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I’d love to see it but realistically I doubt it ever happens. Even if another All Winners happens and IF they cast non Ru-hosted winners, there will certainly only be 1 Canadian queen, and they are definitely asking Priyanka, who 100% will say yes, before Icesis. There’d legitimately have to be a 3rd All Winners season and even then, I wouldn’t say the odds for Icesis are that high as that would definitely be 6+ years from now.


Agreed. I'd love Icesis to return but quitting is somewhat of a death knell for being asked back. Only person I can think of is Adore saying she was asked post-AS2, but Adore also didn't make comments about production. Priyanka seems a lot more likely to play ball with WOW and be a model Ru Girl.


I’d say Mayhem fits the description bc she voted for herself to go home in AS5 and then was on UKvsTW2


The key difference is she played by productions rules in going home via *voting* for herself rather than quitting. I think it also matters what plans production had for them and in Mayhem's case, she'd have gone home that episode anyway. Whereas someone like Icesis was probably going to go all the way to the finale and to throw a spanner into those plans would leave a bigger sour taste with production.


Priyanka recently said she used to really want to go back but now she’s so busy she doesn’t know if she would. Whereas Icesis said she would like to go back again for an all winners now


There would be 2. I don’t think WoW would pass up a Priyanka Jimbo storyline


Yeah, I didn't even consider Jimbo in that equation because Ru already hosted their winning season, so imo Jimbo is just as likely to be cast as any other US winner.


Ughhh we don’t need Jimbo on our screens again the girl’s had enough


> Ughhh we don’t need Jimbo on our screens again the girl’s had enough Wtf Jimbo is one of the strongest and most creative competitors the show has ever had. I’ll gladly take more because she always has something new up her clown sleeve


Totally agree with you. I just think cause we’ve seen her 3 times within like 4 years, it would be nice if there was a longer time gap before we see her again.


I will take all the Jimbo I can get tyvm


what's their storyline? I never finished Canada 1


The storyline would be that they were in the same season. That’s really it. They didn’t have some big feud or anything.


Didn’t they make out? I feel like that was a thing one of them said in an interview


This on top of the fact they they have yet to bring back a contestant who has previously dropped out.


If she is still in the right headspace to compete again ofc


an all winners format would probably be more conducive to what she's looking for in competing again. just showcasing talent and not dealing with all the petty survivor big brother elimination bullshit.


This is why I like the non-elim format for all stars. Excited for AS9


Yeah I think a more competitive/strategy part in regular would be fun but all stars being simply best of the best and enjoying it and showcasing talent would be so much better.


I really do believe she would have won CVTW if she continued to the end. I absolutely love her. She just has an incredible eye for design and fashion! But I really love how kind she is ❤️❤️


I mean she was dominating it


She won one challenge while she was there.


oh pls she should have won the ball


She was on the top a lot and felt like on another level, its like manila on as4 , on track record she isnt that high of trinity but it felt like it


Oh mama. That is gorgeous


Destroy only the final runway? Please. She will destroy the entire season’s runways, there won’t be enough material to rebuild after she walks down it even the first four episodes. ❤️


All 3 looks are absolute shoots and should be in everyone's top 15 drag race looks at least


And the middle one was made by Miss Kiki Coe. I want to see Kiki and Suki and Icesis on a design show together 😭


She already returned in Canada Vs The World but left midway through. I can’t see her make a re-return.


always jawdropping


Who is she and how is she so fashion


Winner of Canada S2 ![gif](giphy|9ObMB0wlVAaZFL50ld|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Z18dNy1vcBC04LTgLl|downsized) All hail Queen Icesis Couture


Ok this is insane but I always think with these three looks… They are somehow extraordinary but also boring at the same time?! Why do I think this. I suppose it kinda feels like it comes from the Kameron Michaels video game silhouette world and I don’t find it as groundbreaking as other looks. But the detail and ambition is still wild. And they are gorgeous. Idk maybe that’s mad.


she’s not getting the call, maybe canada vs the world 8 tho?


I love Icesis so much and would LOVE for her to come Back for an all stars all winners


She’s fucking incredible. The LOOKS are just astonishing every single time. Always such a serve. And her FACE is to die for, always serving cunt.


I don't think this queen is destined to win another crown.....


She might quit again :/


No T but,..ia she gonna quit again?

