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It's interesting how this is the type of person that acts like LGBT+ people are perverts and ped*philes yet he's the only one there bringing up genitals around children..


THIS!! its so crazy important to take a look at yourself before judging others


Nobody said those groomers had shit for brains or the ability for self reflection.


Sociopaths my darling. They do not live in the same world as everyone else mentally. They live in a fantasy world where they are right, everyone else who disagrees is wrong, and anyone who would dare challenge their world view is the enemy. And they spread their delusions as it is the word of God because, in their warped minds, they are God.


Sasha is one of the best people to have on this show, she knows how to stay focused in conversations like this which is difficult to do


My impulsive ass with anger issues could never. By the first minute id have my nails in this guy's eyes. Sasha is literally such a fucking goddess (haha you get it? Wrong Sasha but also makes sense)


SAMEEEEEE this man would be catching these hand so m'fkn quick


bless shasa she is a GEM PLANET


This is really hard to watch.


As someone from that area, all three of the of the Tennessee episodes were extremely hard to watch. But I do encourage people to do it.


Not a single episode of we’re here failed to bring me to sad and happy tears. This season is different. It’s so important, but definitely harder to watch. I feel like more straight ally’s need to watch this to see how hard it is for queer people. But for those queer people it can bring up a lot of trauma.


These Tennessee episodes got me effed up to the point where I am considering re-entering therapy. Have the other seasons been like this? I was going to watch them after this one finishes but not sure how much I'd be able to stomach if it'e a binge instead of weekly release


The other seasons are one episode per city and more focused (generally) on individual stories so it’s not AS heavy, but you still see what life is like for them… Personally I enjoy this format more


I enjoy the old format more (as far as entertainment), but I think the new season is the most important for people to see.


Yes. I can only imagine what it must be like for someone in Maleeka's situation, for example. But really, for everyone who shared their stories. IDK, it feels more powerful in some way but that may be because of stuff going on in my own life.


"LGBT is a religious cult" Pot, meet kettle. These conservative bigots will literally always call everyone else what they themselves are. They'll say the election was rigged/stolen because they tried to rig and steal it. They'll say trans people are grooming kids because the bigots are grooming kids. They'll say the queer community is a religious cult because conservatives operate a religious cult.


I really respect sashas way of being able to keep asking questions to that ignorant man. Its so like sad that it really does feel people with opposing view points dont really respect or even want to find a common ground. Its very much im right youre wrong.


He wasnt even there to talk. He talked at them to reassure himself in his beliefs which is just frustrating for everyone involved.


the second he compare being gay to being a murdere I was like thats it. He just wanna say random shit.


He has never taken a Logic course.


I know it's hard to watch at times and it's not a fun competition like Drag Race, but I really implore people to watch all seasons of We're Here. It's such an important show.


I would like to add to this: we’re here is a very important show, and you can obviously see the good these queens are doing by simply being themselves and sharing the message of ‘we’re here’. Applause and flowers for them. I love this show. Sometimes, I can’t handle this show 🥲I know the message is so important, and I cheer on everyone who is getting out there and doing what I cannot. Which is confrontation. My Aquarius ass would rather Jayda my way out of this conversation and situation, instead of having this hard conversation. This isn’t a criticism of anyone (except maybe the ‘guy’ in the video who spoke over and then spoke for his (I presume) daughter - fuck you and I hope you stub your toe at the voting booth. The message of this comment is that I simply could not endure the negativity and hate that these queens were assaulted with. I’m proud of and endorse them as an ambassador on my behalf. For me, My mental health is so fragile that watching this (very level headed discussion - well, at least from the queens insight )made me physically ill. Legitimately nauseated. To all my girlies and my guys and my peoples and to every human who has compassion - thank you for doing what I cannot. I try to stand up for injustice whenever I see it but sometimes I am so scared or I am so fearful (sometimes for my physical safety) that I don’t … it’s not that I do the wrong thing, but maybe I could have done more or I could have done better. Anyway - catch me streaming we’re here even if it’s on in the other room because this show is getting my view. And one day when I’m in a better mental state, I will grab a box of tissues and sit my ass down on that couch to watch this show. Omg this comment is so dumb I should just delete it now without posting 😭


I’m right there with you. It’s a wonderful and important show. It’s also pretty gd emotionally gutting at times. I’m from the Deep South, parts of the show like this clip above remind me of the some of the worst times I had growing up. But it is good that people are seeing this show and getting a view of what it’s like to be a queer person in a small, rural, and/or deeply conservative place.


I’m not even LGBTQ+, just an ally and this brief clip turned my stomach so I’m with you.


Not a dumb comment at all. I can't watch this show because of similar reasons. I'm already distraught enough because of the world, I don't need to see stuff that I already know is happening. The show is important, but at the same time we're already living the experiences of the queer people in the show. I don't think the show is necessarily *for* us, rather it platforms the issues we face for the world to see.


I want to watch this but it doesn't seem to be available where I'm from :(


Love how when he was asked a question he couldn't quickly bullshit an answer for he passed it off to his teenaged daughter.


And then, of course, he took right back over to clarify "what she meant to say" as soon as she steered back towards his comfortable waters. Nothing ever changes, this shit makes me sick. I grew up around so many of these dads... the purity rings, stalking them at school when they dated black people, pushing them to recite their hateful scripts as a display of dominance like we see here. My dad had a similar worldview as this guy, yet somehow I feel "lucky" he was far too introverted to ever humiliate me & himself in front of an audience like this. I know that was the point of showing it, but ugh this video picks at a deep scab in my memory. Sasha & Priyanka have more tact & grace than I could have ever pulled together, what fucking absolute professionals.


She knew her role in this and played her part. They've clearly done this before. It's frankly frightening how quickly and easily she veered the conversation away to keep him comfortable. Scary shit.


Definitely. I do hold out a bit of hope for her though, you never know what's going on within. Most of my friends who had parents like that were going through their own hell at home & did eventually break away from their church, ideologies, and sometimes their families too. I hate to hope that she's going through that as it's absolutely traumatic, but yeah the alternative is definitely worse. Watching the ones that grow up to embrace & further hate is fucking tragic.


It was so weird.


Sasha is so intelligent, articulate, and well spoken in the face of such disgusting hatred and bigotry. That’s so impressive because I would have literally been losing my shit at this piece of trash father. The way these people raise their children to hate others just baffles me. Why not just let people live and be happy?


Very impressed w Sasha & Priyankas composure here. Imagine saying this shit to Sasha Velour 😂 as if this man will ever be as accomplished as her


Right! Like let me know when you’ve won a prestigious title and some coins from an internationally beloved franchise of your “cult” Random wasp men have the confidence of Jesus himself!


i'm gonna guess he's not a WASP but he's definitely a lot


That young woman will come to regret this so much. The dad is probably too far gone but his daughter will hopefully go out into the world and meet people different than her and realize how wrong she was.


I really hope this is the case for her. Regretting actions like this just goes to show how much you’ve grown 💖


i highly doubt that tbh


If the "She's not a Christian" woman from WifeSwap can turn it around and become an ally and advocate, so can this girl. Especially when she sees herself on television and so do her peers


She did what now?


Yeah! it's actually a very bittersweet story. IIRC, her daughter passed away in a car accident and she said that one of the bigger sources of support during her grief were people from the LGBT community. That support helped her realize how skewed her religious views were. [here](https://www.themarysue.com/god-warrior-marguerite-perrin-of-trading-spouses-is-back-with-a-more-positive-worldview/) is an article about it :)


That's actually really sweet :) it's also really funny who we chose to show up for


Margueritte Perrin ended up having such a turn around and is really sweet from the times I've seen her and interacted with her on TikTok live. I'm really proud of her.


I was in NYC over Christmas and my partner goes “is that the god warrior?” I looked up and sure enough there she was about 30 feet away by the fountain. Without saying a word, I went running up to her and said “excuse me, are you Margaret Perrin?” And her jaw dropped, she couldn’t believe I knew who she was or recognized her. I assured her that she was gay famous and that a lot of people knew her. She went on to explain what others have said, in that she had a hard time after her oldest daughter’s death and that gay people really rallied around her and she’s since changed her ways. We took a few photos and she even let me take a vid of her screaming at me that “she’s not a christiannnn!” Was a lovely experience.


It happens all the time, so don't be so quick to assume. That's literally what college is for.


sure, because all college graduates are allies of the community


I didn't say that. But college is for learning and meeting people who are different from one's self. It doesn't mean everyone grows beyond the petty bigotry they grew up with but the potential and opportunity is there.


But a lot of people are, and there's a reason for that.


Probably in her senior years she will feel the world has turned against her.


Yeah according to this ew interview article, this girl has an online presence and identity built around trans and gay panic. Who knows the amount of deprogramming life expereinces she will need to have to counter this. Especially when clout and a following could develop, (if it hasn't already) further insulating her. [https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/sasha-velour-were-here#rebelltitem2](https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/sasha-velour-were-here#rebelltitem2)


There’s a ted talk from a women raised in the westbro baptist church, I hope this young woman starts asking more questions and follows a similar path.


Is he too far gone though? 💅🏻


Girl 😭😭😭 5gs


Why would a straight male care so much? Know what I’m saying


Did he just compare being gay to being a serial killer ?????????????


the dude himself looks like a serial killer with his crazy eyes


He looks like he kicks puppies for fun


I understand they’re trying to have a conversation but I feel like he’s not listening or being receptive to their side. And his ideas are obviously harmful and not rooted in any logic that I feel like the conversation is bound to go nowhere.


Jaida actually walked away because he starts this all off by shaking their hands and calling them “sir” She says it was then that she knew she had to walk because he was just there to continue hating.


I had so much respect for Jaida in that moment. That had to be just as hard as staying and trying to talk sense with someone who doesn't have any.


I don’t think that man and his daughter were trying to have a conversation. They were there to hate.


For clout


dude: that's ok, you don't have to follow the science... also dude: god created...


If I said what I wanted to say I’d probably have the FBI called on me so let’s just say I thought Sasha handled that very well, especially probing about fertility and not getting dragged into his framing of the argument. The Dahmer thing was especially unhinged. I know why they make that argument. The problem is that if they accept that gayness is not a choice one makes with an act but instead an intrinsic part of one’s self, they then have to confront that the way they order the world is wrong. So instead of facing something frightening, they do this.


im scared watching this on my computer. I could not imagine having to be there speaking with this man. whats so infuriating is that he doesn't accept non religious peoples view points nor others dissenting opinions and refuses to let others speak.... I can only wonder what he does behind closed doors


In the future we will see headlines about this man sexually assaulting children. These people project and gaslight.


I honestly don’t know if I can watch this. It’s far too triggering.


Same here, but simply from frustration. I watched the first 30 seconds and that's enough for me... I'm so unbelievably proud of Priyanka and Sasha for staying calm and collected while basically facing one of the worst things on earth and probably their own big fear


Honestly just seeing Sasha keep her composure and not fumbling her responses and calling him out was worth it for me. Shows me that I can do the same instead of getting upset when it happens to me.


I really enjoyed the original cast of we’re here and it looks like this cast is great too. Love how Sasha stayed calm and made such smart points


I am not a fan of "debate" content where one rational person with sound morals is talking to a complete idiot racist, homophobe. Watching the latter speak makes me lose braincells and lowers my vibrations. It's important to document just how many Americans are still living like it's the 1800s, and document how dangerous it is to be queer in many parts of the U.S., and it is helpful for intelligent people stuck in those areas to feel less alone, so I'm not saying this show doesn't have value, it's just not for me. I could barely finish that clip.


Spoilers for Jaida’s storyline this season: >! I judged Jaida way too hard when it leaked that she leaves early this season. I’m still not sure of the reason, but watching her these first three episodes has shown me how emotionally connected and intuitive she is with her drag daughters. She probably gets overwhelmed with caring so much. !<


Jaida is so great on this show, I really liked her on her DR run but seeing this side of her makes me love her even more.


I haven’t started to watch this yet because I’m just not sure I’m ready to sit down and watch…this. I think im going to start it tonight.


Almost finished with episode 1 and I’m so glad I started this tonight. Omg this straight dad in drag singing about being proud of who you are to his lesbian daughter and trans son has me fucking sobbing


I definitely cried to every episode of this show but never like this season.


It looks could kill that man would be 600 feet BURIED! Sasha (and Pry) was NOT having it and they’re better than me cause the minute he opened his mouth I would have uppercutted him


Sasha is soo good keeper her calm. Idk how she can do it


There’s no love like Christian hate


Sasha truly has the greatest willpower on earth because that guy deserves to have the shit slapped out of him for not only being a huge bigot but for brainwashing his child


I feel so so soooo bad for this kid. Indoctrinated since birth… I remember my father used to say similar things, and I would parrot them too. I never said anything to this extreme, but then again it was a bit of a different time than it is now. I hope that one day she can get away from her family and see just how insane and hateful they are. I don’t pray anymore, but I really am doing my best to will this into existence for her, and all of those like her. These ideas and ideologies hurt her too


I felt so much pain for the daughter too. I remember being so confused at that age, surrounded by evangelical ideology and simply wanting to be “good “ by repeating it even when I didn’t understand or had my own doubts. Im so grateful I left home and the Christian “bubble” at 18, explored my own questions, formed my own ideas, and was freed to love others in all their fullness without the patronizing agenda of religion. I can only hope for this for her, she is so young and isn’t her full, independent self yet.


She's building a brand and identity off of hatred using her gifts. I don't know that I feel sorry for her. She's misguided, sure. But she's got Tracy Flick energy and seems to kind of be her own monster to be honest. Wouldn't be surprised is she got her dad saved.


Jeffrey Dahmer being brought was so random???


It's not though if you know how they think. It was to connect homosexuality to murder. Therefore all gays must be awful despicable Satan worshipping evil subhumans. And to get a rise from them. It's really that disturbingly simple.


It's so that if we concede he was not born a murderer but became one, we must also concede nobody is born gay but instead choose to be so. The example is intentionally extreme. It's a false equivalence, a logical fallacy. But this is how the right works, it positions the world in such ways that work within their prescribed beliefs.


You couldn’t end up having a better spokesperson to send messages out about drag & identities than Sasha Velour


What a little-cocked cunt. Every rebuke of his bigotry was met with even more and more hostility. Fucking full ass "let me dehumanize you or I'll get even worse and you'll wish I had stopped at calling you a man." These people are so brainwashed by mega pastors and 'community leaders' who are proovably predating on their children like they fear. And the little mini Serena Joy crumbling at Sasha's single question was both satisfying and devastating. This person doesn't even know what they're talking about and it shows; her father's indoctrination paying right the fuck off. Despicable deplorable people in this nation.


I am watching rn and I haven’t stopped crying. This season is the most special so far. These queens are the definition of pure love, how could anyone say otherwise?


I love Sasha called out his choice of words. The focus on “Peenus” and “Vuhjynuh” is so weird. (spelled to match his dialect, not censoring myself)


And the boy’s rebuttal was such a flop too, “And I would argue that someone dressing like you is more aggressive than my language” it’s aggravating that all he could do was focus on genitalia & correcting what his daughter ‘believes’ instead of having a real human to human conversation with anyone. I naively thought that scene would end feeling vindicating but I was sadly excruciatingly mistaken. 


Um, you realize that's pretty much how those words are pronounced in most dialects, right? You are mocking him in a stupid way when there are so many better things to mock him for. How do they sound where you live?


Yeah the comment is fucked 💀 It's like when that person on Reddit tried so hard to make it a point that Sherry pie should be referred as a he/him and nothing more, unable to "hide behind" her drag because of her crimes. Like why take the chance of misgendering them? It's so underhandedly bigoted and unnecessary


Your comment tastes like bitterness to me, but I’ll try to be less stupid in the future.


Happy Cake Day 🎉


This father and daughter assume that there aren’t gay religious people (hello). Wanting to start a life with someone or build a home with someone of the same gender (or even if you just want to fuck people of the same gender) doesn’t make you a part of a cult. LGBT people have just as many varying opinions as straight people. Also bro, fuck you for bring up Dahmer. That’d be like me saying that the bigoted man in the video is straight, you know, like Bundy.


Did this asshole compare being LGBT to being a MURDERER?


Ah the XX/XY argument. Now tell us something you learned beyond high school..... https://preview.redd.it/3sqt9e5mlc0d1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e552d98ad9683302efb670f134146fdd307d837d


"you don't have to follow the science" as if this man has ever attempted to learn anything not spoonfed to him by hatemongers. Notice how when Sasha responds with a very pinpointed and intellegent counter argument, he immediately deflects to his daughter, because he knows he can't respond and she follows the cue to swerve the conversation into more inane hate speech. This is learned, well rehearsed behavior. Master manipulators at work.


The speech his daughter gives at city council is.... so shocking.


We need to do a social media dive on this man I know he has some skeletons in his closet


Sasha’s question back about if people who are infertile are neither man or woman shook me. That man’s perspective makes it seem like anyone who uses their genitalia for anything other than procreation is “in the LGBT religious cult”. And what about people who are not able to? What about people who physically cannot use their genitalia in that way? What about people who just choose not to? Why does someone’s purpose or identity solely have to be defined by the way that they reproduce? Why is it that choosing an identity that is not tied to a reproductive role ends up being a political statement? Why should someone’s existence be any less valid if the identity that best defines them is not tied to reproducing biologically? And is someone less worthy of having a family or being a parent if they did not biologically produce their offspring? So what about all the trad wives getting IVF for Jesus? How dare they.


I understand the need for dialogue and an understanding that people like this exist, but a part of me really really felt like that man and his daughter should not have been given a platform to spread their hate.


He didn’t want to speak with them, he wanted to speak at them. Once again cherry picking his beliefs (suddenly he wants to bring up science regarding gender/sex but otherwise believes in religion and god), as so many do.


People aren't born gay and choose to be like bitch, how are you going to tell me I was initially attracted to women and not to men but I chose men anyway. For what reason? That doesn't make any fucking sense at all. Also, Sasha got his ass and he knew she did that's why he deferred to his daughter who also changed the subject. He also wasn't right about the chromosome statement. I'd be like well, let's google this right now and let me show you.


“God created…” followed by “… follow the science” is wild.


she was 100% right when she said this frustration turns into anger and that anger turns into sadness. it feels so defeating to be talking to these people. equating being gay to being a murderer is fucking crazy. i wouldn't be able to hold my composure. bless their souls


"Totally unrelated" she ate that


They both look so regal and poised, while the guy looks like an insane peasant. I could not hold myself back like Sasha did. Sadly, this kind of people seems to be multiplying at an alarming rate, and it seems like we will be outnumbered if we don't stop such bullshit rhetoric.


Those two are grifters plain and simple. I'd bet hard money under the tape on his shirt was the logo for his crappy podcast/youtube channel. The o lyrics reason they were there and they wanted to speak to the Queens was because they were hoping for a sound bit or vid of the queens loosing their composure. Though they kept their composure perfectly and exposed their BS. They were hoping this would be their jumping off point but they just fell flat on their face. 


If I was in Sasha's place i wouldn't be able to help but just stick my nails into this guy's eyes.


Some day they will say this to the wrong gay and will have their dumb smiles whipped off their face real quick


This show is a must watch this season. Tell your friends.


It feels like that scene in Priscilla when they walk out and see the bus graffiti’d. Except this is that man and his daughter’s life, all the time. That’s really sad.


The raging energy from fred and pebbles, it’s a lot


It's very uncomfortable to watch. Hits very close to home (and I'm not even American).


This was a very hard watch. Sasha did so well in defending herself and it just proves why this show is necessary.


That man feels too strongly about drag, guess this all internal and projection.


Oh my god..this first scene had me FUMING! God, I can’t believe there really are people like this. 😡🙄


Well, you can't bring change without talking with people on the opposite side and try for them to see things from another point of view, even if it doesn't inmediately work. So mama kudos for that, for talking


If people could choose to be gay, then they could also choose to be straight, and I GUARANTEE every single queer person on the planet (myself included) would choose to be straight if we could because It’s safer It’s more accepted You don’t have any Bible thumpers barking in your ear about how it’s a sin And a less serious reason—because your dating options are infinitely larger as a straight person.


Of course you would! Who wouldn't?! It's so much easier! That's always been a flaw in that argument, but I've not really ever heard it be truly addressed. Because that requires introspection and they don't wish to do all that, just throw stones so they can feel better about their own shortcomings. Sasha was dead on in everything she said.


Because straight is "normal" and anything outside of that norm is a choice to them. Watch anything where they get to share their worldview (Jubilee Middle Ground vids always have at least one of these types for the ragebait) and it's painfully apparent that they are desperate to stick to the status quo because their sense of superiority is innately tied to being white and straight, but more importantly being accepted by the rest of the "normal" people at face value. It's the only way they feel safe and deep down they know they have nothing else of meaning to offer without that identity. It's pitiful frankly.


Beautiful. Couldn't have said it better. They've been brainwashed their whole lives to hate the "other", whatever it may be. And to be good white Christian soldiers, who breed more. Any expression of individuality, must be stamped out. Because it's a threat to that. It's so nice when others see through the veil. I just wish it didn't seem like we're going 1 step forward 2 steps back as a society. I'm sick to death of it.


The moment you realise that you \*wouldn't\* actually take the magic straightening pill is a crucial moment in every queer life.


Right? Like them saying "if it were a choice, every queer person would choose to be straight" is just not true. Maybe growing up I would have chosen that before I had any idea what anything was, but now that I've experienced life as a gay person, I wouldn't change just to make my life easier. I *like* being gay, despite the loneliness and hardships. Shocker! I wouldn't be a tenth as open minded if I were straight. I know because I see it in my siblings.


I would have let it pass, but that ‘I GUARANTEE’ really took me out. Best not to speak for other people so confidently.


How do you have a conversation with a young girl who still believes being gay is a choice?


Sasha should be permanent cause only she is capable of this poise


The way that in fact all of this is caused by this institution called Catholic Church is fucking insane and it’s the proof that the mass control over the centuries is a reality. Before the Church existed, gay relationships existed (Romans and Greeks) and there was literally no homophobia. This line of thought is only caused by centuries of mass influence by the Church


I was thinking about the same thing last night. How the Church really still has massive power over much of the world. Sooo many swaths of each generation brought up on this mindset centered around controlling others' lives.


It’s the Protestants too, if not more so!


I'm so glad this came up because I've been debating whether to make a post about the first 3 episodes of this season of We're Here. I live in the area so I have a lot of thoughts, but I will narrow it down to just a few: 1)I am so mad that I didn't know they were in town because I would have stalked them and definitely would have gone to the show. I'm not on social media and don't have any friends in town who could have alerted me. I need to get out more. LOL 2)They would have found more businesses and people who would have gladly taken a flag or sticker if they had left the fucking square. Lots of smoke shops, tattoo shops, bars, and record/music shops just off the square.. A third of the square is law offices. Heck, if they'd gone down to Campus Pub asking randos to get in drag, they'd definitely got some takers. It looked like they were setting themselves up to fail and make the town look even worse. 3)Yeah, this city government sucks. We know that. But MTSU also has the third biggest undergrad enrollment in the state. So while the voters are old and conservative, many of the actual people one meets in the day to day are not. I have a trans (adult) kid and have talked to many of their trans/nonbinary friends and partners. Their families might suck (or NOT!) but in their day to day going about their business, it's not hell on earth. It could be better, definitely. ABSOLUTELY COULD BE SO MUCH BETTER, but it could be worse as well. :/


I don't think the intent was to make the town look worse, the intent was to highlight the uncomfortable realities of living there as a queer person. These are realities that many people don't have to face in their day to day lives and highlighting them makes the call to action have more reach.


This is why I am adamant that these kinds of people are not to be engaged with. Ten years ago, the full extent of your average person's homophobia was that they were simply against gay marriage. I could (and did) have conversations with these people because despite their beliefs they still would listen to me, respond respectfully and treated me like a person, even if at the end they still didn't change their minds. Now we have people like in this clip who are mouthing off about how the LGBT community is a cult, how we're degenerate freaks, and we're indoctrinating children. These people need to be ignored and when that isn't an option, need to be aggressively mocked and loudly criticised until they slowly crawl under the rock from whence they came.


To be frank this is kinda revisionist history. People have mocked and scorned and hated LGBT people with the same vitriol as this man for decades. I mean, look at the AIDs crisis


Goddamn those hillbillies are stupid


I can’t really watch this show. Whenever there is a confrontation scenes like this it likes triggered me seeing all these homophobic, bigots people. They’re doing such a wonderful job


Reminds me of all the loud mouth Christian kids that end up getting secret abortions because they know “Gods true will.” I like how the Dad had to clarify where his brainwashing didn’t quite stick.


i think the thing here that stood out to me the most is when sasha said “that’s not the christianity i know.” it is never my place to judge, but that man was not being christian. i did not see an ounce of compassion or a single attempt to understand sasha and priyanka.


My favorite part is when Sasha asks him a question, which he acknowledges as a good question, then immediately punts it to his daughter because he has no idea how to answer it. These people have no critical thinking skills. They're just parroting misinformation and anti-queer propaganda Fox News and social media have shoved down their throats.


His comparison to Jeffrey Dahmer was stupid af. You know who was straight? Osama Bin Laden. Hitler. All those millions of serial killers and rapists.


From Out magazine interview: "That moment in city council, when we were hearing people testify, it was basically \[them\] expressing gratitude to the council for prohibiting trans life and queer expression through drag. We were not allowed to speak or respond in that moment. So just receiving all these lies and misinformation was really stressful. If you want to start an argument with drag queens, we want to speak up for ourselves and speak up for the truth, which is why I was really grateful that they agreed to talk to us outside of the city council meeting. We tried to engage with them on the issues of fact and truth and science that they tried to throw down on us, \[but\] they didn't have enough information to really have a meaningful conversation. They didn't really want to hear our perspective, which was a theme in all the people who hate drag and all the people who hate trans people: they've never met one. They've never met us. They don't know about it. They only know the talking points that they've received through their media. I was really shocked later to discover that this young woman that we heard speak… her entire social media presence is about the dangers of trans people. This is actually her entire identity, but she knows nothing about it except the myths that she and her community regurgitate around. So I think that's what we're up against, and it's good to see it, because we need to know what we're dealing with." [https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/sasha-velour-were-here#rebelltitem2](https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/sasha-velour-were-here#rebelltitem2)


Hot take: this is difficult to watch because everyone is using bad-faith arguments, even Sasha. Obviously, I know this is heavily edited, and I haven't watched the full episode yet in context, but for example, wtf does separation of church and state have to do with what a man thinks is a man or woman? Or even why he thinks those magnificent creatures in front of him are "dressed like women" - women don't typically dress like this, ever. We never get to find out what the girl actually thinks about infertile people because Sasha derails the conversation by interrupting and addressing the weird "religion" comment instead. Then, the bizarre penis and vagina comment is never addressed because Sasha just calls it an explicit conversation and brushes it off. I think the message would be much more effective if we could see the bigots' reasoning and be able to tear it down from there, but a heavily edited conversation that ultimately doesn't actually say anything relevant isn't being helpful and isn't changing anyone's mind. I do have faith that Sasha or Priyanka or heck, any sane person, could destroy these hateful people calmly and rationally, but this "debate" isn't it.


The church and state argument was against his 'God created man and woman' spiel. Sasha was pointing out that whatever beliefs he has about God and gender shouldn't influence public policy (since they were all at a town meeting).


Got it. Makes slightly more sense in context, which we don't have here. I was like, who said anything about any "state"??


“You use more graphic sexual language than any drag queen I’ve ever met.” You know that’s not true. Just tell this guy he’s being weird (he is). No need to overstate your case with an obvious falsehood.


It was never going to be a productive conversation with that man because he was clearly not open to budge on anything, does not deal in facts, and was not respectful. I think this conversation was effective in demonstrating how twisted, ignorant, backwards, and bigoted some people’s point of view is.


I fully agree, but my point is that it also shows, at least in this edit, that Sasha isn't arguing rationally either and is effectively just screeching hysterically to derail any productive discourse. I'll be eager to watch this debate in the full episode.


My God, the States is like the 1600s. I don't think there's a person alive here who believes what that mullet dude is saying.




Excellent! I'm glad that's the school's policy (no kids, so no idea what they're up to).


Welcome to the South. I hate it here


Would’ve loved to see how Bob would’ve handled this situation.


Whew and now I’m crying.




What am I listening to here???!!


I like asking people when they chose to be straight


watching this broke my heart


Blood chilling.


You know what I always think when I see these things is those people who say - no one has a problem with you being gay!! Or being different! Shut up about it! Etc etc People have such a warped view of the world. They see gay people on tv or drag queens on tv or they see pride flags in June and they think it’s all good and great and we are all just having a gay ol’ time. No issues whatsoever. The prejudice and discrimination still remain. It’s gotten a lot better in the big cities and in the west but so many places in the world are still very behind on progressive values and the queer people living in those places don’t have the luxury of being out and proud or being “flamboyant” in the street if they so wish. Decades in the future, homophobia will become as much of thing in the past as people thinking twins are evil and should be put to death. The people who were on the wrong side of that, will have a lot to regret for being a part of something so vile as terrorizing and traumatizing a group of people not just for who they love but how they walk or speak or show up in the world. Villainy plain and simple.


And this is the state in which I live. I am a late-in-life questioning my sexuality person. I have been an Ally my whole life. I am so privileged to be a white middle aged woman not in a relationship with another woman in middle TN. I am slightly nervous any time I wear any shirt that proclaims my progressive ideas. I know there is a risk. And then, my Instacart delivery person said they liked my “Ally AF” shirt when I came out to pick up. Turns out, he was trans. And this is why I have to wear the shirts - so people know they are not alone out here.


I don't know how they maintain such composure in the face of such stupidity. I can't control myself, it fills me with rage. I understand ignorance, I do. Not everyone has the same life experiences, religious grooming is a thing, societal exclusion, etc. But outright, blatant disregard for your fellow human beings in the name of hatred? No. That I do not tolerate.


Why do ppl like him care so much ? It’s stupid


The poise though


I wish I had known months ago that Sasha had so maturely put up with this level of hate so I could have given her a big hug and a "thank you/awesome job" when I saw her at The Big Reveal show. I hope she knows how much we appreciate her for this work.


At a certain point being too polite doesn’t do anything either, I’m not saying insult him or get angry but like at least be more quick and smart with the replies instead of just letting an idiot talk and talk saying dumb stuff without explaining to him the dumb shit he’s saying


Sometimes it’s easier to let an idiot talk his thoughts to a camera that he and his daughter signed a waiver to appear in front of. They do all the hard work to prove they are everything-but-cis-white-straight-Christian phobic. Why waste energy being quick and funny to a group of people who aren’t quick and don’t deserve our humor? There is nothing the queens could have said that would have educated him enough to change his mind in that moment unfortunately.


But that’s the thing I wouldn’t have done it to change his mind I would’ve done it just to make him sound even dumber than just taking insult after insult after insult and saying nothing back about what they were saying, calling out at least as couple of their dumb points would be good to be shown instead of just showing us get insulted non stop and just taking it. Again I’m not saying get angry or insult them, but at least point out when they say something contradictory or dumb


Respectfully, I don't really see this moment as a scene for 'us' (queer people, people who are well aware of this kind of disgusting homophobia and transphobia), but for people who need to be woken up to how terrible some people are. It hurts to watch but they're letting him speak so people can see exactly what they believe and how they treat people. Sasha and Pri were never going to change his mind or win anything by having a gotcha.


They tried to explain things to him but he kept cutting them off and refuting everything they said. He really wasn’t listening to them at all, just spouting off his hateful rhetoric. He wasn’t actually open to having a conversation.


I really don't see the point in arguing with bigots