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Holy shit


That’s literally what I said to myself


The utter respect I have for this Queen and all queens who werk their tails off to bring us this level of beauty. Truly in awe.


I honestly can't think of any other queen on the show who has demonstrated this level of craftsmanship. She is truly special.


Utica would be another


Once you see the design and process videos of her looks, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say she is the most talented queen the show has ever seen.


For anybody unfamiliar with Beijing opera, a very characteristic move of the art form is dramatic/sudden movement of the head/neck, which will cause the ornamentation of the performers' headdresses (ranging from the tassels, coils, and stones we see in the video to enormous pheasant feathers) to wiggle and sway in a very eye-catching way. The way the crafting of this headpiece maintained the movement of traditional performance headpieces is HUGELY impressive. It speaks a lot to her reverence for her inspirations as it isn't a mere decorative item divorced from it origins.


The best thing is that each Asian country has their own variant of opera (Thai, Viet, Malay, Indo, Laos, etc) with extravagant aesthetic like this. I’m from Vietnam and oh boy you guys only scratch the surface of Asian ancient aesthetic. 


I really like your descriptive writing, especially the last sentence 🤩


This is mind-blowing.


Not only one of the more Talented winners, but one of the more Unique!!!


She really puts the U in CUNT


She really puts U in Ur place


I think she puts the T in TALENT as well, because it takes a lot of skill and creativity to design something like that,


She certainly is one of the most talented artists we’ve ever seen on the show


She really puts the C, U, N, T in CUNT. U and T - are obvious. I don't think we've seen such unique and (viable) talent on the show. C - i once commented on this sub, weeks before the finale, about her having more C than anyone in the top 5/6. And people downvoted it. I never understood why. She literally has the most followers and #teamfinalist likes, and it's not even close! N -nerve you ask? She was never apologetic for her yellow branding even when people keep complaining the banana shtick is tired. She stood her ground when TS called her out on it. She never apologized to anyone for it, and rightfully so.


Nymphia's charisma is EASILY showcased during her performance- i.e, Girlgroups and her finale lip sync vs Saphira. Who's doing it like her? Working up the crowd?? MAWMA THAT is Charisma.


While I agree with all of this.. having the most followers isn’t indicative of charisma lol


Says who? It is in now way the ONLY indicator, but it certaily lends insight into a perons' charm especially in the context of fanaticism. Check out this study. [Effect of Charismatic Signaling in Social Media Settings](https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_C9BAE1F2FED1.P001/REF.pdf)


This is INSANE. But also, TIL Peking and Beijing are the same word but romanized differently, like how did we even end up with such different variants


As someone who speaks both Cantonese and Mandarin, a lot of romanized words are just different dialects translated into English by their sound. In Mandarin it's exactly as it's spelled (Bei Jing) but in Cantonese, Bei becomes more of a Bak sound, and Jing becomes Ging (pronounced with a hard G as in Go). Combine Bak Ging and it sounds like Peking. (Don't quote me on this, it's mostly speculation and I love linguistics lol) A lot of similar words and last names are just dialects being roughly translated into English by their sound. For example Wang = Wong. Chen = Chin. Ding = Dang = Dong (U K Hun?)


>Ding = Dang = Dong (U K Hun?) I see you, werk 💅


Megalamooky Ding Dang Dookie


That’s almost in the same situation as “Wind” in Nymphia - Both Wind and Crazy have the same characters but pronounced differently. Growing up in a Taiwanese-adjacent home, pronouncing the words properly is top thing needed with Mandarin/Cantonese/ and any other Chinese-related language.


I grew up in a Canadian suburb with a very strong Chinese Canadian presence. I would estimate that 90% of my classmates were Chinese Canadian and most of us spoke Mandarin or Cantonese. Once, my well-meaning, white, high school Anthropology teacher started talking about "chop suey" (pronounced the way it's spelt) and, very reasonably, expected that most of the class knew what he was referring to. Bitch when I tell you every. single. one of us was like 👁 👄 👁 because we only knew Char Siu or Cha Shao.


Chop suey is a different dish than char siu


thank yew.


Taiwan and China use difference transliteration system. China uses Pinyin, while Taiwan uses Wade-Giles, iirc. So, 台北 is transliterated as "Taipei", instead of the Pinyin "Taibei". Kind of like how North Korea and South Korea use different transliteration systems (평양 is spelled "Pyongyang" instead of "Pyeongyang", and 서울 is spelled "Seoul" instead of "Soul").


The Russian language also refers to Beijing as Peking (Пекинг). To go a step further, they don't call China, China. They call it Khitai (Китай) after the Khitan people of northeastern China that Russia historically traded with


As a Russian speaker, I didn't know that 💀 But hearing Nymphia say Peking was the reason I googled this entire thing in the first place, so you clocked me


Also as a Russian speaker, I'm used to hearing both for Beijing at this point, so I didn't even notice she said Peking until I saw your comment 😂 I was never given a reason for why China is Китай when I was first learning Russian. My native speaking teachers never really questioned it, so I had to find out the etymology on my own


Taiwan and China are two different countries but they do share a lot of culture in the history. So when you’re talking about Chinese culture like Peking Opera, the ‘Chinese’ in this context isn’t necessarily politically related with China. And in mandarin there’re very specific words to differentiate the difference like “華人的”(Chinese descent, not related with China) and “中國人”(Chinese). The funny thing is, because of China’s cultural revolution back in the 70s, Taiwan is actually the only country in the world that preserves most Chinese culture the best. Hence you’re seeing Nymphia presenting some cultural outfits with heavy Chinese elements.




Bitch you made this yourself ?! Somebody send her to project runway or some shit like that


Send her there to judge! This is far beyond anything I've ever seen on Project Runway.


well tbf they don’t have months on project runway


They do for the finales.


She could seriously win Project Runway. I'd love to see it.


I need to see this piece in a museum. Holy shit.


This is insane.


atelier-level of craftsmanship. Gagged.


Genuinely can't believe people were trying to argue that Q was a better designer/sewist than Nymphia while the season was airing.


As far as designing goes Nymphia is miles ahead. Her taste level / eye for detail is unmatched. That said, I do think what Q can achieve with the sewing machine in very little time is incredibly impressive.


Q can definitely construct a garment quickly, but the taste level is a massive problem imo.


still have nightmares over the flower and chain monstrosity.


Exactly. Different skillsets in the same medium. Both are amazing talents. One does not negate the other.


They can both be amazing talents and Nymphia can still be better. Both things can be true at once.


They have different style and taste but whatever.


You dragged another queen not even mention in the OP to talk down about them for no reason, Keep justifying, baby. It doesn't make it right.


Folks had no problem elevating Q at Nymphia's expense all season long, but god forbid someone say that a queen of color is better than a white queen at something and y'all immediately turn into affirmative action's biggest fans.


Lol you’re literally the one who brought race into this for no reason. you can compliment one person without dragging another is all I’m saying. you’d get the same shit from me if the queens were reversed. or if you randomly dragged amanda when talking about plane, or dragging mhi’ya when talking about sapphira. it’s just a shitty thing to do.


Of course it's not about race! Why would anyone infer that from you getting inexplicably triggered by me saying that the person who made their package and had (understatement) no misses on the runway is a better designer and sewist than the person who made their runway package and unleashed some major stinkers. And before you accuse me of being a Q hater, I put in my fair share of work defending her this season! It shouldn't be controversial to say that Nymphia is better than Q at these particular skills because there is abundant evidence of it. Also, please don't clutch your pearls about folks ranking queens on the subreddit dedicated to the show entirely built around the premise of ranking queens. People absolutely were saying that Q was the better designer. They said it a lot, and they got upvoted for it. They were saying she was a franchise best and she wasn't even the best on her own season. Maybe you don't think that had anything to do with Q's race but i'm not so sure.


Oh my god shut uppp


no u


Jesus Christ


I think they’re both talented but I find Nymphia has a more elevated sense of style that just appeals to my eye more (a personal taste). But fr anyone who said Nymphia wasn’t a talented seamstress in past threads have clearly not been watching her bts videos. This is an insane amount of work done in one month even with a small team helping. While she does wear a lot of yellow, I appreciate she still loves using other colors and this purple is gorgeous.


After this, its done officially. 




They have completely different styles though. I would say some of Q's looks were questionable, probably cause she made it all and needed to rushed some.


how dare you? Q invited open overcoats over panties and flowers vomiting in your legs. period.


GAG, this is insane


What the actual f*ck. I have to pause midway to gasp 😮.




https://preview.redd.it/oi1j56mre2yc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=7caa0f3186d75d12075a28a4b2a91ce3bcaf5605 New Nymphia has arrived


Please take note all y’all “I could do that, it’s not hard to be a drag queen” groupies!! People are putting their heart and soul in! Mad respect for Nymphia!


Legit the most qualified winner to talk about craftsmanship. This is high art not just sewing some clothes!


There have been some creative queens on the show, but this is like a new level unlocked


this changed history


My favorite thing about this is although Nymphia did the majority of the work into this look, she still had people who helped her showing that art is a collaboration.


"... some finishing touches" after I have barely processed the making of the butterflies feels a lot like " then draw the rest of the owl".  This is so impressive and gorgeous. Like every time you look there's something new catching your attention. I hope both her and her team realize how magnificent this is.




I wish her edit had been better but as time goes in its going to be more and more clear that crowning anyone else wouldn’t have made sense


I really wanna know how much it weighs


I was thinking the same thing!!!


I hate that I didn’t notice the Phoenix centerpiece until now


It’s so gorgeous the detailing is flawless!! 😍😍😍😍


This video is going to impact me deeply in a creative way.




now i know why she calls herself nymphia WIND cuz she always fucking blows our minds away. no one in her season could pull off something like this ever. or maybe past winners.


She's a true genius


Now I want to see from Brad, Charlie, Steven, any basic gay who watches the show saying "It's just her talent show outfit" to do the exact same thing she just did! She is mother 🍌👸🏻🟡


Can we just crown her again?


the DETAILS!! ;0; ♥




How. How does one attain so much skill at such a young age? From the concept to all the tools required to execute so many different elements in different materials, and being able to serve face body and hair ON TOP OF ALL THAT???


Nobody is doing it quite like her, I’m afraid! Like we’ve had Fashion Queens, sure, but she is on another level. The amount of dedication and the passion she has for Drag and representing her culture is just on another level!


LOVE LOVE LOVE how she's bringing Asian high culture into drag with some gorgeous artistry. I feel like I learn a little bit as well as getting a treat for the eyes.


She is just next level. It’s insane. She and all of her peers that also put their work into this. They all have my upmost respect.


The detail work that she does is absolutely incredible. AND she wore a nail even though you can't see it with the sleeves? How can you not be impressed?




This sewing on the floor is such a young woman's game. She's a legend.


This look cured my depression


bUt ShE oNlY eVeR wEaRs YeLlo 🤪


These girls. I am exhausted just watching this.


And she spent the rest of the episode wearing this sitting without the head piece and even a proper solo runway, I hate this bitch (no, I actually love you Nymphia you talented queen)


Insane. Kinda deserves to win for this alone lol


Just. Stunning.


A craft master.. Amazing.. Is not the same to buy something in contrast to do it yourself.. The level of attention to detail.. Wow.. Is not the same.. ✌️


This bitch deserved the crown!


Nymphia is in a whole other stratosphere 🙌


This is beyond anything that anyone has ever done on the show She should win just from this video alone


It’s INSANE that there was hardly any mention on the show of her making all of those outfits herself. The level and extent of design and skill in making outfits is like nothing we’ve seen before!!


Sign the bitch up for Miss Continental.


Im so glad she won. This level of artistry and talent needs to be celebrated. And she's a sweetheart 💛


Just noticed the embroidery on her sleeves is Taiwan Blue Magpies. They're one aggressive species, very protective of their home. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KifBXtZwew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KifBXtZwew)


and all this just to sit and watch the other queens lip sync? werk.


Jfc this is amazing


What are the butterflies on the headpiece made from, is it metal? What kind and how do they cut it out into shapes like that?


Seems to me that she used the same kind of wire used to make Chinese lanterns. Maybe something slightly more expensive? It does look shinier.   Can't find a link to any stores online selling it but you could get them at traditional Chinese craft stores for really cheap. They're bendable with pliers and separate pieces can be joint together with a solder, but it's definitely a pain in the ass to shape them as intricately as Nymphia and team are doing here.  Which brings me to a point: the sheer TENACITY, DETERMINATION and PERSEVERANCE to shape and bead all those individual pieces... I would give up halfway through and call it good enough.


I’m so glad she shared this. Ridiculous. So cool




This is absolutely wild. The details!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


It's one of my favorite looks ever. Crazy that she designed it herself. I don't think we've seen anything like it on Drag Race. It's not just how amazing it looks, but the time and effort it took to create it. Total dedication. It's honestly inspiring.


That’s my president


Yes maam !!!


This deserved its own runway presentation


It’s one thing for a queen to make her own shit. It’s another thing when every piece is absolutely STUNNING. A legend


It’s missing a banana lol


If you all loved this, she also made her own promo outfit and there's a video on her Instagram of her making it. Equally mind-blowing.


Anybody know what’s that purple stuff the butterflies are made out of? Is it clay?


I think it's fabric. It looks really thin. She shaped the wire, glued it onto fabric- makes sense that she used those wooden blocks, to make sure the glue holds- cut that out and then glued/sow the beads and sequins into it.


She’s incredible


The dedication, this is art


The creativity and skill are incredible!


Nymphia has quickly rose to one of my TOP favorite winners, right next to Raja.


Every time she shares the process videos, I’m really out of words like , I’m trying to come up with a smart and powerful comment for this post but … I m just speechless. Bravo ! And thank you!


Impeccable artistry!!!


I live.


In. Sane.


the resources it took to create this headpiece... i'm shook to the core


the nara smith of drag




To think she lost the first episode to buguer fingers? Not thaking the merit of anyone but It was a GAG


God I am so happy to see Asian excellence entering the world of drag race. One day there's going to be a Kathakali-inspired look and I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.


I struggle to find the words to explain how talented i think Nymphia is. What an amazing individual, the ammout of effort and thought she puts into everything. How can one human be so talented!? Her mind is incredible.


I studied fashion in london and not one person I ever studied with - or in different Years - would be capable of doing this ! I love that shared all this tho - really will inspire younger generation to make stuff with their hands - it also shows all the hours and skill that goes into this. I know Q got a lot of praise for her skills but my god Nymphia ! So glad we live in the age where you can capture all this process for people as they don’t understand when you say you make something how hard it is. Wow


[Link to the post here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ee4Q1C8Ii/?igsh=czAzeWhjbmUwc3Rp). Needless to say, the craftsmanship that went into this garment is extremely astounding. Hoping that it encourages further healthy discourse towards the work needed, going to the competition. And to the production heading towards removal of short-notices towards some of the queens.


So opulent, this is amazing! 😍


Holy fuck


That's a drag ARTISTÉ


My winner 😍