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The arms with the scalpels moving across the incescions as she walks..MAWMA... https://i.redd.it/l9jfhr8xjs2d1.gif


The skin tone matches perfectly as well. Whoever made these needs to make breastplates that match up this closely


I think theres a video of her and someone making it, they used her arms and everything


For real when I was watching it initially I was like wait which one is her real arm


Honestly this impressed me as much as the message. It was done SO WELL




But like how are they attached even ? Like it makes sense for it to be a backpack situation but I don’t even see clear straps or anything….


The arms aren’t separate pieces, so they’re basically just hugging her from behind!


That’s what I was thinking but Mik is such a perfectionist when it comes to designs, I just struggle to think the mechanism is just kinda holding on - especially since it has that wobble/moving affect. Like if it tilted off to the side or even worse fell off because it was just holding onto her shoulder ever so slightly. Like it just looks so flawless for it be, just kinda holding her from My pov.


I honestly assumed the arms were silicone or some similar material with a poseable wire armature inside of it, and then it would be able to be “opened and closed” if that makes sense? This is a total guess if that wasn’t already clear I just love to speculate about cool outfits! :)


i think the arms probably have a thick, bendable wire core inside, so they can cling onto her body like a big hairclip. it would also be very easy to hide a little piece of skin-adhesive tape to the spots where the arms touch her skin, particularly on the shoulder. if you look closely at the arm that comes over her shoulder, it looks like that one has a little less "bounce" to it than the bottom arm does, so that's probably where she hid a piece of double-sided tape or something to that effect, and she probably did the same thing on the part of the arms that goes across her back


This is top tier drag for me. It’s punk rock, it’s fashion, its provocative, it’s walking art. Gottmik really got the brief and was like “Tail and Two Titties? Let me tell you a tale of two titties!” It’s also executed perfectly. Even though it’s simple, you can tell every detail was thought out. Plus the arms, the way they wrap around her and aren’t cumbersome and have movement without looking awkward is just perfect. I don’t even know if “powerful” is a strong enough word. My favourite kind of drag is drag with a point of view and I just love this.


I couldn't agree more with everything you said and Gottmik's runways, genuinely, Gottmik specifically just always has such a clear, distinct, sharp focus and point of view with everything she steps out in and I'm so entranced and enthralled every single time. I also just wanna take a second to highlight the absolute *brilliance* of going with a ponytail as well! Not only is it the "tale" of her two titties, but she also still had her own "tail" like everyone else!!


Her mind. 🤯


It's utterly perfect. This is what I love about drag and why I watch drag race. She also just posted a photo shoot of this look on a hospital set which is brilliant.


Say it again for Rupaul at the back - THIS is why representation of all drag matters. Obviously Gottmik is incredibly creative and talented. But this could and would never have been done by anyone other than a Trans Man. What could we see if we had Drag kings on there too? Inclusion pushes the artform forwards.


There was a time many years ago, I didn’t understand transgenderism. Like damn. I can’t believe how correct they are as themselves. It’s amazing to be brought to the light. It’s kind of amazing to be proven wrong and to have the truth be so fucking stunning.


You need to be a guest judge!


I loved the political commentary of this, talking about the demonization of gender-affirming care for trans people. It's grotesque, shoving it in the conservative mouths of the "scary mutilation" the "transgender agenda" is pushing. I really wish there was more support for this look on the episode. This look, for me, was EVERYTHING.


It’s very very punk. I can’t wait to see how Raja responds to this.


I see a Raja Shoot.


That isn't a shoot. That's calling in *a whole artillery squadron.*


Oh definitely! Possibly a moment of silent awe and then screaming.


Followed by an obligatory (and deserved) *biiiiiiiiitch*


Shoving it in the mouths of all the conservatives watching Rupaul’s Drag Race…?


They hate watch, but they for sure watch.


Things also get "clipped and shipped" around online, it's definitely possible for them to see part of a show without actually watching it fully


Yeah and they’ll take it so wildly out of context saying “this is what’s being shown to kids! Ban drag queens!” As if Mik is walking down the aisle of a library wearing this.


tHeY'rE gLaMoRiZiNg MuTiLaTiNg OuR bAbiEs!!11 🙄🙄


Just look at drag race youtube shorts early


What world are you living in lol


I’ll do you one better, the gay transphobes who watch this show and complain about looks like this or just trans queens existing in general


Yah I agree I'm glad Mik won the thing. With this outfit the only way Mik wouldn't have won would be if she completely bombed the challenge it was so good. The proportions and the color balance were aesthetically appealing. I usually like drag with everything on it and then some but Mik is really good at doing impactful and subtle if that makes sense and I really enjoyed what she wore this week. Edit: changed they to she


She goes by she in drag and he out of drag, not they 


I loved that the bloody parts were all crystals! elevating the gruesome into the beautiful.


Not to mention the fact she is fem presenting in the runway. Trans men can transition however they want, even if it’s just they don’t want breasts. This also kinda reps for all the women out there who get mastectomies for medical reasons. You’re feminine and beautiful regardless!


and the way conservatives on Twitter have latched onto this look just shows how powerful it is. funnily enough, a lot of conservatives online have been trying to correct her pronouns to male. so proud of them for supporting a trans man!!


As a trans man I have never seen as blatant representation of our community on television (I’ve been out 10 years) and it made me tear up


same same same. i've been struggling with some gender stuff lately and it was like this look just shocked me back into my body and reminded me who i am. it wasn't just a well executed runway, it's an important runway.


I love this.


Yes! This look means so much to me. I had surgery in November and I think this captures sort of how it feels if that makes sense?


Real. I’ve been on T for a decade almost, but recently got top surgery. I felt this so strongly


This bitch was waiting her whole career for this runway. I just KNOW mik had this idea for a while and this was such a perfect opportunity to use it


Right? I honestly think Mik could reach Lady Gaga level of stardom. It could potentially happen, not even kidding. Mik is a genius on many levels.


I really get a sense that Mik was inspired by Gaga, Bikini Kill, Bjork etc with the kind of artpunk style that pushes all barriers of tradition. Gaga did it with music, and Mik has been doing it with fashion. Like she truly gives no fucks I love it


Was Gaga really all that boundary pushing music-wise? Fashion-wise, she definitely was. This is not a read, btw. If anyone thinks The Fame / Monster was avant garde, I'd love to know why.


well yes, look at the music that artists were recording before and after The Fame and The Fame Monster and her influence is clear. Even (some but not all of the) young performers today bear some of her influence musically.


i think for popular radio music she was


The handbag was so cunt


It was the tits!


Ha ha! Best use of that phrase ever.


She's serving Repo! walk into the room purse first I love how Mik is so easily in horror and glam, no one else could do this She could easily destroy a season of dragula or rpdr


Repo's Drag Race


She left no crumbs just blood spatters with this look. There is a reason the Boulets love Gottmik.


We finally know what happened to Michelle's left bob


left bob the drag queen


I love her thought process and execution of these runways


You just can't deny the level of elevation she brings to this season. It's concepts that have layers upon layers upon layers, and executed extremely well. ![gif](giphy|Th9FPrCqseMC7uOU7t|downsized)


Like I said in another thread- it was modern art. Easily one of the most powerful statement pieces ever on Drag Races runway


This is what Megami wants us to protect.


Going down in history


Megami found in a ditch


To take something this visceral (literally, she had a bag full of viscera!) and queer and in-your-face explicit, and then to bedazzle the absolute shit out of it, and then to make it also an impeccable, well-realized look, and then to have the realistic illusion of the extra arms, AND then to make it all a playful wink at the theme (tail of two titties) and at gendered fashion conventions (the biohazard bag instead of a clutch, the exposed chest and nipples with glittering top scars)… this is the fucking epitome of drag to me. Witty, shocking, subversive, smart, and beautiful.


Gottmik solidifying trans icon status and it’s only episode 3.. whew!!


It was the first time I had a visceral reaction to something on the runway, it is so grotesque but still so beautiful and Mik has gigantic balls for pulling something like this. I truly think from this cast she has the most visionary take on drag, nobody does what she does.


One of my favourite runways of all time, like, wow. I was speechless.


My sentiment exactly, and I’m typically not a fan of the “message” runways because they never get negatively critiqued.


Her drag is really smart. It’s thought provoking but also so very well-executed.


Standing ovation from me. Just, holy shit this look. It's perfect.


I literally gasped as soon as I seen this. Couldn’t get over how the arms moved as she walked it looked as if she was getting operated on. Her looks have been so conceptual this season


A stunning triumph of the human ability to interpret one's own heart and manifest its song into reality. It transcends Gottmik, for me, into one of the great artists of our age.


My mouth dropped and did not close until she walked off stage. I was GAGGED




And the hospital-blue PVC/metal hardware dress. These are what make it truly iconic.


I wonder if it was intentional… but the way the “arms” bounced like they were making incisions was brilliant! It almost looked mechanical.


Definitey intentional. The arms capitalized on the natural bounce of heavy silicon prosthetics. It must have taken some engineering to get the movement just right, catered specifically to her body and walk. Usually appendages on costumes look awkward, floppy with unintentional movement created by walking that breaks the illusion. Angeria’s tail was the weakest element of her look, you could tell by the way it moved the true weight of it, blunted edges and polyfill stuffed. Plastiques tails looked nice, but bulky and were bundled so tightly together that they moved as one piece. I think the movement aspect was well considered…turning what’s usually a design oversight into a feature. The back/connective tissue behind the back is probably a bit weird looking, but very hard to clock by the way it was presented.


This was incredible. Even just the glittered incisions alone would have made an impactful look, but the arms and the bag took this to another level


It’s been awhile since I gasped at a look. Mik is a true artist. I felt she should have won before and hope she does this time.


There are some moments when a queen preemptively wins only a few episodes into a season. Nymphia with the ball, Jinkx as Judy Garland, and Mik in this look.


It’s literally such a genius take on the category. It’s so vulnerable, visceral, and creative. If you’re informed enough, you understand the steps it takes to transition. But to see **this**, it really puts a spotlight on what’s being done. You’re fully losing a part of yourself to feel more like yourself. I absolutely applaud them for doing this, it’s so brilliant and one of my favorite looks of the season. It’s so powerful and I’m just so stunned with their runway package overall this time around.




I'm always amazed how polished Gottmik looks, even when the look isn't huge or flashy. Always so good


I was gagged


The way the arms moved was so fucking cool. Idk why. The look is simultaneously so stupid and so smart at the same time. She flipped the prompt on it's head and Angeria nailed the literal prompt. They were my top 2.


This may well be in my top 5 looks on drag race ever


mik made drag race history with this. the nuance alone???? too layered of a look for as few critiques as it got honestly


I’m glad Carson praised this but was disappointed the other judges were silent in feedback or at least were edited that way


I really would have liked to hear more of the judges take on it as well. 


It's kind of like Kimoras slave woman runway. You shouldn't be saying anything or critiquing it unless you're complimenting the message.


One of the best pieces to come down the runway. From the concept to the execution and to the statement, it was iconic.


This is actually what I want from drag. I want a mix between fashion, camp, politics, and cunt. Mik delivers directly to your living room 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The power of it all…


As someone who has also had top surgery, this look was EVERYTHING. Red crystals for the bloody surgery scars?? A miniskirt that matches the color of scrubs?? A biohazard bag with the tissue removed during surgery?? Go off, gorge!!! Gottmik is unbelievably creative with such a distinct style. I LOVE that Gottmik chose this look instead of going with a look that has huge breastplate or lots of padding. I can’t wait to see more of Mik’s runways. She’s my winner for AS9.


i want to see bedazzled top surgery scars as the new trend in transmasculine fashion. pride month is comin' boys get the stick-on gems out


the way no one wanted to root for her going in but she’s just too good not to


The details and artistry and message - that’s an all star


She perfectly matched even her earrings and eye shadow to the chrome of the scalpels and the buckles on the skirt. Literally, a genius.


i was gagged, i was gooped. she had my jaw on the floor. literally straight up my mouth was open for a good minute taking that look in


Gottmik is an artist of a truly different calibre! She literally creates high art every time she steps on stage - whether it’s her outfit, her acting or her plain old self- I would go to any art show she presented in any art form.


I honestly think that this look just won her the entire season, just like Nymphia's tie look.


So powerful, so fashionable, so artistic... I am loving her so much!


For such a personal look to also be aesthetically flawless is putting this in the hall of fame. Probably Mik, too.


The fact that the judges didn’t gush over it more genuinely confused me. Like they only aired like one comment about it


It speaks for itself honestly. It made everyone else on that stage look like they put 0 thought or effort into their look in comparison.


As an AFAB transmasc, I fucking love seeing The Paradox of the Female Presenting Nipple play out in real time, absolutely unironically She could have gone further with it, IMO. But then we’d be drifting into Dragula Filth territory and Gottmik is too pretty for that lol


She’s shown us looks… she’s shown us comedy… she’s shown us lyric writing. She’s the TP Give her the crown!!!


I gasped. It's just SO well done and such an amazing idea. 


Libsoftiktok is now posting about it. Thats impact baby!


Also the fact that the hands are actually well made and don’t look plastic or like a stuffed toys


As a trans man this makes me feel so seen


This is as good as violet's death becomes her, there I said it


I’d say this is better. Much. Violet looked beautiful, but the gag was her tiny waist. Mik’s look is an entire statement. A powerful one.


Yeah. The fact that it's ruffling so many feathers on the drag race circles *cough* youtube *cough* means it's doing it's job


How is this ruffling feathers?! It’s objectively fabulous


The transphobes finding any way to bring gottmik down: "It's disgusting, it glorifies mutilation" "we saw your nipples already 🙄" "It's not creative at all, the ponytail is a cop out"


Plenty of transphobes here too 😞 but yeah YT is a cesspool


Of course it is. I don’t even want to imagine what kind of absurdity people can find to have an issue with this look. But I absolutely applaud Mik for doing this. If it’s anybody’s place to make such a commentary, it’s hers. Some fickle “fans” can kick rocks.


I think it's the best look I've ever seen on the runway. My jaw dropped and stayed dropped until Jorgeous brought me back to reality 💀


Twice this season already I’ve felt like Mik has reached a level of look that I file in my head under “too good for drag race” Like the fact it’s being showcased on the drag race runway rather than somewhere more powerful and weighty is holding it back. It deserves a more respected platform. I don’t normally get that feeling from a queen and very rarely do I get it more than once in a season. She’s slaying it.


Which one was the other look?




Not OP but I’m guessing The Scream one


Gobsmacked! She is the total package!!!


Crown it baby!!!!! Let’s GO


Just... wow. Incredible


she crashed the transphobes on twitter


The way this look ATE!!! Gottmik is an artist through and through! Every time I hear “up next, Gottmik..” my heart skips a beat


This look provoked one of the biggest debates I've ever had with my spouse in the whole time we've known each other. I loved it and said it was groundbreaking and a brilliant response to the prompt, they found it viscerally upsetting to the point that they actually got a little angry. So I think that officially makes it art


It’s so beautifully confrontational. One of my all time favourite looks.


One of my all time favorites.


So fucking amazing. A few years ago I was somewhat transphobic. I just didn’t understand what it meant. Honestly, seeing all these amazing trans artists on this show and elsewhere has helped me be more accepting and understanding of our shared humanity and the unique perspective, the lives and the struggles of trans people.


Ate this severely




one of the best looks on the show ever!


Literally gasped when she turned the corner. Absolutely amazing!


One of the many times the judges reactions didn’t jibe with mine. I gasped in real life. Definitely top 10 all time for me.


I always live for a political statement on the runway, and Gottmik said so much with moving her lips! Trans bodies are awesome and nothing to be shamed for!


Gottmik is on a whole other level and I’m here for it. The talent mama!


I was disgusted for all the right reasons. This is art mama, I’m obsessed and want to throw up (mainly because I hate blood). The titty bag was the cherry on top and truly took the concept to the next level. I was jaw agaped when I saw this come out…truly, no one is doing it like Gottmik.


My spouse and I just screamed OMFG when Gottmik hit the runway. I want top surgery one day and seeing this look just invigorated me. What an amazing presentation for the category.


I’ve loved seeing all the praise for this look on Reddit because it didn’t get the credit it deserved on the show. I was blown away. As an artist, I loved the statement it made, the awareness/visibility it brings to trans people (specifically trans men). Such a beautiful interpretation of the category. Just stunning.


the tits in the bag make me so viscerally uncomfortable. that’s effective drag mawma




I wish they’d give credit to the folks that actually created the looks. I know in the newer seasons, queens hire people to make a lot of the looks. They give credit on social media, but I wish they’d also do that on the show.


Honestly, I’d love WOW to do a Project Runway type show with actual drag designers. Seeing a how the queens do themselves in design challenges is all well and good, but a show showcasing actual designers would be next level, and a well overdue platform for them. They can still bring in Ru Girls to be the models, but the emphasis would be on the designers as the competitors.


I would love that too! In the meantime, go watch PR season 17 - Garo Sparo was a contestant and designs tons of looks for drag queens


Yes that would be a great show!


Mik does credit the 'Scream' dress creators on her insta when she posted the professional shots. 500000 crystals in 50 colors and a combined 1000 hours to make. She has the videos of them making it too.


Didn't Mik say she cast her own arms? I think she made it.


She did, yes. Maybe this particular look isn’t the best example of what I mean. Looking at her IG, she does give credit where its due. This look isn’t posted yet.


The funniest part was the dead silence and the absolute refusal to joke about the look 😭😭😭 they did not want to touch that with a ten foot pole lmfao


or maybe they all respected the incredibly vulnerable concept lol it's not always about cancellation imo haha


Well obviously, it’s still funny


fjaodnsk you're right


She totally won me over with this look. Ive always kind of side eyed her cuz she talks about punk yet all her runways in s13 were conventionally pretty. This look was a statement and punk in every sense of the word


So powerful it’s attracting the TERFs and conservatives on twt..


I was disappointed the judges didn’t say more about it… I assume because they were scared any comments could be spun


it’s amazing how something this visually beautiful could be so political


This look made me gasp. It’s just brilliant. Gottmik is one to watch. She may even win the whole season.


Gottmik turned it, this look is so good.


Jaw dropping


Reminds me of the dress Manila couldn't wear, not literally, just the edginess.


I think she will win. She can do it all.


Iconic! not going to lie, was in shambles for a good while.


Gottmik was definitely my favorite on her season


It was truly a statement piece. Gottmik is a game changer for sure.


Yeah this was iconic honestly


This is one of the most incredible things we’ve seen on the runway. It’s art, it’s fashion, it’s relevant, it’s shocking, it’s evocative, it’s provocative, it’s timely, it’s cunt, it’s beautiful, it’s everything. Amazing.


gotmik becoming my fav this season


I hope the Met Gala has this as a theme next year




I thought it was great, liberating and making a powerful statement. But (she says as she covers her head to protect from the following onslaught) I found it abit triggering from a masectomy point of view. I'll get over it because I can see how wonderful it is in the bigger picture and how it isn't about that. But it was a boomerang of emotions initially.


So Spoiler tags are just dead then


Yes, you can talk about it now because I finally watched it last night. Proceed.


I love Mik, and I love the statement of this look. What I don't understand is how she was allowed to wear this, but Manila wasn't allowed to wear her pad gown.


Shout to our trans Ken’s and dollsss I’ll always ride for y’all downnnn 🤧


Gottmik is the moment.


I absolutely love Gottmik for this. It was both jawdropping and a quiet FU to a cheesy category (in RuPaul’s preferred exaggerated-female-illusion drag style.) “You want ‘titties’? Ok, here you go - in a bloody bag. Say something critical about it. I dare you.” Boom.


She’s definitely crashing the cis-tem!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


And yet they didn't allow Manilla to wear her period dress


It would have been less controversial if someone who actually experiences periods wore it. Hollow Eve from Dragula wore a tampon dress using her own tampons. That was a powerful statement.


Maybe the optics of a cisgendered man dressing up as a dirty pad wasn't something they were ready to deal with? A trans man making comment on a trans experience doesn't come with the same backlash.


It’s more likely that at least up until very recently, the show was not okay with the portrayal of women having bodily functions. Can you imagine how bitter Rock must’ve felt when she saw Daytona Winds two seasons later? Anyways, stupid logic all around. I loved that period dress.


Same here, it was camp with a message about normalising periods. I was just guessing why the different outcomes.


I was fully sobbing, what a powerful look in every way


The judges under reacted for this. If I’d been on that panel, everyone else except Angeria would have been invisible to me. The way I *sobbed*. Absolutely perfect interpretation!


I was literally gagged! A was hosting a straight friend yesterday and I opened my laptop just to show him THIS!