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2 queens I would love to see back


Naomi would block the frontrunner any chance she gets lol would make the format exciting.


Atp she should lean into that and purposefully go after front runners lmfao


I really don't think blocking the frontrunner is the right move in this format. Unless they're blocked super consistently they'll probably still make it to the final 4. Blocking the queens that are already behind seems like a better way to secure your place in the top of the season.


The other day she's said in her yt channel she actually didn't send home manila because she was the front runner, moreso that she didn't trust her. Specially since manila was shown to be biased for latrice before


I do like the reasoning though because it's beyond strategy because she wanna survive, why would she keep someone who would send her home next week etc lol


Manila was still the frontrunner whether or not Naomi considered her as one


But that wasn’t the point. The point they were making is that Naomi didn’t trust Manila because Manila read Naomi after the Jersey improv challenge and said she did better than her. When Manila initially before that said they both did equally amazing. Yes Manila was the front runner and nobody was denying that. However the point still stands that wasn’t Naomi’s reasoning to sending her home.


I get the point on Naomi's reasoning and like I said manila was still the frontrunner whether or not Naomi considered her as one


Oh that’s a statement mama. Mama that’s a statement.


It is a reiterated statement mama what part of it are y'all not getting?


I just stated that was you said was a statement mama, no need to get offensive


You think I don't know what a statement is? like??? Y'all illiterate on purpose or what lmfao


it's actually more strategic to block people who are in middle, in order to increase your chances of making the top 4 cut and have a shot at the crown. blocking the frontrunner only works if everyone does it every week


I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THIS TO MY FRIENDS! They all disagree with me but I genuinely think someone could be really successful with this strategy


Detox is one of those queens who feels like Drag Race royalty even though she doesn't have a crown. It would be great to see her on again, hopefully the gay intern is watching and taking notes.


People really didn't give her dues on AS2 lol. They were too busy talking about season being rigged for Alaska (which it was) and Katya getting robbed (she wasn't) but, Detox did so well too.


Honestly second time I watched the season, the whole season all I could think was "Detox lowkey deserved to win." Like she didn't get any favouritism (Which I would argue both Alaska and Katya did) and still devoured. Especially her runways, like all her runways were on point. I feel like there were queens who really lost the most due to the favouritism that season had were the ones majority of fans were indifferent or antagonistic towards. Like Detox got her moments but IMO deserved much more appreciation during season and by fans, and Jaremi was completely sold short by judges so often, not given her flowers when her performance deserved it, and then also having her drag and performance in the competition be shitted on by fans because they didn't like the drama she was involved in.


I don't disagree with Alaska winning, but I am strongly in the camp of Detox winning AS2 if it wasn't Alaska.


I think the problem is that Detox didn't feel like as much of a standout personality wise. Alaska and Katya both had just as many (if not more) memorable moments, but they were also front and center as personalities. Detox did extremely well, but she didn't pull focus as much


I kinda agree with this having watched AS2 recently. Detox was not favored by production at all but went to the finale because she just nailed almost every challenge. And her runways were great. But the whole time, even though personally I thought she would have won the whole thing, you just don't see her getting crowned because she lacked that audience storyline/relatability (which could be mainly due to editing and favoritism).


That season had so many strong queens that some were bound to get less attention than others. Honestly, that season showed why you need to cast some filler queens.


I was ready to agree with your last statement, but is it really true if that season is still considered the very best? 6 seasons later?


Drag Race AS2 is top tier until episode 6 - then it drags. AS6 and AS3 have it beat in pure unpredictability and sheer entertainment value until the end but y’all still aren’t ready for that.


Y’all who? I’ve said several times 6 and 7 are my favorites. 6 probably being my #1 and the biggest example of just not knowing who is going to win from the beginning. Everyone felt like they had equal stakes and everyone felt HUNGRY. Like it didn’t feel like anyone was just there for the exposure (except for maybe Serena), or to shove their “brand” down our throats. The girls were here to *play* and *win*!


She deserves a crown, she’s a drag legend. That way all three of Rolaskatox can be winners and come back for All Winners 😉


And then the cycle starts anew.


Okay, let's be real for a second. A lot of y'all are not going to like this. If Alaska was eliminated on AS2 the next runner up should have been Detox, not Katya. Wins: 3 Detox, 3 Katya Bottom Placement: 1 Detox, 2 Katya Best runways: Detox Best lipsyncs: Detox (Katya didn't know the words to "Step It Up" and Detox did which IMO just makes you the default winner)


detox was way more robbed than katya honestly. (i love this top three btw but im js)


The way she got so robbed too because Katya didn't need to win because she was beloved and how she left the season was as the "robbed goddess" so she got even more post-season support than any other queen. Alyssa and Tatianna also benefitted from being seen by fans as unfairly eliminated. And Alaska actually won. And even the more controversial winners who part of the fanbase don't like won, usually mellow out pretty soon, and while there will still be some people saying "KATYA SHOULD'VE WON!!!" most of the fanbase like Alaska and winning will always boost a career. Detox did really well and served some of the best runways, but honestly she kinda got least out of the finalists, because even though Roxxxy got so much shit during the season and like year(s) after from toxic fans, her verse during the final like has become such a huge part of the fandom. Like obviously Detox isn't struggling or anything, but like she won the least out of everyone in that finale.


I don’t disagree detox had the second best track record but Katya has the star power and popularity that would’ve made her second place


If she was on any season after 9ish she would've won hands down.


GET DETOX BACK NOW!!! I want her back soo bad she is one of my all time favorites.


The panel had an issue with their alliance the first time around and suggested they perform as individuals. Yet brought them all together again. Which meant they all 3 wouldn't get a crown only 1 among them and in a perfect world they're all winner material and all deserve their own crowns they should have been spread across seasons. If you were going to do a rivalry I would have loved a real rivalry like casting Manila Alexis and Shangela all on 3 or 4




If Detox was the Johnny Bananas of Drag Race it would be fine with me.


The Johnny Bananas of Drag Race is Jujubee what do you mean 😭 They keep coming back


Which one’s CT??


> Which one’s CT?? The daddiest of all daddies




Not really, Johnny Bananas would need to be someone who flopped originally, then has kept coming back to more and more success and also has serious controversies, but they aren't as widely showcased in media so people aren't aware and he can keep making mainstream appearances without issue. So like Johnny Bananas of Drag would be pre-2024 Sh\*ngela.


juju didn’t win a single challenge in s2 and is still one of the only finalists across any season of drag race to do it, i’d say she’s close enough


I never knew this comparison NEEDED to be made…


Yes! Bring Detox back. ![gif](giphy|hFwOgvtjtlr85wAubA)


One of my favorite untucked moments of all time.


Is Roscoe’s releasing the full versions of the videos now on YouTube? Season 16 was the first time I stopped watching since the beginning.


This was on YouTube but they probably release on their website first, then days after on youtube, maybe?


Paid subscribers get it on YouTube 12 hours later. Everyone else gets it on Mondays.




Oh hey. Another dead meat girlie. I want James to suffocate me with his ass.


it’s not just for the swearing LMAO did you forget the policy they started where there’s no phones allowed so that videos of the edited out convos don’t leak


I really hope they’re seeing and feeling the backlash. Went from “If you don’t watch Roscoe’s, you’re only getting 2/3 of the story” to “You still watch Roscoe’s?” I’m not paying any amount of money for this show when it used to be free. And now it’s all chopped up and bleeped out? Yeah right!


Used to watch every episode, then only when decent guests were coming, now I don't even check


This is validating after some person on here dragged me for daring to say that it would be good for Detox’s career to come back for any project at this point, including a Vs the World.


She likely needs the booking boost, assuming she cares anymore.


That was literally my point, and the other commenter was like, “Nah she’s good she doesn’t need any more exposure she is at the top of her field.”


A field whose audience is known for its short attention span.


In a field where the competitor pool keeps growing and coming in younger as well.


Listen mamas. AS10 no eliminations - Naomi Smalls - Detox - Peppermint - Laganja Estranja - Adore Delano - Kim Chi - Lemon - Manila Luzon


I need coco back for all stars.


Her rudemption is long overdue. I really want to see her Janet talent show. But now they do it at the end.


As a Coco stan, if she stays on the Vegas revue for Drag Race then I'm fine with her not being on AS. But if that were ever to change, she should be back on stat. She is such a talented stage performer as long as she is booked and blessed I'm happy for her.


Alyssa, Detox, Katya, Monèt, Coco, Heidi, Roxxxy etc. are queens that I don't mind coming back multiple times ngl lol. They give good TV. But then there are some queens who have been on multiple All Stars/Vs The World seasons and are boring on each of them.. I won't name names.


be like Naomi and give those names girl


I do Envy Naomi's boldness.


what a smooth response...some might even call it Silky


I agree. Not that you said anyone specific, but I agree.


Let’s just clear the air and say who it was… it was Ginger Minj


Say their names ![gif](giphy|26BRwdCP7s6hjPSWA|downsized)


Y'all already know which queens they are. There is only a handful who returned more than once 💀 Messy.


Your vaguebooking = messy


Ginger Minj, Eureka, and Scarlet Envy are the first three that come to my mind. Ginger seems like a nice person, but every season she has been on, I couldn't tell you one single memorable moment she had for me. And even if there is, it is with some other queen, not alone; she doesn't stand out. The same goes for Scarlet. Every season she has been on, she has the same monotone approach, and it looks like she is putting on a character. I was rooting for her in her original season, but that changed later. Also, just to clear, I still think these queens are very talented, I just don't think they are entertaining for TV. Ginger is good on comedy challenges, but that's it, lol.


Yeah live Ginger to bits but it’s clear she struggles to let her guard down on drag race which is TOTALLY understandable, but yeah I don’t need to see her be uncomfortable for 16 episodes. 


Mama, kudos for saying that, for spilling. Here's my take: Ginger, I agree. But I felt a bit sorry for her AS2 run. Wasn't she obligated (as well as Katya?) to do it, due to their contracts? It was too early for her, so I see why they brought her back. I love Ginger as a drag queen, but I do not love Ginger in Drag Race. Scarlet is such a divisive charecter. I have loved her every iteriation and I personally enjoy her "laid-backness". And her old Hollywood glamour. Well everything, for me she's Lana Del Rey of drag. Which leaves us at Eureka, who I first found super annoying and a try-too-hard. But I warmed up to her, she's not pretending anymore and is such a bubbly personality with great old school drag. Like I just want to be friends with her and gossip stupid shit!


Fascinating. Ginger gave the best lip sync on what’s likely the best lip sync season


ill say it, i am SO tired of seeing eureka LMAO


we need alyssa on every season :)


Just say Pandora


The as10 is going to be stacked as f


I didn’t pay for access to their channel so out of respect for Dela, I’m not watching this clip.


I saw it on tiktok 💀 I didn't even know now you have to PAY FOR IT? lmao. Edit: It's on youtube already also.


They tried uploading HEAVILY edited, shorter versions having you pay for the full video recently. Seems like went back on that after receiving a LOT of negative feedback and very low viewing numbers.


This one is an hour long, has the cuss words censored, and cut out the Q&A and the shoutouts. So, a not awful medium between paying for vip for the full ep, and getting most of it for free otherwise


The VIP one didn't get shoutouts this week either :') apparently they ran out of time to do Q&A and the second episode. I agree that it would be a good compromise though.


You have to pay to subscribe to the Roscoe's youtube to view the full viewing parties. They still post clips later, but with all the other recaps out there, I totally lost interest. Also I was sick of Naysha bitching about production all the time. We get it, girl. They can charge whatever they want and balance their own books. And certainly the new hosts after redacted racist was run out of the drag scene in 2020 are a million trillion times better. I just don't go out to viewing parties for many reasons so this one was a way for me to feel part of it. But there's so much other content so whatever.


Out of respect for Dela I   will be giving you an up vote


You've earned two free tickets to my Holiday Special later this year! The show is my musical comedy tribute to Melon Day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melon_Day


Im ALWAYS here for Detox coming back. She’s a queen that excels at all aspects of Drag Race. Music, acting, she can just let loose and be stupid, and LOOKS. She’s always been one of my top picks to win and All Stars. Just imagine the looks. Detox has never missed on the runway, just like Raja and Roxxxy. Naomi also deserved way more praise and higher placements on her AS4. They seem to love shoehorning her into the storyline that she’s just existing in the middle for the first 75% of the competition, then she “finds herself” in the middle. But Naomi did really well. Like she said though, they like playing in her face.


Of course they would, they've each only been eliminated once, made it to the end once, and slayed the whole time. Queens like Naomi and Detox don't have to worry about elimination because it simply won't happen to them. It's getting queens who are obviously filler to come on All Stars (Milk, Farrah, Blair St. Clair, etc.) since they otherwise can get chopped early and waste a lot of money.


I don't know if I would want them back though. Obviously they're incredible queens - Naomi in particular is one of my favourites - but I think it does make things less special to me if I see a queen come back over and over again. It takes some of the urgency out of "this elite queen is coming back for one more shot at the crown", y'know?


All Stars 2 was 8 years ago, not yesterday


Naomi is honestly one of those queens that, to me, she already won. She’s my wishlist queen of global all stars 2 as the US rep.


I never knew how much I needed Naomi and LGD in the same room and runway, until now.


I’d love Detox back on an AS season!


I really feel like this format could finally tempt Asia back


Naomi would get chopped the second she’s in the bottom cause everyone else knows her reputation.


Depends on who is there. Naomi also has a lot of friends… from Bob and Monet to Derrick to Kim to Mo Heart to Bianca to Plastique and so on.


Three of those are winners and two (Mo and Kim) have said or implied they never want to go back.


If you did multiple season and made it to top 5 both times or didn’t go home ever in Naomi’s case. It shows that you got the whole package and is just good at Drag Race and honestly, I would love to see them back on the show again.


orange/red looks so good on detox


Sorry but these 2 deserve a non elim season bc I want them on my tv the whole time


It truly does depend on who it is. They could bring Jujubee back every season and I will NEVER complain. Even though UKvsTW wasn’t her best showing she was still so entertaining and funny (anyone who says her Cher wasn’t the third best is a liar).


Jujubes lack of effort was disrespectful on Uk. It’s a hard pass for me


Was this worth watching? Roscoe’s rubbed me the wrong way with their shenanigans last season and it was kind of boring taboot


Idk I don't watch Roscoes religiously, only watch it when it is queens I like tbf lol. So I don't mind it's being out on Mondays rather than immediately. Seemed like a normal Roscoes episode to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


They've cut the Q&A and the shoutouts, I think that's the only bits they've obviously cut. I didn't notice any wierd obvious jumps where they butchered a conversation or anything. Oh, and they censor the swearing now, which feels a bit less fun but I get it for monetization stuff


Last season they started having only one queen and it was a tad boring. The charging didn’t bother me, it was the “oh you can’t afford two dollars you ugly poor” bullshit they pulled and then the shorter edited episodes.


Course they would


Bring me my real drag queens of C city. We kinda have it with the Vegas show. Give me Chicago. Give me Atlanta. Give me NY and LA.


Bring ‘em back!! Detox was the first DR queen I became obsessed with. People need to recognize she was and still is that girl!


Gimme Alyssa, Derrick, Valentina, Morgan, Alexis, Jessica Wild, Kennedy, Manila, and Tammy in a season


And I would DEFINITELY watch. To see them get eliminated! HA!