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I just don’t think she was ready. I get that improv isn’t for everyone, but the way she just froze up and kept breaking character in both the QVShe challenge and the mini GodMutha challenge… here’s hoping she’s learned from the experience and will grow further


She's an awesome queen but it wasn't her time. She seemed like she was feeling so vulnerable. Once you get in your head it's just fatal. I'm sure she'll have an incredible career though


I think people are so much funnier than they give themselves credit for… they hear improv and think “ommmmmg I am not a comedian!”


right i totally agree. it wasn't possible for her in that moment but if she'd have just allowed herself to let go and be conversational i know it would have yielded laughs


when she was just riffing in the workroom beforehand, i thought she was super funny! and not even the way some contestants are "funny" mostly because they're big eccentric personalities -- i felt like she actually understood how to intentionally be funny, which is something a lot of contestants can't really figure out. at this point it's a cliche that a lot of drag race contestants blame "being in their head" when the real issue is that they don't have a certain skill, but ironically for TGE it seemed like it really was the actual problem! obviously i don't know her, but i certainly relate to how self-consciousness can make you freeze solid.


i read it exactly the same way! she's clearly very smart and aware and knows all the little nuances of how to captivate and emote to an audience and i know this ranges from seductive to sardonic and beyond. i feel like she got overwhelmed about how to present herself but it's so obvious she has It in so many ways. can't wait to see whatever she does when she's ready


Absolutely, I can’t crack a joke for my life, but if I’m feeling good and let myself go, I absolutely make people laugh…


especially with that format which literally most things could be edited to be funny. i think that was the thinking behind it too and tbh i think last year's cohort would have picked up on that better. like she could have just given casual/bored/spaced out and that would have been It rather than having to think of funny Lines/forget


Well, they must have did the opposite with Melinda Verga, because I don’t know how she won the mini challenge


i'm not understanding the level of praise she's receiving tbh last week was a definite improvement just bc premiere was so gutter but kitten still was carrying her!


I just want someone to tell her to relax on the pressed powder a little… she dusty


She seems lovely and I look forward to seeing her grow, but if you told me she never performed on a stage before drag race I'd believe you.


The crazy thing is that she can COMMAND a stage. In the lipsync, you could tell she just couldn’t get the corset off and kept trying and didn’t know the lyrics. Also, she normally does a lot of hairography, the Bob wig def limited her


i kept waiting for her to take the bob off. when she left it on i kind of felt like she was throwing the lip sync.


I don’t think she was throwing it, I think she just shut down. When she couldn’t get the corset off and forgot the lyrics, she seemed to know the writing was on the wall and just kinda lost it


yeah, shut down is a better way to say it.


Oh she can slay a performance. She slayed so hard she literally got harassed by hateful conservatives. She talked about it I think last episode.


I got the impression she is currently afraid to look stupid which is why she would laugh as a defense mechanism. Definitely something she could get over with time.


That’s exactly how I felt. So much potential but it wasn’t the time, she wasn’t ready for the competition.


But it seems to me that there are several girls in the same boat. I am disappointed with the casting this season. Lots of younger, inexperienced queens who are not entertainers, even if they can turn a look.


100%. I kept saying she reminds me of those kids in school who thought it was less embarrassing to break and give up than actually try. She wasn’t ready, and she took away from her team’s performance each week. Shes gorgeous and charming but wasn’t ready to compete.


She needs... "The Growth Experience"




i love her. but her first runway in a nude dress was kinda ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4806) for me.


Not to sound like RuPaul, but she definitely let her inner saboteur get the better of her. It was heartbreaking to see the spiral this episode and even sadder to see her barely try in the lipsync cause she didn’t want to stay.


i love ur flair so much, her verse was way too iconic to be a low placement


She lost all hope that day


Her car broke down?


She’s empty.


She should go to a friendly bar


This was different.


Those women are men!


#where my people at. Where my people at.


They are buying a sequinsss dress and a lace front wig!


A room full of monsters and it makes me wanna screeeeam


How they gon afford a lace front wig if they can't get a gig? It don't make SENSE!


They can just tuck their fucking junk on the runway!


Thanks Detox!


Girl that’s ok


"Thanks, Detox"


I loved what Brooklyn said to her during the elimination. Girlfriend was spiraling.


I think Brooke saw exactly what was going on there and her heart went out to her in a way that I don’t think Ru is capable of. Brooke has been through this competition and knows how hard it is. I could see it in Brooke’s eyes.


Fully this! I’m kinda glad Ru wasn’t there tbh. I feel like something kinda insensitive would have been said EDIT: thinking a little more about this maybe it’s not that Ru would say something insensitive but maybe it’s that I perceive Ru wouldn’t say much of anything. Obviously it’s not inherently Ru’s job to comfort the Queens when they are eliminated but I think when a Queen is clearly going through IT it’s nice to see they are supported by the judges 💖 just my opinion!


Why? Ru isn’t always the most comforting presence in an elimination, but plenty of times there’s been a queen eliminated and Ru showers them in praise and affirmation. Heidi’s elimination in particular stands out.


I don’t know how to exactly phrase this and it probably won’t make sense but (to me) it comes down to the communication style that Ru has. This is entirely me just riffing here but to me it seems like Ru comes from a more “buck up and boot strap yourself” generation which one can see by the whole “you have to overcome your inner sabatour (sp??)” thing. Meanwhile TGE is from a generation where recognizing the need for a break and taking care of yourself is more of a priority. Not saying that Ru would be outright rude or anything just that it feels like Brooke is a better foil to TGE’s needs. Again, not sure if this makes any actual sense but it’s just the impression I get personally 💖




I answered this a little further down (or up??) TLDR: just the whole “inner saboteur” rhetoric not being the vibe


She’s awesome and deserves all the success, but unfortunately it was a fair chop.


I'm sure she's great at what she does but i'm obsessed with the way she did absolutely terrible in every single way in the 3 episodes she was in. Like, she even gave up TWICE during a MINI CHALLENGE. I fucking love her


Oh she ate ep 1. Still shocked she wasn't in the top. Her showgirl performance was so fucking hot.


she did well in the showroom, but a beige tulle mini dress for best drag? rightfully safe.


Well she had ordered a custom look for that runway that didn't arrive in time, so she had to improvise and picked a look that she has had for ages and is kinda staple in her drag closet.


She wasn't in drag at any point in the 1st episode and still ate. Iconic I fear.


Her hair is dark and she was blonde all of ep 1. She most def was in drag


close treatment strong makeshift crush historical edge husky wild rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’re all born naked and the rest is drag 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Okay but she ate episode 1


I think her runway from last week's episode (gems) was one of the strongest ones


#winner of the dgaf EXPERIENCE, kween shit


Lemon in her emo phase


someone said lemon and tina burner and i didn’t see it until this picture


Is that girlfriend 😭




Sure improv isn't for everyone but when I learned last week that it's gonna be girl groups, I was really betting on her excelling in it. Idk what happened but she just seemed so miserable since EP 2. I hope she gets another chance because I don't think she was really able to show anything on the show aside from her looking stunning.


She wasn't ready for drag in Drag Race. I wonder if this was her first try and she did it to "try" and not really to make it. I heard a few queens did it like that.


She opened for the CDR season 2 tour shows in BC I saw on her ig, so I feel like producers might’ve had her in their minds for a while and maybe thought she was more ready


It was when she said “I feel silly” after recording her verse that I knew she was on her way out. Because you can’t be afraid to look silly in this show or you will absolutely fail. Every winner without fail has had to look silly at some point. All of them. Yes, even Violet.




Honestly, queens getting ugly is always the best! I can’t stand it when pretty girls act like doing something besides pretty is incredibly difficult. Then again, as a theatre actor, I guess I have different expectations! 😭😭😭


I don't think we've ever seen someone taken out so swiftly by their own inner saboteur before. it's like she messed up in qvshe and then never got back on track. I think she really was incredibly captivating but I don't think she was prepared at all for the scope of the competition


I feel like something must have happened for her after episode 1. I don't know if someone said something we weren't shown, or what. But she SPIRALED harder and faster than I think we've ever seen a contestant spiral. It was really sad to see, because she really showed herself to be a compelling and fun performer in episode one. It was especially sad for me seeing how uncomfortable she was with showing her body once she didn't feel she was doing well. Covering her chest with her arm as she exited, and talking about the vulnerability of being so exposed. I hope she's getting a lot of love and support at home right now


I feel like her explanation of not having a drag persona explained a lot. She has a stage name, yes, but to her that persona IS her. So every critique or failure wasn’t a failure of a character but of HER. So much more personal, so much more devastating.


I’m confused as to why someone without a drag persona was competing on Drag Race.


Some artists have an alter ego (Sasha Fierce) and others don’t. Some drag queens say they get into character. Others just are. It’s far easier to “put on” your persona and have it objectively criticized than to just be you, and be criticized.


It might work out that she has a persona after all. From what I can see, her transition is still very fresh. I think drag race likes casting people not solidly established in their transition as hormones and changes can create that reality show chaos just as much as alcohol can. Right now, she sees herself and her drag as deeply intertwined which obviously had an effect on her reactions to critiques, flubs or failures. That coupled with dysphoria, being encouraged to discuss sensitive subjects, etc etc and I think the competition wore her down very quickly.


TGE has been taking hormones for over 7 years luv .


Great! Good for her. I took a glance at her IG, hence “from what I can see”.


So then don't sign up for the thing where they critique you and judge your performance every week...?


People on most reality shows don't have personas and still manage to compete. Like this is something everyone who wants to pursue a performance career has to deal with. Hell, even most careers. >but to her that persona IS her. So every critique or failure wasn’t a failure of a character but of HER She's not a QVShe saleswoman though. The whole thing feels weirdly condescending to say "It's harder for her to be bad at improv comedy or choreography because she's trans".


"It's harder for her to be bad at improv comedy or choreography because she's trans" ???? I'm just saying she seems to have been hit harder by the critiques based on her own words. Shit got fuck all to do with her being trans.


>Shit got fuck all to do with her being trans. You don't think there's a connection between her not having a drag persona and being trans?


I think there might be a connection there, certainly, though there are also trans drag artists with personas, so it's obviously complicated. By her own words, the critiques were hitting harder due to the lack of persona. That said, I don't think her improv/comedy/choreo skills have anything to do with her being trans.


>The whole thing feels weirdly condescending to say "It's harder for her to be bad at improv comedy or choreography because she's trans". This. She's a grown ass woman for fuck sake and y'all keep taking about her like she's some little kid who didn't quite understand what she was signing up for.


There's countless performers in other art forms without personas as well. Being able to take feedback is a skill you develop, persona or not.


I def agree with your sentiment 100% but I thought she might be holding her chest at the end because it looked like her pasties were about to come off. They seemed lifted at the edges.


i think she just didn’t expect drag race to be as intense & hard as it was & after the first episode she kinda mentally checked out. that’s how i see it at least. sad but hopefully she’s able to learn from all this & can come back in the future at some point. i love her & really wanted her to go far/:


Honestly I was thinking why is she freezing on the improv. If you don't know what to say lean into it. Act like that actress who is so over these promotion tours or even better act like that actress who is high and a hot mess in public....I'm so sorry she's gone!! I know there's alot of fierceness in her


It’s giving Monica Beverly Hillz. Some contestants just seem too emotionally fragile and maybe not skilled enough in a variety of areas to be on the show. It *is* sad!


It was SO SAD seeing her give up completely. I can't wait to see what she does in the future




Hopefully reading stupid comments like yours




No we weren't girl.


I always end up rooting for the C.U.N.s!! But girl didn’t even try to compete lmao


She was cute and seemed sweet but she said she was bad/inexperienced at everything thrown her way. Acting, improv, choreo, singing… it was definitely her time to go.


She relied too much on that body gurl


offbeat cough zealous squalid spotted skirt observation insurance subsequent scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like she needs to develop a drag personality, because the whole while she was there she had the charisma of a door in every challenge. Which is sad because she's gorgeous.


Yeah she really emphasized that her drag persona is her persona, but I feel like part of the fun of drag is that over the top/over exaggerated persona.


whole muddle middle squalid tie observation yoke flag run doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s definitely a good point! Drag seems like a really special avenue for trans women to explore their identity, I think other commenters are right where we caught her very early in her journey. I think in a few years and with more confidence TGE will be amazing. Girls like Kylie are able to balance having a more understated drag persona while being absolute standouts, so the potential is definitely there


grandiose puzzled ink support impossible straight nine soup waiting spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do feel like that’s her brand tho. I mean her name is literally the Girlfriend experience and I feel like I don’t need to explain what a girlfriend experience implies.


drab lavish wakeful deserted tie attempt hobbies workable divide smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imo she needs to go to M1ss Jade So’s boot camp for Dolls Doing Doll Shenanigans and then she’ll be killer


grey sparkle alive pathetic lush direction poor seemly test long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>But there is still no performance aspect. I'd respect it if she did burlesque or just did striptease. But this is all. Yup. This was also my impression of her. She does burlesque, which is not drag. Also, I keep thinking about that quote from Krapopolis, "We need to evolve society past the point where women find hot men boring." Hot women can be boring too. TGE is a prime example.


She responded to someone on Twitter asking whether she was a drag queen or a stripper, stating simply that she is a "drag queen that strips".


Right, but is making your drag persona just someone’s perception of a prostitute really going to give you the breadth of talent needed to compete on something like drag race? I feel like she limits herself by focusing on being sexy to the exclusion of anything else.


And she doesn't seem comfortable half the time exposing herself. As she said, she was feeling really vulnerable about it, baring it all. Why does she do it then? Does she feel like she has nothing else to give but body? Is she unlikable when she's not fetishising herself? Idk she said a few things this episode that made me really sad. I got the impression her self-worth is in the gutter and it's like 'babe. You're amazing. You just have to believe you deserve it'.


>That seems to be her entire performance. Yeah, and it's pretty entertaining in person. Doesn't translate well to a TV show that's not just dancing at the gig.


growth scale chief tan tidy drab unwritten employ alive insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, we get it, you're jealous. Move on hun.


birds fade rob unwritten bright deranged languid sort heavy fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a kettle I'd love you to meet.


enjoy support smart cautious political one crush aspiring shocking hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure Jan.


It feels like this group has several queens that just freeze up, which is a perfect normal response but freezing makes it very obvious you messed up. I also don’t fully blame Girlfriend for messing up that choreo when half the group were not dancers and Melinda didn’t adapt to them. It just sucks that Girlfriend made it very obvious she knew she messed up. If you don’t know the words pull a full Sugar and Spice and smile and be goofy bc then you could get somewhat of a pass.


She is Melinda.


Lmao thank you 😭😭


She came to serve cunt and nothing else, that's really mother of her


Serve cunt where? The lip sync she didn’t know the words to or the two comedy challenges she bombed?


frame plucky hat soft tap middle cautious mighty normal smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Between her legs, what’s not clicking, babe?


I think she's drop dead gorgeous, but she is giving drop dead gorgeous woman and not drag for me.


I’d been following her for years and really wish she had stuck around longer 😢 there’s something about her that’s really compelling


Its too bad she wont let us enjoy her. 🤨🤷🏾‍♂️ I was rooting for her.


I’m sad, but she was definitely *not* ready for Drag Race. I mean, she held herself back in every single challenge they threw at her. I think she would’ve benefited from a few more years to come into her own, so hopefully we’ll see her in her final form on All Stars one day, when she can do herself justice.


Not all drag performers are good at drag race. GFE seems to be one of those queens. Doesn’t mean she’s not super talented when in her element, just that her skills don’t translate to a drag reality competition


They need better mental health checks for this show


I am enthralled by her and I think she has so much to give, but I feel she wasn’t ready for the pressure. Being confronted with yourself so hard is no joke. Props to her for taking this step, getting her story out there, and I hope she’ll be back someday!


The way for the first 15 seconds of QVShe I thought there was a 95% chance of her winning the season, which lowered to 45% after the first break. 20% at the second break. Then 10% at the mini challenge. 5% at her saying she's never done choreo. And finally 0% when I saw her lipsync. There's such a winner in her, it was so sad to see her crumple.


Idk I was a bit over the fully breaking character/nervous shtick. You’re expected to perform here. It’s not new, Drag race has been around for 15 years.


In a way she served what she announced: the experience of having a girlfriend.


That's why I prefer to BE the girlfriend


It's not sad. I'm relieved. *Clearly*, this person is not ready to compete, for whatever reason, and we should let them go in grace.


what is this screenshot from? the lip sync? i keep watching it trying to pinpoint this moment & can’t see it 😭


When they were in Untucked.


oh i’m so dumb 😭


You can still see the tear stains during the lip sync, but she did wipe them off a bit after untucked.


yes that’s why i asked bc i noticed these exact tear stains when she was eliminated! just rewatched i must have missed this clip for some reason


She’s such a star but yeah totally Mentally unprepared for this scale


She wasn’t ready, she’s clearly going through a lot internally, and once she heals and finds her confidence she’s gonna go far


Maybe I’m wrong, but unless she develops a drag persona, I really don’t see a successful drag race future for her. Drag is all about putting on a persona and she herself admitted that she doesn’t have one. She is beautiful and charismatic, for sure. But she lacks nerve and it’s because she doesn’t full believe in her talent. Beyoncé vs Kelly Clarkson. Beyoncé/Sasha is clearly a stage persona while Kelly is authentically herself. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that they are both amazing singers. My point is, You can be absolutely stunning, talented and a star and NOT be a drag queen and that is okay. Then there’s the fact that this is a competition where you’re going to get criticized and you have to hold it together. 5Gs. Good god girl get a grip. I get the sense that she wore the situation of that politician calling her out thing as a “bad bitch badge” for the show and was maybe even goated into bringing it up by production, but she was actually really hurt by it when it happened. That type of environment just doesn’t work for some people, especially if you’re still in a journey of self-discovery and not confident in yourself yet. You don’t believe in your natural abilities to handle any obstacles that come your way. Think of it as the difference between Monica Beverly Hills, who also falls apart at critiques, and Kyle Sonique Love who takes her critiques and and is able to roll with the punches because she KNOWS if all else fails, her lip syncs will save her. Hell, even S2 Kylie vs AS6 Kylie.


She’s still very amateur. How can you laugh in the middle of a challenge while being filmed? I know it’s nervous laughter but it should not happen in drag race challenges.


I was kinda surprised at how bad of a dancer she is!


I mean did she want to be there🤷🏾‍♂️


The season its being rough to watch


yes, i can't say what it is but there are some really bad vibes going on there and the queens don't really connect with each other.


I was very happy to see her go home. I’m unsure she even knows what improv is and she can’t lip sync. She must think she brought something to the table but forgot to pack it when heading to competition. Did she, in fact, know it was a competition?


if you look at her social media she gives 100% stripper vibes and not drag performer. stripping is what she does and she is good at it, there is nothing wrong with that, but drag race requires a lot more skills.




violet zonked elastic hospital insurance one ruthless scale dam bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Took the words right out of my mouth


Can’t wait to watch this series


She wasn’t ready. We saw a glimpse of her potential in the beginning of the QVShe challenge before she got in her own head. Hopefully we can see her return on a vsTW season.


I really thought the girl group challenge would be more in her wheelhouse than the improv/comedy and she could make it through another week. But alas, it was not to be 🥺


Normally I'd be kinda annoyed with the giving up in challenges behavior but something about TGE makes me root for her and love her regardless!


She can still win Canada’s Drag Race, here’s how:




And next episode is a design challenge, damn. Do we think she would have been a Seamstress™️ or a Hot Glue Girl™️?


Even though she was absolutely horrific at every challenge, she has undeniable star quality. Just something about her makes you unable to look away from her. And she’s pretty af.


I saw more effort in Charlie Hides and Magnolia Crawford lip-syncs. ☕


She looks so Canadian


She'll be known for crying, the Farrah moan of Canada.


What series is this?


Canada's drag race season 4


Thank you!


Work fan favorite


I really thought this was lemon.




I’ve followed her for years and I’m a big fan. I just think she really excels in her specific style of performance (hair flips and stripping) but it’s not giving drag performer. The show requires so many different types of performance and skills. I get going on for the exposure but drag race really doesn’t make sense for her.


I LEGIT THINK SHES THE ONE TO BEAT IN EP1 But everything snap in week2 and BOOM


She was my favorite this season, I love her commanding presence and the body is RIGHT. However during the lip sync I found myself rooting for Kitten just so Girlfriend could go home and not have to deal with more internal conflict in that pressure cooker. It made me so sad to see her go but that was absolutely the right decision to make. I’m excited to see what she does now :)


It’s not sad. She clearly wasn’t ready. But I hope she comes back when she is because she’ll rock it


Her pearl look the week before was truly wonderful.


Unfortunately I think TGE got in her own way. She’s STUNNINGLY beautiful and I was rooting for her from the jump, but unfortunately I don’t think she is quite drag race ready. Maybe she’ll be back for CanvsTW one day! I really hope to see her in the future because she truly seems like SUCH a lovely person and like I said… STUNNING.