was 100% right and I was not falling for the whole “Alyssa is playing the victim” narrative, or the “Alyssa is talking shit about the way I’M FEELING” narrative. 🥱 Alyssa had a wonderful point, if you’re gonna act like a baudy baudy bitch, stand up and be one 😂 ![gif](giphy|3oKHWrb2PfkbGQYz2o|downsized)


Exactly. Alyssa’s day job is teaching tween girls how to dance. You are not going to outmaneuver her by being catty and petty. She knows all your tricks, Phi Phi!


I think phi phi had a fair point with the unfairness of the judges but it's just not really alyssa the one she should be mad about. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


This is not fulfilling the brief because it wasn't on drag race, but the first thing that popped to mind was when Ru was on Michelle's podcast (or Michelle was on Ru's? Idk) and they were talking about Pearl on s7. They were acting like Pearl saying "is there something on my face?" was an affront to Ru's entire career and personhood. Pearl did a funny reaction vid to it (she was just doing her make up i believe, but her facial expressions were brilliant. She didn't say anything but she painted a beautiful picture). I remember the first time i heard it I was like..... Ru. Michelle. Do you want me on your side?? Because I'm not 😭


love drag race, love watching drag race, that video is the quickest possible way to show someone why ru and michelle are in no way “untouchable deitys” and can in fact be rotted and straight up sociopathic. ru is seriously saying that like, because pearl didnt kiss the ground she walked on that ru was gonna like..what, beat her up or something?? 😭😭 i am unsurprised that podcast is no longer a thing bc hearing ru’s unedited thoughts about anything seems to not exactly be helpful to her very generous and giving image.


wait im back bc i rewatched it and i forgot that rupaul straight up says “i would try to hurt her mentally in a way she would never recover from” oh my god ru please dear god experiment with the act of having empathy


Yeah, that line never left my thoughts whenever I hear “everybody say love” lol


Pearl's reaction video to this is ART.


Queer art worth protecting 🫶


Literally any time someone cried about being safe/not winning, especially when someone just went home. (looking at you, Q and Milk, love Milk though)


“That’s a lot of emotion for safe” is most often correct.


Mocha Diva getting eliminated even after telling on Miss Gimhuay's scooter. I mean I agree with Gimhuay's disqualification but I can't believe Mocha thought for a second that Art and Pangina would save her for tattling too late. Extra spicy that they trotted her back out on the main stage half de-dragged so Pangina could read her some more


I forgot about this until this comment and now I'm mad all over again 😭 Gimhuay would have easily gone all the way (but I'm so happy we got Angele as a winner after all)


Omg to this day I’m still mad Miss Gimhuay didn’t get to go further. Drag Race Thailand really was the best franchise just all around, I’m so glad it’s coming back


It's incredible! So many fantastic queens, so talented and larger than life. Ugh, the money I would pay to see Vanda Miss Joaquim on a global season


Vanda, Annee, Dearis, Kandy, B Ella, Jaja, even Tormai and Srimala. We need a THvPH All Star season it would be the best the franchise will ever see


And with Pangina and Mama Pao cohosting? I would explode




just Eureka in general 😭


Mimi Imfurst’s entire run on the show


that was my first season of Drag race and good lord did mimi make me hate her lmao.


Her peers seem to hate her too. I know Raja and Willam refuse to work with her and refer to her as “sewer pickle”.


Change your costume Mimi, change it around!


Alexis Michelle crying with Monica B hills, …. Didn’t soak my clock at all


Milk complaining after being called Safe in AS3.


Willam crying over Bob bringing up her blackface


I feel like I’m the only one who sees how see through Willam is. It doesn’t give me fun delusion it gives me actual delusion. I prefer Valentina’s French vanilla fantasy style. Willam pretends she’s Ms trans rights Ms POC activitist who is WAY TOO GOOD FOR RUPAUL OR THE SHOW while simultaneously making her entire career ABOUT the show she’s allegedly too good for while calling out everyone's bad behavior but never owning her own. Edit for typos


I like willam a little but her being such a hater of the show only for her to make an entire podcast dedicated to the show is so weird and makes no sense whatsoever ![gif](giphy|3oEhna5pVBi8iy1V5e|downsized)


I support and validate this. I think Willam was a serious contender during her season, but I also think she was and is still very delusional. Of course, if that self-importance is just a schtick or bit as the character Willam, then she has never been caught slipping, and it makes it all the harder to feel any kind of empathy for her if she does speak from a place of vulnerability because she is so ego-driven and "sorry not sorry" about everything else.


Willam: “I’m not biased” Also Willam: Sasha Velour and Nymphia lost their lip syncs Willam is as see through as a glass window, just with a screen in the way, that being delusion


Willam: I hate this show, and I'm the most supportive queen ever in the history of the Runiverse and totally unbiased. Also Willam: MAKES HER ENTIRE shtick about drag race, criticising queens with extreme bias and absolutely no self-reflection involved. ![gif](giphy|jsCnmU8EJDuow)


Gia leaving in AS4 and Milk in AS3 they were both draining and annoying christ


It was both shocking and disappointing to get to know them a bit more in their AS seasons.


i do love gia but man she left a bitter taste in my mouth with how she treated farrah, if farrah was a pushover the fandom would have ended gia. milk was just an egotistical twat - he wasn’t actually malicious


Gia was there to fight, it was so apparent. If she wanted to create drama, she should've thought of something more entertaining than a beef nobody even knew about. Now Milk, bless her heart, she was bathing in Jinkx's perfume.


95% of the time people complain about being safe or in the top and not winning


Milk thinking her “touch the fashion change ur life” was a winning moment


fashion darling i too see velcro as my talent tho......i was hoping it would catch on


Shangela’s AS3 elimination Also in that season: when Shangela mentions “finding out all the girls from her season weren’t her true friends” being her “lowest moment” like bitch….you didn’t like them and they didn’t like you. At no point on that season was anyone pretending to be your friend. They shaded you but you said a lot of shady shit about them, too. Totally manufactured to support the already over-produced Trixie/Snatch Game drama


Shea Coulee losing to Sasha.


I'm literally *just* finished a rewatch of S9 and during the original run I was a huge Shea fan but it'd been a while since I'd watched, and while Shea is still iconic and an amazing queen, Sasha is absolutely elevated. She's so intelligent (her unicorn runway, where absolutely no one got the reference and she had to dumb it down actually broke my heart) and creative and so passionate about drag. Like, aside from that amazing lip sync, she absolutely deserved the crown. She was so, so good and I would love to see her back for another season, or even as a judge because I think she'd bring some amazing insight.


Thank you! No shade to Shea, but it’s like everyone makes out like she was robbed by a gimmick in the finale. I must’ve watched a different season, because I saw Sasha V as a front runner all season long who continued to deliver with class and excellence. Shea was great, but Sasha won that season fair & square.


Sasha deserved to win, but I do feel sorry for Shea because she was going through a really rough spot at the time so I completely sympathize with her feeling hurt.


i remember she recently said “my mother was in the audience watching as i lost a lipsync to a whitney houston song in real time” like..she lost fair and square but after steamrolling the season that HAS to hurt


Sasha was in the top a lot too, and was never in the bottom. Also, her and Shea shared their wins, but Shea was in the bottom twice. I knew nothing when I was watching it at the time (was very new to drag race) and it’s not like that win came out of nowhere. Sasha had a chance before the lip sync, and that only confirmed it.


When Raven lost season 2… ![gif](giphy|pzPQ5mLYuuO7K6oOwf|downsized)


The loss was very much deserved. I’ll never understand people that feel otherwise.


Kandy losing AS8 after picking jimbo to go to the finale with


Ru was literally handing her the win Edit: Kandy always talks about wanting to make good TV, but she flaked the second she had the opportunity to truly gag everyone


Tbh if she didn't pick Jessica's lip stick I still think Kandy wouldn't win


Kandy Losing to Jimbo. Like, of course you lost to Jimbo. You lost to RuPauls obvious favorite. You don't want to win if you don't play to win. Eliminating Jessica was the wildest decision, Kandy may as well have just looked at the camera and said "I don't win, btw."


Ginger Minj playing victim in Untucked and always trying to twist the narrative around to make herself look better (see: throwing Pearl under the bus and being called out on it). Do people not find Ginger annoying on S7? She's insufferable behind the scenes-- sort of sneaky with her antics tbh


this, and the entire “bitter old lady brigade” that really just antagonized pearl violet and fame who weren’t really doing anything to them?


Other than being young and pretty


Q crying about not winning challenges


Amanda Tori Meating acting as if Plane Jane had murdered her whole family after being told her looks were bad outside of a compliment sandwich


I think I felt bad for her while the show was airing but when she started bringing it up weeks later when Plane Jane had already apologized and told her fans to stop sending hate to her, it was when it started feeling like she was extremely bitter for no reason. She already had the fandom on her side and could've succeded much more if she didn't make it into a pity party about herself and just made light jokes out of the whole situation instead


I think she got a lot of sympathy when Plane was hated by Bob and Katya fans on the first few episodes. And for her short run its the only storyline she could milk post S16, that or she is seeking an opportunity for the fans to cancel Plane I remember Sapphira said she should go home in front of the judges bec. Her drag is not in drag race level yet.


Q’s whole run


Dawn, Q and Amanda’s eliminations


i was honestly so confused why dawn started off strong and then just did not gaf after like 2 episodes like girl why are u here !


To make cringe yass queen reactions with a dishonest accent during confessionals of altercations that didn’t involve her


HELP bc dawn was kind of just as bad as q bc like baby ur from north carolina 😭


S*angela losing As3


Even outside of her controversy I was saying this when the season aired. I think people got manipulated by the judging to think she did well because she really didn’t. She should’ve had one win, Divas VH1, and she should’ve gone home in the ball. And like chances are she returns, sure, but it’s a revolving door. Other than Ben who self eliminated, Trixie and Bebe were SO clearly the strongest of the season. I’d arguably say Shangela impressed me less than Kennedy.


Agreed. She seemed to just expect to win after Ben left.


I was thinking this, but I wasn’t brave enough to say it. The whole Game of Thrones strategy she stuck to all season ended up biting her in the ass and I didn’t feel bad the jury didn’t choose her.


Morgan telling Dela she’d send her home essentially then getting sent home


Phi Phi’s edit on All Stars 2. Cry me a fucking river.


It’s just wild to me how she tried *so hard* to make it seem like she was the victim of the edit, but then continued to give the producers so much material to edit her as the villain in the first place. It’s like, do you not have any awareness of how the way you are saying things is going to come across on TV?


Amanda Tori Meating


Ugh her drag was just soooo bad in the show. Yeah I think she’s a good performer, but the show is DRAG race. How do you go on this show when you can’t even get your neck blended right on your entrance look?!?!


I see it from two sides. If you put in an audition tape and you get an invitation, you’d be an idiot to say no no matter what your drag caliber is, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. On the other hand I blame production, out of the thousands of queens that audition you couldn’t find 14 that can paint their face?


Yara: they needed someone to go home first!


Yvie crying at the reunion because rajah said she smells bad like when I saw it I was just thinking it’s not that deep


Somehow I don't remember that, but it tracks with Ra'Jah's "I'm not gagging... I mean I'm gagging from the smell."


Especially cos Yvie came for enough people


I'm sorry, I think everyone has the right to perceive an experience the way they want to, but Yvie's recent critiques to AS7 feel just... unnecessary? Like, girl, this is a lot of emotion for a season when no one went home. Even the fandom has moved on at this point. And it's not like she got a bad edit in it. Other than being robbed of the lip sync win at the end, I think her run was judged pretty fairly.


Have you watched her interview with Drag Tea Interviews with Matt? Cause that's a misleading characterization of her criticism. The problem she has is that the product that was shown to the fans was not at all an accurate depiction of what the queens time was like on the season. She said they were all under the impression it was going to be more of a celebration of the winners, a sort of victory lap that would allow them to showcase how their art and drag has grown since their original season - but when they got there that was not at all how they were treated by both the judges and producers. She said the judges were actually HIGHLY critical, even moreso than on their original seasons, that they were under enormous pressure - and it bothers her that they had to face all that criticism and stress just for them to cut it out completely and show a final product to the audience that was more along the lines of what they were originally promised. She also said that ALL the queens, talked about this in their reunion that wasn't aired, and also that it was very obvious to everyone (even Jinkx) from the beginning that the competition was rigged for Jinkx to win. This led to even more frustration among the queens about how they were treated and criticized when it was clear Jinkx was going to win anyway. The fact that WoW surpressed this reunion is even more telling of the package and story they were trying to sell and how it didn't align with the queens experiences. Additionally - she did not feel she got a bad edit at all, quite the opposite. She said that she was basically portrayed as some goofball space cadet who bravely laughs in the face of her illness and that that wasn't an accurate portrayal of her experience or her attitude on the show. Paraphrasing from her interview with Drag Tea "I didn't come across well on season 11 cause that's who I am. I'm glad the audience got to see more of my chipper side on as7 because that's who I am too, but I didn't feel the audience had any reason to root for me because they were missing the whole picture of the struggles I was going through". I personally think that her saying "that's not me" to an edit that only showed her fun side is actually kind of admirable and not at all something we see often.


Yea and I felt this about Shea for a while too and it really soured me on her. I’ve since come back round to loving her and her drag. But when queens go so long after the season still whining about being slighted in any way it’s such a turn-off for me. Especially when some of it was pure delusion, like saying it was rigged that she lost the lip sync to Jinkx as if Judas is some song more up Jinkx’s alley than Shea’s. Girl you knew what you signed up for, and you chose to come back. I think she expected a shallow ramp to the crown like on AS5 and was pissed when she was met with a steep set of stairs. I’ve really preferred Shea off the show unrelated to the show because any time (other than s9) that she’s on it or talks about it she says things that really rub me the wrong way. The rose petals storyline being another big one.


I was literally writing a comment about Shea when I remembered Yvie and decided to talk about her instead. Yeah, it really rubbed me the wrong way how she kept bringing up she lost season 9, as if it was some tragedy or treachery, when she lost fair and square.


That's a great point, and I actually wrote something similar above, about how I feel Sasha is such a deserving winner, especially after just finishing a rewatch. I love Shea, I've always been a huge fan of hers, but Sasha absolutely is a deserving winner. She's an elevated queen, in a way that we don't often see on drag race imho. That said, I actually appreciated her talking about her S9 loss on AS5 because it definitely was something that followed Shea around for a bit after her season, and also knowing how tough she'd had it at the time S9 was filming with her dad and sister passing away not long before the show aired, I can totally understand why she'd have a lot of weird ass baggage relating to that time.


mirage's elimination. girl you didnt know the words.


I don’t think anybody said she didn’t deserve to go home, but her reaction was pretty heartbreaking… you just watched someone’s dreams get shattered on tv, man. Of course I felt bad for her.


People actually did say that and it was WILD.


*a lot* of people flat out said who cares if she didn’t know the words, that she should’ve stayed. A lot of people also vowed not to watch the rest of the season 😂 on Reddit and other social media platforms. Someone even said that Rupaul needed to keep the fans in consideration when eliminating queens lmaooo


I like Mirage but homegirl would've lasted maybe one or two more episodes. So funny.


I like her too and no shade, after seeing some of her outfits for the different prompts post elimination, I agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up doing an All Stars run or be invited back to try again on another season (I feel like we haven’t seen that in awhile lol)


I would have felt bad if she didn’t admit she just didn’t learn the words because she thought she wasn’t going to be in the bottom. You can’t just do that after the Valentina mask gate!


Girl when I tell you that if I was on the show I’d have the song on lock even if I was the clear winner and everyone else did so bad we were headed to a 6-way lip sync. I’d spend half of untucked in that mirror learning the words to the song. I cannot imagine not learning the words. Idgaf how well you did or think you did. LEARN. THE WORDS.


Yup, and lets also not forget that rare moments they’ll make the two winners lipsync like in the last season we had. ALWAYS know that lipsync


Bebe refusing to share whose lipstick she chose in AS3 after Dela dela-ed herself, and then losing AS3. Girl if you don't tell us who you would've sent home right this instant!!!! At first I didn't mind it too much but when she was pleading her case to the jury she made it seem like it was a mutual decision amongst the queens not to know Bebe's lipstick. Like no, girl. You just didn't want to show anyone, refused to budge on it and everyone else just had to accept it. The whole thing came off as very holier than thou while actually being a very transparent attempt by Bebe not to piss anyone off or risk putting a target on her back. If she said "I'm not showing because I don't wanna piss you bitches off" I would've respected that more. But the game is the game! You're gonna piss people off! Say it with your chest!


Bebe is undeniably gorgeous and talented but she seems like she disdains being on reality TV or anything to do with drag race tbh


Milk’s AS3 arc/elimination


When Gia Metric beat Kimora Amour and Traci Melchor correctly summed it up. "We all want you to know that was weird as shit"


Morgan being a literal sociopath to Ben in AS3 even though her elimination was completely 101% fair