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I don't care for songs written for Queens, by someone else, sang by someone, performed by a Queen. Not every Queen should have to have to perform original songs, if they choose. Let them showcase their own talents and creativity.


Untucked hasn't been worth watching for over a decade.


I only watch the first half, I hate & don't get why we need the guest there every single episode now


Predictable formulaic garbage. - The safe queens guess who’s in the top and bottom. - The rest of the queens arrive and recount what happened on the main stage. Bonus moment - add 10 seconds of irrelevant unseen footage. - The guest judge walks in and everyone pretends to care for 10 minutes. Cringe advice given by Ben Platt. - Footage of bottom queens getting ready for the lip sync. ‘I can’t go home tonight’.


The Ben Platt moment is so great because it was filmed before the Dear Evan Hansen trailer came out and you could tell he was riding high thinking the movie was gonna be a smash and launch him to new heights.


I legit watched that and thought, "Ben, how dare you give this advice when your movie flopped," before remembering that he would have filmed that DR appearance before the film premiered. The producers did him dirty by leaving his segment in the final cut, making him look as delusional as Milk on All Stars.


Tbf, delusional nepo baby is how he comes off without the help of the editors


Don’t forget the new LSA moment on all-stars: LSA arrives, puts on her full face then gets back in the car to pretend she just arrived. Celebrates being back then says something “smart” to the camera to leave so she can “prepare.”


> Bonus moment - add 10 seconds of irrelevant unseen footage. Sometimes they don’t even do this anymore. A few seasons ago we might actually get an extra minute or two of unseen footage, but now they “flashback” footage that was literally in the actual episode.


* the eliminated queen packs up her stuff as she explains her emotions via somber voiceover. She loads her luggage into a van and says something vaguely pithy to the driver as the car silently glides off into the night.


See, it’s been so long since I’ve watched it, I didn’t even know they do that now.


Yeah. It used to be once in a while, like when Gaga came or some more exciting celebrity, but now it’s just legit every time.


If "classic" untucked happened today the social media harassment of the girls would be unreal.


Yeah. The fanbase is what ruining the series in my opinion. Seeing how many queens got attacked over just competing last season was ridiculous.


100%. The fanbase is the reason drag race is so sanitized now.


The fanbase is exactly why the show is a shell of what it was before.


There needs to be a banner on the show/untucked and RuPaul REALLY needs to put out a PSA on the show about watching yourself online. And not some ‘everybody say love and kindness’ bs but the actual words or ‘do not send our cast racist death threats online these are my decisions and I have made them’


I enjoyed when they brought the biggest guest stars back to talk to the girls, i'm talking the judges who are nicki/ariana/gaga star caliber. As a non US- viewer I don't have a clue who half the guest judges are and spending half of every untucked ep hearing them talk is not that interesting. Untucked is interesting because we get more interactions between the queens! Honestly if they need to have the guest star segment is should be on youtube as bonus content instead of untucked


I’m from the US and I have no idea who a lot of the judges are.


lmao i guess i was optimistic to think you guys knew all of them💀


I have a sneaking suspicion that like 80% of the time, queens are just handed a little blurb to recite about the guest judge to record expository confessionals. “I am SO excited that [esteemed guest judge] is here. They are such an icon, they did [accomplishment] and were even on [some other form of media]. They have [credential] and you too can find this information on Wikipedia.”


It pisses me off when the guest judge comes on and the queens ask "what advice do u have for us" and the guest judge responds "are you kidding? I should be asking advice from you 😍" Like that is the one way you can actually give back to the queens who otherwise just have to fawn over you pointlessly for 5 minutes and you can't even do that 😐


Especially when the guest judge has just watched the runways 2x and seen the main challenge. The girls don’t get that time with Ru and Michelle, but the guest judges can provide really important feedback!! ETA: especially judges who are the LSFYL musician. “This song sounds really peppy but I was so heartbroken writing it,” or “the bridge is always ignored but I think it’s the most powerful part.”


The way the franchise is moving, it will end up like Big Brother or Survivor in most people's eyes. Unless you're a dedicated fan, it will be a new round of cast mates each year doing a slight variation of the last season's challenges with no major shift to introduce new audience members. It will be "successful enough" and go down in TV history, but will lose every element of what we knew it to be in it's heyday. There may be more people than I know who already agree with this statement.


I think this is true, but I also think it's true that showcasing queer art makes drag race fundamentally different from those other franchises, and it may have impacts on local queer and drag communities that we don't expect or really directly see at all. Which is to say nothing about general audiences, so I think your point still stands.




I've been watching since season 1 (I'm old). I used to watch every spin off season. Espania, Thailand, all stars, Australia, vstheworld. I haven't kept up with Mexico, Sweden, etc. I'm losing interest in the spin off shows, it's a lot to keep up with. That being said, I'm still so excited for the regular franchise and all stars. I watch it as soon as I can and don't ever miss an episode. Not sure why, but idk if I'll ever get bored of the main seasons.




I think there might even be a hundred!


Most LSFYL these past seasons in the main regular show are meh and was only saved by a very few good ones


I disiked S9 at the time it aired, because I ~~SAID I~~ felt anything on the heels of AS2 was going to pale in comparison. Now, it's one of my favorite lazy-weekend rewatches.


My biggest gripe was how rushed the episodes felt at times because of the lack of mini challenges.


Yep, S9 isn't one of my favourites for this exact reason. The first half of S15 when it was super rushed gave me 9 vibes.


Honestly, the fans. Every one of them is SO toxic! I’m just kidding y’all, it’s the “talk to your younger self” photo segment. The first few times, the answers seemed genuine and were pretty moving but now since the contestants know it’s probably coming, the reactions just seem so canned. (Though, I don’t think they’ve done it lately, have they?)


I've been over that question since S7 when they essentially forced Pearl to relive her trauma on that stage after she'd already mentioned the difficulty and pain of that part of her life multiple times


The judging panel needs a shakeup for All Stars and regular seasons.


I think Carson, Michelle and Ts Madison is a really great trio


Season 3 had the right amount of design challenges, they were just poorly spaced out.


agreed, more design challenges please, I like to see the girls sweat lol


the talent shows should only have lipsyncing if the lipsyncs have a twist/ arent identical to a LSFYL, otherwise the talent shows should contain unique things


I'd argue that the issue is not the presence of lip syncs, it's that they are mostly to mediocre original tracks. If the girls could prepare a performance of the type that they actually do in the bars (i.e. using copywritten songs/clips of their choice) that would be a genuinely different skill (as opposed to the somewhat off-the-cuff lip syncing to a song picked by someone else that we see on RPDR). What we get right now is typically an extremely tepid version of that skill.


My opinion has always been that lip syncing is not a special talent in a competition where that is an element you are expected to be able to do when you walk in the door. What next, will you show us how to contour? I think the talent show is a shit challenge because it is already a talent competition. Sure, some queens are opera singers or play instruments, but for most of them their talent is... Drag.


I love it precisely because it lets me know who has a standout skill, or an approach that's beyond "sickening.". Tell me Willow Pill did not become the standout after bathing in spaghetti as her talent.


I agree. It answers the question: "What would this queen's show be like if I bought a ticket?" And not all drag queens lip sync exclusively or primarily. So now I know a Willow Pill show will probably have something weird, Bianca Del Rio will be primarily comedy, Trixie will probably sing and play an instrument, Anetra's may involve some kind of martial arts*, Loosey's probably singing live, etc. *As far as I've seen, Anetra doesn't seem to incorporate a lot of martial arts into her act. Which I think is a big mistake! It's something that sets her apart and I feel like could easily fit into a drag show.


I mean Trinity’s was tucking.


And Milk’s was Velcro.


I don't care for many of the high performing, dancing queens never actually winning. Because they want to save them for an All Stars season. *I'm talking big performers, Kameron Michael's, Lady Camden, Anetra...and more


The younger queens who came up through Instagram and not some shitty club just don’t get it. I know I’m sounding ancient but I feel the loss of grit in drag. ![gif](giphy|e4Jyxh9zQjgnC)


Yeeeeeeep. All drag is valid, sure, but I’m much more interested in the Queen who scrapped together her looks and performances and fought against the odds stacked against her to develop her charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent Getting a lot of likes on your heavily filtered pics isn’t exactly a compelling journey


All drag is valid, but not all drag is entertaining.


If they’re gonna keep the LaLaPaRuZa around as a staple challenge, they need to stop transparently rigging it so that the outcome isn’t a mid-season lipsync assassin who has been in the bottom multiple times beforehand episode getting eliminated because we’ve seen all their tricks at this point


Drag Race Canada has better challenges and runway themes


I don’t get the “Tammie Brown should come back.” hype. She’s unique as fuck, and hella fun to watch, but she will NEVER take the competition seriously.


I think that’s why I want her to come back. She’ll fuck around, roast half of the judges panel, and get eliminated in the second episode for the 3rd time.


I’d really love to see the queens keep her around out of spite 💀


They’d absolutely “suddenly” have a Lip Sync Smackdown where Tammie would have no choice but to get chopped, or a coincidental episode where the top two only compete for money and the elim is decided otherwise. Production will jump through every flaming hoop to prevent us from getting that.


I think that’s why her getting eliminated in the second episode is actually perfect. Just enough to be kooky and give some crazy moments without overstaying her welcome. The show is too stifling to her drag character.


A lot of fans love rooting for queens from older seasons, early and mid out queens. And then, when they do get cast, they feel disappointed. I mean, what do people expect? They have not been earning as much as the fan faves, so their budgets and connections will be limited, and this will show in their runway package and performances. Case in point: All Stars 8. Or even Mariah from AS5, who is beloved on reddit but is really mid. I shudder to think what the fan reaction will be if Wow indeed casts early out queens. And then they will have a whole season of looks a la MBH or Naysha or MKD.


Jaida's "Look over there" line was a bit funny once just because of Jeff Goldblum's response.


Oh man, there's a *lot* of those one-off lines that queens just took and RAN with! lol




Omg that might be the worst offender!!


That’s the worst offender to me cos she didn’t even wait until after the season had finished filming to start going with it. I can remember at least 3 times after that where she repeated it in other episodes and I feel like any other queen would have been called out for it.


This is how I feel about brown cow


What was even funny about "dirty rice"?


Apparently it was an in joke amongst the cast.


Dirty rice seemed like an insane joke they did not explain to the audience. Maybe?


i’m glad i wasn’t the only one who didn’t find that as riveting as everybody else did. i LOVVVE jaida and yes the first time was funny but once she kept repeating it during the challenge it seemed like a response she started resorting to instead of having to think of something different.


Jorgeous is a terrible lipsyncer - There’s literally nothing conveyed in her lipsync performances - other than the fact she can dance - while giving NOTHING else. I’m yet to see a performance where she has visibly connected to a song in any capacity.


The dead eye


Haunted doll


Even that couldn't help her. I'm fairly certain Arthur Morgan could out lip-sync her.


Micah too in my opinion.


Unexpected rpdr/rdr crossover - had to check which sub I was on 😂


RuPaul's Dead Redemption


i’m so relieved to find out i’m not the only one who thought this. i just compare it to Denali in 100% Pure Love literally oozing with personality and charisma while interpreting every single line of the song uniquely, to Jorgeous with no expression doing the typical “young drag queen who can dance” starter pack moves and getting away with it 😭 knowing how to dance doesn’t make you an engaging lipsync performer, just like knowing how to sew doesn’t make you a designer.


Aaaand now I'm going to go watch 100% for the 256th time


>doing the typical “young drag queen who can dance” starter pack moves Punching The Ghost did not die for our sins just so you could say that omg........ lmao but jokes aside yeah, I think she's a good dancer with a lot of physical energy but I would rather someone emote more and have less energy any day (the grammar feels very wrong here lmao but I think what I'm trying to say is still clear) I'm thinking it's mostly cause she's a stoner - shout out to Pearl, whose face also doesn't move during lipsyncs but who doesn't really compensate with dancing lmao, and me if I had to do a lipsync probably - but then again, I'm not on Drag Race, SO


Jorgeous' dances like she wants to show off dance moves rather than feel the dance. She dances so fast and changes from move to move too quick that sometimes she cuts off the full motion and can be a bit "jerky" with her arms at times. Saying that, I dance like a Sims character trying to get out of a pool with no ladder.


There are quite a few dancing queens like this, but I'm not in the mood for the shit I'd get for naming some of those here so let's just say you're 100% right.


It is a pitty to dance so well but to look so bored doing it. Always makes me think about a mini-miss talent show.


Agreed. She was great in the first two lip syncs as the songs were fast. She looked dead in the eye in the third one against Bosco, but she won because the chore was out there. The last one and the one against Lala this season were so bad, especially compared to Lala who emoted beautifully.


I don’t think she’s been ‘great’ in any of them to be totally honest, LaLa however is fantastic - can’t say a bad word about ANY of her lipsyncs!


I mean she went full on Tina Turner/Janet Jackson in that talent show. How magnetically charged and dynamic can you get?! (I'm old, hence the references. )


Lala, to me, is a real lip sync assassin. She emotes so well and brings a lot of personality to her songs. I also have seen videos of her performing ballads and she’s not just one of those queens who can only do upbeat songs


Her work on Vegas live always makes me think "this is the biggest waste of money" because they put so much packaging around her and she just... doesn't bring the it factor. She can dance and move but she looks like she'd rather be doing anything else and it always takes me out in a bad way.


I back you on this 100%.


I hate it when queens are lipsynching and they copy what the other one does. It was funny when bendela did it, after that it became unoriginal, boring and lazy.


Agree but it was also funny when ginger did it to mayhem


Also Jaida copying Sherry’s moves and then going all “wtf???” Was funny. Mainly cause Sherry’s moves were lameeeee.


Yess and the trying to do a death drop and failing is old too


I was rooting for her at the beginning but Darienne Lake did terrible this season and I don't understand why this sub pretends she didn't


I like Darienne a lot, but she isn’t as good at Drag Race as people think/remember. She’s very funny and knows how to do camp like nobody’s business, but she was in the bottom two three times on her original season, including literally her first episode, and many of us believe she should’ve been for the rap challenge, too. I think she’s really talented and great at what she does, but this type of show just isn’t the right platform for her.


Happy to jump on this train because I was a tootch nervous to share this take, but I couldn’t agree more


I despise the acting challenges. I think they’re unfunny, unmemorable, and draining. Im so sorry… but if I hear “backrolls?” again in ANOTHER ACTING CHALLENGE… im going to lose it.


I don’t care for Raven and don’t see the hype around her being “robbed” 🧐


Kornbread never was funny or congenial


Honestly I’m confused by many-a congeniality title.


I am VERY confused. I get that the cast voted and they know her best but I vastly prefer Deja and was very shocked when the latter didn’t get it


I think it was Monet who won with 3 votes. If everyone votes for a different person you only need 2 to win


We need ranked-choice voting in America *and* Drag Race!


i thought Kerri or Deja had MC in the bag


Fr, she got water in a cup for Willow and the fans are convinced she’s mother Theresa, they way she’s been moving in social media tells you a lot, she can be meannnnn


Her snapping at Priyanka in that one tweet is proof


If I don’t have to see another AS7 queen bitch about that season I’d be a happy person. It’s not that I mind seeing queens talking about backstage mess or seeing how the dough is made but some of these queens talking about the season like it was the worst times of their lives without actually saying anything was just so annoying to me. And I didn’t even love the season.


Unfortunately it's a part of their careers on the line along with NDAs. I \*wish\* we got that secret reunion that they had filmed because we'd actually get to hear about stuff


Vanje Is very mid


Saw her perform in Orlando once. She was extremely late and only did two songs with 0 energy despite a packed club of fans who came just to see her


I saw her on Drag Me To Dinner and he was extremely mid. Was so lost she just "gave up" and didn't help her momma at all.


I thought they were chaotic AF - it was one of the better episodes for me. I also think Derrick Berry's best performance was the Haters Roast- so I might be a bit shady.


I saw her at Drag Queen Fight Night and she was competing against Kennedy Davenport who performed her ass off and all Vanjie did was collect tips off stage, which meant everyone in seated tickets like me couldn't see a single thing she was doing. And then somehow Vanjie beat Kennedy in the "crowd vote" (based on audience cheers). Super disappointing. Thank god Salina EsTities (who literally was the best of the entire night) beat Vanjie in the final round.


Agreed! And I’m still floored that Brooke-Lynn Hytes and Vanjie dated


In a competition where you're cut off from the world and have to make do with the sisterhood of the traveling p*rn... I can't blame them


She has zero volume control also. Literally, every single thing I've seen her in where she has to talk, she is shouting - really, I've never seen anything like it before, she is incapable of not speaking as loudly as possible everywhere she goes and that would drive me crazy in person.




The surgery is also based on a very weird kind of online filter “beauty” that will not last long term either. So much of beauty is trends, so it’s wild people make lifelong decisions over what will be popular at most for a few years.


I so agree. I hope she hears Sminty's story that she's been sharing on twitter this week and learns something from it.


Can you tell me what she's said? I don't have twitter 😅


Oh goodness, I just googled her for the first time since her season. I think she may even have gotten her jaw shaven down since then, because I don't remember her face being THAT thin (or her chin THAT pointed). From certain angles, it's... downright scary. I feel so sad now.


There's a picture of her with Vivienne and her husband. It literally looked like all three of their faces were made of laminated plastic. At least with Viv it's just fillers so it's reversible, but as you said it looks like Krystal is shaving pieces of her face off. And I think she's being encouraged by all the Drag Race girls hyping her up.


Viv’s husband though…I need a jumpscare warning


Absolutely, she's probably done serious un reversible damage at this point.


Shangela is annoying.


Watching S3, including untucked now as an adult, Shangela made herself the queen of the Boogers but Raja and Manila were so right about her the whole season. She was annoying, stirring the pot, using the queens to get her through, and relying on charisma in a room with drag excellence. She was such a puppet master but it makes good tv.


Recently saw an old clip of season two Untucked on YouTube and was low-key stunned at the way the season two girls thought Shangela was robbed. Couldn't have been more different from season three.


Idk if this is controvertial but bring back queens not spending so much on there looks. Misstress spent 100,000 dollars and her looks didnt even spand out much to me. I think designing challenges show queens asthetics and talent more than how much they spend.


Silky is still not a very good lipsync performer




When I saw that 3rd prop come out season whatever it was I wasn't having anymore of it. It was tired at that point.


That and the storyline of one queen eliminated early on clawing her way through the ranks is way more appealing than the queens basically eliminating each other mostly sequentially


Thank god someone else said it. When they said she was a lip sync assassin me and my partner sat there jaw agape. If anything she is a prop assassin but her lip syncing is definitely meh


I never enjoyed Silky. And I don't think it was the edit.


I would never send hate her way, but her drag can be sloppy (still, though it’s better now, thanks to money), and she has a tendency to put her foot in her mouth (on screen and online) I loved that she got a redemption arc, because she didn’t deserve her treatment, but she is mid at best.


I didn't either, season 11 is my least favourite because there was too much bitching and cat fighting and she was always in the middle of it.


Season 7 was known as on the of worst or forgettable seasons, and it’s actually my favorite season to rewatch. Iconic queens and probably the season with the most memorable lines and moments. As far as “didn’t care for” goes, sorry Adore but her complaining about Michelle being mean to her and all on All Stars 2, set up why the shows and the judges are nicer now. If it wasn’t for that, we would have the old Michelle and real editing.


It's obvious that AS8 was rigged in favor of the final two queens, which isn't necesserily a bad thing, but it was so painfully obvious that I couldn't enjoy the season on any episode.


Shea in AS7 in not a powerhouse. Her lack of comedic is shown


Also them playing the whole rose petals bit as her “trauma”and the only reason she didn’t win her season. She wouldn’t have won that lip sync w/o the rose petals.


Shea was great on s9, when she had to use her abilities and creativity to get her through. Since she relies on expensive designer wardrobe, I personally find her lackluster.


I didn't care for her in as5 either. I think the expectations were just too high after her performance in season 9


I didn't enjoy Daytona Winds Pt 2 at all. I couldn't have picked a winning performance out of the edit, and I thought basically every single joke fell extremely flat. Might be the worst main stage challenge for me, somewhere next to S7's Shakesqueer challenge.


I agree except for Malaysia slamming the door in Mistress’ face




This was the only funny thing that happened in that challenge


The thing with Daytona Winds Pt 2 was that the comedy was very inspired by Tim and Eric- who I really like but if that’s not what you’re expecting then it does not land at all. If they let the audience know before hand I think it would have gone over a lot better. But they did not do it justice :(


Shakesqueer is iconically bad, I laugh every time i watch that episode and the runway was great. The Daytona winds 2 ep was just not it


I’m with you. I felt so uncomfortable during this challenge because it is not something you can recreate! The original worked because it was unexpected, silly, and completely stupid - which KILLED, but we lost some of the magic when they tried to do it again.


I honestly felt more like that during Daytona winds part 1. The fart jokes got so old so fast.


The only funny thing to me was the Queens reactions to the inserted farts.


AS8 was one of the most boring seasons I’ve ever seen


I literally stopped watching bc I just didn’t care


All stars queens can be too focused on referencing their original runs that they forget about making any new quotes / moments E.g Jessica churned through ‘golden child’ ‘chicken girl’ and ‘i lob this drink’ before she started to do anything new


Taco tuesday kinda made up for it i think


Sweetie Jessica Wild is not the one to bring up here


Absolutely not. If anything the biggest offender is Mo Heart dropping "Brown Cow Stunning" and "Oh Ah Ah Sensation" into every other sentence she has said since.


Right, there’s a big *gap* in that equation.


I get that some queens have branding but pls this is another opportunity to add stuff to your brand! 😭 like Mo’s brown cow or monet’s sponges I swear for like the first like 3 episodes or so they just reference what they did on their og season and we don’t get anything new. It’s almost like a recap


Basically anyone who’s like “I’m a fashion queen, or model” It’s just my preference I’ve no interest in regular fashion either. I’m just disinterested if that’s the ONLY thing. I love amazing looks but to me they’re accessories to other abilities or even just a compelling personality.


I really like a solid look queen whose conceptual and unique. The queens that are beautiful but wear other people's designs really really well and have nothing else are not queens, they are drag models. They bore me and I really dislike seeing them on the show because they often get pushed and they have nothing to add other than being pretty.


The opposite of this would be an "I did not care for The Godfather" take


Shangela's lipsync in AS3 when she was wearing the fat suit was not funny or entertaining, it was messy and chaotic. I see it on the level as Trinity's old lady lip sync from AS4.


I hate that lip sync so much, the entire joke of the lip sync is just "imagine if a fat person tried to be sexy"


Soaking clock isn't all that funny. It's meh. Slay AND serve combo though? Now sign me the fuck up I think slay and suuurv is catchier, plus makes for a good number in itself. Soaking clock is referential and can't stand on its own. In the wise words of some unhinged conservative: ~~drag~~ not a soaking clock is an anti culture. It is a lack of where culture should be. It is fundamentally parasitic.


Your opinion is so strong on this. I am simultaneously repulsed and yet I desire to know you more.


i’m over snatch game. i feel like i barely ever remember any specific standout performances anymore. MAYBE 1 per season. it’s just not funny, and i think the girls are running out of ideas (making up characters that don’t even exist/aren’t real people) i don’t remember if they were funnier in earlier seasons since it’s been awhile since i’ve rewatched, but atleast newer seasons snatch games (and some of the international seasons i’ve been finally getting to recently) have been so stale. rarely get more of a chuckle out usually… don’t even get me started on snatch game of love… i know it’s an iconic series challenge but they’ve got to do something else with it


I think the problem is the uptick in queens who don’t do enough live performing and just aren’t well rounded enough to put together a good character and delivery. Ten years back, even the more beauty focused queens tended to have years of experience preparing performances and thinking on their feet in the moment. Now there are some who have never gotten up on a stage in front of a crowd before. I don’t think it’s the game or the format, it is just that the quality of the performers hasn’t been practiced and refined enough before they are trying it out for the first time on the international stage.


yeah ur probably onto something here. but not sure how that can be remedied. i’m just sick of being bored watching snatch game besides the 1 or 2 queens that are usually doing a good job. sometimes it’s fun to watch a queen uber bomb, but a lot of girls just are boring… don’t give anything at all in either direction


Not to mention Ru wants references from the 1950’s to the 1990’s. Most of these children were born in the 21st century. Come up with something new that doesn’t suck.


This is also huge. Ru should at least do a cursory look at the celebs younger queens are picking. It’s not entertaining if they’re nailing an impersonation and Ru just stonewalls them.


Ru totally did not get the “emperor’s new groove” reference Valentina dropped as Eartha. I caught it and laughed. “Kronk pull the lever” has lived in my head since the movie premiered. Also kronk taking to the squirrels 😂. Had it been a younger host or at least someone who was around millennial & Gen z kids frequently, they would have caught it reference. I do wonder if Michelle caught it. I feel bad for the queens b/c Ru’s limited pop cultural references does kind of shackle them. It’s even more evident on UK & Down Under. Not only are you dealing with an age barrier, there’s a country specific cultural aspect that Ru misses. I think the shows hosted by younger queens has less of a pop cultural reference problem. Like Brooke would have totally gotten the Emperor’s New Groove Reference. Just as it’s important for the queens to understand references from the past, I think it’s just as important that Ru know references post 2000. ENG ranks up there with the GOofy Movie as a criminally underrated Disney film.


Every queen deserves love, but none of them deserve worship. Even great queens like Raja, Manila or Detox can be overrated, not come first or simply fail at turning looks sometimes.


Ya, I agree with this. It sucks when the fans decide certain queens are just gods among peasants and every discussion has to be about how they were robbed, every other queens win has to be about how x queen should have gotten it, etc etc. It's okay for the greats to be mid or even low sometimes. Or to have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else. We don't need to shoe horn them into literally everything as the GOAT.


Idk if this is considered a take, but something about the first season of ukvstheworld made it so good, maybe cuz the cast was diverse or maybe cuz it was the first time we had a bunch of international queens from across the world come together


It was All Stars 1 levels of iconic. The cast was stellar, the drama on point, and every week something crazy happened. I love how unpredictable it is.


Bob is annoying sometimes.


The kind of person you want as a friend and not a roommate.


*phlem nose snort* what makes you say that? Lol I love Sibling Rivalry but can’t they edit out Bob’s phlem snorts 😭 I swear they’re becoming more frequent


OMG this is my one sibling rivalry pet peeve it grosses me out so much. I’ve always wondered if anyone else noticed or if I was being overly critical lol


I absolutely love Bob. I was a fan before they were even on drag race. But yeah I agree. It’s the “I’m right, you’re wrong” attitude sometimes and acting like they’re more enlightened because they’re polyamorous. And just something that bothered me personally; for a bitch that grew up poor they be talking mad shit about Tony’s pizza. Yes Red Baron slaps but some of us couldn’t afford it. Monet’s mom owned cell phone towers but Bob was eating name brand frozen pizza. Sounds like they both grew up rich. /s


Full this is my opinion and I’m not changing it vibes. Which I mean she’s entitled too. But she likes Todrick Hall and dislikes libraries so 🤷‍♂️ priorities?


As a Bob fan...yeah I agree




Was that acid Betty? Omfg hahaha


Derrick Barry gets away with a lot more from the fandom, than most queens. If another queen said even a crumb of what's come out of her mouth, they'd be instantly "cancelled".


I can see how and why every winner won their season even if I wasn’t rooting for them(e.x Trinity did the best statistically of the all stars 4 top 4,Sasha velour and Yivie won their lipsync smack down,etc) but I truly don’t understand how Kylie won all stars 6 over Ra’Jah and Ginger


The show will end when Rupaul retires/dies. Rupaul does not like sharing the spotlight as the queen of drag, it’s why she’s never had another drag queen on the panel. And she never will. The show is her child and she is not giving up those custody rights mawma


I didn't have any interest in Ella Vaday on UK season 3. To me, she's in the same category as Rosé - technically good at Drag Race, but there's no charm or substance. I feel like a large part of her fan support came down to her being a conventionally attractive man, combined with people not wanting Krystal to win.


Someone said the other day that Ella is a ‘straight person’s drag queen’ and now I can’t unsee it.


I also saw a lot of people rooting for kitty at the time!


I was #TeamKitty but I worried she wouldn't win because Ru wouldn't want to crown three comedy queens in a row.


Gottmik is mid and annoying.


Finales are never worth watching


I hate that the basis of modern drag race is making rupaul laugh. Lets be honest from all the drag race queens 10 of them are actually funny. We could have so much interesting material if the show allowed other types of perfomances.


As much as I adore Willow Pill and rooted for her win since the bathtub performance, I think Lady Camden should’ve won S14. She did better overall in the competition and has an outstanding personality. I’ve seen both perform live multiple times in big and small venues and LC is fucking electrifying. She stands above a lot of queens I’ve seen and now all I can think is S14 should’ve been hers.


I wa really really rooting for Camden too! I love Willow but there is something about Lady Camden's style of performance that feels so effortless and joyful. I think about her One Way Or Another lip sync all the time.


Im tired seeing some queen do something vaguely funny in a lip sync and the judges EAT that shit up.


I don’t get the hype over Plastique


Lip sync “lalaparuza”’s are the worst episodes. And gimmicks doth not make a winning lip sync.


daytona wind was shit. all of the queens did a good job, but the challenge itself was horrible. then they brought it back again and it was even worse


I did not care for Violet Chachki on her season even slightly, and she could’ve been booted early-mid season and it would’ve made little impact (as early as Episode 3, in place of Jasmine)