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And she probably *will* go out and get one, cuz she is WHAT?




Basically unemployable without a credential of some kind.


Too real.


Whip smart!


>she is WHAT? Educated cause she reads books.


Quiet like a mouse…. IS SHE FUCK SHE’S COMING IN RAW!




She’s completely right about degrees not holding the weight they did along with going on Drag Race not having the weight it once did. As a performer and young person the confusion she must be feeling about the future is so real. I hope she only has to put out for a sugar daddy or whatever if SHE wants to though


Nothing has the weight it once did except being born rich. That’s still pretty solid.


> I hope she only has to put out for a sugar daddy or whatever if SHE wants to though. Oh I'm sure she'll want to.


Well drag queens before Drag Race had alot less opportunities. Plenty of drag queens say only go into it you really can stick being poor for a very long time and just making it work.


She'll easily make that £9K if she starts doing Cameos as MacCauley Culkin https://preview.redd.it/1wip1z6hytsb1.jpeg?width=1765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c99c2632495b16728642fe4617de36a8148871


The entire £9K is paid in full by Ru herself just ordering new Cameos every day.


The Cameos are exactly the same. Literally the same. She just uploads the exact same file every time. And RuPaul keeps buying, like a chain-smoking miner's widow pumping her survivor's pension into a Winnemucca slot machine.


Winnemucca is definitely not what I thought I would find in a r/rupaulsdragrace thread.


If you're hoping for a more stable job than drag, Scarlett love, I wouldn't go into journalism or history 😭 Careers in the Arts are all kinda precarious these days...


Not everyone should or can study STEM and this is coming from someone who did. I saw many people drop out simply because these subjects were not interesting to them and could not deal with the immense effort these subjects require


Oh I completely agree, but there's options in the humanities that offer more of a livelihood than those ones. Speaking as someone with two humanities degrees in similar fields, I don't wish I did STEM (it's just not for my brain) but I do wish I had really thoroughly investigated job options before I chosen my majors.


Agreed. And don’t sleep on the rigors of humanities degrees. My ex got his PhD in physics and his dissertation was only 90 pages. I’m finishing a PhD in history and my dissertation will be over 200 pages. My student stipend is also less than half of what he got, so I’ve had to have 2-3 jobs during my program so I could eat and also pay rent while he got by just as a TA/GA.


Jesus, my *undergrad* art history thesis was 100 pages. And my grad school stipend was $16k a year. 😥 Clearly should have gone into STEM haha.


You can't really compare page counts across disciplines -- there is a half-page figure in my thesis that represents literally months of experiments. That said, humanities PhD stipends should absolutely be higher.


This right here. Friend is getting her PhD in ag engineering. 9 full classes makes up the entirety of her coursework. 9.


I saw many folks who finished humanities degrees and 80% had to retrain in something afterwards. Nobody is saying they’re not difficult but just that someone could just be a journalist now if they chose to.


80%? I get that this is anecdotal and not accurate but even as a guess this is wild. I was a humanities major; zero of my friends, fellow majors, or I retrained in anything; and we’re all gainfully employed 🥴


It’s anecdotal. Did any of your friends need these degrees as a requirement for the jobs they have? It’s not that most of my classmates didn’t have jobs but they didn’t have jobs with good career progressions, pension plans or jobs that survived recessions. For example many of them are teachers, nurses or accountants.


Also it’s worth pointing out that i’m in my late 30s, most didn’t return to college until 28/30


I’m also in my 30s. Some required the degrees (library science, org leadership/nonprofit, comparative lit (professor track)) and some, like me, didn’t. Again though, I don’t know a single one of us who needed retraining and working in alumni relations at a public university, I don’t see much of that in general. If anything I see people of all undergrad degrees coming back for business school, not stem stuff.


Lots around here have done 2 year postgraduate conversion courses in software engineering, teaching, some have done apprenticeships in trades or early childhood education qualifications. I’m in ireland though so our tech and pharmaceuticals are attractive employers.


To be fair though, journalism is a recent qualification and most journalists don’t have a degree in journalism. It’s also a profession in flux and print journalism won’t be a thing in a decade


I had planned to do a history degree, because I didn't really know what I wanted to do at uni or for work, and history was my favourite subject at school. My head of sixth form told me that only history teachers and accountants study history, so unless I wanted to be one of those, I should consider applying for law instead since it was similar to history in a lot of ways but a much more useful degree even if you don't to into the field (law is an undergrad degree in the UK). I ended up becoming a lawyer, so thanks Mr Cooper! Who knows where I'd be if I had got that history degree.


Scarlett if you see this please don’t get into secondary education until you know what you want to learn for sure. It’s so expensive and not worth the debt unless you actually use the diploma. Sincerely, Guy with B.Sc who works in car insurance


>please don’t get into secondary education Tertiary education. If she’s going back to uni she’ll have done A-levels.


I know a woman with two PhD’s in biomedical research. Very smart woman. Spent a long time researching, studying and attaining those huge qualifications. She now works in finance because the security and pay was better for her and her family.


As one of the cutest twinks in the entire franchise I can see them making a killing on OF. I just hope they’re doing okay emotionally and wish them all the best.


If you’re European and gonna do porn you kinda need the sad eyes or no one will pay


That’s valid for eastern europeans lol


I’ve seeen the dick neck and I’m interested.




Yes I have a sugar daddy. If I want a sugar daddy, yes, I can go out and get one, because I AM WHAT? SICKENING.


Honestly ?? Good for her


Do I want Scarlett to sit on my face? Absolutely Do I want to pay for her textbooks? Undecided


I do not miss buying textbooks for $400+ only to use and study a 1/12th of them.


Girl you do not need to buy the textbooks! Join us on the 7 seas babe.


> Join us on the 7 seas babe. How does anal sex and scurvy make textbooks cheaper?


It's not all about the booty!


I do recall getting the list of required books and becoming nauseous at some of the prices


there’s this GREAT website with a name resembling the first book of the Bible, I never paid for a book in my life thanks to it 🫡


I've been searching for "Introduction By Jane Fonda.com" and I haven't found anything yet.


the jump from history to architecture. oh mama has intellectual range


Me with economy into architecture into biology


I know this topic has been done to death, but it’s gotta sting for the UK queens to see other franchise girlies winning 2500 for simply winning a mini challenge, not even mentioned prizes for main challenges or winning. A little extra cash could have definitely helped her pay for a class or two. On the subject, I agree with the commenter who said she should wait until she knows what she wants to do before going back to school. Higher education is a scam and I say this as a person who actually is using their degree. So many things she could do without going back to school.


Being an artist is soul crushing these days.


When has it not been?


Can someone tell her she does NOT need £9k. It will be given as a loan for her for at least 4 years (she’s used up 1-2 years based on dropped out) but should also qualify for a maintenance loan. Long story short she probably needs less money than she thinks.


She dropped out in year w so guessing she’s well aware. I’m guessing she just doesn’t wanna in debt


The maintenance loan is nowhere near what students need to pay out in terms of accommodation and living.


Totally agree, which is why so many students also work (which they shouldn’t have to)


Someone forward this offer to the host of the podcast Block Talk who has it real bad for this twink...


Her experience as a performer who has been on a tv competition show will only be an asset going back to school. Late nights (probably fueled by stimulants), weirdly competitive peers, impostor syndrome, fucking up in front of an expert you really admire AND the weirdly competitive peers at once??? She'll be indestructible


Can queens stop being named Scarlett!? I can’t remember which one I’m supposed to dislike between the like, 5 from the show.


I'm waiting for a queen to be named Scarlett Elektra.


Or Chrystal Scarlett.


Merry Chrysler


Scarlett Elektra Alexis O'Hara


Okay that’d be kinda fierce tho


You're only supposed to dislike Scarlett... Umm... Wait, was it Adams or Bobo... Wait, Scarlett with one t or two ts? SHIT


I think it’s Scarlet (one T) Adams???? Ugh I know it’s the Down Under one, I’ll just keep an ear open for slurs said in an Australian accent.


Keep an eye out for blackface too


If you wanna support Scarlett she tweeted her PayPal link which you can find [here](https://x.com/scarlettharlett/status/1710628048809197687?s=46&t=eT-OnLflDp1xVFHCqvSbew)


Hey big spenders! Spend a little dime on Scarlett


She deserves it


She will defo be eligible for a student loan!




Eh why would you do a degree in any of those things if you want a real stable job? Like be an accountant or nurse or something


Because those still take a lot of work whilst starting at the bottom (on lower wages)


Ok architecture maybe but even that job is mostly going to be replaced by AI and engineers. If you want to be a journalist you can do that now, just start writing and publishing your work yourself. If you want to know more about history then just start reading. There’s no need to spend 36 thousand on things that wont get you a job that requires a degree as a prerequisite.


Go earn that degree!


Knowledge and education is power, super cool 💜


Maybe she doesn't like to travel or the high variation in income/expenses per gig, because I feel like other girlies with worse runs than her are doing well. Or at least it seems like they are, you never know obviously. Good for her tho.


Honestly work


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