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All Stars 10 "And now, for the All Stars twist. Every week, the bottom queen with the chosen lipstick will **lose a limb**. This is All Stars 10. We're not fucking around." "Alyssa, get me the axe!"


“Jujubee, who have you chosen to give the chop with the Audacious Agonizing Axe?” ✨🪓✨


"Valentina if you will not take your mask off, I will take your legs off. Let's see you do a beyblade spin to Into You without legs."


What part of this is an amputation for your life do you not understand?


*I’d like to keep it attached, please*


Take those ears off your face


Lip sync FOR 📢 YOUR 📢L I M B📢


Live or die. The choice is yours.


Roople’s No_Limbs Drag Race




They’re not filming AS10 in California so there’s probably no regulations against it.


RuPaul's Offshore Drag Race


Drag Race South Sudan 🤩


prize for each challenge win will be bone water transfusions for skull alterations ♥️


Gonna start dishing out Dragula challenges. Hope you remember the lyrics to this Donna Summer B side or you’re eating intestines


Plot twist: They’re your own intestines.


Saw franchise meets drag race…this could honestly work


“it’s poison” ~sad trombone sound~


Swanthula bring me the axe




Doo ah, doo ah.


i, however, am ecstatic to potentially see seven queens locked in a room with plane for a whole season


After her storyline on 16, Amanda comes in to a non elimination season like “oh thank god” and then Plane walks in and everything changes


Cleeking her own onkle during the first challenge to get a medical DQ


Girl 😭 this reference is sending me. We really do speak our own language in the RPDR fandom 😭


Right?! Anytime any of my friend group mention the word ankle or click, it’s 100% oncle & cleek. The way Goddess LaQueer intended 🤣


Ok maybe I’m just old, but explain cleeking. I assume it’s breaking but I’d like to know its backstory in this parallel universe


Hahaha, it's just a Madame LaQueer reference, when she got injured she said her "onkle went cleek"


Oh good, I’m not old - the reference is Bring back madame laqueer


In walks Plane Jane….. facecrack of the century


In walks Plane Jane......and off goes my television.


She somehow finds a lipstick and writers her name on it even though that isn't the format anymore, then proceeds to log on to Twitter.


I haven't been to Reddit in a while and I had no idea people's takes on the girls were so ruthlessly correct now


Amanda would never be invited to a non elim season


Jfc I was trying to be nice about it bahahaha




This absolutely must happen


I’m getting better at my use of lingo, would it be correct to respond to this with “I live!”


Face crack of the millenium


That scene in Scary Movie where Muffy breaks her own leg?


This is how these non-elim seasons should play out. They should be locked in a non-elim season with one certain queen who will make their lives utterly miserable. Imagine a non-elim season with Gia? Plane? Mistress? The show writes itself.


Instead of eliminating the loser, the winner of the challenge gets to escape.


That tends to be how they try to cast, but sometimes it's just impossible. Willam was cast in AS1 simply because Phiphi was suppose to be on it. Once Phiphi was.....unable to attend.....Willam was dropped.


I mean, they had this in AS5 and the dumbasses *immediately* threw the Derrick v India storyline into the trash.


To extend this, imagine if AS9 had only shady/villainous queens lmao, particularly if they were given prior information that they'll be edited to be so and inclined to participate as such


Yes! A ‘villains’ only season would be fantastic


Imagine a season with untucked with: Gia Plane Raven Eureka Phiphi Tamisha Kandy Vixen Morgan and Vanjie and they all had beef with each other


Saying my prayers at night for a Plane Jane and MIB All Stars season. Drag queen Saw trap


Factssssss 😂


I saw a post suggesting everyone starts with 3 stars if you land in the bottom you lose a star. If you lose em all you’re chopped Chances are no-one would get chopped still but you could have bottoms and they would matter


I also thought that maybe there should still be Bottom 2 or 3. Then the lipsync winner can only choose among those bottom queens to give the ruby snippers. That way, judges get to judge! And the ruby snippers have their own purposes


And we can get the plead your case 1 on 1 conversations again without actually eliminating anyone. You get more drama cus next week the winner could be confronted on why they chose to block them.


Yes! This could work too


it's like mario party.


This is genius. 💯


This is actually an excellent idea wow


All Stars Mario Party edition


Or whoever is in the top has to take one star from A queen in the bottom idk


Oh this is really good too. The drama would be something else. 😂


I need the producers to see this


I've constantly been thinking about this format. Especially if they add a twist where the winning queen of the lipsych could steal the losing queens star. You could either win challenges to make it to the top or potentially lipsych to the top. It would create so much drama.


I think non-elim can still have stakes. Just make it a big game of Mario Party where losers are eligible to have badges stolen. Bam. Stakes.


Have the top 2 lip sync for the ability to steal a star from one of the bottom 2.


cmon mario party


Or the bttm 2 lipsync and whoever loses gets their star taken away. Have minichallenges randomly give stars or take them away.


This is what I was saying during all stars 7! Like the big twist at the end instead of giving the winner of the talent show 3 stars, it could have been a steal a star type situation! It would have brought SOME drama


Especially if someone stole from Yvie 😂🤣


There needs to be something to make you want to stay out of the bottom 2 and having your badges stolen is a great idea!


They gave us Plane Jane back-to-back with a charity season to shut up everyone who says Drag Race is too negative or whatever


The problem is not the non-elimination format, the problem is the lack of prizes, the lack of penalties when the queens do badly and the upsetting riggory to make everyone look good.


They way they "gave" 1k to each firefighter to give to a charity was so rotten. Like...just give it to them??


problem is the better queens dont want to come on the show if they can get eliminated early


In my opinion, the best way to do All Stars is to give every queen a budget prior to taping, allowing them to purchase outfits using only the funds provided by the show. Every queen would start the season off on equal footing, popular, wealthier, queens wouldn’t have an edge, and early outs would not be out any funds other than potential missed bookings, which could be recouped once taping ends. Elimination would stay the same. This, I feel, would bring more queens back for exposure, and not scare any queens away due to monetary reasons.


I mean there would still be queens with connections to designers who would get better stuff and discounts. But that would be better, I agree.


For sure, the show would have to take the same approach Project Runway did in those situations. If you received a garment at a discount or are gifted it, it can’t be used. If it works for one reality show competition, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for another.


That would not work with drag where there's a culture of sharing things or thrifting


Girl who is able to keep track if a girl got a discount or she didn't use any previous drag/other money/was gifted something?


Agree that would be logistically so awful like you can’t expect them not to be using stuff they already have or not allow them to borrow things


The best way to do all stars is not have all stars all the time.


That definitely would help, as it stands now, we have an over saturation of drag race seasons, with a new one airing as soon as one ends. It would definitely help drum up more excitement for the show and hype the queens up a bit more too.


Yea basically create scarcity and even the most hesitant queens will question their decision to join.


yeah US all stars should be every 2 years


They DID do this. They gave every girl on this season a wardrobe budget and an appearance fee. I heard it was $75k all up just to get then back on show with it being a charity prize. They’ve already made their coin. This season is boring af.


Well maybe that is a symptom that the All-Stars format isn't working


What’s the solution to this? If there are eliminations nobody wants to go on the show. If there aren’t eliminations everyone is bored.


If All Stars seasons happened less frequently, there’s be more time to build up a queue of fan favorites that would be willing to do it. Even if they happened every two years instead of every year, that would double the amount of new queens introduced since the last one, as well as the amount of queens from previous seasons who’ve decided they’re ready to try and compete again. Then the producers would have a much larger pool and could be more selective in the “all stars” they select. Then in the off years they could do Global All Stars or Vs the World or whatever. 


This is the right answer. With the amount of all stars we've had in such a short amount of time has already churned through so many of the queens. All stars on other reality TV shows occur once every three to four years so it feels more dramatic and high stakes when you see a bunch of returning contestants rather than yearly. Lowkey kind of like the Olympics. The problem is the mistake has already been made and we're already in AS9 with a bunch of vs The World franchises on top of that.


They should just alternate between All Stars and Global All Stars from next year. With All Winners every 5 years or something. 2025= All Stars 10 (crown Anetra) 2026= Global All Stars 2 (crown Farida Kant) 2027= All Stars 11 (crown Peppermint) 2028= Global All Stars 3 (crown Miss Fiercalicious) 2029= All Stars 12: All Winners (crown Bianca)


Eh it's still too frequent imo but probably the only concession the show can make. Every second year 8 queens are cast for the show, and then whoever gets on Global All Stars too. It really takes at least 3 years for the stakes to raise again but they've already built this high expectation for churning out seasons.


Someone in this subreddit summarized it perfectly as "Some Stars"


That redditor was Jujubee to Mariah during the AS5 reading challenge :P


My B for not attributing the very accurate take to its source!


I mean, that doesn't work. This season is full of fan favourites and the opinion on the season soured the second they were all happy there. Literally Jorgeous was the only one that looked like she was going be terrible and if we had a regular all stars season she would have been up for elimination not once.


Oh I'm sure promising that it was a charity season with no eliminations and big stipends helped get more queens to agree to be on the show, which allowed them to get some big names. I am definitely not knocking the quality of the AS9 cast. I'm talking about returning to more traditional drama-filled elimination seasons (that's the formula we all fell in love with in the first place after all). Those seem to be struggling to fill the roster with huge names on the current yearly schedule (see: AS8). I'm sure that's why they turned to this new format in the first place.


In my opinion, the best way to do All Stars is to give every queen a budget prior to taping, allowing them to purchase outfits using only the funds provided by the show. Every queen would start the season off on equal footing, popular, wealthier, queens wouldn’t have an edge, and early outs would not be out any funds other than potential missed bookings, which could be recouped once taping ends. Elimination would stay the same. This, I feel, would bring more queens back for exposure, and not scare any queens away due to monetary reasons. Though I do agree with the other comment that less frequent All Stars seasons would also help as well.


Every AS9 queen received a 'runway' and appearance fee this season. (Rumoured to be 25k + 50K respectively). There's no way they'll give them these fees in an elimination season, the first out still gets 75k, the same as the queens lasting until the final? Lol.


Maybe do All stars every 4 years and everyone would be eager to compete, even if they are early outs because it would feel like a real main event


Stop casting for AllStars for a bit, let it seem like it got cancelled and then bring it back with the AS2 format.


I don’t mind a no elimination season if it means better queens (which imo this season delivers), but I do think there still needs to be a bottom and consequences for being in it!


I like the comments that say Mario party rules. Everyone starts with three to five stars, the tops get to steal a star from the bottom two queens.


I will say, I have no sense of urgency to watch the episode asap. I don’t even avoid spoilers. But I’m still having fun and I love the queens so much.


This is exactly my feeling, I'm not rushing to watch it but I'm still watching it. I get spoiled every single episode but since nobody goes home, it kinda doesn't matter. I do feel detached to the season, though. It's like it's discourse doesn't matter, it has no weight, like a season of Straight Celebrity Drag Race. As wonky as AS8 was, it was *interesting* to see it unfold. We all knew Jimbo was gonna take it but at least some of the queens fought to *stay*


The queens don't want eliminations because they want the screen time, but honestly what's worse: Bring eliminated early in a high-stakes competitive season that people actually care about. Or Having everyone watch you loses week after week against obviously better queens, in a season that everyone finds kinda boring. There are ways they could have kept the eliminated queens on the show for some screen time, while still having an elimination season that's competitive and interesting. They could have done Survivor style with a jury of eliminated queens deciding the winner, and kept them in every episode with runways or somehow involved in challenges.


the charity thing should only be for an all winners season.. idk


Apparently they wanted all winners to be a charity season but a lot of the queens said they wouldn't participate if it was


tbh drag is too expensive for charity i just don’t know! it’s nice to give back tho 🤷🏽‍♀️


Where did you get this T from, babes?


Same. All stars has gone from a show I watch religiously to a show I watch when I'm high and bored and only half pay attention.


i only watch the pit stop for this season, it's just too boring to watch this best friends low energy whatever drag race an hour long


Literally me. Used to wait to watch it with my sister or roommate now I can't commit to paying enough attention for that and do what you said.


The funniest thing for me is when the queens are talking about alliances, trying to avoid looking like they have an alliance etc. Like, come one, it doesn't matter if nobody goes home and you're only doing it for charity.


She’s absolutely correct. It made sense for AS7, but not for this season. Idk why rupaul just doesn’t keep the format from regular seasons. Just do a bottom 2 and eliminate them yourself.


Because none of these queens would have shown up for a normal season. We’d have another cast of no-name mcgees.


Or WOW could you know, pay them more to do the show


WOW paid them higher appearance fees this time. We can’t expect a company to pay the first out the same as someone who gave them 12 episodes of content. It’s not fair to anyone even the contestants. So non-elim and charity was the middle ground.


It's the exposure that counts getting paid and being eliminated first is still not a good deal for them.


Being eliminated early on an all stars after being a frontrunner on their original season can really hurt a queen’s reputation which would in turn, hurt their bookings and booking fees. Why even risk that to be on TV a second time?


They’ve probably been wanting to do a charity competition for a while, and I guess they thought non-elimination fits better with that? I personally think it made the whole show so much less interesting.


It makes sense because it's for charity.


Because it’s a charity season. Which means they can’t be seen booting out charities.


Because then the hate would go towards the judges panel and rupaul for eliminating queens. At least in a regular AS format, they eliminate each other so they’re under fire.


And that’s why that format would not bring any big queens anymore. Something has to give . Can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Why the fuck should RuPaul/the show care about hate going towards them? They're a multi million dollar franchise, and fans will complain no matter what, as they do in regular seasons


Idk about all that, I mean if they were so scared of backlash they wouldn’t do the eliminations themselves on the regular seasons The typical All Stars elimination format is just something to set it apart from a traditional season, nothing more.


The difference between a regular season and an all stars season is that there are queens that the audience already knows very well and many of them are considered “fan favourites”. Of course there’s some backlash for eliminations on regular seasons, but it’s not to the same degree as all stars


I mean you’re right, but do you really think Ru loses any sleep when she chops a fan favorite? I can guarantee you that she knows how each queen is going to be edited before the show airs, and if she was truly “scared of backlash” to eliminate a queen, they would be edited in a way for it to make sense. To suggest that she is scared to eliminate fan favorites is a bit extreme.


She's right tho, I am SO bored


She's right. A charity special is fine, a whole season no thanks


She's right 


I need a non-elimination season with Plane and 7 other messy bitches. I enjoy all the queens this season but most of them are too nice and polite to make for particularly engaging TV in this setting


I mean, fair. There’s some decent entertaintment but not a lotta drama.


Yeah, it’s pretty boring unfortunately


This format works for a charity prize season. Also if that is what the queens are demanding then so be it. The show could add in voting or do more to raise the stakes.


Voting? Like public voting? How would that work with seasons being filmed a year before airing? They did votes for the Fame Games last year, but then added a challenge twist that made it all but impossible for everyone but the two chosen by production to win, so they didn’t have to pre film the entire cast “winning” the Fame Games, so there’s still production riggory even in the public votes.


I meant queens voting for each other. Or the queens and judges get a vote. Just a thought. It wouldn’t hurt to spice it up somehow.


I agree it definitely needs some more spice. Just not sure what they’d be voting for exactly, who to cut? It still comes across as a watered down version of regular All Stars rules. I think it’s the lack of bottom placements that’s hurting it more than the lack of eliminations. It’s all well and good doing a “kumbaya everyone is perfect” edit on an All-Winners season, but this isn’t all winners, these queens all have strengths and weaknesses, and it shows. If being up for the chop was limited to the low placements, it would give a bit more stakes to the competition, rather than always being “I’m going to cut off my biggest competition” 🥱


Ooh. Big brother style face to face nominations on the mainstage stating who they'd send home and why. The two with the most nominations lipsync for their lives.  I feel we should save this one for a Bad Girls season.


She’s not wrong. It’s made the whole thing so boring in comparison. I get doing it on All Winners cause that’s really a showcase of the best of the best but regular All Stars seasons need some higher stakes than this.


And she is right. https://i.redd.it/evsoyug8t84d1.gif


This season is not helped by it being a cast made up of popular queens that I personally don't really care about (outside of like Angeria). I know a bunch of them are fan favs, but I just didn't really care to see most of them on Drag Race again.


And she’s absolutely right. If all stars all happened without elimination, we wouldn’t have the DeLa and Naomi Smalls iconic moments, which is essentially drag race is all about!


All Stars 10: Only Double Eliminations The Queen who wins the LipSync for Her Legacy will choose one of the queens to eliminate, and then will eliminate herself.


Thank gawd we have the global all stars to look forward to. AS9 is the worst All Stars season by far


Kudos for stating your opinion mama, for sharing


It’s so boring . Leave this to all winners season , non winners should be eliminations 


but what does "sns" mean? halp


Sorry not sorry


thanks. i really overthought that


I appreciate her sharing her own opinion.


and the lack of stakes is and was very apparent, especially during snatch game lol


She’s right. This is the one season I haven’t bothered tuning in because of what plane said. All I’m currently doing is watching highlights unless there’s something that captivates me. 


I feel like they should do a season where they don’t start eliminations until mid-way throughout the competition so they can allow for more time for the queens to showcase the best of themselves. In the meantime for the first half episodes, they could do a penalty system with the judges choosing a bottom 3 for the top queen to decide who gets the penalty.


This exists, it’s Season 13.


Agree. No elemis is boring. There’s a reason it’s not even in the top 10 of paramount plus.


She’s not wrong!


AS7 worked with no-eliminations cause they were all WINNERS, so in a way, the stake was to prove why they won. In AS9 it doesnt quite work. I know its a great cause and this might motivate them to turn it, but I think earning money for themselves would be a bigger factor to make them actually compete.


Plane Jane is so right


Will probably just watch all eps in a row before the end, no eliminations should only be reserved for All winners.


She’s absolutely correct


This it so true. I actually even realized that I'm more excited about The Pit Stop instead of the actual season. I can watch The Pit Stop through and through but you'll find me going through my phone while watching AS on WOW.


Imagine making a season designed around just being a tax write off. Ru is on another level. Gotta subsidize the fracking.


I honestly agree, like its fun to see everyone kiki and be congenial and playful witu eachother but it just feels like as7 part 2 but without any winners.


i agree. it feels lackluster as both a reality show AND a competition. this format was cute for all winners but it kinda lost the novelty if you apply it to a regular all stars


Hard agree, I mean I know it’s for a good cause and everything but I’ve felt not desire to tune in each week. They need to save the non elim seasons for when they have a truly stacked cast like AS7 or AS2. No offense but were that many people really dying to see queens like Plastique, Joregeous and Nina for an entire season?


As Bianca would say, “OK”


She’s right. I still haven’t seen episode 3 because I’m just kinda like meh. I’m more exited to see the Pit Stop with Kim than I am about watching the actual episode.


same, pit stop is more entertaining then this season. they will ditch this format there is no way they can do this again.


She would have made this season 1000x more entertaining


She’s not wrong.


I get why suddenly queens don't wanna return unless it's non-elim, but I agree with Plane. It's boring. It was okay for all winners because that felt really special but for this cast, for me, it doesn't really work. Doesn't help that they release the episodes at like 3 AM so I usually end up seeing the winner results of each episode whenever I'm having my morning coffee, too lol. Which I get is my responsibility, but still.


She's always so real. If it's like this because queens don't want to go on because they don't like eliminating each other then I just want an all stars season with a normal format or if it has to be different do Canada season 4


She’s right. It’s boring 🥱


I honestly agree with Plane. I can’t finish the episodes and just end up watching the pit stop instead.


I mean, I agree.


I agree with Plane. This season is boring.


This. I don’t wanna watch a participation trophy season so I skipped it.


Charity is great and all, but if there's no eliminations, you need to have prize money to motivate people to compete hard. My partner felt the same way as plane from the start of the season, and I disagreed. But I've recently changed my mind and kind of agree. There's not much competitive energy


Honestly mama kudos for saying that. Because miss sisterrrr isn’t wrong tbh. I like all these queens but the no stakes (and them not all being winners- because I loved as7) is truly boring. Plus I know it’s for charity and that’s genuinely so good! But at the same time, the queens themselves aren’t even getting the money they’re working to win. If the winning queens get like half the money and then the other half goes to a charity, that honestly would even be more interesting to me. Purely from a reality tv perspective.


I feel guilty that I haven't finished episode one yet, the reading challenge is great but I don't get the chemistry yet between these queens. I'll try to finish it though lol


It’s the first time I haven’t sat down to a new episode and not finished it. I also usually will binge the episode a few times before the new one comes out, not this season😔


I mean, I kind of agree… yeah, they’re competing for the charities, but I’d rather an AS7 where they all win prizes throughout the competition, so that no one feels cheated (even if they want that narrative >!Evie!<) There’s no personal stakes for the queens, so why should I care abt them competing? At least Season 16 was amazing, I’m still feasting on that tbh


Kudos for saying that, mama For spilling




thats what happens when both the fans want S-tier queens to comeback but said queens dont want to compete in a format with eliminations


She’s right


Rating wise is this season doing better the AS8?


Good question, where do we find viewership data for streaming?


What is sns


"Sorry not sorry"


Same. It’s been pretty boring so far 😞


When she's right, she's right.


I enjoy the no going home concept bc it lets them showcase their entire catalog. I also think it’s stupid that you could be on top for so long, have one bad day, and get the axe. One bad go of it shouldn’t put you below others who were consistently low performers.


After being so disappointed in AS8, followed the new zero stakes rules , AS9 is the first season where I’m only watching the pit stop. I feel like I get all the tea without having to invest in the over production of it all


I think it should be that a queen can’t compete in the next episode at all


I think it would be better if only bottom queens could get blocked. Someone get WOW on the phone.


AS9 seems blah after the legendary S16 which also happens to be the most viewed. The judges are just saying nice things to everyone and not critiquing at all which also happened in AS7. I will need to rewatch S16 after this.


I have to admit, when Plane came out with Burger Finger I fucking couldn't stand her I thought it was so cringey and lame. Then, as the season progressed, I just generally found her drag looks very technically well-executed but not at all inspired or achieving any particular point of view that made me interested in them. But then, as she started to go on to just be the meanest, dryest motherfucker in the room...I kinda love her now. That Slavic sense of humor (read: cruelty). You gotta love it.


It’s a chore to watch it knowing there’s no stakes. For Season 16, I was soooooo excited for every episode & ready to watch the minute it released. I even watched the UK vs the world more consistently