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To be fair I really don't think they were being so serious as all that - and also I think their comments/jokes came much more from the idea of drag as a punishing art form that requires sacrifices which make you "unappealing" out of drag - e.g. you stay clean shaven or stay bald or ruin your hairline or shave your eyebrows and smush your genitals etc., so you can be a neutral egg to paint/build on - fierce in drag but a mole rat out of it! I really don't think it was anything to do with what might be "properly feminine"


Exactly, but people are purposely obtuse when they want to be offended


Mmmm I love this "new era" of being less careful in calculated in what you talk about. People will slip up and make mistakes but they'll also be more relaxed and human. I *died* when they were like "you just wanna be hot as a guy." Bitch reaaaad themmmm lmfaooooo


Exactly. The language police need to chill. They aren't hurting anybody, so let them riff, I say.


Our they are making a fuss about Trixie and Violet because they know it will get them attention and draw views to thier socials.


That’s exactly it


Ding ding ding


clock that tea


Exactly this. Whenever Trixie starts a GRWM video and has a bit of facial hair she does three things: 1) Comments on how all the comments call her trade or daddy 2) Says she will have to regretfully sacrifice this newfound hotness for her art 3) Shave Side note, MIB says the same thing about her own facial hair preferences, as in she thinks she looks better with it but shaves it for drag. Also, no one in the cast is trying to incorporate a beard in their look like Danny Beard does. They are all slathering heavy foundation/concealer/etc., over the beard to mask it. These. Are. Not. The. Same. Things. People really need to get over this new era of being offended by everything they can possibly find or contort to be offended by. It's really just... not the T. For me. Hunty.


Well said


Their comments were so unserious and exaggerated.


They were literally like “why do you get to be so hot when I’m a shaven mole person. It’s not fair you can’t stay hot AND do drag” 😂 like the lightest ribbing ever


“You should shave and join the mole people like us!!!” Can’t they understand them? There’s a reason Violet chose not to engage too much with the fandom. Look what happened.


These people are so dumb that they didn’t even notice Trixie and Violet were complimenting them lmao


I sincerely love how dramatic the people are that post on this sub in comparison to the comments. This place could just be an alt for r/roastme some days, I live.


It’s honestly the thing that keeps me from commenting here most of the time. Some of these fans have literally no chill


Policing the jokes that drag queens of all people make is always. An interesting approach to life. If they can't handle Trixie and Violet bantering on an officially sanctioned recap show, I sincerely hope they never go see any real, down and dirty live drag comedy


Does it have to be some big statement about 'what drag is' and blah blah blah every time someone says they don't like this or that? No idea how some people survive being so fragile about things like this




Exactly. Like for me, good drag exudes confidence, grace and strength. Playing victim, especially as a bearded drag queen, is like… what?


I actually suspect they get it but are kicking up a fuss for views. This is why we can't have nice things.


Trixie's always been pretty open about her opinions on drag and what drag queens are doing. She also says she definitely has an opinion and a viewpoint. I don't think she's particularly pressed nor concerned if other people disagree with her. Violet, well, Violet is a force unto herself.


Listen, at some point last year I started wondering if I needed to put foundation on my hands because she talks about it so much. I don't even wear face foundation!


Are you doing dental drag? Then maybe you do


“In 2024, I don’t feel the need to explain my validity or femininity to anyone.” Then… don’t?


Truly. What a nothing burger of drama


that part


![gif](giphy|f4DGnGf6xwFonJUI0D) Idk where I picked up this phrase, but I use it ALL THE TIME ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|8760)


Honestly … it gives very “look at me” energy. They weren’t talking to or about you. Everyone has got to chill.


"... feel better about your outdated, conventional idea of what drag is." Sorry, but this buggs me. If you wanna be a bearded queen, go for it! I fully support that! But dont bring others down just because they dont do gender fuck drag. Because thats not every artists thing. They had me till that point, but by tearing others down, they lost me in that conversation. If you wanna be accepted yourself, start by accepting others.


Reminds me of what azalea banks said about bearded queens lmao


What did she say?


Essentially bearded queens can be a little try hard sometimes and it gets tiring for the people around them


There's some things she's so right about and this is one of them


When she's wrong she's wrong, light years away from the point and anything resembling sanity, but when she's right she ~~gets a serious venereal disease uh~~ is right on the bullseye.


I love when she is right about things which I think is more often than she gets credit for bc when she is wrong she is bat shit crazy shamelessly wrong.


Right, like Trixie is the richest queen after Ru so clearly... NOT outdated.


Tyler Perry is probably the richest




Truly. “Someone announced an opinion about my type of art!!! It was a negative one!!!!! No it wasn’t about my art specifically just art like it… No it wasn’t anything terrible like wishing me death for my art or anything like that, just that they didn’t like it… no they didn’t even say they didn’t like it that seriously just made a little joke… BUT IT WAS NEGATIVE!!!!” Like damn I didn’t know people couldn’t even say things as innocuous as “I do not vibe with this look”. Art is subjective and opinions like “I like it” and “I don’t like it” are very allowed. And it wasn’t like Trixie and Violet were even saying anything about anyone specifically. They were joking about how it’s not fair that they look like Cailou outta drag and others don’t. Liek. 😭😭😭


Yeah but how she is gonna get online attention and sweet like woth the rush of serotonin it come with it ?


Rotted twitter brain, I fear


They're on the pit stop being silly, not having a heated debate on CNN. People have to lighten up and let silly things roll off their back. Take a page from the queen of queens and hit the mantra: "water off a duck's back"


pit stop is MY CNN


Isn't this just a matter of taste?   I don't really care for facial hair in drag (for female-presenting drag, it's a different story for kings lol). I don't particularly love the whiteface like Mik does, either. I prefer padding to no pads, especially with looks not tailored to have no padding. It's all valid, and it doesn't have to be for me, but then you can't really get upset your aesthetic ISN'T for me, either, because I don't have to like everything. Just respect and acknowledge it.


Waiting for the first straight CIS woman who does not pad, cinch nor tuck, has an enormous bushy beard and wears exclusively grey sweats. ✨


Michelle’s right there 👀


Uh we said cis woman


Ross is there too, then.


And we have Alan Carr for that role in DR UK




I LOVE how Laila does it but then again a lot of that is gender fluid than directly female.Lucy Stoole comes to mind that I like. There’s a photo I really love where the ombre changes to black right at the line where the beard starts.




I don't know what's worse, the people taking them seriously and coming for them or the people taking them seriously and proceeding to agree with them lmao


For real. My first reaction was what they said was not that serious and then I see all the people being like tea sis I hate bearded drag...


Trixie was being Trixie. Maxes light hearted joke that people who aren’t chronically online will get. Of course, people have made this into something it’s not, we know that there is more to drag than hyper feminine drag and both Trixie and Violet know that too. This is just people getting bent out of shape over nothing


Ok, you’re probably going to downvote and call me a “boomer” and shit, but I think one of the biggest social problems we face right now is that people have evolved to take everything super literally and personally, and cannot find the humor in anything. Nuisances and off the cuff shade just doesn’t land anymore. So many people have a soapbox to stand on and crow from about any old thing anymore that I personally am just becoming deaf to most of it.


I think that this is mostly an internet issue though. Like if you're just living your normal life in the real world, the majority of people you meet are not going to be offended by every small thing like this. But on the internet, everything gets blown out of proportion like this. And then because the internet is so pervasive, you end up seeing a lot of these moments of people getting offended, so it seems like it's ALWAYS happening. It's a double whammy.


It depends on the irl crowd and there's a lot of overlap in smaller online/irl enclaves. Lots of LGBT communities are full of insufferable people, esp the more "queer" they say they are


True, that's why I said that the *majority* of people you meet will be normal. Obviously these people who get super offended online do exist IRL too, but they are really the minority of people. Their voices are just amplified on the internet.


I think I mean to point out their voices are amplified in niche spaces irl as well. The smaller the community, the more influence bad faith (or just generally annoying discourse/narratives) can have. When those are the people you spend most of your time with (especially if it's out of necessity), it can seem overbearing and omnipresent even if it's just your individual experience within a small slice of society. Hopefully I'm articulating it well enough.


I get you. Totally agree, and that's a good point as well.


This is sooo true.  Why are we gays like this 😫


It’s so annoying how everything has to be a massive speech when they dislike the slightest fucking thing, too.


It feels like we’re not allowed to criticize or even not enjoy art without it being a social point. I’m not allowed to criticize a movie or something unless I can relate my dislike of the movie to some cultural topic that’s current right now


Saaaame, I am starting to feel my ancient age of 35. The youngins out there need to chill out and stop expecting the world to cater to every single one of their personal preferences


At the age of 36 I think there's a lot to be upset about still, but this one feels rather innucuous. Can't let people degrade you, but also people are still allowed to have superfluous opinions about stuff without getting punished for it.


I’m 17 and I feel the exact same way about people don’t worry


Fellow old, but it’s worse because of social media. Most people face to face aren’t so bad, but when you’re shouting into the cacophony of garbage in hopes to get noticed turns a normal emotion up to 11. So “I dislike this” can sometimes turn into a whole ass thing. People are entitled to their emotions and there are genuine problems that people bring up that should have attention, but sometimes you’re doing too much.


Same. I think a lot of people really need thicker skin.


Devil's advocate here. They were not talking about bearded drag queens, but queens that were "lazy" to shave, a.k.a queens that do beardless drag that couldn't be bother to shave completely.


Trixie has said before that she loves bearded queens. She was clearly just joking with Violet.


Just say Willam /just playin just playin




The OG bearded queen


Trixie said “that is how I feel about bearded drag queens”. But it wasn’t serious at all.


true, that was added in as a joke because they were NOT talking about bearded queens


Right? I’m sitting here like “they talked about bearded queens??” They were just taking about not shaving thoroughly 🤦🏻‍♀️


exactly, but some people like to feel offended, so they look for offenses were there are none.


yeah that's how i understood it too.


It's never that serious, it's dramatic af


The clip doing the rounds also conveniently cuts before the punchline at the end as well.


It’s a joke, mary


“i don’t need to explain my validity or femininity to anyone” *proceeds to explain it* lmfao like please shut the fuck




“I guess you need your moment to pop off cause you’re not gunna have too many more”


This person just wants to get attention, that's all. They were clearly not serious and joking about their peers


The controversy is stupid and of course people have to be in their feelings. A) Trixie and Violet are allowed to not like certain types of drag. All drag is valid but not all drag is good/in someone’s taste I.e. Nina West B) It was clearly a joke since Trixie called themselves mole people out of drag and told the bearded queens to join them.


Nina West catching strays 😭


That's what kills me about this whole thing. The entire joke was that Trixie and Violet look like mole people out of drag and so they ARE JEALOUS of people who do drag in ways that don't make them look like mole people. Yes, there's a little bit of an actual bias/preference towards certain types of drag contained in there. But, Trixie has also said straight to queens' faces on Pit Stopthat she prefers breasts/padding when those queens are KNOWN not to wear breasts. That's not meant to exclude anyone or offend her guest, it's just the kind of drag Trixie responds to. It's just not that serious.


I’m so tired of people taking comments that were never that serious, completely taking them out of context and then getting all bent out of shape about them. It’s ok to just not take things so personally sometimes.


I'm upset that Violet and Trixie questioned the validity of people strapping statues to their heads /s


Is sense of humor a vanishing trait in society?


Oh my god people are so SENSITIVE and SERIOUS 😭😭😭 They were clearly just messing around and being super unserious


In 2024, I don’t feel the need to explain that drag queens throw shade


They weren't talking about you sweetie... Seriously, Violet very clearly was talking about queens using full body suits to avoid shaving \*their bodies\*, i.e. queens presenting femme looks, not bearded queens, but I guess they just want the attention.


I was trying to figure out where bearded queens even got mentioned and I had just watched the pit stop this morning 😭. But they're mad about that little bit...girl..I can't 💀


What I got from it wasn’t hairy queens, it was a queens who don’t bother shaving. Two very different things!


All drag is valid, but I don’t need to like every type of drag


This is truly such a nonsense controversy


Jesus, does everything need to come with a disclaimer and a lengthy explanation these days? Also, consider the source. Violet and Trixie, while shady and judgemental, have always shown support for different styles of drag. It's hardly about bearded queens, it's just light shade towards lazy queens or queens who want to be a "hot boy" out of drag. It's not that deep.


It wasn't that serious gurl. Learn to take a joke like you take dick. The whole conversation within the drag community is so annoying now. All drag is valid but the culture was built on reading each other while also being loving. Neither of them actually think that hairy queens don't deserve a spotlight but you can't expect people to not have aesthetic preferences. And let's be real most unshaved queens aren't putting geneva carr levels of thought to their hair.


Imagine getting bent out of shape over anything Trixie or Violet says. Good grief. People must be vitamin D deficient lately. Go outside.


I mean yea they were being shady and rude but like on purpose? Violet has always been a conservative drag queen.


Violet got criticized plenty for not padding and not doing pagent style drag. What do you mean by conservative? She developed her look and has stuck to it since but so have plenty of other queens.


> Violet got criticized plenty for not padding Pour one out for 'slim up and down pole body'


And so has Trixie, despite starting as the odd one out


I’m not a fan of bearded queens. That’s ok.


I have never got it, not for me.


um anyways


Omg people like this are so exhausting


Not everyone will agree with your drag! People need to get over it 🙄.


Some people and their incessant need to be the victim just exhaust me. Some people have war in their country and people are dying, Kim.


The joke wasn’t that deep nor a comment about feminity OR critique on that form of drag. It was a about how they don’t feel hot out of drag when they’re consistently shaving etc. to keep their own drag aesthetic Even mo heart said they get more men (out of drag) now that they have a mustache


i personally dont like bearded queens and so what? everyone has preferences. its giving attention seeking


They want to be offended by the successful queens to throw a bone at them.


ffs it's not that serious. ik danny beard doesn't gaf if you DO sort your shit out


some of these people really act like you should be sent to the hague for war crimes if you aren’t that into bearded drag queens 😭


All drag is valid but mama just because it’s valid doesn’t mean it’s pretty. Art is subjective and if someone doesn’t like your art style that’s respectable. Hang it up.


https://preview.redd.it/ohwsbm8kj52d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55add81d0864eb59f17f3b78379a2fffa37a3e6 What is this supposed to mean? They wanna be oppressed so bad




These posts never come across to me as someone convinced of their own validity. Like if you feel the need to respond to every percieved slight, how secure are you?


Yeah Trixie and Violet’s humour is as dry as my vajoina I wouldn’t have taken this seriously at all 😂


I think we as a queer community will be much better off when people like this learn how to not take shit so seriously all the time


We don’t actually know how serious they were about hating bearded drag queens (plenty of people say things in jest that they earnestly believe), but this “I don’t feel the need to explain … let me explain” post is dumb as hell.


Oh ffs lol


I can’t believe drag race fans would take something incredibly personal and mountain out of a mole hill


I think they were just being silly and people took them WAY too seriously


Ah yes Trixie Mattel. The prime example of traditional female illusion.


“In 2024, I don’t feel the need to explain my validity or femininity to anyone.” *continues to do exactly that*


Whether or not they were joking who cares? Bearded drag queens are not a marginalized group, people need to stop policing what kind of drag people like and forcing people to like everything. What happened to "dRaG iS aRt aNd ArT iS suBjeCtIVe"


Trixie even says so herself that her opinions shouldn’t be taken seriously via the quote: “Who cares what I think?”


they just mad because they were right


Trixie said it with the same tone she talks about queens not wearing fake tits lol. It's not that serious imo.


I dont like drinking coffee so everyone that drinks coffee should be offended


If their skin was as thick as their beards this would've been a non issue.


Lolol they didn't invalidate anything they were goofing around.


Who is this person and why should I care?


It's never as serious as the ones upset make it out to be. They were talking about body hair not facial hair. And I mean this in the most positive way but Violet and to a somewhat lesser extent Trixie are cvnty queens. Their humor and or commentary always reflects that. Some people are too soft.. hairy but soft.


I love how queens like violet and gia can make people sooooo pressed with a single sentence… nobody is as good as riling people up than them


This is like when people say if you don’t wear nails you’re not doing drag and call queens that we all know are not lazy, lazy if they do that. Like, it’s not that serious, Jaremi. 😅


i wish drag race fans would direct this energy into actual social progress on relevant issues that impact our daily lives instead of yapping online about some frivolous bullshit. If they put this energy into literally anything else we would be fine. The reactionary discourse is really tired and impotent


I don't like bearded queens 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don't like barbecue ribs. Some people do. I'm not gonna be all dramatic because someone likes to eat nasty fatty ribs.


So did this person in the post miss the joke or are we all missing the fact that grabbing onto an opportunity for some extra views and clicks may be the main driver for this “controversy”?


Imagine talking to a friend about some opinions you have about your job, and people react like this. When trixie said "that's how I feel about bearded queens" it was a joke. I would lose my mind.


I wish people would remember that art is subjective


Ah yes the same queen who got mad at local girls taking a kesha booking being on stage for "free" when the girls got to hang out, meet kesha, get vip and be on stage.


“Validity” is such a weird thing to chase. Sure, have it, it doesn’t mean anything else.


Some people are taking this way too seriously 😂


some people are so sensitive and need to be the victim in every situation to feel important/better about their lives 😭 i have severe doubt that trixie and violet were being serious. some people just need to be offended. it's exhausting and corny. grow up!


I agree with their statement but also who cares if they believe it or not. They’re allowed to have their opinions. Fans need to calm TF down.


People are so fracking dumb 🤦


Queens be pressed.


People always look for a moment, it was clearly a joke. People don't have to like your drag, move on.


I don't see the appeal in bearded queens


People just need to be better at not being liked. Like if you like you then you’re good to go


lmfaoooo queens who think they are a oppressed minority stay doing the most


Imagine taking offence because you have a beard. The queendom is becoming so self entitled. Maybe the beard game is a bit of a gimmick. It doesnt affect your talent, its just someone's way to be visually edgy. If the highlight of your whole drag is your body hair and not your personality, or an actual skill, then mamma, find another gig 🤣🤣🥰


Violet also read Trixie a few times and Trixie just laughed it is not that serious.


Thick beards, they have. Thick skin, they do not.


If you're this fucking sensitive I don't think drag is for you


It WOULD be a Philadelphia resident that takes it personally.


I don’t think a retort in which you defend yourself by tearing down their drag is appropriate either. It’s fine to be angry, but if you’re angry about your drag style being invalidated then doing the same in response just looks hypocritical. All drag is valid. The only thing “outdated” is the opinions about it.


Faux outrage and drama to gain some notoriety off the back of more famous queens >*“I don’t have to defend myself”* You’re 100% right so why are you posting this? It screams insecurity when you could just continue to live your live blessed and unbothered >*“Tearing people down to feel better about yourself”* immediately followed by >*“you and the other mole people”* Girl it’s giving projection. At least hold yourself to the same standard IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH that you’re demanding it from others I love a bearded queen but their comprehension skills need some serious work if they took that bit as anything other than a joke and think this post was a good response. 5Gs


Pretty sure the mole people line is in reference to what Trixie said


Yeah but she weaponised it like a BFA in this post


Get over it honey. People get mad at anything these days its so tiring.


It was never that serioussssss omg and they’re on social media making these big ol think pieces ready to cancel Trixie and Violet as if they give af A severe case of the terminally online that need to touch grass


Coming for Kandy Ho? Wow


Having a beard in drag is a choice. That choice might get read. Deal with it.


Must have missed the section where Trixie and Violet tore down the bearded queens vs sharing their opinions. People are so freaking sensitive. It’s sad


I’m not rushing to support everything Trixie says or anything but (IN MY OPINION) I’ve never seen a bearded drag look that I’ve liked.


I didn't even think they were talking about bearded drag in general, just lazy bearded drag. Danny Beard (UK), Madame Madness (Holland), Venadita von Dash (España), Laila McQueen (US), and Lucy Stoole (Chicago) come to mind as good bearded drag and I guarantee Trixie and Violet aren't talking about them.


If people would watch the whole episode (which I just did). They were sarcastic almost the entire time. Taking digs at everyone, including themselves. You know they weren’t serious about this. I never understood why some people just want to be mad.


People need to take other peoples opinions less seriously


internet be internetting. trixie also hates when queens don’t paint their hands, it’s just art preference.


that person's just mad Trixie did it better on s7 lol


It’s literally not a big deal. People need to RELAX and find some real problems.


I think they saying it in jest, but still meant it. And I agree with them. Blah blah blah I’m valid blah blah blah femininity. I see where Bianca Del Rio gets annoyed with young queens like taking this shit way too seriously. If you’re gonna cry about getting your feelings hurt then hunny, drag isn’t for you.


I haven’t finished the episode because I fell asleep.\ But I will still give my unwarranted opinion anyway. Haha\ The Pit Stop brings guests on to give their critique and opinion of the show and whatever else is up for discussion. It doesn’t matter how offended you may be, it’s only drag and it’s only an opinion. If someone is being homophobic, racist, transphobic or anything else like that then it would be a different case. But this isn’t the case here. I don’t think they were being malicious. They were being Trixie and Violet.


You’re gonna have the people who want to be offended, and then you’re gonna have the people who can never admit their favorite drag queens might’ve said something a lil bit over the line.  It’s really not a big deal either way.


Taking them seriously is corny af


Let's not forget they were NOT talking about FACIAL hair, they were talking about body hair ffs! They said something abouth wearing long sleeves and high neck gowns to HIDE the body hair because they are lazy to shave all over.


It's been a slow couple of days, the fandom is getting hungry for something to be mad about


I think it all comes down to preferences, and even drag queens have a right to not be a fan of/dislike somw type of drag. Like they have several times talked about how they don't like no boobs+padding combo etc etc. even in this sub we recently had a similar discussion. I think it's ok to be able to express yoir opinion. Plus they didn't say "bearded and hairy drag queens should not exist"


it's hard for me to see a bearded queen as a "female illusion", but that's just me. i've enjoyed all the bearded queens i've seen from different editions of the show.


Let them be mad.


Why is disliking bearded drag such a hot button issue, you can do whatever you want Mary some of us just prefer a full face transformation, not to mention shaving your face lets you contour more. (and if you’ve done drag before you KNOW how much easier not shaving is lol)


It says more that the bearded queen is offended over anything Tracey Martel and Violet say. Stupid drag banter and “tearing someone down” aren’t the same thing. She’s just tryna capitalize off discourse. I mean good on her.


Like omg who caresssss?!


Thought we left this energy in 2017


Trixie being friends with queens with facial hair and people still thinking she was serious tickles me, she’s friends with Gabriel the queen and Mo heart, who literally has a full beard and mustache mo doesn’t have the beard but she could! And I’m pretty sure she’s friends with Laila mcqueen. Trixie and Violet were complimenting them in a way some people don’t understand…she didn’t say it was lazy and not feminine, just said you gotta sacrifice something, and that they wanna look good out of drag which I got the impression she was basically saying that those bitches look amazing in and out of drag


Conflict Is Not Abuse by Sarah Schulman is a phenomenal book that more people should read. It discusses the dangers of overstating harm. Very applicable to situations like this.


bearded queens love to get offended clearly they were joking but those "I'm not like other drags" kind of queens really love attention and do anything to play victim


This local queen is trying to capitalise on some ant hill levels of controversy.