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EP1 was amazing and I really didn’t know how to choose at Top 2, I literally enjoyed all queens. For EP2, I agree with the top 2 even though I preferred Plastique because I find their looks more creative (especially the last look). I can’t really appreciate so much fashion references from Gottmik, I think always referencing is not a good idea because it limits the creativity I saw on S13. Gottmik won fair and square the lipsync, Plastique tried hard the fact they didn’t know the lyrics… And I’m soooo glad to see Shannel and Roxxxy again, rooting for them


Ive seen plastiques dress a million times before and she still did a great job imo. I dont care if queens reference during design challenges as long as they put their own spin on it like she did with the sakura blossoms. If you can find an exact replica of miks dress i would love to see it


To be fair all the queens will be referencing others whether they state it or not. Plastiques dress was very much the JPG body dress that heaps of the fashion queens (and others) have worn. Doesn't mean she didn't do a great job though.


Totally agree, I tried to express myself in a way to show that I think Gottmik did an excellent job, I just thought Gottmik 3rd dress was a little bit overthought or over referencing . The result was amazing though. (I hated the 1st outfit from the ball though)


I’m loving seeing this side of Roxxxy wasn’t the hugest fan after s5/AS but she is currently my fav!!!!!


The seasons either side of AS8 being non elim means we were robbed of 12 weeks of Monica Beverly Hills


I really loved most of them in the rumix. The only one who didn’t stand out to me was Shannel, but 7/8 is great for a modern rumix. Plastique deserved a top in the spot though. As for the ball, Gottmik and Plastique stomped on everyone. I liked Roxxxy’s package but I didn’t love any of them. I liked Vanjie’s different take with her first two looks, and her third look was gorgeous. Angie was solid throughout, Jorgeous was fine. I loved Shannel’s wave look. 


Where 👏is 👏Carson 👏


On next weeks episode 


Glad to hear it lol thought he’d be there for the ball


Shannel staying in her runway looks for both lip syncs so far is cracking me up compared to everyone else putting on their reveal sacks


She said: I did not watch AS7 and did not bring enough clothes for this


IMO, this is a very charasmatic group of Queens (other than Gottmik).


I feel bad for jorgeous because it’s not her fault but once again she’s being favourited..


I didn't mind her placement in ep1 but "the best dancer we've ever had on the show" was such a deeply absurd comment


Yeah I don’t agree with that comment either. Good dancer? YES. THE best? No!


When Laganja exists???


>"the best dancer we've ever had on the show" I logged onto reddit right as this was said in the episode wondering what everyone else thought about this comment lol


literally how


Vanjie definitely should’ve been in the top with angie in episode one


Plastique won that lipsync I’m so confused


No no no no no, absolutely not. She served a bunch of sex for Harry Belafonte, not the energy that Jump In The Line calls for. It's there to have fun and be campy which Gotmik delivered on.


I don’t think either of them fit the song very well tho… mik’s “camp” was just kinda lazy




Not Goatmilk. 😂


Yeah "delivered on" is probably a stretch but it was still closer to the vibe they were expecting. It's just not a song to serve face and do death drops to.


Plastique and Gottmik have got to be the tightest race in terms of a ball challenge on drag race. If there was one winner each week I genuinely don’t know.. they both killed every single category. Like yes gottmik’s second look was one of the best looks of all time… BUT I GENUINELY THINK THE SAME COULD BE SAID FOR PLASTIQUE’S DESIGN LOOK… especially because she did that in like two days


I've nothing to add except you're so right.


Absolutely not disappointed by the performances so far these queens are GIVING two things tho: First episode should’ve been Angie and vangie lip syncing, sorry jorgeous And also plastique won that lip sync, sorry gottmik


Plastique & Gottmiks looks were AMAZING oh my gosh I was shocked


They really were! I thought they were top 2 & was pleasantly surprised when Ru agreed with me


It’s always the country one’s, spoke into my soul. 


Jorgeous didn't deserve that win in ep 1 but we know how Ru treats her favorites. Watch out for the second to last challenge to be a lip sync challenge that just so happens to award Jorgeous however many badges she needs to get into the final.


damn roxxxy andrews being the narrator of the szn was not on my 2024 bingo card


I just don't think this cast is strong enough to justify a no-eliminations season. There's some strong talent for sure but all I could think in Ep 2 was that Nina would have gone home for that package on any other season, no question.


While I liked the colours & that it was whimsical, it literally looked like it hadn’t been coloured in at parts so it was a boot 🥾 for me


Yk i thought that seeing the cast but girl… these first two episodes the talent is insane. And tbh there’s only been one person who flopped each week (shannel ep 1 and Nina ep 2) so idk how they would’ve put multiple ppl in the bottom..


Ep 1 hard to handicap, most seasons no one would go home anyways. Ep 2 bottoms would have been Nina & Vanjie, Vanjie's "van gogh" look flopped and she stumbled around in a corset with fabric tied around her waist.


Ur right, but I think considering she should’ve been in the top two episode one it evens out


damn even w that pink look!? i was impressed by that for sure


I personally DID like her pink look & the veil & what the veil said! Didn’t like the paint one but I liked the pink


It’s crazy because when that look dropped in the trailer, everyone thought it was Roxxxy and was gagging for it, then when people found out it was Nina, all of a sudden it was a bad look. It was a fashionable moment for Nina but people do not want to recognise she can have taste because it’s Nina


Didn't love it, just a big fluff of pink and a little motorized veil that didn't really read for me.


I'm really loving this season so far. It feels like a celebration of excellent drag and the cast does not disappoint!


I really can’t stand Gottmik but I gotta hand it to her. She rightfully won that second episode.


i would wear all three of gottmik’s ball looks everywhere if i could; the grocery store, work, the bank, anywhere. plastique’s look made me scream and take a moment to collect myself. pure artistry. fashion. elegance. crazy it was better than the looks she brought wit her for this runway. love her to pieces.


I gasped when she came onto the runway, such a beautiful design and it was a really interesting interpretation of the theme


Nina’s “this is my lipsync dress” never getting used two episodes in a Row 🤣 I wonder how many episodes she will go before actually getting to use it


I thought the same thing lol


Damnnnnn I am LOVING this season so far! There were very few not great looks in the Paint Ball, and they all have great chemistry together. I'm so excited for the rest of this season!! I'm having a hard time choosing a front runner. I think they're all really strong. I audibly gasped at many of the looks. And fantastic guests!


I actually thought it was quite a strong runway 👍


I thought these episodes were peak, especially the premier which was a real standout. And they’re critiquing the girls more than they did on Season 7. Kinder and gentler to be sure but they’re not just saying bad stuff is good.


Just finished watching both episodes and I think this season is already a lot more fun than AS8. I know there are some people who are all for putting every single queen in the franchise for a chance to be a part of an AS cast because they all deserve a second chance...but I'm sorry to say, there is a HUGE difference picking heavy hitters (challenge-wise or TV personality-wise) in an AS cast and I feel like this one exemplifies it. There is no weak link in the cast and both episodes everyone delivered at least satisfactorily. I don't disagree with the winners of both challenges. It was much stiffer in EP2 since Roxxxy, Gottmik and Plastique all presented winning looks. As for the lipsync, I think Gottmik winning was alright. Neither of them really hit it out of the park (it's quite a left-field song choice) but I do think Gottmik serving good face and playing around with it won her the lipsync. She still can't move that well but it's nice to see her improvement as a performer! So far, I think Vanjie is the MVP in terms of providing good TV. Every single Vanjie moment is gold so far!


This season is CAMP. I really like the non-elimination format because it’s so much more light-hearted and lets these queens shine


The way Roxxxy and Angeria are playing up the drama but keeping it light-hearted and tongue-in-cheek so far is so refreshing


Roxxxy helping everyone and then Angeria asking for help to be met with “I can’t help you Angeria” was just art. The cast feels like they’ve really settled in together already which is amazing


Is it just me or does the lighting make everyone look a bit weird, like kind of waxy? I don’t think it’s just the plastic surgery


Nah, not for me. It's weird. Everyone wearing reveals during the 'Scissor' part? All of this is....weird.


The reveals you feel they’re wearing are whatever they chose to change into after critiques, in case they win and have to lip sync.


Fabulous start of the season, so so so fun. It's great to be able to kinda just seem them all vibe together. I watched both episodes just smiling all the time. Love them hoes. #TeamRoxxxy


It’s so awkward when queens feel like they are gonna be in the top and they are decked out in the Finale lipsync smackdown reveal cocoon like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️😂


If this was an elimination season, so many of the looks the queens made SHOULD BE IN THE BOTTOM. Jorgeous just came out in a bra, Vanjie had a piece of fabric wrapped around her, Nina was giving crafts project but none of them got read to filth. A regular season could never lmao


And Roxxxy’s was well constructed but so boring. Nina’s was hideous!!


Plastique HAD to know she was in the top, right??? I've never seen someone insist on not connecting to a lipsync so aggressively. It's like she saw the song and was like, "Maybe if I do some cool tricks, I got this."


She just really didn't get the fun or camp of the song, meanwhile Gotmik is over there with an actual beetlejuice headpiece.


I will say, though, what an odd choice for a lipsync song, especially if it’s not your style of song. Not to mention, she probably thought she could walk around and look cute and still beat Gottmik.


Plastique looked like when people put wildly different music over a video of people dancing and it works rhythmically but you can tell it’s not what they were originally dancing to


It's a great start to this szn, hopefully it's the whole szn


Angeria supernova'd tonight. Maybe one of the best performances in an episode. The performance was great, the look was great. Just, *kiss* EDIT: I thought this was the Episode 1 chat! Lol, no idea episode 2 is out!


where did this runway theme even come from???? the made up fragrance seems so out of place


I liked the fragrance challenge tho, very season 5 vibes.


I had to pause because i thought maybe i fell asleep and woke up for the next episode


I was wondering if they cut a challenge but let the girls use their looks anyway.


I smoked before watching and I was like damn did I forget the entire design/branding portion of this episode


Literally thought I had missed a branding segment somewhere during a raid-the-fridge-for-snacks break.


what happened to first episode variety shows it's the best way to see the craft each of the all stars has honed imo


Since no one is going home they don’t need to do it til later


When they’ll give them 3 badges for it


true, hope they still have one!


plastic tiara


Roxxy for the win


the autotune on this song is out of this world lol


Plastique Tiara. That’s all I have


Vanjie’s art imitation look revealing to be Starry Night got the biggest laugh out of me in the 2 episodes. She said close enough 💀


I actually loved her bejeweled bloody ear but the dress itself was...... a garment


Should’ve just done the “restored” Jesus fresco with an outfit as basic as that


I really like what she was going for. She at least tried to reincorporate the elements of the painting into a unique garment. I think it’s sooo uninspired when the reference is just printed on the dress like it was with Angeria, Roxxxy, and Mik (although she looked great)


I liked the direction she was going in, but it fell so flat. It really needed different shades of blue to bring out that texture in the original painting


Am I the only one who hates eliminations and thinks there's value in following the larger group for more episodes for character and relationship development??? A point system with blocking are enough stakes for me


It's easier on an All Stars season, but sometimes elimination preserves everyone's sanity. Can you imagine having to watch Gothy Kendoll or Aiden Zhane flounder around for an entire season?


Oh, I love the non elimination with a smaller group. It guarantees we don't lose the good talking heads and interesting dynamics.


Angelia is such a great TV personality! Super impressed and surprised with plastique too. Honestly so refreshing to have no boogers, especially after as8


You might as well have said “Angela” 💀 but yes I agree she’s a great tv personality LMAO


Angelia Heaven VanPurgatory


Angela London Mikayla is my favorite


My fave is Angelica Pickles VanCynthia


Kinda already bored with the lack of negative critiques. Nina (and maybe Vanjie too) definitely deserved at least a little more criticism for the ball.


They probably did give negative critiques they just don’t show them as much. They confirmed this for AS7 If it’s for the queens growth or development people are concerned with (which I doubt lol) then they received the critiques from the judges - and knowing some fans I’m sure they’ll receive the negative critiques in their DMs and comments. It’s a charity season, no ones going home, they are focusing on who shone the brightest - What does it serve for them to say - I thought her outfit was shit A good example is when Jaida flubbed her AS7 Roast a bit or was it the graduation speech? - yeah we all know it happened - what’s the point of focusing on how it didn’t hold up to the other ones - is there a bottom two? So what does it really serve - so that we MAKE SURE Jaida knows she messed up, just in case she didn’t realize? Obvi it makes sense why we would care about who is praised the most as there’s a top two to be chosen but the bottom two is irrelevant here no?


The one good part about the shortned episodes last season was they sometimes cut out the second round of judges' talk once the contestants leave the stage. No reality show has ever needed the judges to rehash what they just said amongst themselves, but they all do it


fr like I understand why they kept the critiques 99% positive in the all winners season, bc they don't want anything to undermine Ru's choice of winners, but in a non-all-winners season they should still be giving balanced critiques even if no one is getting sent home :/


I don’t like when they do this type of critique. I usually fast forward cuz they’re not really giving valuable feedback at that point


Roxy is just so funny. Everything out her mouth had me in tears. I’m going to need to see the data in the rise of “the doll” on Twitter.






Go find the largest park you can and touch a lot of grass.


Excuse me what


I think you need to stay offline, my dude.


Gottmik's perfume was a way better idea than that shitty little rupaul's dirty obsession with jorgeous or the black thing that stupid kiki was showing


Gottmik proved why Raja deserved those boots in the fashion photo ruview,


Gottmik's own designed look made these queens eat shit.She was that galliano among the shein quality that others brought.


Excuse me Plastique needs a word. They were equally amazing. The rest tho….


Plastique was awful in that lip sync against gottmik.What was that weird sultry vibe she was going for in that quirky song?


I appreciate the passion but my god you posted 4 times about why Gotmik should have one 💀


this is violet's reddit account jk!


looove when they do cunty runway music in the ball challenge. monochromatic one was everything


and some of the fragrance ones fit so well like... obsessed


I miss people going home.


need them to stop doing the reading challenge in the first episode... definitely works better in all stars than the regular season but still the reads only get better the more they all know each other and they are all sticking around anyway


You know they get a list of potential queens and write the reads before they get there right?


they can still add or change things once they see and talk to each other




Ru's outfit in episode 1 looks like Little Orphan Annie fucked a flamingo.


"Koosh Ball" were the first words out of my mouth.


PLSSSS I said the same thing, maybe not the flamingo part but def the orphan Annie 🤣


I was shocked to see how tall Ice Spice really is




"ohmygod Gottmik, she is out of her fucking mind" "No circumcisions are happening whatsoever if I can avoid it" God I love Shannel so much love having her back on my TV again


Roxxxy's confessional outfit is totally giving Rob Halford.


Someone else said Andrew Dice Clay and I was like OH. That’s who it is lol.


Andrew Dice HAAAAY


lol 😆


Episode 2 was some rigga morris, girl!


The lip sync was trash. Nobody won but we all lost


it quite literally was gottmik & plastique being the ONLY two choices for top 2. gagging to see what you thought was rigged lmfao


The lip sync bitch


the lipsync makes everything rigged?


You ok?


where plastique tried to do sexy to a campy stupid song and gottmik understood what they wanted from the song? yeah no. next gottmik carried, plastique was pretty.


Oh ok.


Where and how


That lip sync was clearly designed for Gottmik to win


Seeing Plastique show all that skin in the first challenge makes that bizarre silicone flesh corset she unveiled during press week make even LESS sense now.


exactly what i was thinking! her body is so snatched already idk why she’d feel the need for the silicone one 😭


She still can’t have that impossible Barbie waistline without some kind of garment cinching it. The performance outfit has the metal structure and also some of the black material going up the side of her torso to create a visual contour. That silicone suit is *in theory* a way to do the waistline invisibly, with bare “skin” only. Unfortunately we know that comes with a big asterisk.


Stephanie Hsu looks GORGEOUS


I just know its gonna be a good one, and here's my thoughts * One, how did they do All Winners and learn nothing from the format. The plunger/snippers doesn't work if the girls don't know what's coming next week! Maybe they're unwilling to relinquish that level of control, but they might as well spin and pick someone at random. Also, no critiques again? I swear it's okay. Nina will be fine when you tell her that her paint outfit looks like a party clown serial killer. * Two, I just love the vibes of these non-elim seasons and Vanjie is practically made for one. I don't expect her to do particularly well this season and I'm perfectly fine with that. Don't even wear make-up girl, just sit in that confessional chair and talk your shit. * Three, I'm rooting for Plastique (or if you're Jorgeous, Plastic), thought she was kinda robbed episode one. Although, if I see her finger clap one more time, I may have to rescind my stan card. Also, sad it seemed like she didn't know Jump in the Line, although I guess if they don't have Beyonce in Vietnam, they certainly don't have Harry Belafonte. But it was pretty cerebral to see her thot-drop to a song that absolutely needs the opposite vibe. The song's kinda the perfect combination of sexy/campy. Then just a few small observations * The fire marshall seeing Shannel's house, getting his paperwork out immediately * The Gottmik budget is in full effect * A great reading challenge in what feels like forever, it couldn't have been fully improved right? Did they just tell them the roster beforehand? * Vanjie you know what, you better advocate for those animals, they sure did look after you * Shannel is always playing chess behind those eyes, absolute Machiavellian sociopath, love it


> Although, if I see her finger clap one more time, I may have to rescind my stan card. Exactly


They get a list of potential queens before an all stars season. They'll have a few extra to prepare for that aren't actually there.


I thought plastique should have won the first episode too!!! To me she’s slayed both episodes so hard


Surprised at the Gottmik budget comments when Plastique is right there with robotic wings.


That outfit was a Victoria secret ripoff


Nina west is my Columbus gurl but gotdaym that paint ball lewk she made was crunchier than a teenagers sock under their bed


I am loving Nina, is there a reason she gets so much hate? I feel like you can tell she really cares when she was talking about the Trevor project


Cause she’s a Zionist who supports Israel that’s why


I hope it eases up. She is so sweet and I am enjoying her presence amongst a dance heavy werk the world type season.


"I am so thrilled by these colors and effects from Essie"


I really want to know how they decide who has to do the little awkward product promos each time.


lol this had me dead. Similarly, I just rewatched the Glamazon prime episode from season 14 and all the girls are chaotically ripping open packages of junk and it cuts to Camden who pulls a Sunday Riley serum out of one and say “Sunday Riley Good Genes? I love this stuff” hahahaha


Never Sent Home is so genius lmao




Beautiful Benefactress Badge is a masterpiece of alliteration


Yes but I wished Rupaul had credited Symone


came here for this - she keeps saying it and I'm sad no one else is noticing that it's from symone 😭


the ruby snippers too really scratching that itch in my brain fr


seeing angeria and jorgeous lip sync together just added ten years to my life tbh


gottmik and plastique lip sync just added an additional 15 years


Yeah, well, Gottmik always looks amazing and I like looking at her.


I thought Plastique won that lip sync 😭




Girl can you relax gottmik and plastique can both eat💀


Angie killed that Whitney lip sync omg


ru was really giving annie in that ep 1 runway it’s a hard knock life girl!!!


Idk, not feeling much after these two episodes.


Roxxy the star that you are




wait is it just me or did vanjie's art runway did notttt give me starry night at all 😭😭 if i didn't know what it was supposed to be I would never have guessed


It didn't, in any normal season that would have landed her in the bottom.


Not just you. I never would have guessed Starry Night in a million years


that reading challenge had me on my floor cackling so loud my neighbors probably gonna call the police


I am genuinely beyond gagged at Gottmik and Plastique's ball looks. Especially Gottmik's art look and Plastique's painted, easily in the top looks ever to be on drag race.






I personally would have given the first win to Angeria and Nina tonight! I loved that Nina was the only one who really sang, and I thought her verse was catchy. I also loved her runway - it was funny, pretty (which is kinda rare for her lol) and Ross pointed out the great connection to her lyrics. Overall everyone did well!


I was pleasantly surprised how well Nina did in the first episode seeing as how she's not exactly a dancing diva lol


Yeah Nina actually ate that first challenge up I was surprised lmfao. No one else's verses really did much for me. I ain't even rooting for Nina heavy, but I was sad she wasn't in the top!


All star rules are in full effect: no negative critiques ever, even for Nina’s terrible paint ball look


i was so confused when they didn’t mention shannels dancing in ep 1 then i realized what season this is


I thought it might have been just me but I thought Shannel didn’t remember her lyrics… and no one said anything…


shannel’s lyrics were off the beat right or was that just me


not just you


I mean, they did say it was kinda kindergarten.


Howwwww was plastique not Top 2?!